Provincia di Lecce

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    • Dag 9–10

      Türkisblaues Meer und steile Felsküsten

      17. maj, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Wir schlängeln uns an der Küste entlang. Immer wieder machen wir Halt und genießen die atemberaubenden Ausblicke. Hier gibt es keine Strände zum Baden, aber umsomehr zum Schauen und Staunen.

      Wir machen Stop in Otranto und spazieren in die Altstadt. In den engen Gässchen reihen sich unzählige Ledergeschäfte, Keramik Shops und Restaurants aneinander. Gabi entdeckt mittendrin ein Seifengeschäft und kauft ein. 😄 ich erstehe eine Olivenölampore aus Porzellan. 🤩

      Wir steuern die Grotta Zinsolusa an. Eine Felsengrotte direkt an der Steilküste. Doch diese hat heute und morgen wegen der derzeit hohen Wellen leider geschlossen.

      So fahren wir weiter zum südlichsten Zipfel des Stiefelabsatzes, wo wir erstmals einen Campingplatz mit deutschsprechender Betreiberin und Waschmaschine finden. 😃
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    • Dag 34

      Santa Maria Di Leuca to Gallipoli

      29. maj, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Roger woke with a head cold while Kerrie continues to improve! We left our accommodation at 0900 and stopped a few km down the track to see the very lovely cathedral at Varetto with a stone building at the back which was a mausoleum but then became a stable for animals! Thunder and rain meant we were forced to wait for 30 mins before resuming the ride. We then stopped at St Maria Di Leuca Del Belvedine - a sanctuary for Pilgrims and animals en route to Leuca from the UK. There is a large underground well and accommodation for Pilgrims & animals.
      We had another delicious authentic Italian lunch at Contadini - a farm where everything on sale is produced at the farm.
      The weather cleared for the remainder of our 65 km ride into Gallipoli which is up the west coast of Puglia. We followed the sea for most of today's ride, very similar to our Encounter Bikeway at home! One of the riders had a fall today but thankfully is OK.
      Our accommodation at Gallipoli is beautiful. We are staying here for two nights too!
      We had dinner in an Italian restaurant and were fed delicious, but way too much food!
      Gallipoli is a beautiful seaside town which we hope to explore tomorrow.
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    • Dag 94

      Gallipoli, tous aux abris !! ⛈

      9. juni 2022, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Les températures dépassant maintenant la barre des 30°C, on décide ensuite de se rapprocher de la mer et cette fois-ci côté ouest. Nous passons alors 2 nuits (du 9 au 11 juin) dans la belle ville de Gallipoli possédant son centre historique sur une île au large du continent, original ! 
      Pensant pouvoir se rafraîchir dans la mer, on a finalement le droit à un gros orage qui a inondé une partie des rues pendant notre premier jour de séjour. On se réfugie dans notre appartement et profitons de la fin de la journée à coup de tarot et en continuant le flambeau !
      Maintenant au boulot, direction Naples pour intervenir dans l’école du 13 au 17 juin.
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    • Dag 35

      Gallipoli & surrounds

      30. maj, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Our ride today was a short 30 km loop from Gallipoli out to the home of the owner of Salerno Bici - the bike company that organizes the Puglia bike trips.
      The huge home of Carlos (owner of Salerno Bici) and his wife, Marina, also has a huge swimming pool, nearly as big as an Olympic pool
      Marina gave us an Italian Cooking lesson where we learnt to make Pitta Di Patati (potato mash with a filling of tomatoes, olives, tuna, capers, etc), Tirimasu, and also Orichette (pasta shells). It was so much fun trying to shape the pasta with Marina over your shoulder saying (in broken English, 'no madam do not press so hard with the knife!')
      We then sat down to a 3 course lunch outside on long tables just as Italian families do. Once again, authentic, delicious Italian food.
      We had a medical emergency just before we got to Carlos home. We had stopped for a 15 min break when Jeri (American lady), super fit, lost her balance while walking on cobblestones and fractured her humerus at the shoulder joint. We called an ambulance and she was taken to the Gallipoli Hospital. It was a big blow to the group having one of us injured and seeing her suffer. However, Jeri is a real trouper and had heaps of support from her American friends.
      The logistics of getting Jeri home to America are mind-boggling!
      Tomorrow is the last day of our ride. We leave Gallipoli and head back to Lecce.
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    • Dag 33

      Otranto to Santa Maria Di Leuca

      28. maj, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We were on our bikes at 0900 - needing to get a good start for our 56 km ride.
      Another glorious day for riding until we got rained on for maybe 30 mins. Adds to the fun!
      Today's ride was, apparently, the most challenging in terms of ascents, however, compared to Croatia, we thought it was quite manageable. We rode down the east coast of the Puglia region to the most easterly point of Italy.
      Stopped at a little grocery store in Tricase Porto for ham and cheese rolls (see video). No butter or mayo, etc. However, it was delicious. Outside the store, there was a group of Italian men playing cards. The scene epitomized the Cittaslow concept (slow living). It was such a special scene I asked if I could take a photo.
      Our final stop was at Santa Maria Di Leica's Lighthouse Square. This place is a destination for pilgrims all over Europe and is referred to as 'the end of the earth'. It is where all distance is measured from so zero km is in the square - there is a monument with 0 km inscribed on it.
      Checked into our hotel, went for a swim in the glorious sea and then strolled around the area before dinner at a local restaurant.
      We start biking up the west coast tomorrow - 65 km.
      As with our Croatian bike trip, this group is developing lovely relationships - it takes 3 or 4 days for this to happen, but it's nice when it does!
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    • Dag 36

      Gallipoli to Lecce - last day!

      31. maj, Italien ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      Today is the last day of our Puglia Bike trip. We set off from Gallipoli and made our way up the coast, stopping at a seaside village to order 'sandwiches' (rolls - mortodello & cheese) from the local supermarket.
      We then rode to a winery for tastings and to eat our rolls.
      From there we visited the glorious old town of Nordo, with it's beautiful buildings that are hundreds of years old.
      The last leg of our 57 km ride was in peak hour traffic into Lecce and to our hotel (which is terrible! Everyone in the group has complained. Like no hot water. Shower not working, etc)
      We went to dinner at the same restaurant we ate at the very first night we met as a group.
      Then the sad bit, saying goodbye to people we bonded with over the week so magically.
      In summary, we loved the week riding the Puglia area. The riding was quite challenging at times with heavy traffic on main roads, riding on rough gravel tracks and long distances. We both had viruses, but were pleased to be able to do the ride and enjoy it. We were also delighted with the group of 13 - 9 x Americans, 2 x English & us. They were all lovely. Ilenia, our guide, was just gorgeous - gentle, kind, considerate, knowledgeable and understanding of us oldies.
      Tomorrow we spend the day in Lecce, washing and preparing for the next part of our Italian Adventure!
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    • Dag 32

      Otranto & surrounds

      27. maj, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      After a few challenging days health wise, I (Kerrie) got my mojo back and was able to enjoy the day in Otranto and surrounding districts.
      We are staying at a nicely appointed resort 3 km out of Otranto. After a delicious breakfast, we started our ride at 0900. The ride took us out into the country amongst olive tree plantations along narrow roads and bike paths, some quite rough.
      We visited Otranto's Cathedral where the skulls and bones of 800 Martyrs are encased following a massacre by Turkish Islamists in the 1400's.
      We visited the village 'Specchia Gallone' where we were served samples of authentic rural Italian food and local wines. It was truly delicious. The owner of the restaurant babbled on in Italian (see the video) with Ilenia interpreting as best she could. We were totally immersed in rural Italy!
      We visited a few historic sites along the way, one being a pre-historic above ground cave.
      We spent the rest of the day walking around Otranto and visited the Otranto Castle.
      We had antipasto and wine with the couple from the UK, Phil & Bridget.
      Tomorrow, another longish ride following the coast south.
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    • Dag 30

      Caserta to Lecce

      25. maj, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Up and off to the Caserta railway station for our slightly delayed departure for Lecce. A comfortable 4.5 hrs on a moderately fast train.
      Taxi to our first hotel which was booked by the bike tour company - Grand Hotel Tiziano. Well, nothing grand about this hotel! No hot water for a shower and the rooms are sub-standard. We are assured that all of the accommodation coming up on this tour is much better.
      We met our Guide, Elinea, at 7.30 and met the other people on the ride. There are only 13 of us, which is a surprise. We had been told the others were from America and all women. Roger was delighted to find 2 other men on the tour. One lovely couple from the UK and the rest from America.
      We walked to the Old Town of Lecce for a delicious 3 course meal at All'ombra del Barocco restaurant. Antipasto dishes were the best we've ever eaten. Just as we were about to leave, a 16 year old boy started playing the piano in the restaurant - delightful! A late return to our hotel room where we repacked ready for our first ride tomorrow - 56 km.
      Sadly I (Kerrie) have picked up a virus which has developed into bronchitis. I'm coping OK, but this happens every time I travel, unfortunately. Hoping the ride will fix the knee & the chest!
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    • Dag 37

      Lecce - catch up day!

      1. juni, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      A slow start to the day! We were pleased to say a final farewell to some of our Puglia Biking friends who were leaving after breakfast.
      We found a Laundromat and got our clothing back in order!
      We then strolled the Old Town area and had .. yes, an Aperol Spritz and pizza for lunch. We visited the Faggiano museum - a fascinating story of a man who, while trying to fix his sewerage problems, discovered 2000 year old underground tunnels, chapels, a nunnery and various other archeological significant things.
      Roger found a wonderful restaurant in the back streets of Lecce not far from here. We arrived at 7 pm and were ushered into the garden area because they were fully booked. At 8.20 pm there was only ourselves and one other couple at the restaurant! Italians love to eat late!
      Tomorrow we travel to Locorotondo for 2 nights to meet up with our dear friends of 51 years, Rob & Janice Cain, who are staying north of Bari for a few weeks.
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    • Dag 31

      Lecce to Ontranto - day 1 Puglia bike

      26. maj, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The 13 bike riders and Ilenia, our Guide, gathered at 0900 to have bikes allocated and checks completed before we began our Puglia Bike Ride.
      The conditions were ideal for the 68 km ride from Lecce to Ontranto (see yellow line on the map). Mainly flat terrain, but we had to negotiate quite busy roads and gravel tracks at times.
      We had a 2 hour lunch break at a lovely seaside village called Torre dell'Orso. I (Kerrie) went for a swim in the beautiful Adriatic sea.
      We arrived at our accommodation around 6 pm. Very grateful for the Ventolin, cough suppressant & cold and flu tabs today!
      We stay here for 2 nights. Tomorrow is a short ride of 30 km.
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