Monte Esquilino

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    • Dag 6

      Stadtrundfahrt im IO-Bus

      13 mei 2024, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Heute machen wir eine Rundfahrt und holen uns einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Punkte. Ausserdem sehen wir uns das Colusseum mit dem Forum Romanum an. Faszinierend, was davon noch heute zu sehen ist.Meer informatie

    • Dag 28

      All "cultured" out!

      31 mei 2024, Italië ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Today has been a mind boggling cultural overload. We went on a 3.5 hour walking tour in the Vatican. You could spend months there! It's incredible how much there is to see.

      The tour was advertised this way: "Enjoy a complete tour of the Vatican and go beyond the expected, gaining deeper insight into its countless artistic and architectural treasures. See the best of the Vatican Museums—from the Sistine Chapel to the Raphael Rooms and the Belvedere Courtyard—and explore St. Peter’s Basilica, home to Michelangelo’s Pietà and Bernini’s Baldachin. Avoid often hours-long lines with skip-the-line access at both the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica."

      We did enjoy it, our PhD qualified guide was very passionate about her work. Unfortunately we didn't see the very famous Piéta sculpture, it was hidden from view. That area of the Basilica was partitioned off only on Monday for work on replacing the glass wall that protects it. Apparently it will stay out of sight until September!

      Cameras are not allowed in the Sistine Chapel but it blows the mind to realise how Michelangelo could achieve what he did. The frescoes are amazing. The chapel was packed full of people you could hardly move.

      In the evening we went on a one hour bus ride to see some of the sights at night. It was dusk still when we started but dark by the end. Buses aren't allowed in all the tourist areas but we still enjoyed the night tour.
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    • Dag 11


      1 juni 2024, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Up early for a self-guided walking tour around Rome. Our hotel is so central to all the major landmarks around Rome it is easy to get around. It’s a hot day today so I decided to wear my cherry dress that I purchased in Florence. There were so many sights from the Colosseum to the Trevi Fountain to a seat at the Spanish Steps. We went into many churches. The cues were so so long or sold out to get into most of these sites that we decided to enjoy what we could from the outside and just marvel at the incredible architecture. It was always fun to just sit back, and people watch. There was always something going on!
      I have found a small out of the way restaurant for dinner tonight. It was hidden away up a back alley, and we were both pleasantly surprised with this little find. Food and drinks were exceptional. We struck up an interesting conversation with an American woman at the next table who had a very different outlook on life, very different, but each to their own!
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    • Dag 5

      Hotel, Restaurants, & Car Reviews

      15 mei 2015, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C


      <b>Camping Village Roma - </b>Via Aurelia, 831, 00165 Roma, Italy

      <b>Rating:</b> 🥒🥒🥒🥒🚫

      For the most part, we enjoyed our stay at the hotel, and recommend it. The price for four nights was fairly cheap, and they have a variety of living accommodations from bungalows, to spots for campers, to camping grounds for those that brought their tents. There's a small store on the property which has everything you might need, as well as a bar, and restaurant that has a good breakfast, but the dinner wasn't the best; however, we cannot speak for the pizza. There's also a pool, but it was under renovation when we were there. There is plenty of parking at the hotel, and you can either park near your bungalow, or leave it in the main parking lot in front of the hotel which has security guards during the night. Also, they do have wifi.

      The only real complaints we have about the place was the location, and some of the receptionists. If you're driving, it is really easy to miss because it's directly off a autostrade type road. It's practically it's own exit, and it comes out of nowhere; trust us, we ended up missing it twice. When we were checking in the receptionists weren't the nicest either, but that's not the case with everyone that works there.


      <b>Ciao Bella - </b>Via Aurelia, 831, 00165 Roma, Italy

      <b>Rating:</b> 🥒🥒🥒🚫🚫

      Ciao Bella is the restaurant at the Camping Village Roma hotel. We went to Ciao Bella after our day at the Vatican, and it became our engagement dinner. The restaurant itself is nice, with plenty of seating, and decent prices. The service was good, and we didn't wait very long for the food. However, the food was only OK. We found both our dishes lacking in flavor, and the steak was a bit dry. The breakfast on the other hand was very good, but we sometimes had to wait for them to restock some of the items.

      <b>Pompi Tiramisu - </b>Via della Croce, 82, 00187 Roma, Italy

      <b>Rating:</b> 🥒🥒🥒🥒🥒

      Not enough great things can be said about this place. Our tiramisu were delicious! It's a pretty small shop right next to the Spanish Steps, so it can get quite busy, and crowded. Don't let any of that deter you from this place though. The wait is worth it. The prices were reasonable for how big the tiramisu was, and again, it was delicious! If you're going to Rome on holiday, do yourself a favor, and grab some delicious dessert from Pompi Tiramisu, find a spot on the Spanish Steps, and enjoy the moment.

      <b>Buca San Giovanni - </b>Via Giovanni Pascoli 8, 50129, Florence, Italy

      <b>Rating:</b> 🥒🥒🥒🥒🥒

      The restaurant is on the pricey side, but the food, and the view is worth every cent, especially for the beef fillet, with foie gras. There is seating inside the restaurant, but if the weather is nice, we recommend grabbing a seat outside because then you can look at the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, and all it's glory while you dine. The staff was very kind, and timely. We loved Florence, and Buca San Giovanni, and you should definitely put both places on your bucket list.

      <b>Caffè Barocco - </b>Piazza Navona, 80, 00186 Roma, Italy

      <b>Rating:</b> 🥒🥒🥒🚫🚫

      On our last day in Italy we went to Caffè Barocco before heading to the airport. It’s located in the Piazza Novano, which is very close to the Pantheon, the Castel Sant’Angelo, and the Sant'Agnese in Agone is the piazza as well. The location is filled with street vendors selling art, and tourists. The restaurant itself is nothing special. We ordered pizza, and while it was good, it was nothing special. The prices are a bit high, but you’re paying for the location. If you ever find yourself in the Piazza Navona, and want to grab a quick bite, and cappuccino, and don’t mind the higher than average prices, check it out.

      <b>Food Trucks - </b>At every popular tourist location

      <b>Rating:</b> 🥒🥒🥒🥒🚫

      When we didn’t go to any restaurant we grabbed some chow from McDonalds, or the food trucks. The food is decently priced, and for ten euro you can grab two sandwiches. The drinks on the other hand are overpriced. For eight euro you can get two small bottles of Powerade, but save your money, or just buy one. Throughout Rome you will find plenty of water fountains with clean water, and you can just fill up your bottle there. You can even find a map of the fountains by searching for “Rome Nasoni Map” online. So, if you’re hungry, and don’t feel like going to a restaurant, go to one of the food trucks; the food is good, and probably cheaper than the majority of the restaurants in the area.


      <b>Third Generation Fiat Panda (MANda)</b>

      <b>Rating:</b> 🥒🥒🥒🥒🚫

      The Fiat Panda, is a masterpiece! The remarkable Fiat Panda came with ice cold air conditioning, great fuel consumption, a spacious interior, and a red paint job that rivals Ferrari. The only problem we had with the excellent Fiat Panda was just how easily the seats stained. Melanie has a habit of leaving a mess in every car we rent; not on purpose, it just happens. With the awesome Fiat Panda she opened a Coca-Cola bottle that wasn't ready to be opened. The Coca-Cola got on her seat, and it left a stain. However, I was able to clean it by dampening a towel with water, and patting down her seat. It was good as new. Incredible car, and we would rent it again.
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    • Dag 23

      Sonderkarte für Papstaudienz

      25 september 2018, Italië ⋅ 23 °C

      Der Besuch im besagten Tourismusbüro hat sich für mich gelohnt. Ich habe eine VIP-Karte für die morgige Papst-Audienz bekommen.
      Ich werde Papst Franziskus zwar nicht die Hand schütteln können, aber werde sehr nah dran sein. Auf der Karte sieht man zwei rote Bereiche. Ich habe diese mit einem Pfeil markiert. Das wird der Bereich sein, wo ich morgen sitzen kann. In dem keinen gelben Bereich in der Mitte wird der Papst sitzen. Der gemeine Pöbel und die Ungläubigen werden sehr viel weiter wegsitzen.

      War also schon mal ein sehr guter Start in Rom. Später oder morgen mehr...
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    • Roma!

      22 mei 2019, Italië ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Endelig! Langt om længe! Benene er trætte, fødderne brokker sig lidt, men vi klager ikke. Vi har hooket op med Sebastian og lagt vores trætte kroppe i et Hostel, ikke så langt fra centrum. Her er en billig bar og et venligt personale. Så der mangler ikke meget.

      De sidste par vandredage var ret hårde. Gik i hagl, torden, regnvejr og kuperet terræn. Vi mødte det samme danske ægtepar, Gunnar og Anne, 3 dage i streg. Til sidst besluttede vi os for at spise aftensmad med dem på en restaurant. Det var ret sjovt.

      I Rom har vi set Vatikanet, både museum og kirken. Wauw det er stort. Helt vildt sindssygt! De næste par dage skal gå på lidt mere god mad, kultur og historie. Og ej at glemme, Øl ;)
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    • Dag 6


      6 april 2022, Italië ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Gestern auf der Zugfahrt von Pisa nach Rom haben wir das erste Mal das Meer gesehen. Wunderschönes Blau 🤩
      Nachmittags noch schnell einen Ausblick auf Rom erhascht und heut schon am Kollosseum und Forum Romanum vorbei spaziert. Bei all den Massen an Touristen reicht der Blick von außen. Ehrlich gesagt sieht man wunderbar in die Ausgrabungsstätte, wenn man herumspaziert. Noch zum Pantheon, zur Engelsburg und am Tiber entlang geschlendert, Piazza del Popolo und spanische Treppe und dann im Nieselregen ins Hotel.Meer informatie

    • Dag 8

      Rome again

      8 april 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Gestern war abenteuerlich und skurril. Eine Pyradime in Rom und ein See, der für eine Weltausstellung erschaffen wurde, die dann nie stattgefunden hat. Aber es war sonnig und fein.
      Heut ging es in die Katakomben. Danach ging es über zu meinem Lieblingthema in Städten - Aussicht und Brücken.
      Und zu guter Letzt noch der Trevi Brunnen, der allerdings so von Touristen überschwemmt war, dass wir gleich wieder weiter gingen.
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    • Dag 30

      Wiedersehen mit meiner Pellegrino-Famili

      5 juni 2022, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Am Samstagabend erlebte ich einen Firmung-Gottesdienst in der Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Frumenzio ai Prati Fiscali, die Raffaele viel bedeutete, weil er die Firmlinge vorbereitet hatte.
      Am Sonntagmorgen nahm mich Pietro mit auf eine persönliche Romführung - sehr interessant und informativ, immerhin lebt er seit 70 Jahren in dieser Stadt.
      Und am Abend waren wir dann alle bei Pierangelo zum Fischessen eingeladen. Da lernte ich dann auch die Ehefrauen der tapferen und weisen Pilger kennen!
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    • Dag 5


      6 juni 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nachdem wir ganz unbekümmert aus unserem Hotel zum Bahnhof gelaufen sind und 7:35 mit dem Zug nach Venedig fahren wollten, schauten wir nicht schlecht, als dort stand *CANCELLATO* 🥲 Noch besser, in den nächsten Stunden fährt kein Zug nach Venedig. Jetzt schauen wir uns nach einem anderen Plan um...
      Vielleicht sind wir noch in Florenz, vielleicht aber auch heute Abend schon in Jena 😅
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