Verona Arena

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    • Día 46


      3 de mayo, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      This is a good city to visit. It has a relaxed feel to it with many cobbled streets and piazzas and seems "authentic" despite being very busy with visitors. The colosseum is less stunning than Rome but is still a venue for opera and concerts. We found a tiny riverside restaurant for lunch and better than average ice cream - we are becoming experts in this now. Being the setting for Romeo and Juliet it attracts many young couples, and older ones too. The queue to see the courtyard fabled to contain "that balcony" had to be seen to be believed.Leer más

    • Día 28

      Verona, Italy

      27 de junio de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      We took one 5ish hour train into Verona from Munich and had a private cabin this time. Woo hoo! This was wonderful because the kids could be silly and no masks! The views through the mountains of Austria and Italy were simply stunning. However, my camera on a speeding train did not even do it justice, so you are stuck with cute pictures of my girls. We should be able to make it back to visit Austria, but just passed through for now.

      Be proud of us because we culturally prepared our kids for Italy by allowing them to watch Luca and Gnomeo & Juliet.

      When we exited the train in Verona, we immediately could tell we had gone much further south. We encountered some good old Texas style heat - well almost that hot. They actually have air conditioning at this hotel, but the air turns off when you leave the room. No washer and dryer still, so we will have to find one of those soon.

      Our first day began with a bakery stop and cappuccino near a little market in Verona. Just the right way to begin the day. After caffenating, we were off to explore the city. This city is famous for the setting of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. We ventured to Juliet's balcony and found several art sculptures around town honoring this ancient love story. We walked around the ancient arena dated back to 30AD in prep mode for an Opera. We also discovered parts of ancient roads that were exposed as we walked to through the shops.

      We stayed in a hotel just off the Piazza Bra with shopping, coffee, gelato and pizza at every corner. We ventured away from the city center across the Pointe Pietra Bridge, built around 100 AD, and found this superb, tiny pizza shop that was delicious and cheap. We had read when traveling around Europe that venturing away from the city you often find better food at better prices, so far we have found this to be true. I will say this is the third best pizza we have ever had. Sorry guys, we still prefer Seth's homemade pizza over Italy's. Don't worry though, we will keep trying pizza.

      We decided to make the trek to a hilltop and overlook the city. Along the route, Mabel got a blister and so we carried her around the rest of the day. The hilltop was awesome. As we overlooked the city, we couldn't help but notice the roof line was perfect for an action film. We could have "easily" run across rooftops to escape a bad guy. The carrying of Mabel was a workout, especially because of all the stairs and inclines.

      Once we reached the top of the hill, we explored an old building and managed to get a little stuck. We thought we were on the path down, but it lead to a locked gate and the doors we went through locked behind us. We had to jump around/over the fence by using a ledge with a gnarly drop off. We made it out of there and found our way to the path again. Phew!

      Once we reached to bottom of the hilltop again, we found a nice green space for the girls to play. Luckily, they got their puppy fix. They giggled so much as the played with several sweet dogs. They are missing Seth's friend's dog, Pablo.

      Next, we plan to take a short stop in Venice on the way to some old Air Force friends. We are looking forward to a slow holiday weekend with good friends and hopefully some good food. We tried to meet up with them on our RV adventures a couple years ago, but a last minute deployment spoiled our plans.

      Chocolate update: Chocolate is good is all the countries, but non has stood out above the rest. Happy to keep trying chocolate all the places despite the delicious similarities.

      Oh ya! Addy lost a tooth in Italy and the tooth fairy still found her.
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    • Día 38

      Römerstadt Verona

      26 de octubre de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach Rovereto ging es für mich nach Verona, ich bin jetzt seit 3 Tagen hier und hab schon so gut wie alles gesehen, am ersten Tag hab ich eine Audio Tour gemacht und wirklich sehr viele Interessante Fakten erfahren. Wie viele Städte in Italien, gibt es in Verona auch noch viele Überreste der Römer und generell viel Architektur aus unterschiedlichen Epochen. Das berühmteste Gebäude ist wohl das Kolosseum! Gestern war ich auf dem höchsten Turm der Stadt, dem Lombardi Tower. Einen Abstecher an den Gardasee hab ich den Tag vorher gemacht :)Leer más

    • Día 2


      31 de mayo de 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Après les secousses du chauffeur pressé, les gens qui se crient dessus, ceux qui passent des appels en haut-parleur et le chauffeur qui crie pour annoncer chaque arrêt, vous aurez pas de mal à comprendre que ma nuit était plutôt catastrophique. Mais bon on est à l’heure. 7h10, arrivée à Milan dans une gare routière, comment dire… pas très accueillante. En effet, en plus d’être pas belle, elle est sale. Je prends un café en attendant mon prochain bus qui est à 9h30.
      Arrivée à Vérone avec 40min de retard, je file à l’auberge déposer mon sac, enfiler un short et hop c’est reparti. Avec toutes ces heures de bus j’ai eu le temps d’en faire des recherches, alors direction une des meilleures pizzeria de la ville pour obéir aux ordres de cha qui m’a dit que j’étais OBLIGÉE d’en manger une. Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait. Et qu’est-ce que c’était bon. (J’crois bien que c’était la première fois de ma vie que j’allais au resto toute seule.)
      Avec tout ça, il est déjà presque 15h. Je parcours toute la ville à pieds, je rentre dans des petites boutiques, passe devant les monuments que j’avais noté comme les fameuses arènes, le balcon de Juliette, différentes places et églises. Les ruelles sont étroites et toutes colorées, c’est trop joli. En plus il fait super beau 😍
      Je fais qq achats : un roman, un carnet de note et des feutres pour m’occuper les soirs ou autres où je suis toute seule. Puis je rentre à l’auberge prendre une douche. Je rencontre une jeune hollandaise dans mon dortoir avec qui je papote qq minutes mais je dois partir car j’ai prévu d’aller voir le coucher du soleil en haut d’un château qui est à 40min à pieds. Ouf, je l’ai pas loupé! C’est trop beau, il y a une vue sur tout Vérone de là-haut. J’y reste jusqu’à la nuit.
      J’ai toujours pas mangé, avec ma pizza de ce midi j’ai pas faim mais la gourmandise me gagne : je m’arrête prendre une boule de glace sur le chemin du retour (et tt ça accompagné de Théo au téléphone, c’est comme si j’étais pas seule!). Après 18h de trajet et plus de 25 000 pas, je suis crevée et il est tard, mais la nuit va faire du bien 😴

      PS : je peux mettre plus que 10 photos par publication😰
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    • Día 17


      6 de julio de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We chose Verona because of the Opera festival at the ancient Roman Arena which holds 15000 people with incredible acoustics. The arena was originally built for gladiator “sport”, was built before the Colosseum in Rome and is in much better condition because it has been actively used for centuries since the Venetian era as an event venue, shopping centre and other.
      We went to the open air opera “Carmen” which started at 9pm and ended at 1am! The environment made for an informal affair - not the usual formality of an opera but the audience was very quiet during the performance. The stage is enormous and at one point there must have been over 200 performers on stage, horses and carriages too! So it made for a colourful show and a large choir. Thoroughly enjoyable.
      Verona is also a lovely city to visit with 3 distinctive eras visible, each with a city wall depicting the boundary as the city extended from the Roman era to medieval and then Venetian period.
      We did a guided cycle tour to see the city, the 3 city walls, the churches influenced by each period and the river. The Roman bridge was destroyed and completely rebuilt with same stones by the local inhabitants.
      What was interesting was learning about the local history and the power of the rich families. They had no royalty and all the castles, palaces and forts were built by these families to protect their patch. So the story behind Romeo and Juliette is true. Italy was only unified as a country of 20 regions in the 1800’s so there is strong rivalry.
      The street markets, restaurants on the narrow streets and Piazzas continue to create “wow” moments and the food wasn’t bad either (it is Italy). We also found a new Aperatif, the “Hugo” which you will need to visit us to taste as I will be making it.
      Sadly, the main attraction is people coming to see “Juliette’s house and statue” which was a bit tacky but …

      Another great visit!
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    • Día 75

      Arena di Verona

      2 de agosto de 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Der krönende 👑 Abschluss auf unserer Radreise: „Aida", die absolute Königin der Arena. Die Oper von Giuseppe Verdi, seit 1913 das unbestrittene Symbol des Festival Lirico, wird im Amphitheater in einer Neuinszenierung aufgeführt. Star 🌟 des Abends: Anna Netrebko.Leer más

    • Día 5

      Verona ist das neue Mailand

      23 de agosto de 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      Wir sind mal wieder vor der Hitze geflüchtet. In Verona war unsere Flucht aber erfolgreich. Als erstes ging es in ein Shopping Center (mit Klima natürlich) danach sind wir in eine klimatisierte Boulderhalle gefahren.

      Am Abend haben wir noch etwas Verona erkundet und haben direkt vor der Arena gegessen. Traumhaft 🥰
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    • Día 2–3

      Weiterfahrt nach Verona

      22 de abril, Italia ⋅ 🌬 8 °C

      Wir starten pünktlich um halb zehn bei bei stürmischem Regen.😬
      Noch etwas Interessantes zu den Reisfeldern der Familie Ferron:
      Im hauseigenen Teich werden Karpfen gezüchtet. Diese werden ins Wasser der Reisfelder gegeben (200g schwer) dort fressen sie die Schädlinge.
      Vor der Ernte im Herbst werden sie herausgefischt. Sie wiegen dann ca. 800g und sind bereit für die Gaumenfreude.
      In Verona schlendern wir durch die Gassen, vorbei an der Arena, besuchen die casa de Giulietta und landen in einer schönen Cafebar.
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    • Día 32

      Verona - History, Literature and Art

      6 de octubre de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      A second day of wandering around Verona starting with a visit inside the Arena. Spectacular! Followed by walk around town to Juliet’s Balcony, Piazza delle Erbe (a square that was once the Forum at the time of the Roman Empire), Castelvecchio Museum (former fortress) and Ponte di Scaligero (fortified bridge also known as the Castelvecchio Bridge).Leer más

    • Día 28


      10 de agosto de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Auch Verona beeindruckt durch seine schönen alten Bauten. Die Kirche mit 2 Stockwerken und Holzdecke, andere mit wunderbaren Altären und Malereien, alle aus dem 11. bis 14. Jahrhundert.
      Und nun sind wir in der Arena bei Tosca von Puccini und genießen den warmen Sommerabend bei einer grandiosen Aufführung.Leer más

    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Verona Arena, Arena di Verona

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