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    • Dzień 51


      29 czerwca 2022, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Went to Pompeii ! Was super hot and humid - we went and had a siesta after. Got a bit lost trying to find the ash covered bodies but finally found them in the museum room at the end. It’s crazy to see this place that was a whole city such a long time ago. They were doing quite a bit of excavation work so some bits were blocked off :( - but there was a new house that had only been recovered in 2018 whose walls were filled with art so maybe there is more they will find 🤷🏼‍♀️

      We stayed in the cute caravan park in a cabin next to the Pompeii train station and so our whole room rumbled when trains would go past. It was really good place to stay to do day trips in Napoli and very cheap :)
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    • Dzień 9

      "Neapel" Tag 3, Pompeii

      17 września 2022, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Eigentlich stand für heute eine total schöne Wanderung auf dem Plan. Da ich morgens jedoch etwas verkatert war bin ich erstmal zum Strand meinen Kater wegbaden gegangen.
      Als ich dann wieder im Hostel war, war es leider schon um 12. Da die Fahrt zur Wanderung noch über eine Stunde gedauert hätte, habe ich diese einfach auf meinen nächsten Besuch hier geschoben.
      Stattdessen habe ich dann also meine Sachen zusammengepackt und bin nach Pompei gefahren.
      Pompeii war echt schön, ich hätte nur wahrscheinlich eine Führung machen sollen. Es waren leider nur bei wenigen Häusern Schilder angebracht. So konnte ich zwar erahnen was welchen Zweck hatte, aber ganz sicher bin ich mir nicht.
      Ich fand es sehr beindruckend, dass der Vesuv von Pompeii viel weiter weg ist, als von meiner Unterkunft. Nach meinem Besuch in der antiken Stadt bin ich dann noch in ein Restaurant gegangen, um echte neapolitanische Pizza zu essen. Vergesst alles was ich über die Pizza in Venedig gesagt habe. Diese Pizza ist die beste der Welt! Der Teig war total weich und fluffig und ist mir quasi schon auf der Zunge zergangen. Wenn ich nur noch eine Sache für den Rest meines Lebens essen dürfte wäre es diese Pizza!
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    • Dzień 21

      Ancient Brothel

      10 stycznia 2023, Włochy ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

      The Lupanare is one of Pompeii’s brothels. “Lupo” means “wolf.” According to our guide, the name “lupanare” comes from the bestial howls women working at the brothel made to attract customers.

      The stone beds look quite uncomfortable to me, but I suppose folks weren’t there to sleep and any cushions they had are long gone.
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    • Dzień 42

      Sorrento Day 1

      24 kwietnia 2023, Włochy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Today we are going to Pompeii. We hung out at home most of the morning then left the apartment to go to the lunch place. I had chicken. The place had this really cool rotisserie oven. My mom had a cotoletta that I really liked also. She shared with me. After lunch, we headed to the train station to go to Pompeii. We were going to get on the 1:00 train, but we let it go. We had to wait for the 1;38pm train. It took about 30 minutes to get to the Pompeii stop. We met up with our tour guide Natalia. We got our tickets and headed into the city. It had walls all around it and had many shops. Along all the roads and inside houses, there were small white rocks. The moonlight reflected on them and illuminated the roads at night. They are called “cat eye’s”. The first room we went in was like a court room, where they would discus laws and punishments for prisoners. The second room was called the Fourm. It was used for meeting up with people and selling goods. Fun fact: People in Pompeii used urine to wash their clothes. There was also a LOT of shops. The workers of the shops slept upstairs. They were typically slaves. All of the roofs were destroyed by the ash from the volcano. It wasn’t lava that destroyed Pompeii, it was deadly ash, that could kill you if you breathed it in. People died by suffocation. But the lava did in fact destroy one town, but we didn’t go there. Next up was the theater. There were two. The big one was used for comedy and plays. The actors were played by slaves, because it was bad it be a actor. Politicians usually paid for everyone to watch for free, this was their way of saying “vote for me, I paid for this.” The small theater was where music was played. Then, the bathhouse. There was a men’s and women’s side, and they had a commons area outside, where they did exercises and talked. Then, inside, there was a cubby to hold belongings and they didn’t really have showers. There were steam rooms, and huge bath tubs. How did they get the water? They had fountains. It was coming from the aqueduct, which is like gutters we still have to this day. They also stored rainwater. There are many many fountains on the streets of Pompeii. Most still work today. I drank water from one. We explored several different houses. Inside the houses, there was a small pool in the atrium. It was open to the sky so that the rain water could collect in the pool. That’s where they stored the rainwater. In some houses, they had big living rooms that opened into an interior courtyard. The bedrooms were small and near the front door. Several houses have been restored with a roof and plants added so that we can see how things would have looked. We explored a lot for more than 2 hours. After we left Natalia, we walked up to the train station to catch the train. After we got off, we got back home and rested. Then we went to a pizza place, which had good pizza, but none of us really liked it. It was soggy Napolitean pizza. Dad went to have calls, and I watched “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” with my mom. We were all tired, so we went to bed. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 61

      Day 61: Pompeii

      4 lutego, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We took advantage of the Free first Sunday of the month of most of the scenic spots in Italy to visit Pompeii. It was a well-known and a must-visit spot for most tourists visiting Naples. We enjoyed walking around the area but having visited Herculaneum yesterday, we love the personal touch and amount of foot traffic there more. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 9

      Pompeii (2)

      14 września 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      1,2 - Macellum (Provision Market). Built around a central courtyard with12 separate units for the sale of foodstuffs.

      3 - Example of Roman wall painting in the Macellum.

      4 - Unidentified statues, possibly Augustus and his wife.

      5,6 - Macellum display case body and bones.

      7,8 - The House of the Tragic Poet. Mosaic depicting a growling dog and warning “cave canem” (beware of the dog) in the entrance of this imperial style house.

      9 - Bar counter.

      10 - Gladiator quarters.
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    • Dzień 9

      Pompeii (1)

      14 września 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      After coming down from Vesuvius and lunch it was time to go back in time and visit the ruins of Pompeii. Such an enormous site, we were never going to see everything so, despite poor signage, we tried to get at least to the recommended places. Tiring but fascinating and, with Vesuvius in the background, a sense of the speed and massive destruction of everyday life that occurred.

      1, 2 - The Basilica. The oldest ever discovered and has stood here since the 2nd century BC. Housed the town’s law courts as well as halls for commerce and financial transactions.

      3,4 - The Temple of Apollo. Thought to be the most important religious building in the city.

      5,6,7 - The Forum. Public space at the centre of Pompeii.

      8 -Statue of Centaur in the Forum.

      9. - Restoration work around the Forum.
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    • Dzień 7

      Pompeii, Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast!

      28 sierpnia 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      After a long overnight train we arrived in our slightly strange accommodation for the next 2 days - a room filled with 27 bunk beds which must have been for kids bc they were tiny - it was cheap so we didn’t mind. Spent the eve in Sorrento which was lovely, had the most tasters ever at a limoncello shop and stumbled out slightly tipsy 😂 then Pompeii the next day which was crazy!!! We went into Naples for the evening and weren’t too impressed apart from the €1.50 aperol spritz and beer included in the McDonald’s meal (how cld we say no). Next day checked into a more normal hostel filled with so many Aussies. Went to Positano for the day to feel classy but it rained all day :( was still lovely though!! Went to an Irish bar called ‘the English Inn’ which (shock) was filled with Brits - now onto Florence!! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 6

      But if you close your eyes…

      18 maja 2023, Włochy

      PompeiI! Another place i’ve dreamed about!! Really cool to see the best preserved Ancient Roman City and to see the bodies was kind of haunting. but the city does feature its own colosseum but unlike the one Rome they sometimes flooded this one with water and staged naval battles! Overall kind of a funny and sad place to visit especially when you stare straight into Vesuvius. Shoutout to the Pompeii cats that now rule this town. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 95


      4 lipca 2022, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Da wir schon vor dem Mittag in Pompei ankamen, beschlossen wir noch am selben Tag die Ruinenstadt zu besuchen. Pompei ist sehr gross und sehr interessant. Besonders beeindrucken und die Häuser, die wohl fast alle einen kleinen Pool im Eingang hatten. Restaurants mit diversen eingelassenen Tonkrügen in der Theke, wo wohl Wasser, Esswaren oder Öl gelagert wurde. Die gepflasterten Strassen sind sehr unruhig, das muss früher recht geholpert haben, als die mit den Karren durch die Gassen gefahren sind. Und das sind sie oft, denn man konnte noch heute die Spuren erkennen, die die Karren in den Stein gefräst haben. Auch zu entdecken gab es noch zahlreiche Mosaike und Wandmalereien, im Jahr 79 n. Chr. Muss dies alles wunderschön dekoriert und verziert gewesen sein. Allerdings wurde auch viel von Grabräubern oder Archäologen geraubt oder in Museen gebracht worden sein. Manche sagen, Herculaneum sei besser erhalten als Pompei.
      Die Hitze macht uns und auch den anderen Touristen zu schaffen, alle gehen dem Schatten nach und nach 3.5 Stunden verlassen wir Pompei um uns bei einem Bier zu erfrischen. Zum Glück, denn inzwischen haben sich grosse Schlangen vor dem Eingang gebildet. Definitiv war dies das teuerste Bier, das wir je getrunken haben. Solltet ihr mal nach Pompei gehen, geht lieber etwas weiter, um Euch zu erfrischen, da kriegt ihr für denselben Preis 4 Bier!

      Nach einem kurzen Abstecher auf den Vesuv, den wir als weniger Spektakulär empfanden als der Ätna fahren wir in das ca. 275 km entfernte Bracchiano, das oberhalb von Rom an einem kleinen See liegt.
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