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    • Päivä 9

      Pwani University

      20. syyskuuta 2023, Kenia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Unter der Woche besuchen wir nachmittags immer die Pwani University. Hier startet gerade mit unserem Besuch der neue Master of Communication and Media. Auf dem Campus ist immer viel los, die Studierenden strömen durch die Tore zu den Studentenwohnheimen und Unigebäuden.

      Am Mittwoch halte ich meine erste Vorlesung als Lehrbeauftragte für Standardization and document creation und was soll ich sagen- es macht unfassbar viel Spaß. Ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Vorlesung, die ich in Deutschland online geben werde.

      Am Donnerstag ist der Open Day und wir informieren Studierende über den neuen Master und die Inhalte und Möglichkeiten des Studiengangs.
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    • Päivä 14

      Mida Creek

      29. syyskuuta 2019, Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Heading north up the coast to Mida Creek. To get there, we get a matatu from Mombasa, in which a woman places her baby into Chris' arms, and tells him that the father is dead. There's always something interesting happening in a matatu.

      Mida Creek is deserted- we are the only ones staying there until a South African girl shows up. It's very much off-grid- there are very few lights and Chris is forced to eat some chapattis under phone-light as no-one is around to cook anything.

      The creek is nice, though- an expansive, mangrove-fringed body of water, cut into the coastline. We hire a guide to take us out on his canoe, and he paddles around, showing us all the weird and wonderful creatures. He points out mudskippers- fish with legs which is almost like evolution in the making. He tells us all about the many birds that inhabit the creek. He also paddles the canoe directly below the giant web of a golden orb spider, a huge yellow monstrosity that is uncomfortably close to our faces. We also watch the private boat belonging to the nearby luxury hotel- Hemingways. This boat is too big to do anything else but sit in the middle of the creek, and it can't navigate the mangrove channels and peer at their curious residents. Our guide tells us he'd much rather be in a small canoe with the mudskippers than on that big boat with their sundowners, and we can't help but agree.

      The next day, we head to the Crab Shack, a small seafood restaurant located in one of the mangrove forests. We've avoided motorbike taxis (boda-boda as they are called in Kenya) so far, just because KT is a bit scared of them, but now we have no choice but to hire the services of one. The guy who offers to take us to the Crab Shack from town walks us to a motorbike, which we soon suspect may not be his. As we're heading down a sandy side-street, he skids violently, veers off the road and we almost crash into a tree. A nearby group of children yell "Pole-Pole!" (Slowly-slowly!) at our embarrassed driver. As we arrive into the crab shack car-park, a stretch of deep sand, he engages the rear brake rather than the front one, sending us skidding again, almost into a group of revellers heading into the restaurant. We hurriedly get off the bike and push the fare into his hands and bid him (sincerely) safe travels.

      The Crab Shack is nice enough, with the sun setting over the mangrove forests, but it's nothing special. It's also slightly ruined by a raucous Italian family next to us who seem to be constantly yelling at each other. We try some palm-wine. It's made from the palm trees, and it must be an acquired taste- to us it tastes unfortunately like vomit.

      On the way back, we hire the services of a different boda-boda driver, who, en-route, introduces himself as "CRAZY JACKSON". And he is crazy. He frequently takes his hands off the handlebars, turns around to us and insists on talking about Liverpool. The motorbike would drift across the road until we're almost in a ditch, before he snatches at the handlebars and steers back into the road. We arrive at the guesthouse safely and watch Crazy Jackson ride off into the night with the sky illuminated by millions of stars.
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    • Päivä 9


      20. syyskuuta 2023, Kenia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Kenia hat Tiere, viele Tiere. Es gibt die mageren Kühe und Ziegen, die auf der Straße Müllberge nach Essbarem durchsuchen. Und die Katzen, welche immer da sind, sobald Essen serviert sind. Aber es gibt auch die Insektenwelt und die ist hier stark vertreten.
      Jeden Morgen und jeden Abend, teilweise auch in der Nacht schüttel ich Kopfkissen und Decke aus - die Lieblingsorte der Kakerlaken und Tausendfüßler in meinem Zimmer. Und wenn ich schon dabei bin, es wird auch jedes Kleidungsstück und Handtuch ausgeschüttelt. Letzt musste es mal schnell gehen - also Kleidung an, Schuhe an und - shit, Schuhe nicht kontrolliert und direkt nen Tausendfüßler erwischt. Bah alles voller Insektenmatsch.
      Jede Schnarke in der Nacht lässt mich schlecht schlafen, könnte sie doch der Überbringer von Malaria sein. Aber zum Glück ist die Nacht eh nicht lang, pünktlich gegen 5 reißt mich der Muezzin Ruf aus dem Schlaf. Egal, hier bin ich eh viel lieber wach - da seh ich wenigstens die Tiere um mich herum.

      Hab heute - 2 Tage vor Abreise - erfahren, dass die Tausendfüßler in meinem Zimmer eigentlich Hunderfüßler sind und die sind giftig. Ein Biss tut mehr weh als der Stich einer Hornisse und betäubt für die nächsten 24h. Gut zu wissen, ist ja nicht so, dass sie schon auf meinem Arm und meinem Fuß waren und natürlich in meinem Bett. Naja, manchmal darf man eben auch Glück haben. (Nur noch 1 Nacht in dem Zimmer, Daumen drücken, dass nichts passiert!)

      Kein Beitrag zur Abschreckung, nur für ein bisschen mehr Realität.
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    • Päivä 33

      Discover Kilifi

      16. helmikuuta 2022, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Heute habe ich tatsächlich kein einziges Foto gemacht. Begonnen habe ich den Tag mit einem Workout und einem guten Frühstück.
      Danach hat mir Laura erneut etwas die Gegend gezeigt. Somit bin ich nun etwas vertrauter mit den BodaBoda's. Das Kiten kommt aktuell viel zu kurz. Der Wind ist für mich leider zu schwach. Dafür ist der Ort an und für sich sehr spannend.
      Ich hatte noch nie so wenig Pläne in meinem Leben wie jetzt. Es ist für mich sehr ungewohnt. Ich erwische mich selbst, wie ich zum einen Tag für Tag neue Erfahrungen machen möchte, zum anderen suche ich wieder das Vertraute und den Komfort. Ich bin überhaupt nicht verloren und freue mich täglich auf den nächsten Tag, aber es sind ungewohnte Erfahrungen.😋
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    • Päivä 76


      17. maaliskuuta 2016, Kenia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      What a shitty night's sleep. The mosquito net seemed to be keeping the mosquito's in, not out. We got eaten alive. Jack got up at 3am to take the flash light out and assess the damage, she swells at every bite and she was covered. I was sleeping until that point, but no way I was falling back asleep. I kept having to slap myself attempting to kill every last one of them. Plus the warmth, the sweating... Honestly shitty night. But ah well, life goes on.

      Since we were up, we tried to go see the sunrise, but the doors of our guesthouse were locked and the employee was sound asleep on his mattress close to it, so we saw no point in waking him up. We still set out early for breakfast, about an hour later, starved since we've been up since 3. Beans and rice, my favourite! Walked around town, discovered that further down the main road, passed a bit that seems like you're no longer downtown, you arrive in the rich people's downtown! A bunch of fancy buildings, living compounds, nice coffee shops, covered in tourist agencies... All of who's people, local and foreign, address us in Italian. Every person we have met is Italian, except for one German. So we settle in for a nice latte in one of the fancy shops. We're white, so we blend in, but if you looked closer, everyone there was dressed so nice, white shirts and pants that we could never keep clean, big summer hats, makeup. I've got on grungy t-shirts and shorts.

      Still hot as ever outside. We walked around this fancy downtown, and made our way cutting across living compounds to the beach to cool down. This is a different spot from yesterday, it's by the main pier, no beach clubs or restaurants on the water here. Just seems like deserted land. No one around. But the water was clear of algae and therefor inviting. I went in, attempting to forget about yesterday's jellyfish. Everytime something touched my feet, because the water wasn't clear at all, I flipped out. After a bit I gave up, went back to shore. Walking back to the pier, Jack tried to distract me from seeing a pile of washed up jellyfish, and obviously failed. There was at least 10, creepy transparent jellyfish. I'm done with the ocean for today.

      With big walking plans again, we set out to explore old town. I uploaded a map yesterday so this time I could follow with my GPS, making sure we're going in the right direction. It was a great walk through mostly residential areas. It's mind blowing how an hour ago we were walking amongst the rich, and now we're walking passed clay and wood structures that I hesitate to call houses... People were saying hi, no calling out of muzungu, no following us around selling anything... Kenya is starting to grow on me. We finally found someone to sell us handkerchiefs, being tired of having "water" drip down our faces. In this same little shop (wooden shack along the road), we bought this lovely piece of material to add to our hookah lounge collection. I don't think she's ever had white people buy things in her shop, because right away we got the best price to date. Local price. If she only knew she just blew her first opportunity to screw over muzungus.

      Making our way to the waterfront, well hotels along the waterfront, I set out on a mission to find one that will let us use their pool. Those jellyfish aren't getting me! After passing a few, we found one that was beautiful and affordable, but I reevaluated. We're at the ocean. There's a huge natural body of water right in front of me and I'm looking for a pool... Screw that. I know Jack well enough and she's dying to jump into the waves. So after all this careful walking to the beach clubs, we grabbed a mototaxi back to the pier so Jack could jump in the ocean, free of algae (the water at the beach club area wasn't as clear of algae then the water at the public area... Who would have thought!). I sat under the pier, in the shade, coke in hand, reading my book.

      Jack says I should mention how much fun she had. She thinks I didn't put enough emphasis on how great the water was, how fun the waves were...she had a great time. That is all.

      Another relaxing afternoon after a tiring warm day. We've drank 4.5L of water in the last 2 days... Grabbed a cheap local diner so that we could treat ourselves to that amazing gelato I had yesterday. Honestly mind blowingly good gelato. And wine. Of course.

      This time, I slept fantastic! We changed rooms this morning, since we were up so early we had time to check out a few places. This one is in town, so not on the water, so cheaper, with a fan on the ceiling and good bug nets. Lesson leaned - fan on the ceiling is non negotiable! Off to Lamu we go today.
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    • Päivä 48

      Last day in Salty's

      3. maaliskuuta 2022, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      - Morningbeachworkout mit Will 🔥
      - Daily Salty's Frühstück
      - Call mit Ben update der allgemeinen Wohnsituation
      - Mittagessen
      - Call mit Michi
      - Letzte Kitesession in Kilifi 😍
      - Reiseplanung mit Quentin bezüglich Mountain Kenya. Erste Übernachtung in Nanyuki gebucht.
      - Abendessen mit Martin (Kiteinstruktor)
      - Abschiedsbier mit Will und Quentin
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    • Päivä 46

      Unique Kilifi 🇰🇪

      1. maaliskuuta 2022, Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Einmal mehr stand ich für den heutigen grandiosen Tag früh auf und startete ihn mit einem Workout zusammen mit Will.😁
      Anschliessend zügelte ich mein Zimmer hier in Kilifi das letzte Mal, organisierte mein "Bodaboda" Motorrad von Georg und dann machten wir uns (Will, Quentin und ich) auf die Entdeckungstour. Wir verbrachten somit den restlichen Tag auf dem Motorrad. Wow was für ein toller Tag! Gemeinsam mit Quentin beschlossen wir, dass wir uns nächste Woche auf den Mountain Kenya begeben. 🔥Lue lisää

    • Päivä 35

      New day no new pictures😂

      18. helmikuuta 2022, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Neuer Tag keine neuen Bilder.

      Ich glaube dies erklärt, dass ich die letzten Tag in der selben Gegend war und vielleicht auch etwas, dass ich mein Iphone meistens nicht mitnehme.😂
      Wie jeden zweiten Tag, startete ich den Tag mit einer Trainingssession... Shit abartig warm hier! 🙈
      Danach fuhr ich mit Laura ins andere Hostel (DR) um etwas zu Essen, Schwimmen im Meer und wie immer etwas philosophieren! Dies können wir sehr gut zusammen. 😅 Anschliessend traf ich Ivan um die finalen Pläne zu schmieden, buchte den Flug von Nairobi nach Lamu und ging anschliessend alleine Abendessen. Natürlich bist du in Kilifi nie alleine. Ich traf ein paar Dudes von Salty's.
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    • Päivä 34

      Plans mature over time

      17. helmikuuta 2022, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Wie ich gestern erwähnt habe, war ich ziemlich planlos. Zur Zeit steuert mich nur mein persönlicher Gedanke und NIEMAND sonst. Ich glaube das ist genau das, was ich gesucht habe. Alles was ich mache oder machen werde kommt von meiner inneren Stimme und von keinen äusseren Einflüssen. Nun aber fertig mit philosophieren... 😁
      Leider mache ich aktuell viel zu wenig Bilder!
      Nun aber zu meinem Erlebten: Heute bin ich richtig gemütlich aufgestanden, habe gefrühstückt, wie immer unterschiedliche Gespräche geführt und dann startete mein Tag an der Beachbar. Habe mit Laura das Zugticket nach Nairobi gebucht. Da nun schon bald alle wissen, dass ich mich super mit Laura verstehe und die Owners sie gut mögen, ergab sich nun ein richtig geiler Plan, bei dem ich nicht wirklich lange überlegen musste. Ivan würde mich einladen für eine 7 tägige Kitesafari auf dem Segelboot in Lamu mit seinen Freunden. 😍 Garantie auf viel Wind, Kiten bis die Beine brennen, Segeln, Fischen, Essen und Schlafen. Meine Antwort zu Ivan ist nach kurzem überlegen ziemlich eindeutig! 😍
      Nun aber startet die Safari bereits am Montag. War nicht der smarteste Move nach Nairobi zu reisen aber geil! 😂 Muss somit am Montag wieder nach Lamu fliegen. Ein etwas unnötiger Umweg... aber he... "fuck off" 😂😂
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    • Päivä 74

      The Ocean!

      15. maaliskuuta 2016, Kenia ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      We made it! I've been excited for the ocean for quite some time now, and we're here! And holy crap it's hot! We got here around 745am after our VIP night bus, and we already feel the heat! Usually we can start feeling warm around 11 ish, but this town didn't give us a break. We first thought we could explore the town with our backpacks and eventually stumble upon a guest house we like. That plan went out the window when we were drenched within 20 minutes of walking, just trying to make our way to the ocean front. We saw the ocean, we walked in the sand, and we went straight to a hotel the lovely fisherman said was the cheapest on the water front. Done! It's probably the worst deal we've had yet, but we were sweaty and tired of carrying our backpacks. So we got an OK price for a pretty crappy room. Meh, there's a bed and a toilet. All I need.

      Once showered, laundry done (remember, I only have 2 T-shirts, so considering the heat, I wanted to have one clean for diner time while I knew I'd be sweating through the day one), we set out to explore the town. Again, we were too ambitious with our plans, considering how hot it is. We made it to "downtown", walked around a bit. I needed to be fed, getting a little grumpy, so we found this selfserve local place and it actually had things we haven't seen yet!

      Insert - The coast is said to be a different culture, Swahili, with a higher Muslim population then inland and since its the oldest port, the population of Indian people is large due to it's trade history. Inland Kenya, much like the rest of what we've seen in East Africa, isn't very diverse. Kenya has Kenyans, and a tiny bit of Indians are visible. The coast actually has some diversity and it's refreshing. End insert.

      So the food was different! Still managed to find my chapatis though. Everything still fried, I feel right at home. Well fed, coke to cool me down, and back out we go. I blame Jack for having lost our sunscreen when she went biking without me at Naivasha Lake. Blaming aside, we had to buy more considering my glowingly white skin that's hiding under my farmers tan, is about to be exposed on the beach. 13$US that little sucker. And it's 200ml, I can't fly home with it. How insulting.

      The Malindi museum was... Well it was worth the dollar I paid to get in. Lol. Basically Jack was interested, so we got her the student price (yay for student cards!), and when he saw I wasn't joining, he assumed it was the price and said I could join for 100KSh (1$). I guess I can't really say no at that price. It consistent of exactly what I don't like about museums, pottery. Lol. Old big pots found somewhere that mean something. Sorry, I'm just really not that interested. The rest was just photos with information plaques next to them. Old Malindi photos were nice. Old traditional tribal wear was interesting... Lol.

      Now the goal, which was over estimating our energy in this heat, was to walk through the Old Town to eventually make our way to the beach. We managed to do a couple blocks, a couple market streets, constantly looking for the side of the road with shade, to then have a seat in shade and have Jack drink tons of water as she felt faint. The women likes to push herself and ignore her body until it wants to give out on her. Once her energy level was barely enough to get her up, I managed to convince her that a mototaxi to take us to the beach is an OK thing to do. Turns out, the beach was still pretty far, neither one of us would have made it!

      We're excited! We want to refresh in the water, cool down. Swim around like we're kids again. And then we feel the water. It's hotter then most showers we've had here. Not the most refreshing, but it did the trick! Jack got some energy back, I got to have my second coke of the day at this nice beach club... It was a beautiful afternoon. You can't go wrong with the ocean! My usual fear for jelly fish was yelling at me to get out, but I managed to ignore it. That is until we started making our way in to apply some fancy expensive sunscreen, and I had to get by a damn jelly fish! I saw it! I saw the whole thing, with tentacles and everything! I ran out, leaving Jack to fend for herself, and refused to get back in. Ew, jelly fish.

      Stopped by a cute little peninsula called Vasco de Gana point, and the oldest church in East Africa apparently, built in the 1490s, Portuguese. Relaxing, beautiful and sunny afternoon. After our second shower of the day, I put on my now clean and dry shirt, wash the other, and off we go to diner! This town has a large Italian influence, so the pizza restaurants are of plenty!

      We checked out 4 menus, picked a pricey but fancy one. Sharing pizza and a Rocket pesto, tomato and mozzarella something... It was delicious. Worth every penny, accompanied with some house red wine. Finally, some chocolate gilato. Omg it was good. Treating yourself every once in a while is important. Refreshes the batteries.
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    Kilifi, Kilifi District


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