Piazza Duomo

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    • Day 5

      Amalfi ll

      May 29, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nach unserem morgendlichen Kaffee ging es auf direktem Wege in einen Beachclub, wo wir bis auf ein paar kurze Ausnahmen auch den kompletten Tag verbracht haben 😁☀️🏖 Die 3. freien Liegen in der ersten Reihe mussten einfach ausgenutzt werden!

      Den besten Espresso & Cappuccino gab es übrigens in der Life Fruit Bar, direkt am Hafen.
      Lunchspot: Taverna Del Duca
      Dinnerspot: Ristorante Pizzeria S. Andrea
      …alles sehr zu empfehlen 🤤❣️
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    • Day 25–27


      April 29 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Mit dem Linienbus nach Amalfi gefahren, 15 km über 1Stunde. Aussicht ist der Wahnsinn, der Fahrstil der Italiener auch. Fotos aus dem Bus nicht möglich. Amalfi völlig überlaufen. Anschließend gab es die BelohnungRead more

    • Day 67

      Day 67: Amalfi Coast Hike

      February 10 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Arrived at Amalfi in the morning and attempted to do a short hike in the area to check out some waterfalls. However, weather was not co-operating. We got all soaked and had to return to the hotel after 3 hours of soaking wet walk.Read more

    • Day 11–15

      Praiano et Amalfi - Costa d'Almafi

      October 22, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Notre sortie de la journée nous emmène tout d'abord à Praiano où se trouve l'église de Gennaro avec ses sublimes portes sculptées. Malheureusement, elle était fermée.
      Nous nous dirigeons donc à Amalfi qui a donné son nom à la côte amalfitaine. Dès l'entrée dans la ville nous sommes en face du Duomo perché au sommet d'un monumental escalier. Une imposante bâtisse, qui jadis était destinée à affirmer la puissance de la cité .Read more

    • Day 13

      Architecture, Music, and a Hike

      January 1, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      What a very nice way to start 2019– first, a visit to the cathedral (unfortunately the stunning romanesque facade was not matched with a similar interior — on orders of some king, the whole inside got a baroque make-over). St. Andrew is buried here, and his remains are reported to undergo a similar annual miracle as San Gennaro in Naples — instead of his blood liquifying, it is some substance that oozes out of the container of his remains. Rather grotesque, actually, but I get the role that faith plays in these things and in the lives of the congregants.

      Then a surprise — a chamber orchestra playing all sorts of music in a free concert inside the basilica. Our favorites were the various opera pieces — all very well known, from Carmen, Merry Widow, Granada, a few more. We enjoyed it a lot.

      From there, time to walk. Up, up, up again, just as high as yesterday, but to another town, Pontone, which looks across a gorge at Ravello. In Pontone, luckily, we found an unexceptional pizzeria open, so Joe could sit and eat while I went on to the Torre dello Ziro, and up to the ruined church of Sant Eustacio. Unfortunately, the site was closed —I would really have liked to see the apse up close.

      Back down just as the sun was setting — time to think about dinner options. Lots of restaurants seem to be closed, but there are crowds in the square outside our room again, enjoying more folklore. I am pretty sure there will not be late night concerts, at least I am hoping that’s the case!
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    • Day 65

      Amalfi, Teil 2

      May 20, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Die schönste Aussicht hat man vom Friedhof oben auf dem Berg. Dorthin gelangt man, wenn man in eine Tiefgarage geht, von dort geht es durch einen Tunnel in den Berg zu einem Aufzug. Man löst ein Ticket und kann dann bis zum Friedhof fahren. Leider hatte der dann zu, der muss auch sehr schön sein. Für die Aussicht hat es sich aber schon gelohnt.Read more

    • Day 65

      Amalfi, Teil 1

      May 20, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      In Amalfi haben wir 3 Stunden Aufenthalt.

      Hier haben wir unser teures Frühstück in Italien: für 2 Café Amerikano und 2 Croissants = 20€

      Dafür entschädigt der Dom mit einer beeindruckenden Krypta und toller Holzdecke im Dom.

      Die Stadt ist wahnsinnig voll und zu allem Überfluss sind auch noch massenweise Schüler hier. Was die hier lernen sollen ist uns schleierhaft.
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    • Day 12

      Up to Ravello

      December 31, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Ravello is about 4 km and 500 m up, a good aerobic walk! So I walked while Joe took the bus. We met up top and after the obligatory cappucino, we visited the Cathedral (some beautiful mosaics) and the Villa Rufolo (an old hodge podge of buildings from the XII century onward, bought by a rich guy and restored in the 19th century— the main attraction was the VIEWS!!!). Absolutely gorgeous views from up there.

      Trying to get good information on bus options down was nearly impossible, since it is New Year’s Eve. So a group of 8 piled into a cab and in a few minutes we were back in Amalfi.

      All of the restaurants are booked with gala dinners, so we have found a little enoteca that will feed us some dinner as long as we are out by 9:30. We hope to see the fireworks from the seaside promenade, but I fear that thousands of others will have the same idea!

      Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!
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    • Day 43

      Cattedrale di Sant'Andrea, Amalfi

      October 11, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      With it being a cloudier day today we decided to scrap our plans of spending the day on the beach and instead we visited the Duomo di Amalfi, Cattedrale di Sant'Andrea. What a pleasant surprise this Cathedral was. Very pretty but not overdone on the outside and also unique to the others we have seen.

      Built between the 9th and 10th centuries on the ruins of a previous temple, it is now a conglomeration of two churches and a bell tower that have been modified and added to over several centuries. It houses a museum and the Cathedral and is definitely worth a visit.

      Someone asked if we were over seeing churches and old buildings but every one we have visited has had its own unique features that amaze us every time. And this one was no different.

      The lush garden of the Cloisters of Paradise was a pleasant surprise, surrounded by the white, almost Moroccan style arches, it made a pretty picture. And if you stood in just the right place you could capture a photo of the adjoining bell tower through an arched window.

      As with many other cathedrals a lot of the artwork that remain are not full pieces and we just get a glimpse of what it would have once looked like. This was the case for the upper floor of the museum but the crypt was another story.

      Completed in 1208, it holds the relics of the apostle, St Andrew, to whom the church is dedicated. The crypt has been very well preserved. With its stunningly decorated arches, beautiful chandeliers and amazing statues and alters, it was breathtaking!!

      The cathedral itself was also beautiful with arches of white contrasting against the highly decorated pulpit and naves. And of course there was the odd skull on display.

      This was worth the €3 admission (we overheard some people complaining about having to pay) and a great place to visit.
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    • Day 13

      Day 13: Amalfi Coast, Italy

      July 3, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we did the most amazing hike. The views we saw looked like came right out of a calendar or desktop. We did the hike "Path of the Gods" from Bomerano to Nocelle and then walked down the steps to Positano. It's debatable online as to how many steps there is, but we think at least 1,000. We ended up meeting a guy from Montreal, Richard, who was really nice and hiked the majority of the way with us.

      Our plan was to go back to Amalfi to go swimming after our hike, but we decided to jump a bus to Sorrento instead and it did not disappoint. Such a nice place! There are all private beaches there though, so we had to squeeze on the only private free beach (because that 8 Euros can get us 4 gelato instead...) :)

      That brings me to saying that I forgot how much I missed the gelato here, but then again, probably best that we don't have it back home because I'd have it every day. The pistachio is my absolute favourite. Sounds weird, but it's honestly a must.

      We then had supper with Richard and my caprese ravioli was to die for. The only thing in Italy is they serve the food super weirdly. They don't serve them as appetizers (we ordered bruschetta) and most of the time they serve it last or one plate at a time.

      To end off the night, we were going to catch the 50 minute train from Sorrento and Amalfi, but turns out the last one was at 9:30 so we missed it (by 7 minutes). We had to wait for the 11 o'clock bus and it took 2 and a half hours to get back to Naples.

      Regardless of the time it took, our day was amazing and we are totally dead. 😴 Too bad I can't add more than six pictures to this post because it doesn't do it justice.
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    Piazza Duomo

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