Romantic Rhone and Seine

maio - junho 2019
Fly into Barcelona. Three days in Barcelona then a coach to Arles, Southern France. Seven day cruise on the Rhone to Lyon. Fast train from Lyon to Paris. Time in Paris. Seven day cruise on the Seine to Northern France. Fly out of Paris. Leia mais
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  • Tour map

    16 de maio de 2019, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Here's the map of the tour - we keep looking at it and try to imagine the places we'll visit. If you want to see more, here's the link to APT -… .Leia mais

  • Dia 1

    The only way to fly!!!

    19 de maio de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Picture is Janette curled up 'in bed' with a good book.
    We're still four or five hours from Barcelona. We've been on this leg for about eight and a half hours, leaving Singapore about midnight Singapore time. We arrived a bit late into Singapore due to being put in a holding pattern because of the amount of air traffic. We had to change terminals and gate to gate we estimate was three kms. We got there in one of those airport buggies about ten minutes before takeoff.
    On the first leg, Janette had a window seat and I had the aisle - seats were two together down the sides and two together down the middle. We settled in and checked out all the gadgets etc. a hostess asked if we would like a drink (does a bear play in the woods?) and we asked for a Sav Blanc. We ordered dinner - beef for me, snapper for Janette. First “sorry we're out of Sav Blanc, will chardy be OK? “ Next “sorry we've run out of snapper but we've got chicken”. Both were fine.
    In the meantime we kept checking out the gadgets, especially the seat which turned into a bed at the push of a button - slowly. In fact there was a row of buttons that made the seat do all sorts of things - I was like a kid in a toy shop. Janette's chair wouldn't budge though. Cabin crew came and switched things on and off and unplugged and replugged - but it didn't want to work. It was decided we would move to two empty seats in the middle after dinner which allowed Janette the window seat for the remaining daylight.
    I pointed out that hopefully they're the three things that will go wrong.
    Some time after we'd moved and had retired to bed, a steward knelt next to me and gave me what are effectively two cheques for $100 each for being inconvenienced. He said we can spend them in duty free any time in the next twelve months. I, of course, protested, not very strongly, that it wasn't necessary, that we hadn't really been too inconvenienced... but I wasn't letting go of those cheques.
    The rest of the journey, we've been chasing the night. We'll land in Barcelona at dawn. I'll post again later.
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  • Dia 2

    Day 1 Barcelona

    20 de maio de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Landed at dawn, went straight through customs, were met by Chris from APT and were at the El Palace Hotel before 9am. As our rooms wouldn't be ready till 2pm we needed to kill some time. As if we hadn't eaten enough on the flights over, we went to a nearby cafe to have another breakfast and decide where to go.
    Many of the most popular tourist attractions in Barcelona are the work of architect Antoni Gaudi. The number two attraction is Park Guell and we decided that we'd go there. We're going to the number one tomorrow. So we got a taxi and spent the rest of the morning with hundreds of other tourists exploring the park.
    There is no way I can start to describe the experience. Take a few minutes to check out the link below and you'll see why.

    We thought about a taxi back but there was a shuttle bus at the park exit. We were informed that it would take us to an underground railway station and that our tickets into the park allowed us a free trip on the bus. It was also explained that there is a station a few blocks from our hotel. As they say, the rest is history.
    Our room was ready on time and up we went. The rest of the afternoon was relaxing and unpacking. There are drinks downstairs at 6.30 to meet other people in the tour group and to get a briefing on tomorrow's program. After that we'll have something to eat and an early night.
    We walked around to a recommended tapas bar and enjoyed sharing a couple of dishes - one prawn and one pork.
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  • Dia 3

    Gaudi, architecture and gothic quarter

    21 de maio de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Breakfast at 7 then assemble at 8 for our tour to finish at 2. It was a real architectural morning. First was access to an Antoni Gaudi creation before it opened to the general public. This is another occasion where I don't know that I can describe what we saw. When you first see pictures of his creations you might think they are weird. But when you visit them it may well confirm that point of view, or you could be awed. We are awed.
    The first visit was to Casa Batllo, a house in the middle of Barcelona designed by Gaudi (first two pictures). It is amazing. It was completed in 1906. There is a big lightwell in the centre of the house down through the seven storeys - a feature that would be more than acceptable today. Again, I think the best thing would be to google casa batllo.
    Next was the oldest part of town - the gothic quarter. This was on the edge of the city when there was a Roman wall around the city. Most of the wall has long gone, but a little still remains. Where it can be seen there is often a building built in front of the wall and backing right up to it. Therefore it's thought that much of the wall is probably still there as part of existing buildings. There are excavations showing Roman burial sites and there will be many more beneath buildings.
    The attraction of the gothic quarter is really the maze of narrow streets with assortments of little shops.
    The last visit was to the Basilica Familia. So that I can add more photos, I'll put that on a separate post.
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  • Dia 3

    Basilica Familia

    21 de maio de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C…

    I must admit that I was very sceptical about this 'church'. I'd heard so much about its construction and had seen pictures. Its appearance confused me. Having now seen it close up I have to say that it's amazing. The outside is one thing, but the inside is colossal. The columns inside support the roof and towers so the walls aren't load bearing - this meant a lot more leeway on window design as there is little stress on them. My photos might show how big is it but I think it's worth clicking on the link above or googling basilica familia.
    This entire project is funded by donations only. All donors are strictly anonymous except for Gaudi and one other early supporter. Anonymity ensures that no person or company can use their donation for marketing purposes. Gaudi was well off but wasn't interested in money or even eating. He was hit by a tram. He wasn't recognised - he just looked like a tramp. He died in a charity hospital. He had no family - all his money went towards the building. Our guide pointed out that everyone who buys a ticket is also a donor. They want to complete building by 2026, the one hundredth anniversary of his death.
    We got back to the hotel about two and went to a nearby bakery and bought a couple of rolls for lunch. The afternoon was spent walking back to the gothic quarter and having another wander round.
    On the walk back, we went into a square knicknamed Trafalgar Square because of the number of pigeons there.
    Tonight we were taken to a little farm that is now a restaurant and had a few wines and far too much to eat. They just kept bringing out plates of food for the ten at each table to share. I think there are 38 of us doing this Barcelona part of the tour.
    This type of eating is called tapas.

    Tomorrow - Montserrat (serrated mountain).
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  • Dia 4


    22 de maio de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Late start today - just as well as we slept till nearly seven. We had to meet at ten to catch our coach so we had a late, slow breakfast outside in a little courtyard next to the dining room. Montserrat is about an hour from the hotel. We took the 11.15 train up to the monastery. A guided tour, then free time before meeting for lunch at 1.15.
    The monastery was packed with people waiting to hear the choir which sings at 1pm each day. There was also a HUGE queue of people waiting to enter and touch the statue of the black madonna. Picture three shows the location high up in the far wall. Our guide told us that the black madonna dates back to the twelfth century and is black because of centuries of candle smoke.
    The monastery still operates(?) as a monastery and the monks run a school. Really, what I saw is a massive commercial enterprise with cafes and gift shops. In the window of one of the shops was a model of the black madonna (photo 5).
    Lunch was in a restaurant on Monserrat. It was a set three course menu, a salad entree and a duck main followed by cheese - far too much really.
    Because of the big lunch, we just wandered down the street later for a snack and then back to the hotel and pack our cases. Tomorrow we head off by coach at 8.30 for Arles, France.
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  • Dia 5

    Off to France - Ooh La La

    23 de maio de 2019, França ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Left Barcelona by coach at 8.30am. and headed East along the Mediterranean coast towards France. E T A at Arles is about 4pm. We had a comfort / coffee stop about 10 and reached Perpignan for lunch.
    Perpignan is a lovely old town with lots of narrow roads lined with little shops and cafes. Janette had a salad and I had a roll. After a stroll around town it was back on board. Another comfort stop at 3pm and dockside about 4.30pm.
    Arles looks like a picture book place, but we'll have a good look at it tomorrow.
    Boarded, got our room and unpacked just in time to head down to the meet the captain and crew and the briefing for tomorrow.
    Having done a cruise before, we knew to book into the small restaurant at the back of the ship for a degastation dinner - see photos.
    Tomorrow we get a good look at Arles.
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  • Dia 6


    24 de maio de 2019, França ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Visited the town of Salon and went to Marius Fabre, famous soap manufacturer still making soap the traditional way. They make 'pure' soap a la Sunlight and Velvet. They are famous for the purity of their soaps and also their green olive oil soap.
    Had a guided tour of Salon through its narrow winding streets and up to its castle. This is where Nostradamus lived so there is a statue, plaques and a re-creation of what they think his herb garden would have looked like. He was an apothecary so would have used many herbs.
    Had some free time to wander so Janette and I had our usual coffee. The lady was very patient with me while I ordered in French. When Janette went to pay the lady said “thank you very much”.
    Back to the ship by 1pm in nice time for lunch - a seafood buffet - see photo.
    3pm and a guided tour of Arles which just oozes history and Roman ruins. We entered through an old stone gate and wound our way through even more narrow winding streets. There is an amphitheatre, a theatre, baths and many, many beautiful homes which all retain their old character.
    Arles is where Vincent Van Gogh lived and worked for the last prolific year of his life. Many of his paintings depict houses in Arles.
    7pm - dinner - yet more food!
    9pm - up to the lounge to be entertained by the Gypsy Kings - amazing flamenco music.

    Tomorrow we se sail for Avignon at 4am.
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  • Dia 7

    Sur la pont d'Avignon

    25 de maio de 2019, França ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We docked in Avignon at 8am and went on a guided tour at 9 for about 1.5 hours. What a lovely place! It is a walled city which had 4 gates and now there are 8. One of the extra 4 is near the area where the ships dock. That means it's not as far for us tourists to walk into town.
    As can be seen by our photos, the weather so far has been great. We expected cool and wet - it's been warm and dry so far.
    Avignon, like Salon and Arles has a maze of narrow streets full of shops and cafes. It is also referred to as the 'City of Popes' as from from 1309 several Popes lived here instead of Rome. Pope Clement V was the first and he built the Palace of the Popes. The tour guide took us through the Popes Palace and then we had free time to wander around.
    First stop was a sidewalk cafe where we had coffee. Then a walk around the streets and check out the shops. Being Saturday, there are lots of market stalls as well. Janette managed to find a lovely little jewellery shop with jewellery home made by the owner - surprise surprise.
    In the main square there was nice music coming from the organ grinder. When I was a boy, the organ grinder always had a dancing monkey - this guy had a sleepy dog and an even sleepier cat.
    We have an APT signature experience tonight - we leave for the Pont du Gard at 5pm - more to follow....
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  • Dia 7

    Now, that's a bridge!

    25 de maio de 2019, França ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Off again at 5pm for the Pont du Gard - a massive Roman aquaduct. This really needs to be 'googled' to get a good explanation of what the Romans achieved. From the right hand side of my photo, from a spring there, water was channelled 50kms using only gravity. The aquaduct, from end to end, has a fall of only 2.5 cm.
    This venue was opened after hours exclusively for us, so no crowds. This outing involved climbing 90 steps and rough tracks to access the very top so that we could go into the channel at the top.
    It was quite a climb as a lot of the steps are very irregular - but we made it up with a bit of puffing and panting. We were taken up in groups of 20/25 by guides who explained its construction etc.
    On returning to the ground, we had champagne and canapés. As the light faded the aquaduct was illuminated - WOW!
    Then it was back to the ship in our coaches. Our guide led the bus in a couple of verses of Sur la pont d'Avignon. Someone asked her to sing and suggested an Edith Piaf song - she obliged - absolutely spine tingling!
    Back on board about 10, and we set sail again. A few hundred metres upstream we went slowly past the four remaining arches of Pont d'Avignon.
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