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    • Day 4

      Friday in Tokyo

      March 31, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Up at a late 4:30 a.m. Everyone showered and clean and out by 7:30 to attempt the boats again. Many things we want to see don’t open until 11 so it’s a good activity for the morning. Kyrie and I took the boat out and Greg was kind enough to take pics from the land. Contrary to Kyrie’s opinion, I didn’t come close to hitting anything and we made it back with one minute to spare.

      Afterwards we ventured out to Alice on Wednesday and Kiddy Land to store. Everyone is dragging a little bit so we didn’t stay long. The crowds are overwhelming. But Kyrie found the Magolor Kirby plush she was on the hunt for.

      Kyrie and Greg hit the grocery for supplies. We relaxed for the latter half of the afternoon in perpetration for visiting the illuminations at Shinjuku Park. Unfortunately Kyrie stumbled on the subway steps and twisted her ankle. All of us went back to the hotel. After discussing it, Kyrie insisted we go ahead without her. We did…but the line into the park ran the entire perimeter of the park and by 8:40 we gave up and headed back. It was the longest line I’d ever seen. We will try for the illuminations another day. Personally I’m proud I stayed awake this long.
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    • Day 13

      Chidorigafuchi Lantern Festival

      July 27, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Heute nahmen wir am Chidorigafuchi Lantern Festival teil. Wir konnten sogar noch selbst welche kaufen - haben die Anzahl wohl grosszügig bemessen. Ich dachte schon, dass um 16.00 Uhr schon so ein Ansturm war, dass wir keine mehr bekämen. Waren nämlich erst kurz nach 18.00 Uhr dort. Ort ist der Burggraben des Kaiserpalasts. Und es ist eine Art Friedens- und Wünschefest, denn auf die Laternen kann man Segenswünsche jeglicher Art schreiben. Um die 2000 sollen es jeweils sein, die auf die Reise geschickt werden.Read more

    • Day 118

      Tokyo - Sakura Festival, Ginza & Parks

      April 1, 2018 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      At 6am this morning we have arrived in Tokyo :)

      We only have two and a half days here so we started exploring the city directly. You can find here some pictures from the Sakura Festival at the Imperial Palace and the crowded Ueno Park. It seems that all Japanese people living here having a picnic in this park. It was really funny to see.

      At the evening we had then a private tour through Tokyo Ginza with my former colleague Ayumi. She showed us around and sponsored us a coffee. Thanks for that Ayumi :)

      On our way back to the hostel we saw real life Mario Kart. So funny.

      Gegen 6 Uhr heute Morgen sind wir dann in Tokyo angekommen :)

      Da wir nur insgesamt 2,5 Tage hier in Tokyo haben, haben wir sofort das Touri-Programm gestartet. Als erstes ging es zum Park des Kaiserpalastes und dem dort stattfindenden Sakura-Festival (Kirschblüten Fest). Danach ging es weiter in den Ueno Park - Der Park war voll von Japanern beim Picknick.

      Am Abend haben wir dann noch eine private Führung durch das Shoppingviertel Ginza von meiner früheren Kollegin Ayumi bekommen. Vielen Dank dafür :)

      Auf dem Rückweg zum Hostel haben wir dann noch Mario Kart Fahrer auf den Straßen entdeckt. So lustig!
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    • Day 94

      In search of cherry blossoms

      March 31 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We walked around the famous night district called Kabukicho last night and had fun people watching and checking out all the lights. Today we took the train to Kita-no-maru Park in search of cherry blossoms, this is one of the recommended picturesque places to see blossoms, but unfortunately, they still aren't out, I would say less than 5% are out. It was still a great day walking around. It was also great to see so many families out having picnics in the parks on such a beautiful day. We are on a tour tomorrow and move hotels on Tuesday, so hopefully, on our last full day on Wednesday, we will be treated with more blossoms.Read more

    • Day 26

      Chidorigafuchi moat

      April 3 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We woke up and headed towards Tokyo’s most sought after Sakura spot - Chidorigafuchi, a moat of water around Tokyo’s Imperial palace and gardens. It features cherry trees on both sides of the water and allows people to rent and go around boating while enjoying magnificent Sakura views. When we reached, there was already a queue and it was raining very mildly. We joined the queue and were informed that the boating will be cancelled if it rains heavily. It was a tough call but we tried our luck, waited for around 45 minutes and managed to get a row boat just in time. It was the best Sakura experience by a margin. The trees on either side looked beautiful. The boating was fun. It did start raining more heavily after a point but we had an umbrella and had covered most of the moat by then. We headed back, dropped off the boat and looked for a place to grab some brunch. We found a pan-Asian place, which had a predominantly Indian menu. The walk to the place, which was in the Chiyoda district, was really nice with many streets lined with fully blossomed cherry trees. For the first time in our trip, it really felt like the city had changed colours. After being underwhelmed by Indian food in Japan multiple times, this place turned out to be pretty good. While the rainy weather was a bit of a disappointment, the food lifted our spirits and we decided to head to a museum for the afternoon.Read more

    • Day 28

      Sakura, sushi and shopping

      April 5 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      On the final day of our trip, we decided to go to our favourite Sakura spots one last time. We started with Ueno park, which we had not properly visited during daytime since the full bloom. The trees here had blossomed fully and we enjoyed a nice walk through the park and the pond. We realised once again that pictures don’t do justice to the beauty of Sakura. We headed next to Chidorigafuchi, easily our favourite spot. We met Shashank and Sadhvi there who were queuing up for boating. It was very chilly and all of us were not adequately dressed for the surprisingly colder weather. We queued with them for more than an hour and when it was finally our turn, we got an earlier slot than them. We switched slots (because they had been queuing before us), waited in a nearby cafe with some hot drinks and cake, and then went for the boating. Divya took the oars this time and struggled a bit to find her rowing rhythm. We enjoyed the moat and the Sakura views and then headed to Kinshicho Marui (recommended by our hotel reception) to buy some flavoured KitKats, Japanese sweets and Matcha to bring back to London. Before all the shopping, we also got some nice sushi lunch. We enjoyed this sushi way more than the sushi dinner we had had earlier in the trip. However, Divya also got an egg custard which turned out to have bits of prawns and triggered her allergy. Thankfully, she had not fully consumed any prawns and the allergy subsided relatively easily. We headed to our hotel for some rest and layering up properly before heading out for the evening.Read more

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