Province of Arezzo

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Os 10 melhores destinos Province of Arezzo
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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 13

      Ponte d‘Arbia

      19 de maio de 2022, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Heute 28.8 km
      Eine der schönsten Strecken - aber bei 28 Grad im Schatten doch ziemlich hart…
      Heute das erste Mal so richtig Probleme mit den Füssen gehabt - die Blasen mehren sich (kein Wunder: die Füsse werden ja in den Schuhen gekocht auf diesem heissen Asphalt!)Leia mais

    • Dia 283

      Molly in der Toskana 🚐

      23 de abril, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Heute sind wir ganz entspannt mit Molly durch die sanften Hügel der Toskana gecruist. Inklusive Wein-🍷und Olivenöl-Tasting in einem der unzähligen Weingütern 🍇 der Region.

      Zum Abendessen gab es dann zur Freude der Kinder die erste italienische Pizza 🍕 🍕🍕🍕🤤😋Leia mais

    • Dia 9

      A New Direction

      28 de junho de 2022, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      We knew when we started this journey it would be one that would take us to places way beyond each day’s destination.

      We finished up our stay in Camadoli (and Tuscany) with a hike that took us into the Foreste Casentinesi. The path serpentined up for a few miles into a long road that we decided to take. We saw someone working outside and approached him asking if it was okay that we keep walking on the property. He didn’t seem to understand our question, so we asked it again (NOT more loudly, by the way - we were assuming it was our Italian that was the cause for his lack of response). When he didn’t answer for a third time, we just smiled and kept walking. When we were out of earshot of this person, we wondered (actually we assessed and diagnosed - as a teacher and counselor are prone to do) if maybe he was having trouble hearing us, or perhaps there was some other issue that he was dealing with, “poor guy,” we thought. Anyway, we continued on.

      As we made our way down the long road to a few old buildings, we noticed the words, “il silenzio e lode al signore” (“silence and praise to the lord”).

      A bit later, we turned to each other with a simultaneous epiphany as we finally realized that we were on the grounds of a silent monastery and those words were telling us why the man did not answer, despite our most awkward and pushy attempts to get him to do so. We were on the grounds of the Monastero di Camaldoli. Yes, we had tried (repeatedly, we might add) to get a SILENT monk to talk. Who needs to be assessed and diagnosed now?!

      (As you can see from the picture, waving is allowed!)

      From there, we decided to take the train to Arezzo. In order to make the train on time, we arranged for a taxi to get us to the station. Our taxi driver, Francesco, drove us to the train station and was more than helpful in getting us situated. (FYI - the person taking this picture of the very kind and very strong Francesco carrying one of our backpacks was just jealous, hence the photo op).

      We were surprised and so excited to see our new friend, Maria Grazia (from the Parish Church of San Pietro), standing across the train platform. We chatted for a bit until her train arrived (you may be able to see her behind the orange train doors blowing kisses and waving goodbye over and over and over again).

      We took the train to Arezzo (then had to change trains in Foligno and then had another change in Fossato). Despite being exhausted, we decided to continue on to Gubbio by bus. We arrived late into this beautiful Umbrian city; even darkness can’t hide its beauty.

      As you can see from our use of transportation, we have decided to change the direction, and length, of our trip. Because of the lodging issues, and a few other impactful variables, we have shortened our hiking time. Instead we will arrive in Roma this weekend - by train, by bus, and, finally, on foot.

      We have had the most amazing experiences at every, right or left, turn. When things felt wrong or hopeless or scary, something right and good and safe happened every single time. We will wrap up this little travel blog, and our incredible journey, this weekend since we have decided to head home then.

      La vita è bella!
      (Life is beautiful!)
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    • Dia 15

      Dag 15 Verplaatsing

      5 de junho de 2022, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Eindelijk richting Firenze, Ik heb TomTom weer een motor route laten uitzoeken, het was weer schitterend. Van mensen op de camping in Caldonazzo een adres van een camping in de buurt van Florence gekregen en daar zijn we heen gereden.Leia mais

    • Dia 10–12


      7 de maio, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Gestern haben wir Orvieto unsicher gemacht und uns hat die Stadt sehr gut gefallen. Verwinkelte Gassen, charmante Ecken, einen unglaublich imposanten Dom und nicht zu viele Menschen. Wir haben sehr fein gegessen und es uns gut gehen lassen.

      Heute Morgen habe wir nach einem Nutella-gefüllten Croissant und einem Cappuccino unser B&B verlassen. Das Wetter hat leider umgeschlagen und die Temperatur ist auch wieder gesunken. Wir starten einfach mal und lassen uns überraschen. Vielleicht schaffen wir es, uns zwischen den Gewitterwolken durchzuschlängeln. Nach einer guten Stunde sind wir auch einigermassen trocken an unserer ersten Zwischenetappe San Casciano dei Bagni angekommen. Ein schönes, relativ ursprüngliches Dörfchen ohne Touristenströme (Wetter!) und mit einem netten Café auf dem Dorfplatz. Kaum hatten wir unter dem Sonnenschirm Platz genommen, brach das erwartete Gewitter los. Leider zeigten unser Wetter-Apps alle das Gleiche: es wird nicht mehr besser!

      Also kurzerhand umgeplant. Die kurvenreiche Strecke nach und die Übernachtung in Sinalunga werden gestrichen. Wir fahren direkt durch in die Nähe von Poppi bei Arezzo. Dort wollen wir wieder zwei Tage bleiben und wenn es das Wetter morgen zulässt von dort aus eine Rundtour machen.

      Zweieinhalb Stunden später treffen wir etwas durchfroren und ziemlich durchnässt in unserem Hotel ein und fangen an unsere Sachen zum Trocknen aufzuhängen. Leider ist das Restaurant des Hotels heute geschlossen und wir müssen noch einmal kurz auf die Tiger steigen. Zum Glück hat der Regen aufgehört!

      Die Trattoria, die uns das Hotel empfohlen hat, verspricht solide Hausmannskost. Also genau das, was wir jetzt brauchen.
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    • Dia 11

      Was für ein Kontrast - bester Tag!

      8 de maio, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Durch unser Zimmerfenster begrüsste uns frühmorgens Sonnenschein und wir konnten vor 10:00 Uhr zu der Rundfahrt aufbrechen, die wir gestern geplant hatten. Es sollte ein wunderbarer Tag werden. Wir haben Euch einen kleinen Film mit der Route und ein paar Fotos vorbereitet, den Ihr unten abrufen könnt.

      Die erste Etappe Poppi erreichten wir in weniger als 15 km und besuchten das dortige Schloss, das u.a. mit einer gewaltigen Bibliothek von 25000 Büchern aufwartete; ein kultureller, Jahrhunderte alter Schatz, der dort gehütet und gepflegt wird.

      Weiter ging es zur nächsten Etappe Raggiolo, ein einsames, sehr gut erhaltenes Dorf, das früher von korsischen Auswanderern gegründet worden ist. Wir sind keinem Menschen begegnet, nur einzelne Exponate in einem öffentlich zugänglichen Ausstellungsraum dokumentierten das entbehrungsreiche Leben von früher.

      Nach dem kurzen Spaziergang durch das Dorf sind wir weitergefahren auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant. Wir mussten ein ganzes Stück auf wunderschönen und menschenleeren Strassen fahren, bis wir endlich eine offene Trattoria fanden. Nach dem Essen ging es genauso weiter, wie wir es lieben: kleine kurvenreiche Strassen mit kaum Verkehr entführten uns in wunderschöne Landschaften mit tollen Aussichten.

      Müde aber glücklich trafen wir gegen 19:00 Uhr in unserem Hotel ein und liessen den tollen Tag bei einem Bierchen Revue passieren.
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    • Dia 8

      Speaking of Fault…

      27 de junho de 2022, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      We aren’t here to blame anyone, but it might feel better if we could.

      Today we arrived in Camadoli. As we walked into the front desk of our hotel, Borgo I Tre Baroni (The Hotel of the 3 Barons, or in this case, brothers who run this with their wives), something didn’t feel right. There was a full bar to our left, and a lovely dining room with a full library to our right. This place felt a bit fancier than anywhere we’d stayed yet (including the villa). When we asked Martha, the hotel’s co-owner and person checking us in, if there were other hikers from the same route staying here, she gently replied, “On no, madames, that is the OTHER Baroni, only 10 kilometers (that would be “only” another 6.2 miles UPHILL) away. I believe that you thought that this was on the trail you’re following?”

      Wait? There’s a trail? (Just kidding. We knew that.)

      “Do we have a reservation?” We asked hopefully, verging on desperately.

      “Well, madames, no, no you do not. There is a room available, it has no air conditioning, but there are twin beds. Interessanta?”

      The look on her face captured what she probably saw on ours. Horror. Worry. Exhaustion.

      She stopped, held up her hands, and said, “Basta! This is no problem, madames. We will find you something that will make a wonderful night for you. In my language we have a saying that goes something like this, ‘the soul has energy and motivation for what the body does not.’”

      “Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry...” were the only words in our heads at that particular moment. Until we closed the door to our room.

      Once we got ourselves together (because there’s no crying on the trail!) we wondered about the next stages of the hike’s lodging, since these were booked for us by a travel agent/company.

      “Should we check?” We asked each other.
      “Nah, let’s wait until tomorrow!”

      Later that night…

      Who can sleep with thoughts about lodging dancing in their heads? Not us. So, we got online and began double-checking the dates against our itinerary. Unbelievably, the lodging was off in ways that made no sense. How did we miss this? The booking agent was not available that late, so we started looking online at substitute lodging options. Even with our limited Italian skills, we knew what “tutto completo”” (“no vacancy”) means at Every. Single. One.

      Then, we had an epiphany. Let’s get into some of those hiker chat room/Facebook groups and find out what other hikers do for last-minute lodging: “knock on a door, most citizens are so generous and will let you stay with them!” (true, but not willing to find out, thank you very much) , or “sleep in a park or whenever you become exhausted!” (ummmmm, also no thank you. Plus camping is illegal in Italy unless in very designated spaces), and, finally, “keep walking until you find someone willing to help!” (also a hard no).

      So, what do we do? “What could go wrong?” we have often asked ourselves these past few weeks. Short of getting lost in the forest for weeks, losing our identifications or access to funds, or becoming very sick - actually, having no lodging for the next 3+ weeks could very well be the answer to that question.

      However, we decided not to overreact and, instead, paused for a moment and said out loud, “we are ‘accidentale’ booked into a fabulous resort in Tuscany - what could go RIGHT?!!!”

      So, here is what DID go right today… Martha ended up putting us into a big room WITH air conditioning. And, then, as we were getting ourselves together the next morning, she came to tell us that there had been a cancellation and the bigger, air-conditioned room we were in would be available for another night. “Interessante?” “SI!”we nearly screamed.

      So, for today, we are safe, VERY comfortable and loving every view we take in. Tomorrow, we plan….

      Ciao for now!
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    • Dia 19

      Es regnet!

      16 de janeiro de 2023, Itália ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Nun ging es auf in Richtung Perugia. Unterwegs habe ich uns einen schönen Platz am Lago Trasimeno ausgesucht und da sind wir nun….im Camping Eden Park. Es gab mal wieder Pizza, die der Besitzer höchst selbst zubereitet hat und jetzt sind wir so müde, dass wir direkt umfallen!Leia mais

    • Fortunato

      12 de maio de 2023, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Another day riding a motorcycle in Italy - what have I done to deserve this?!? 🇮🇹

      Today’s highlights were visiting a 14th century Benedictine Abbey, driving through Bagno Vignoni smelling the natural sulphuric springs, and enjoying another fantastic picnic lunch hosted by the guides.

      Really technical roads today, with some spotty weather. And unfortunately the other rider went down two more times! He was mostly unharmed, and to his credit, he and the bike back up again (cue Chumbawamba). 😂

      Tonight we are in a different converted monastery - this time in Pienza. Somehow I got hooked up with a suite. Life is good!

      Back to Rome tomorrow. There has been so much packed into this trip but it’s still hard to believe it’s almost over.
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    • Dia 20

      9. TrasimenoSee

      21 de junho de 2022, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Vom wunderschönen AgriCampeggio Platz in Piombino ging es nun weiter ins Land nach Umbrien an den Trasimenosee! Beim Einchecken fragte ich die Frau an der Rezeption wie warm der See ist? Sie antworte, dass dieser sehr trocken ist und wir besser in den Pool gehen sollen. Das war super schade, da wir unsere SUP‘s hier auspacken wollten! Aber sie sollte Recht behalten, zum Anschauen sehr schön, zum Reingehen und Baden nicht geeignet! Zum Einen sehr warm und zum Anderen trüb und algig. Somit waren wir hier nur 2 Nächte, haben die kleine Stadt ein wenig erkundet, die auch sehr ausgestorben wirkte und ziehen nun weiter in ein Naturschutzgebiet in den Bergen! Achso und der Campingplatz war ansich sehr schön, toller Pool, gute Sanitäranlagen aber uns irgendwie unsympathisch 🙈! Es ist immer wieder faszinierend was die Leute alles so mit in den Urlaub schleppen. Da freuen wir uns immer wieder über unsere Monika und leichtes Gepäck!Leia mais

    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Province of Arezzo, Arezzo

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