Piazza Della Scala

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    • Giorno 8

      Wybory w Mediolanie🇵🇱🇮🇹

      15 ottobre 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Pełna mobilizacja i wycieczka do najbliższej komisji wyborczej. W Mediolanie początkowo miała być tylko jedna komisja lecz w związku z ogromną rejestracja została otworzona druga (na szczęście, kolejka była imponująca!). Od razu po przyjeździe udaliśmy się na wybory. Nastroje ludzi były bojowe i dość jednostronne😉. Następnie udaliśmy się zobaczyć katedrę Duomo oraz Galerie Vittorio Emanuele. Przeszliśmy w sumie 18km zwiedzając jeszcze dzielnicę Brera, pare katedr i zameczków, Chinatown oraz nowoczesną cześć miasta. Poznałam dziś Mediolan od innej strony. Przy poprzedniej wizycie nie przypadł mi do gustu. Tym razem się do niego przekonałam. Zmęczeni po 17 godzinach na nogach wracamy do Werony❤️Leggi altro

    • Giorno 8

      Mailand: Mehr als nur der Dom

      20 luglio 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Mailand, na klar, was fällt einen zuerst ein? Der Mailänder Dom (okay, der ist wirklich krass) und Shopping (ja, kann man auch machen). Die Festungsanlagen, Triumpfbögen und die berühmte Kirche Santa Maria Delle Grazie, welche das letzte Abendmahl beherbergt sind weitere tolle Sehenswürdigkeiten. Kleine Details, wie die historischen Straßenbahnen runden das Bild ab und eine Menge Symbole, so ist überall eine Schlange zu sehen, welche einen Menschen frisst (ist sogar im Alpha Romeo Logo) und wo um alles in der Welt findet man Kirchen mit Hakenkreuzen (siehe letztes Bild) 😳😳😳… Bei der sehr informativen Walking Tour habe ich Alejandro und Ignacio aus Guatemala kennengelernt, war mega cool, hab mich mit beiden viel über Mittelamerika unterhalten und nach der Tour haben wir noch entspannt ein Bier getrunken ein sehr gelungener Tag in Mailand… Und jetzt die ewige Frage: Was ist besser, Mailand oder Turin… Für mich Turin, aber auch nur ein klein wenig, Mailand ist toll 😊.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 12


      25 maggio 2022, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Wir sind auf der Heimreise 🇩🇪

      Gestern sind wir nach dem letzten Strandbesuch, der sehr windig und dementsprechend sandig war, in die Stadt Bastia gefahren. Von dort aus startete um 20 Uhr die Fähre nach Savona, Italien.

      Heute morgen sind wir nach einer nicht so guten Nacht pünktlich um 7 Uhr in Italien gestrandet.
      Irgendwie konnten wir beide nicht gut schlafen, liegt wohl daran, dass wir wissen dass der Urlaub bald vorbei ist 🤣 und es hat auch ordentlich geschaukelt.

      In Italien angekommen haben wir uns Mailand natürlich angeschaut und geshoppt 😍😎🥰

      Sehenswürdigkeiten wie den Dom, die Gallerie Vittorio Emanuele, die Oper und das Castello Sforzesco, sowie die ganzen schönen Gebäude und Kirchen haben wir uns selbstverständlich auch angeschaut.

      Dann ging die Reise auch schon gegen Mittag weiter - Richtung Bodensee. Unser letzter Stopp 🥺😢
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    • Giorno 13


      30 marzo, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Buongiorno Milano! Pünktlich um 8 Uhr morgens sind wir in Mailand angekommen. Erstmal Gepäck in Milano Centrale untergebracht und dann kurz recherchiert, was es denn hier so zu sehen gibt. Es wurde am Ende ein Mix aus klassischem Sightseeing und entlegenen Orten, Parks und Cafés innerhalb von 4 Stunden. Am frühen Nachmittag ging’s dann mit dem Zug weiter, am Lago Maggiore vorbei, in unser nächstes Ziel Val Grande.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 1–3


      28 aprile 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      MILAN ✓

      - Visite de la Piazza Del Duomo
      - Visite de la Cathédrale de Milan
      - Visite des Galeries Vittorio Emanuele II
      - Visite de la Cerchia dei Navigli
      - Pizza au restaurant Pizzium - Via Arco
      - Balade au parc Sempione et château de Sforza
      - Visite de la basilique Saint Ambroise
      - Visite de la Basilique Saint Laurent
      - repas au restaurant Maruzzella (pâtes à la carbonara incroyable)
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    • Giorno 2

      Later Thursday

      31 agosto 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We walked many kilometres today. Caravaggio at Pinacoteca di Brera. An institution with an impressive collection often overlooked by art tourists because they are all rushing to see the Da Vinci stuff. Dinner with Liz and Cris - the waiter Lorenzo a charming young man with all the good advice on enjoying this city. “The Middle Finger” outside La Borsa Italiana.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 34

      Milano, Mailand, Italien

      18 aprile 2020, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C


      Wir damals 2007 nach Italian. Unsere Jungs hatten sich beschwert, noch nie in Europa unterwegs gewesen zu sein.
      Also wir los. Österreich, Italien - bei strömenden Regen in Rimini, San Marino, über Mailand zum Comer See, dann über die Schweiz und Lichensteil wieder zurück.
      Highland in Mailand war sicherlich, dass man auf das Dach des Dems einfach so rauf konnte und dort obern rumklettern konnte.
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    • Giorno 2

      Explore Milan

      20 giugno 2018, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Day of Milan started early based on our family standards. We were out by 9am. We started with a breakfast at Panarello,we had absolutely loved it, Ordered coffee, and croissants and ate it on the counter as others.

      We decided to use Uber or taxi for our internal commutes. I understand the metro, trams and buses make the city very accessible. It is $1.50 for each trip each person, but a day pass is about $8.50. Given the heat and seeing how crowdy some of the trams were, we decided to avoid it. Uber is about 1.5 times the regular taxi. Later in the day we found out at about the MyTaxi app that is like Uber but for local taxis that are cheaper.

      We started our day at Milano Di Duomo. After some initial pictures went to the tickets of office. Bought Duomo Pass A which allowed us to go up to the Terraces via an elevator instead of the stairs. $16 for adults and $8 for kids (6-12). After getting the tickets we headed straight to the Terrace as I had read in one of the blogs that the Terraces tend to get really crowded. In case you want an Audio Guide which I would recommend then you need to go to the Cathedral first as the Audio Guides available only in the Cathedral. To return the Audio Guides you have to come back inside the Cathedral but can avoid the lines if you tell them you are going to return the guide. Both the Terrace and the Cathedral were grand and absolutely awesome and definitely worth the visit. The cathedral especially, the high ceilings, beautiful walls of stained glass, and the large gothic columns were utterly breathtaking. We truly enjoyed learning about the history; thanks to the Audio Guides.

      After the Duomo we passed through the Galleria. It is truly remarkable; the high arches, shopping and restaurants. But it was all high end brands and amazingly expensive. Although we didn’t buy anything only strolled through the mall the unique architecture was enchanting and the place was a mustsee.

      After the Galleria we headed for lunch. Adi and I both were looking forward to this place for a while. It was recommended by a friend and had some amazing reviews online. We headed to Luini ( You HAVE TO try the panzerotti. We got a bunch of different ones to share. Pesto and Mozzarella was the best. GREAT LUNCH. No place to sit here....we had to take our food, we sat on stairs near by where bunch of others were eating the same stuff. But I would suggest to go to the nearby Piazza della Scala...very close by where there are benches and tree shade. We saw it later when we were headed to get Gellato from a place suggested by our Taxi driver. Grom on Via Santa Margherita. After a little difficulty when we found the shop, we were disappointed to see that this place was closed for renovations. Instead we got Gellato from the neighboring shop which looked very fancy but were not too impressed with what we ate.

      With our Gellato in our hands we walked towards Castello Sforzesco. It was hot and walk made us tired. It was about 1pm. We considered going back to the apartment and coming back in the evening. But decided to take a break in Spizzico. Bought some waters and drinks and relaxed in the back of this fast food restaurant where they had a lot of seating the back. We spent nearly in an hour here relaxing playing video games etc. And Shailaja took some time to check out the nearby shops.

      After an hour we headed to the Castle. I think we all were dealing with jet lag in addition to the heat. Even though the castle and the museums inside are nice, we were a bit like zombies walking around. After the Castle, we skipped the Sempoine Park as originally planned and came back to the apartment to relax / sleep. We were back by around 5pm.

      After sleeping for a couple of hours, showers, etc. we headed to Navigli for dinner. What an amazing place by a canal. People kayaking in the canal. Open restaurants and bars lined up all along the Canal. We decided to get greek food at Greek Fusion. This place had great reviews and it lived up to it. After dinner we walked along the Canal, stopped to get some Gelato and coffee. Even at 11:00 pm on Wednesday night there was a lot of activity. We soon headed back and were back in the apartments a little before midnight.
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    • Giorno 3

      Plans go astray

      30 agosto 2018, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      A very frustrating afternoon trying to get consistent answers from Trenitalia regarding getting the bike on one of the train sectors the following day. ‘Booked out’ seemed to be their fall back position. After much angst I decided I’d wing it and see if I could sweet talk my bike on (it is Italy after all)....

      The downside would be that if I couldn’t get on (or got booted off the train) then I’d forfeit my prepaid accommodation in Rosenheim and have to find somewhere else for the night and reschedule a different place to meet up with the others.

      Also my arm/wrist continued be painful after my bike mishap 10 days before on a Sydney ride. Consultation with Dr Google suggests it could be badly sprained or I could have a fractured scaphoid in the wrist! Either way I needed to purchase a wrist support so that was an interesting exercise in visiting multiple chemists.

      Next issue was that being a flat bar bike the hand/wrist position aggravated my injury so I had to find a bike that stocked accessories and bar ends. A cycle across the city over the dreaded cobbles and tram tracks was so painful but found the Decathlon sports store and got the necessary bike bits.

      And to top it off, the dinner at the ristorante (which looked promising) was truly underwhelming. I mean how hard is it to make a decent pasta diviola in Italy!

      Happiness Factor: extremely low right now
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    • Giorno 1


      28 agosto 2018, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Warm weather welcomed me to the lovely city of Milano. Picked up my rental touring bike - which came with the worlds biggest heavy duty bike lock (and that was their lightweight one!). Successfully navigated back to my accomodation - but was very wary on the cobblestones and across the tram tracks - I felt like a tortoise compared to the locals who zip round at speed without a care in the world.

      So you’re meant to shop in I did. Was it for designer fashion, elegant shoes or handbags? Unfortunately nothing quite so glamorous just some adaptors whilst checking out the flagship Apple store - and this one didn’t disappoint with a spectacular entrance worthy of its location in the mecca of fashion!
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