Villa Bonanno

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    • Day 43

      Opera dei pupi teatro Argento

      February 24 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      The Opera dei pupi teatro Argento is a small theater of the Sicilian pupeteer tradition. It is owned by the Argento family, hosted in Palazzo Asmundo, in the heart of the historic center, opposite the Cathedral of Palermo.

      The Argento family, master puppeteers since 1893, has been disseminating the history and art of Sicilian Pupi for five generations. The last remaining artisans, in their theater you can observe the canvases painted by their ancestors.

      It is also possible to watch the making of the puppets in the laboratory located in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 445.

      The Sicilian Puppet Theater of the Argento Family, still today, stages the works of the paladins of France and many original shows, inspired by the tradition and stories of Sicily.

      We watched a performance this evening and it was very funny, the children jumped up and down to the drum beats.

      The patrone, whose grandfather and father ran the theater, briefly summarized the history of the theater before the performance began. He's probably 85 years old, but his voice and skill are still going strong.

      After the performance we were allowed to take a quick look behind the scenes. A truly rare experience, how great that this family business can survive 😍❤️.
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    • Day 7


      August 6, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Heute sind wir mit dem Bus in die Altstadt von Palermo gefahren und haben die Stadt erkundet. Vorallem haben wir die Märkte begutachtet und haben uns frisches Obst und Gemüse gekauft. Außerdem hat Anna heute mit einer App angefangen italienisch zu lernen. Wenn wir aus dem Urlaub zurück kommen, sollte sie also fliesend italienisch sprechen können 😉Read more

    • Day 82

      Palazzo Conte Federico

      July 23, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      This palace has been owned by the family of Count Frederic for 400 years. 16 generations have lived in it and we were given a guided tour by the son of the current count.

      It is built on and around the remains of an old Norman and Arab tower that was once part of the walls that surrounded the city.

      The family still lives there and it was fascinating to see such family history.
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    • Day 8


      November 15, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Bei einem Stadtrundgangs kamen wir am Palazzo dei Normanni vorbei. Der monumentale Palast thront auf einem Hügel über der Altstadt.

      Die Kathedrale Maria Santissima Assunta in Palermo stammt aus dem 12. Jahrhundert und wurde bis ins 18. Jahrhundert immer wieder umgestaltet. Da Ergebnis ist ein Gotteshaus, in dem sich unterschiedlichste Stilelemente vereinen. Die Seitenkapelle birgt die berühmten Königsgräber: Heinrich VI., Friedrich II., Roger II. sowie die Königinnen Konstanze von Sizilien und Konstanze von Aragon.Read more

    • Day 315

      Die Stadt Palermo

      February 9 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Um ehrlich zu sein, erst war ich nicht überzeugt. Die Stadt ist sehr dreckig und stinkt. Aaaaber desto weiter wir vorgedrungen sind, desto schöner wurde sie! Leider gibt es hier noch Pferdekutschen, das gehört endlich abgeschafft.
      Der Verkehr ist super stressig und es gibt quasi nur Einbahnstraßen, aber wenn man sich mal seinen Weg durchgekämpft hat, wird man belohnt!
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    • Day 18


      July 1, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today, we said goodbye to Catania and made our way toward Palermo to catch up with Zach and Ruby again. This meant most of the day wasn't too exciting, just involved Jack and I sleeping in, catching a train to Palermo, grabbing a big feed and jumping straight on Lime Bikes this time to meet Zach and Ruby at the beach. This was about a 30-minute ride, but it was along the water for parts and was a mostly chilled ride. The trip to the north of Palermo had already shown us enough to be sure that Palermo was a standout city in terms of cleanliness and beauty. It was much cleaner and had much more character than Catania, and when we arrived at the beach (although it was a trek), it was much nicer than the beach would have been at Catania. Palermo has huge cliffs that seem to encompass the whole city, and it made for a cool view anywhere you are but especially by the beach. We chilled by the beach here for a while, drinking beers and hanging out before we decided it was time to ride home. This time, there were 4 of us, which made it even funner, but eventually, we split up, and each of us headed home to shower and get ready for another big night of drinking.

      Zach and Ruby had an early bus to the airport for their flight and were sure they wouldn't drink much, but after racking up a bill of 180 euro between the 4 of us, it is safe to say we were quite smashed. Lots of different spirtz, some lemoncello shots, jeiger shots, and the rest. By the time we paid the bill, we were dancing in the middle of the restaurant and causing a scene, but we couldn't care less. The chaos continued when we got back to the hostel, as for the first time ever, people littered the halls and rooms. We were loud and considerably drunk, so we were sure to have some drunken chats with everyone, not that we can really remember. The waiter, of all people, had given us some weed to thank us for being so friendly to him, and we planned to make the most of that. It wasn't much, but we were drunk, and so that was probably a blessing. I don't even remember what time it is when they left, but surely enough, we fell asleep almost instantly. We later learnt that Ruby and Zach missed their bus and had to taxi the 40-minute drive to the airport, costing them a pretty penny. Once again, it was good to see them before they went to the final leg of their journey in Greece. The first part of my trip has involved more Australian mates than expected, but also I've also made fewer international mates made along the way. I'm sure that will come eventually, however. We head to Croatia next now in a change of plans to ensure I can do that with Tait before he runs out of money. Given the party atmosphere, I hope I can meet people and do other parts of Europe with them.
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    • Day 45

      Palermo - Capello Palatina

      April 30, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Mit dem Zug nach Palermo, die Tickets gibt es in der Bar am Bahnhof, 5,60€ pro Person hin und zurück.
      Es ist Samstag und nicht viel los in der Bahn. Die Bahn ist pünktlich und nach 33 min sind wir an der Station Palazzo Reale Orleans.

      Direkt in der Nähe ist die Chiesa di S. Giovanni degli Eremiti:
      „Entweihte mittelalterliche Kirche mit roten Kuppeln, Innenhof und arabisch-normannischer Architektur“
      Das besondere sind die Roten Kuppeln.

      Weiter geht es zum Palazzo Normannisch (15€ Eintritt):
      „Der Palazzo dei Normanni („Normannenpalast“), auch Palazzo Reale („königlicher Palast“) genannt, ist ein Schloss in Palermo. Der Palast steht an der höchsten Stelle des mittelalterlichen Stadtgebiets.“

      Die königlichen Räume sind wegen einer Veranstaltung leider gesperrt.
      „Entlang der Nordseite des Hofs im ersten Stock erstreckt sich die Cappella Palatina, die von Roger II. im arabisch-byzantinisch-normannischen Stil errichtete Hofkapelle, deren Wände über und über mit Goldgrundmosaiken bedeckt sind.“
      Und die Cappella ist wirklich beeindruckend und lohnt sich.
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    • Day 27


      May 10, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Palermo is on the island of Sicily (Italy) and we did a tour of the Mysterys of Palermo. This included a trip to the Catacombs of the Capuchin monks. Here there were well preserved bodies of people from the late 1500's through to the 1800's? (not sure of date). There was even the preserved body of a 2 year old child who died of influenza in 1920 - the family got permission to open the catacombs for her. Quite interesting, people were very small back then. Could not take any photos, but then, it is bit macabre!

      We then had a walking tour through 2 oratories in the city. I am not really sure of the purpose of an oratory- they are sort of like a church or cathedral but it is a place where they meet to recite the rosary. My apologies to my Catholic friends as I probably have this entirely wrong but when the guide explained the paintings and the sculptures which outlined each of the 'mysteries' of the Christian faith (eg, the nativity, crucifixion, Pentecost etc - there were 15 sections) it made sense. The detail was incredible.

      Apart from that, Palermo is a large city. The traffic is chaotic, everyone seems to drive and park all over the place. Not a pretty city but an interesting day nevertheless.
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    • Day 15


      July 12, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      We went for an exploration of everything Vince recommended:
      Norman, Byzantine and Arabian architecture
      Street market
      Church with the Holy Cannoli
      Catacombs (would not recommend)

    • Day 22

      Tag 21 | Roma (Festival)

      July 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Auch Festivals in Rom sind anders. Beispielsweise das hier besuchte Festival im Parco Schuster findet im Sommer aktuell jede Woche statt mit diversen Musikangeboten und der Eintritt ist kostenfrei.

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