Provincia di Lucca

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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan Provincia di Lucca
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    • Hari 35

      Day 31: Lucca to Altopascio

      23 Mei, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      It was a much shorter walk today (20 km). Other than an extremely short stretch along a dirt path, the entire Way was sealed - I think I'm getting used to it. It was 19 degrees when I set out from Lucca around a quarter past seven, and surprisingly, as I expected it to be a hot day, I don't think the temperature got much more than that. If it did, I didn't really feel much heat. The standouts today were the smell of the jasmin that adorned quite a lot of the fences I walked past and the huge semi trailers that seemed to contuinually pass me along a particular section of the road! I just missed market morning as I arrived into town; all of the vendors were packing up.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 34

      Day 30: Lucca - rest day

      22 Mei, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      I've done the math, and my guidebook tells me that I have walked 589 km from my starting point (Echevennoz), and I now have 405 km to go until Rome. Therefore, I'm officially over 1/2 way! The Puccini concert last night was great. I sat in the front row and made friends with a man from Israel. He's recently been cycling in Portugal. The world is full of the most interesting people. Today, I was a lot more laid back, I barely walked at all. I climbed the Guinigi tower, which has seven oak trees planted at the top, and provides some lovely views of Lucca and the surrounding mountains. I'm sharing a photo of the Labyrinth that is carved into one of the pillars at the Cathedral here. It is a welcome to pilgrims and a symbol of the spiritual path that leads the believer to salvation. I also visited the Via Francigena museum. There was not much there, some good videos, but not much else.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 33

      Day 29: Lucca - rest day

      21 Mei, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Lucca has really captured my heart. There is something very special about this place. The fact that the "old city" is still entirely encased by walls totally blows my mind. You see many fortified cities in Europe, but I have never seen fortifications so complete (and so maintained). The existing wall dates from the 1500s (the original bulit in the 1200s) and are so thick - everyone who lived here must have felt so protected and safe. Honestly, the word impregnable comes to mind. I did the tourist thing today and walked the 4km of walls. I was told it would take an hour, but it took me most of the day as I would dip back into the town to see some sight of interest - mostly churches. I climbed three church towers and found that my fear of heights has not completely gone! My pilgrim credential got me free entry into the Basilica (San Frediano) and the Duomo (house of God - I love that description): Saint Martin's Cathedral. I'm off to a Puccini concert tonight (Puccini's women); Lucca is his birth place. I feel reinvigorated today and so glad I chose this place for some rest days.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 32

      Day 28: Camaiore to Lucca

      20 Mei, Italia ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      The Way (29 km) provided a nice change today. For the first 16 km, I walked through woodland and forest on wonderfully non sealed roads and pathways. A light rain started around 10:15 (it only lasted for about an hour), which was welcomed by me as I'd just reached the top of my third mountain for the morning and enjoyed the cool that the rain brought with it. It's surprisingly humid here. The road walking wasn't bad either, and the rain came back, heavier, at around 2 pm and really settled in by 5 pm - which was fine as I was safely in my accommodation by then. So, all in all, it was a very good day.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 31

      Day 27: Massa to Camaiore

      19 Mei, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      A shorter walk today (27.18 km). Most of it was on sealed surfaces, except for brief stints on dirt and rock pathways. The day started with a mountain climb, along the road, which gave me some good views. I also got to walk beside two rivers and enjoy the wonderfully clear water. It was another warm day of brilliant sunshine, and I welcomed every wiff of breeze and every morsel of shade. I have an apartment tonight and was incredibly lucky to find a shop open on a Sunday! I went in there for yoghurt and came out with dinner tonight (including a beer) and ham, cheese, bread, and the yoghurt for breakfast tomorrow. He offered me tastes of everything before I committed; a utterly delightful experience.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 17

      Ristorante - Trattoria Il Fiaschetto

      18 Juli 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Unser letztes Abendessen in Italien wollten wir uns nochmal verwöhnen lassen. Volltreffer. Jeder Gang war super lecker. Allerdings war es so üppig, das wir trotz anderem Plan nur antipasti, primi piatti und ein Dessert. Secondi piatti musste ausfallen. Es war zu üppig.

      Vorweg Anti-Pasti Toscanini, Pasta mit Trüffel undTiramisu undMascarpone-Creme mit Erdbeeren. Fantastisches letztes italienisches Abendessen.
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    • Hari 23

      Limoncello for President!

      20 Januari 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Wir waren also hinter Puccini her, wie der Hund hinter der Wurst. Wir waren am Lago di Torre Puccini und durften leider nicht in die Villa, denn die wird nur zu bestimmten Zeiten geöffnet und wir haben den Einlass verpasst - also eigentlich hat die junge Frau uns einfach die Tür vor der Nase zu gemacht. Und für 12€/Person wollten wir dann nicht nochmal 40 Minuten auf den nächsten Einlass warten. Also haben wir uns alles von aussen angesehen und feiner Klaviermusik gelauscht, die von einem Hausboot auf dem See kam. Dieser See übrigens war das friedlichste, was ich in den letzten Tagen erlebt habe! Wer also nach Ruhe sucht, der ist dort gut aufgehoben. Wahrscheinlich im Sommer nicht, aber im Moment ist das schon fast meditativ. Die Batterien etwas aufgeladen an diesem See mit Sonne und Musik sind wir nach Lucca aufgebrochen, wo das Geburtshaus von Puccini stehen soll. So eine süße kleine Stadt! Mal wieder waren wir fast ein wenig atemlos vom schauen….so viele kleine hübsche Gassen, Kirchen, Türme, Mauern und ein beeindruckendes Stadttor. Und endlich haben wir auch die kleinen Geschäfte gefunden, die wir in Florenz so vermisst haben. Interessant auch, wie freundlich und hilfsbereit die Menschen hier sind. Im Sonnenuntergang sind wir dann wieder zurück nach Viareggio an den Strand. In dieser kleinen Hafenstadt gibt es übrigens nicht nur riesige Yachten in und um die WErft herum zu bewundern, hier soll auch ganz groß Karneval gefeiert werden. Und das sie feiern können, dass konnten wir dann am Abend am eigenen Leib erfahren.
      Wir hatten uns einen Tisch für zwei im *Carpe Diem* reserviert - für eine Pizza am Abend 🤪
      Was dann allerdings aus diesem kleinen Abendessen wurde hat den Rahmen etwas gesprengt! Die Geburtstagsfeier einer 15jährigen und eine Disco (ja, das hab ich auch schon lange nicht mehr gehört 😂) mit Musik der 80er und 90er haben uns wie Pattex an die Stühle geklebt. Das alles war so schön anzusehen - HERRLICH! Als unser Kellner uns dann noch Limoncello ausgegeben hat, konnten wir einfach nicht mehr weg…die Herren am Nebentisch haben angefangen sich mit uns zu unterhalten (einer von denen ist mit einer Frau aus Essen liiert) und irgendwann hielt es uns auch nicht mehr auf den Stühlen und wir haben echt lange getanzt. Ich glaube, wir waren unter den letzten Gästen an diesem Abend. Also haben wir uns noch von unserem wirklich zauberhaften Gastgeber verabschiedet und sind glücklich in unseren Tootles gepurzelt….
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    • Hari 39

      Lucca, Tuscany has it all!

      16 Juni 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Luscany's most beloved artistic cities, an unskippable part of any tour of the region. Nicknamed the town of a hundred churches on account of its incredible number of places of worship, it is unique among city-states for having maintained its independence up until 1847.

      Historical circumstances demanded that Lucca fortify itself, and so its immense artistic and architectural heritage is ringed by a massive circuit of defensive walls.

      Lucca sits in the centre of the Lucca plain, a breathtaking landscape that was sculpted by the river Serchio and is dotted with medieval towns.

      So far it is my (Emily) favorite city. It has a small town charm throughout a medium sized city. It was incredibly beautiful and picturesque, benefiting from the Renaissance as well as an extremely clean city. It was packed with restaurants and shops as well as church's, bell towers and nature. We had a wonderful day exploring the history and beauty as well as walking on top of its famous fortified walls and taking in the nature, and mountains that surrounded it. The best part is this town want heavily touristed compared to many other cities we visited. It was a true hidden jem
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    • Hari 14

      Irgendwas fehlt hier

      8 Mei, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Da das Handy meldete, dass unser Auto vollgeladen ist, ging ich schnell zum Auto um es abzustecken.

      Auf dem Parkplatz angekommen, sah ich nur wie ein Auto ganz dich an unserem steht und dann wegfährt. Am Auto angekommen, stellte ich fest, dass vorne das Kennzeichen fehlt und einiges zerkratzt ist.

      Somit bin ich dem Auto hinter her, was zum Glück paar Lücken weiter geparkt hat. Die Frau stieg aus und war sich keiner Schuld irgendwie bewusst.

      Leider konnte Sie nur italienisch und die Übersetzerapp war auch keine Hilfe.

      Mein größtes Problem war, dass ich unser Kennzeichen nirgends fand. Irgendwann holte die Frau unser Kennzeichen aus Ihrem Auto.

      Da mittlerweile eine Strafgebühr wegen der Ladeüberziehung lief, zog ich erstmal das Auto vom Strom. Die Zeit nutze die Frau auch und schwang sich aufs Rad und war weg.

      Somit stand ich nun da. Kurze Zeit später kam der Rest der Gruppe und Andi und ich sind erstmal zur Polizei gegangen. Und wer saß da schon da. Die Frau von vorhins.

      Bei der Polizei konnte aber so richtig auch keiner Englisch. Naja mit Übersetzer haben wir das Protokoll ausgefüllt.

      Nun heißt es nach Deutschland kommen und hoffen dass mit der Versicherung alles klappt.
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    • Hari 12

      Another travel day

      16 September 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Back on the train to Pisa to connect to the train to Lucca. All of this is a little hard on Joe but he’s been a trooper. Up and down the stairs, crowd huddling in the shade, one person says—I just heard the platform was changed. The masses move to the stairs. Another says —no that’s a different train. Finally a real Trenitalia person appears and tells us to stay put. Then the train arrives and there is more confusion. Nothing that anyone who has traveled by train in Italy hasn’t experienced. And I am not knocking Italian trains. They put US trains to shame a million times over. Connection in Pisa was effortless, and even though I could not figure out how to get my ticket stamped, the very nice men in uniforms just told us to sit down and not worry. Note to self: next time, make sure to use the Trenitalia app. Much easier.

      Our hotel is in the middle of the historic center and about a 30 minute walk in Joe time from the train station. We walked because our B&B didn’t open till 2 pm. It was sunny and a bit hot but we went straight through the historic center.

      Joe napped while I walked around. I went to the plaza built where the Roman amphitheater once was and two pretty stunning Romanesque churches. All the columns and capitals were from Roman temples, so no display of Romanesque inside.

      After Joe’s nap and shower we grabbed a couple of slices of pizza from a place where the 35-50 person line had evaporated. Then the aimless walking took us to the entrance of San Giovanni, another Romanesque church that sits on a 9th century crypt, which sits on a 4th century baptistery, which sits on a 1st C BC Roman villa. Unfortunately no entrance was possible because of the Puccini (who’s from Lucca) celebration. But we learned there would be an opera concert in the church this evening. A performance of some “ greatest hits.” So we bought the tickets and had a light snack in a café nearby. In a beautiful square. Where we are waiting till concert time. This is a charming place, no doubt about it. Some tourists but most definitely a real city.
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Provincia di Lucca, Lucca, Lucques

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