Kōriyama Shi

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    • Gün 106

      Week-end trip - Surprise matsuri

      27 Ağustos 2022, Japonya ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Une fois la visite du village de renards terminée, nous avons pris la route pour notre logement du soir, situé dans la prefecture de Fukushima.

      Mais en traversant une ville sur notre route (Dake Onsen, à Fukushima), nous avons soudain entendu des sons. D'abord indistincts, puis de plus en plus nets.
      Il s'agissait d'un festival, ayant lieu pile à cet endroit, à cet instant. Magique.
      Nous étions déjà en retard pour l'heure de check-in de notre hôtel, mais tout le monde a voulu descendre de voiture pour s'imprégner quelques minutes de cette ambiance festive 😁

      J'adore ces petits moments, totalement imprévus mais tellement marquants lorsqu'on a la chance de les vivre.

      Allez, on se retrouve très pour la suite 🤗

      Once we finished visiting the fox village, we headed to our evening accommodation, located in Fukushima prefecture.

      But while crossing a town on our way (Dake Onsen, Fukushima prefecture), we suddenly heard sounds nearby. Very unclear at first, then clearer and clearer.
      It was a festival, taking place right there, at that very moment. Truly magical.
      We were already late for our hotel check-in time, but everyone wanted to get out of the car to soak up a few minutes of this festive atmosphere 😁

      I love these little moments, totally unexpected but so impactful when you are lucky enough to experience them.

      See you soon for the next article 🤗



      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 22

      Dagje niets

      12 Ağustos 2023, Japonya ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      De wekker ging wat later vandaag, nog wel 8:15 zodat we gebruik konden maken van het ontbijt in het hotel.

      We zijn daarna eerst eens gaan winkelen in de Don Quijote, een soort van winkel van Sinkel warenhuis wat je overal in Japan tegenkomt. Van dure horloges tot tandenborstels, ze hebben alles.

      Daarna een meer opgezocht om nog even te zwemmen en te spelen in het water.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9


      22 Ağustos 2022, Japonya ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Südlich der Vulkangruppe Bandai befindet sich der Inawashiro-See. Es ist der viertgrösste Binnensee Japans. Der spontane Stopp am Wasser und unser kurzer Schwumm sind uns in schöner Erinnerung geblieben. Zum Glück kann man im Konbini-Laden Badetücher kaufen! 💦Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Kannonji River Hanami Matsuri pt 2

      18 Nisan 2023, Japonya ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      We were greeted by some clouds and sunshine this morning. The snow capped Bandai mountain showed its peak. And the cherry blossoms were even more vibrant under the sun's rays.

      We enjoyed a leisurely stroll next to the calm waters of the Kannonji river. There were plenty of Japanese visitors, although we did see a some Vietnamese vloggers, a small group for Filipinos, and a Caucasian family.

      It was unnerving to witness how some elderly people attempt head down the river bank to take photos from that point of view despite their mobility. We had to help one who got stuck and appeared to topple over had she been left on her own. She expressed her delight and gratitude however we could not understand what she was saying, but we reassured her with plenty of daijobu's (no worries at all).

      Just next to the cherry blossoms display next to river are some yatai (food stalls). Naturally, it piqued our interest.

      For brunch we enjoyed some okonomiyaki (pancakes with vegetables and meat), and some oven baked sweet potato. We also enjoyed some warm sweet sake (non-alcoholic) to down what we've consumed. They were all very tasty.

      We walked further down the river until the end where it almost met up with Kawageta train station. There was a small convenience store that we browsed through but they didn't have ready packed meals.

      We went back to the hotel and had a lovely afternoon nap. When we woke up it was raining. For dinner, I quickly went back to the yatai (food stalls) but to our dismay they were already closed. Prior to heading back to the hotel, I took some quick snaps of the night illumination of the Kannonji river cherry trees. It was mesmerising to see the flower petals absorb whatever light colour is thrown at them.

      On the way back to the hotel, I bought some more bread for breakfast from the super friendly local who also served us earlier today. I got some melonpan, croissants, danish pastry.

      Fortunately the hotel's souvenir shop still had some ready made meals that sufficed for our needs to tide us through the night.

      My sister and I also managed to finish some laundry in the coin operated machines then had another visit to the onsen before dinner.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Kannonji River Hanami Matsuri pt 3

      19 Nisan 2023, Japonya ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We woke up today to clear skies. Mount Bandai remains snow sprinkled in the distance. After we had some light breakfast of coffee and melonpan bread we got from the food truck near the cherry tree festival site, we prepared to make our way to a local restaurant. Google translated the name of the establishment to "Hot Kitchen."

      It was our first time to experience dining in zashiki (tatami seating) as their tables were full. It was operated by a local family, and immediately we felt their warmth and delight to host some foreigners for lunch.

      We ordered some omu rice. It came with some miso soup with barley as well as some salad. Everything was well balanced and seasoned and truly delicious. They have been so kind to serve a complimentary dessert composed of milk curd and a sliver of dates and together they were really tasty.

      After we've put our shoes back on, we've expressed our gratitude for the meal on our way out.

      We marvelled at the streets of Kawageta as we walked back to the sakura site. It was quiet and we could not hear any babies crying, nor any children.

      This time we brought a picnic blanket and tried to do what locals do which is to sit under the sakuras and relax. Of course as tourists we had another photoshoot to commemorate this fleeting moment. We saw a couple dressed in their wedding attire who came with a photoshoot team. They looked so in love and happy. There was a moment when they were surrounded by the falling Sakura petals as a gentle breeze passed by.

      Mom and dad headed back to the hotel first while my sister and I spent more time by the petal strewn river. We saw some Filipinos amongst the gentle stream of crowds. There was a lady doing some upbeat dancing in front of her camera for her Tiktok audience.

      For dinner, we were hoping to buy some yakisoba and pair it with some barbequed meat and the creamy and moist sweet potato that we have yearned for, however some of the food stalls were closed. So we ended up buying some savoury Chinese pancakes (called Xi'an Bing) that was filled with ground meat and some vegetables) We also got some karage fried chicken with yuzu sauce.

      On our way back to the hotel my sister and I wanted to stop by a bench next to some sakura trees. A lady was just finishing her book read when we got there. We had another photoshoot there.

      Back at the hotel, we marvelled at the sunset over Inawashiro lake and then headed back out with mom and dad for some night photography of the Kannonji river Sakuras. The flowers soak up the changing light colours and there was an enchanting music in the background to compliment the magical experience. There was a bit of a crowd. I only saw two caucasians there and mostly Japanese visitors.

      My sister and I then went to the onsen and to our dismay there were obnoxious, disrespectful and inconsiderate Vietnamese bathers, loud and trying to splash water in the pools.

      After that annoying experience, we enjoyed our meal from the food stalls back in our room and not long after we've turned in for the night.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Sakuras and Neapolitan

      16 Nisan 2023, Japonya ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      It was dark when we arrived last night at Hotel Listel Inawashiro and we could barely make out the silhouette of the area.

      We were greeted this morning by the view of the lake and the mountains! They weren't kidding when they stated the rooms featured lakeview.

      This morning we were able to appreciate more the design of this hotel built in 1993. It had dated decor and carpet, however we are impressed that there are no musty smell in the corridors and in the rooms.

      We availed the buffet breakfast to make up for the dinner we had last night. They had an extensive selection of food. There were some Japanese cuisine dishes and some Western options too. We were very satisfied and ready to take on the cool climate outside.

      It was very surreal for my sister and I as we experienced Hanami for the very fist time. The cherry blossoms were flying around like were in the anime scenes we've grown up watching. We were so pleased having selected this place as there were no obnoxious foreigners, mostly there were only locals enjoying the cherry blossoms viewing in their quiet, yet happy and relaxed manner. There were no tourist buses as well. We basically felt like we were locals too and it was not over crowded unlike our experience in Kyoto in which there were more humans than the scenery itself. There was an abundance of selfies and photo taking to commemorate this special experience.

      It is said there are about 200 Yoshino and Weeping Cherry trees growing along the Kannonji riverbanks. The river has also been left untouched and not been adapted to suit the needs of the town and its natural curves have been respected.

      After enjoying the views in the riverbanks, mom and dad decided to rest back in their room, whereas my sister and I took the free shuttle service to Inawashiro to checkout some local cafe as well as obtain some groceries and replenish our pocket money.

      We braved our reluctance to try a local cafe that did not have any English sign outside their establishment, but boy oh boy it was such a wonderful, rewarding experience.

      It was a quaint cafe restaurant being run by what seemed to be the grandma in Japanese shows full of warmth and strength. She readily obliged getting us a menu in English and my sister and I were touched by the effort in her menu. It was a rough translation in English. And so we did our best as well to communicate with her in Japanese. Thank goodness for Google and for our love for Japanese shows.

      The Neapolitan Pasta was steaming as it arrived. It was the perfect balance of umami, piquancy and sweetness. My sister and I remembered our grandmas who always poured their hearts to their tasty meals. My sister had some delicious blended coffee and the after we finished, our tummies and souls were refreshed. By the time we left we have made her smile a few times, complimenting her meals and asking her about her business hours in rough Nihonggo, it appeared like she appreciated our efforts.

      We continued on to 7-11 after stopping by a local playground that was empty but was full of Sakuras. We couldn't really pose due to the on and off rain and the unrelenting gusts.

      As we checked out in the convenience store, we once more amused some local as we struggled with paying at the electronic cash register, luckily the lady was very patient with us and was also laughing and bowing with us. There was plenty of sumimasens indeed.

      Our shuttle service lady was ahead of time once more and we were greeted by the sunset over Lake Inawashiro when we delivered mom and dad's afternoon tea in their room.

      I finally managed to try a public onsen (public bath) before dinner. I made sure to review the proper etiquette from a YouTube video prior to my visit. It was a truly relaxing experience and I wondered what my hesitation was all about.

      We decided to sleep early tonight in preparation for a visit to some more blossoms tomorrow.
      Okumaya devam et

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    Kōriyama Shi, Koriyama Shi, こおりやまし

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