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    • Dag 220

      Shōwa-kan Museum, Takayama, Japan

      13. mai, Japan ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      An unusual retro musuem showing life in Japan from 50s onwards, some of the exhibits seemed more like 'hoarded junk' (as luke put it), but there were some gems to be found - the retro games section was cool, and set out like a Japanese kids room too which really set the mood!

      As it was rainy when we arrived in Takayama this was a fun activity to do while we waited to check into the hostel.
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    • Dag 5

      An Autumn Day in Takayama

      2. november 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      This morning we walked to the markets which are held along the riverside. Then we returned to the hotel to get the bicycles which we had organised to borrow. (For some reason we were told 'secret' - perhaps not enough bikes for everyone). We rode about 4km to Hida Folk Village which has more than thirty preserved buildings from around the region including thatched and shingled roof houses, a water mill and shrines surrounding a lovely pond. There was plenty of colourful autumn foliage. After a lunch stop at 7/11 we explored more of Takayama by bike stopping at other places of interest including various temples, shrines and ancient grave sites. We returned the bikes and rested for a while before heading out for a walk. We ended up at the same Nepalese restaurant for dinner as last night.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Onward to Takayama

      1. november 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We joined the morning rush hour, with our luggage, and squeezed on to the trains from Ryogoku station to Tokyo station to catch the Shinkansen (bullet train) to Toyama. We had reserved seats so we lined up, waited for the cleaning crew to finish and pay their respects to the waiting passengers, and then boarded. The trip took about 2 hours. We had lunch at Toyama but decided not to venture too far from the station so we wouldn't miss the Hida express train to Takayama. With larger windows and a window seat we enjoyed the picturesque journey which followed the river valley and passed some small towns, rice paddies, dams, and orchards. We arrived at about 3pm and walked to our hotel to check in. After making some bus and train reservations we wandered around Takayama which has some lovely old streets, buildings and interesting shops. We had a delicious dinner at a Nepalese restaurant we had discovered earlier.Les mer

    • Dag 7


      26. oktober 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Im reizvollen Städtchen Takayama hat sich viel vom architektonischen Charme der Vergangenheit erhalten. Wir besuchen die alte Provinzverwaltung, die interessante Einblicke in die Alltagskultur und Gesellschaft unter dem Tokugawa-Shogunat bietet. Wir bummeln auch durch die Altstadt mit Sake Brauereinen, Miso Geschäften und malerischen Straßenzügen.Les mer

    • Dag 9

      Takayama Jinya

      25. september 2023, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Bei der Besichtigung dieser alten Holzhäuser, welche in der Edo-Epoche Residenz und Verwaltungsgebäude des Statthalters von Takayama waren, gefiel uns vor allem der sehr schöne japanische Garten. Dass Holzhäuser aus dem 17. Jahrhundert die Zeiten so gut überstanden haben, erstaunte uns zwar aber beeindruckend ist die Anlage für weitgereiste Europäer wie uns eher nicht.Les mer

    • Dag 8

      Erste Runde durch die Altstadt

      24. september 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Die Zeit bis zum Abendessen, für das wir in einem sehr gut bewerteten Steakhaus reserviert hatten, vertrieben wir uns mit einem Spaziergang bei wunderschönem Abendlicht durch die sehr sehenswerte, stimmungsvolle Altstadt.Les mer

    • Dag 19

      Im Dorf vergangener Zeit

      9. august 2023, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Wir sind heute mit dem Besuch im Hida Folk Village in den Tag gestartet. Ein Museumsdorf, in das viele Häuser aus der Hida-Gegend umgesetzt wurden, um sie vor dem Abriss zu retten.
      Viele verschiedene Baustile konnten wir uns von innen und außen anschauen. Erklärt wurde auch, warum z.B. sich die Dächer unterscheiden (durch Schneelast bedroht oder eher südlich gelegen) oder wie der innere Aufbau zu begründen ist (Bauer, Schindelmacher, Pfarrer, Dorfvorsteher). Einige Dächer waren aus Stroh, andere aus Holzschindeln. In manchen Häusern gab es bis zu drei Herdstellen, weil sich hier das Dorf versammelte.
      Wer in Takayama ist, sollte hier definitiv 3h bis 4h einplanen.
      Zufällig wurde dort vom Kalligraphie-Club der Hida-Highschool eine Performance aufgeführt, während wir im Dorf unterwegs waren.

      Mit dem Bus und dem Shinkansen ging es gegen Mittag nach Kanazawa. Im berühmten Shirakawa-go haben wir mit dem Bus sogar kurz Fahrgäste eingeladen.
      Das haben wir also auch gesehen 😜
      Da Roberts JR-Pass plötzlich nicht mehr ging, konnten wir mit fast fließendem Japanisch erklärt, was das Problem ist:
      "Ticket Daijoubu nai" - "Ticket ist nicht gut"

      Endlich im Hotel angekommen sind wir auf meinen Wunsch nochmal Okonomiyaki essen gegangen.
      Auf dem Rückweg zum Hotel sind wir an einem schönen Schrein vorbeigekommen.
      Dank der Dunkelheit, konnte ich auch mal die schönen, beleuchteten Laternen bewundern. Ich liebe Japan für seinen Stil!
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    • Dag 9

      Takayama: panorami e pisolini

      26. juli 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Partiamo per Takayama dopo aver chiesto l'aiuto da casa. Indecisi su quale bus prendere, tra le difficoltà nel comunicare ma soprattutto per colpa mia che mi lascio affascinare dall'opzione più complicata che prevede due treni e un bus (anziché un solo bus diretto!) ci confrontiamo con Patrizia & Patrizia, che dall'Italia nonostante lì sia mezzanotte, ci chiamano immediatamente per valutare insieme le opzioni.
      Torniamo quindi in biglietteria e riusciamo a farci cambiare i biglietti comprati due minuti prima: aggiungiamo alla lista dei motivi per tornare in Giappone il Tour delle Alpi, e optiamo per il bus diretto.
      La scelta si rivela comunque vincente, mostrandoci panorami meravigliosi dai colori brillanti, complice un bellissimo sole.
      Approfittiamo di queste due ore di viaggio e della guida dolce dell'autista per appisolarci di tanto in tanto.
      Arrivati a Takayama e posati gli zaini nel ryokan, ci dirigiamo subito verso Takayama Jinya, l'antico avamposto governativo collocato a Takayama per porre la provincia di Hida sotto il diretto controllo dello shogunato. Il Takayama Jinya era l'ufficio del governo locale guidato dai funzionari inviati da Edo (l'odierna Tokyo). L'edificio, utilizzato fino al 1969, è ora un museo dove poter vedere diverse stanze in tatami che un tempo fungevano da uffici, sale conferenze, camere per gli ospiti e spazi residenziali. Visitiamo anche la stanza degli interrogatori e il più grande magazzino tradizionale di riso del Giappone.
      Terminiamo la mattinata con la visita del centro storico e Sannomachi: durante il periodo Edo, Takayama era piena di artigiani, commercianti e agricoltori e Sannomachi è una strada colma di vecchie case e negozietti che testimoniano la storia di quegli anni.
      Alle 15.00, sazi delle cose mangiate nei diversi negozietti, decidiamo di andare al ryokan e riposare. Crolliamo per un paio d'ore rigeneranti!
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    • Dag 11

      Hida Folk Village

      11. september 2019, Japan ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Hida Folk Village is a skanzen type place 40 minute walk away from Takayama. It is a place to preserve traditional houses, lifestyles and professions. The buildings have been moved from different parts of the Hida region.
      We spent a few hours wandering around learning about Japanese traditional architecture, silk making, wedding traditions and lifestyles.
      No suprise anymore that even in this place you can find a few vending machines (they are literally everywhere) so Tom tried macha (green tea) ice-cream.
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    • Dag 6


      14. mars 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Sophisticated typical Japanese toilets, butt warmers. 3 hr train to Takayama from Kanazawa. Had amazing Hida beef. My meal was a combo plate that I cooked a little more. Laura grilled hers. "Hida-gyu" (Hida Beef) is the specific name given to beef from a black-haired Japanese cattle breed, that has been raised in Gifu. Other Grades of Hida beef are called "Hida Wagyu" Kobe beef aims for a strict balance between akami (red, leaner meat) and shimofuri (fat marbling), Hida beef tends to have a greater amount of shimofuri, making it extra juicy, tender and giving that true melt-in-the-mouth. Vending machine sake tasting. Shopping!Les mer

    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Takayama, تاكاياما, تاکایاما، گیفو, Takajama, たかやま, 다카야마 시, Takayama-chhī, Такаяма, ทะกะยะมะ, 高山市

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