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    • Day 3

      Next Stop: Lake Nakuru Lodge

      December 29, 2023 in Kenya ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Nach 5 Stunden Fahrt (140 km) kamen wir im nächsten Park und der Lodge an.
      Die Lodge ist optisch wirklich sehr schön, tolle Lage mitten im Lake Nakuru National Park, allerdings sehr auf Massentourismus ausgelegt und bei weitem nicht so entspannt wie unsere erste Lodge. Das Essen war gut, aber nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Service sehr freundlich, Zimmer hatte eine tolle Aussicht, länger als eine Nacht hätte ich hier aber nicht bleiben wollen.
      BTW: Am Lake Nakuru wurde die Flugzeugszene mit den Flamingos und Pelikanen aus „Jenseits von Afrika“ gedreht.
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    • Day 295

      Tag 6: Nakuru Nationalpark

      May 25, 2019 in Kenya ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Was för ehn intensive Tag! Scho am 06.15 Uhr simmer abgholt worde zum uf Safari go. Mer sind denn Stunde lang dor de Nationalpark gfahre und händ vorallem nach Rinos und Flamingos Ussicht ghalte - mit Erfolg. Au ehn grossi Affefamilie hämmer chönne beobachte! Eine vo dene schlaue Dinger hed üsi Abglänktheit aber usgnützt und esch über s offnige Dach is Büsli gumped - das esch ehn zimliche schock Momänt gsii 😂. Üse Fahrer hed aber nur sini Steischlüderi müsse zeige und de Aff hed sich schnell verzoge. S Video wo üsi gschockte Gsichter zeigt sorgt aber bi jedem Mol luege wieder för Lacher.

      Am Mittag hämmer ih ehmene Hotel zwoi Stund pause gmacht, händ üs im Pool chönne abchüele und erfrüschendi Getränk gnüsse. Nach dere sehr nötige Pause hämmer nomol guet 3 Stund im Park verbrocht. Mer händ vorallem Leoparde gsuecht händ höt aber leider keine Gfunde.

      Zrug uf ehm Campingplatz hed üse Guide de Peter scho es super Znacht parad gha und denn simmer alli tod kaputt is Bett gheit.
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    • Day 118

      Lake Nakaru National Park

      September 1, 2023 in Kenya ⋅ 🌩️ 23 °C

      We weren’t leaving so early this morning, so I spent the hour before breakfast editing photos. We both take so many every day that sorting them out is a full-time job! Breakfast was at 8am – sausages, eggs, fruit, coffee, juice, and toast. Omondi picked this time to tell us we would have to pay again for today’s visit to Nakaru National Park and then wait for a refund later for the money we had already paid to go to Amboseli! We hadn’t changed the itinerary! It was his suggestion!! We were not best pleased, but at this late hour, had little choice but to comply. So, I paid another US$125, and we set off.

      Omondi had told us it would only take an hour to reach the park and that we would have a whole-day game drive. Neither of these things proved to be true! We drove through Naivasha town and then stopped at an out-of-town shopping mall for Omondi to buy snacks for himself. His five minutes turned into 20!!

      We drove past Delamere Park and Farm, which Omondi told us belongs to HM Queen Elizabeth II, and that trespassers are shot dead on sight! He also said that planes take off twice a day to deliver fresh meat, dairy products, and vegetables to Her Majesty (or King Charles, as it would be now!). This all sounded very implausible! When I fact checked later, there was no mention of any royal connection with the farm! The British-born owner, 89-year-old Hugh George Cholmondeley, 5th Baron Delamere, is a British peer who was educated at Eton and Cambridge, but that is as far as it goes! I think Omondi’s idea of guiding is to take any grain of truth he has and then make the rest up!!

      Our next landmark was Lake Elementaita. Local legend has it that God dug it out in one day using a spade. He used the earth he removed to create a nearby mountain!

      We stopped for fuel in the town of Nakaru, where it seemed like every other building is a church! We then entered Lake Nakaru National Park through Nderit Gate. There were problems with Omondi’s paperwork, so we were delayed further. He told us that all the drivers were complaining about the entry system. We saw no evidence of this. Every other vehicle seemed to get through without issue!

      We eventually got into the park at around 11.40am. It was a very different landscape from other parks we have visited. There were huge swathes of forest. It was difficult to spot wildlife through such dense bush. There were millions of butterflies, though! There are tree-climbing lions in the park, as well as ground ones. This means that leopard numbers are low as they have to compete with the stronger lions.
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    • Day 118

      Animal sightings in Nakaru National Park

      September 1, 2023 in Kenya ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Omondi had opted not to have a guide in the park and was using an app on his phone to find out where the animals were. He was also eating crisps as soon as we entered the park! He didn’t seem that keen to be there and had little knowledge about the wildlife. He soon realised that, after being to 23 other parks in southern Africa, we knew more than he did!

      Having said all this, we did see animals. We saw:

      • Warthogs
      • Antelopes
      • Waterbucks
      • A herd of impala
      • A white rhino mum and her two-year old baby who was suckling. There were oxpeckers on their backs.
      • Zebras
      • Black rhino – these were so far away that we had to take Omondi’s word that they were black rhino! Later, we stopped where several other vehicles were, and Omondi told us that lions had just killed a black rhino. Through the binoculars, we could see a carcass, but it looked more like a wildebeest than a black rhino. Also, it didn’t look like a recent kill!
      • Buffalos
      • A hyena pup sheltering from the sun under a tree
      • Tree climbing lions – this was a new species for us. We didn’t get a great view as they were sleeping under a tree quite a distance from our vehicle. We could, however, make out the markings on their backs, which distinguish them from ground lions, and make them look more like leopards.
      • Baboons
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    • Day 14

      Lake Nakuru National Park

      October 23, 2023 in Kenya ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      The main activity for today was going to be the game drive within the National Park. This is well known for a large population of Rhinos as well as providing a good chance of seeing Flamingos. This proved true as almost immediately we saw a family of 3 rhinos just roaming the grassland. We could get quite close, but with binoculars, you could see the animals incredibly well. It was really cool. As we headed toward the lake, we were shocked at how close the rest of the animals let us get. We started by getting up close and personal with gazelles, Buffalo, and plenty of monkeys. It was crazy how relaxed they were around people and how unphased they were by our presence. There were monkeys everywhere, and the babies were so cute that we sat for a while and watched the play with themselves. We then went to our next destination, where our guide parked up on the side of the road and looked into the binoculars. I do not know how he saw it, but somehow, he spotted a leopard parked up in the tree. Even when I was told exactly where it was, I struggled to see it. But when i did finally see it, it was incredible. Such a beautiful animal and so well disguised in the trees. We stuck around for quite a while and tried to get better photos. Eventually, the other group joined us and saw him right before it went down the tree out of sight. This meant that we had now all seen the big 5 on the trip, and we actually got to take some photos this time. We moved a little bit but didn't want to leave the spot in case he resurfaced. And sure enough, he did. This time much, much closer to the truck, and in much clearer sight. It was incredible. After some time watching and tracking him, we once again had to move on. We didn't get far until we were stopped by a bunch of giraffes blocking the road. Given that I was in the front seat, I had the best view of the giraffes where we were within arms reach of them. This was also really cool because you could see all the details of the amazing animal and I was so shocked that they were once again, unphased by our presence. We spent quite a bit of time here, mostly because we wanted to but also because they were blocking the road constantly, and multiple giraffes refused to move for us. Eventually, though, we made it to our lunch spot where we ate and then wandered around the waterfall that was inside the campsite we had stopped at. We didn't stay for long, though, as we just used this to eat because we were going to a lodge that overlooks the national park for a quick swim and a drink. This was an incredible view and a nice way to break up the game drives. Some of the other ones were very full on and tiring, so this was very welcome. We were having a successful drive, though, and thus, we wanted to continue and see what else the Lake had to offer.

      Then, in a hilarious show of irony, we spotted a lion. But despite everyone looking side to side for animals, the driver once again managed to spot it first. This is mostly because he was wandering in the middle of the road. We had no choice but to follow him and see where he went. And we got close. Only when another car came from the other direction did it get a bit awkward, but the Lion walked past barely even registering the vehicle. Eventually, he found an amazing spot to park up for a lie down. Thus, we managed to see the illusive tree lion. He climbed the tree and laid down on a branch that overlapped the road slightly. This meant he was at our eye level just a couple feet from my face. If he wanted to, he could have easily lept into the car and caused mass casualties. But, instead, he sat there calmly, looking around at us and eventually closed his eyes for a nap. It was an unbelievable experience to get so close. After this, we finally found enough time to go to the lake and see the aquatic life. This was mostly Flamingos and Ibis, and the like, but still a cool display to see the colourful animals lighting up the lake. Something I was worried about after the first few game drives was going to be getting bored of seeing the same animals, but this one reinforced the unique circumstances and situations you can find the animals in and how exciting it remains as a result. This was, however, the end of the safari and so we headed back to camp for food and bed.
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    • Day 179

      Nakuru Nationalpark

      September 10, 2018 in Kenya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Der Nakuru Nationalpark, schön an einem Wasserloch bzw. recht großen See gelegen, ist besonders beliebt wegen seiner vielen Nashörner und Flamingoscharen. Zusätzlich zu den gestern beobachteten Tieren hatten wir heute und am darauffolgenden Tag (der Nationalparkeintritt gilt immer für punktgenau 24 Stunden) das große Glück folgende Tiere zu erspähen: niedliche „Pumba“ Wildschweine, einen Schakal, zig neue Vogelarten (kennen uns mit denen allerdings leider nicht so gut aus wie Tante und Onkel M&F), farbenprächtige Eidechsen, und große Büffelherden (1. Tier von Big 5;). 🐃✅
      Das größte Highlight war jedoch als wir am Wasser als auch in der Steppe ein paar Breitmaulnashörner (White Rhino) inkl. Nachwuchs sahen. Getoppt wurde dies noch als uns auf einmal die noch selteneren Spitzmaulnashörner (Black Rhino) mitten im Nirgendwo plötzlich vor‘s Auto liefen (2. Tier von den Big 5). Natürlich hielten wir an und machten unsere Fotos, doch dann begleitete uns diese Mutter mit ihrem Nachwuchs noch ein paar hundert Meter entlang der Straße durch‘s Gebüsch und wir wussten zwischendurch nicht, ob sie vor uns weglaufen oder uns aus Neugier noch ein Stück begleiten. 🦏✅

      Die Spiegelreflexkamera und GoPro waren stets für den perfekten Schnappschuss bereit. 📸📹 Bei einem dieser Blitzgewitter der Tier-Paparazzi stellten wir fest, dass wir das kleinste Objektiv unter allen Touris mit Profi-Safari-Ausrüstung hatten. 😊 Ein einheimischer Reiseleiter schien dies wohl auch zu merken und hatte entweder Mitleid mit uns oder wollte uns einfach eine Freude machen, schnappte sich kurzerhand Sébs Kamera und schraubte sein FETTES 500mm Tele-Objektiv dran. Alle Tieren schienen auf einmal zum Greifen nah. 😍 Grundsätzlich stellten wir eine hohe Hilfsbereitschaft unter allen Safari Autos / Gruppen fest, sich gegenseitig Tipps zu geben, wo welche Tiere aufzuspüren waren. 👍🏼

      Am Abend zelteten wir erstmalig INNERHALB eines Nationalparks. Wir wurden davor gewarnt, dass man bei Anbruch der Dunkelheit sein Schneckenhaus aufgebaut, gegessen und geduscht haben müsste, das Lagerfeuer zum Abschrecken der Tiere solle brennen, und alle Essensreste sollten beseitigt worden sein. Wir fanden zum Glück eine noch leicht glühende Feuerstelle vor, so dass Séb nicht lang anfachen musste während Maggi in der schleichenden Dämmerung hastig Hölzchen und Stöckchen sammelte.
      Im Dunkeln habe man jedenfalls draussen nichts mehr verloren. Maggi musste sich also eine Pipi Strategie für die Nacht ausdenken. 🙈 Ein paar Park Ranger behielten uns jedoch stets aus sicherer Ferne im Auge, denn schliesslich waren wir die EINZIGEN Camper hier in dieser Nacht und erst gestern wurden am Wasserfall direkt neben uns noch Löwen gesichtet. 🦁😳 Adrenalin pur! Vor allem, wenn man mit der Taschenlampe um sich leuchtete und von kleinen, grünen Augen aus dem dunklen Nichts angestarrt wurde. 😅 Hoffentlich sahen die Ranger nicht, wie Seb mit einer Stirnlampe bewaffnet im Klohäuschen 7-Minutes-Sportübungen machte, da es draussen dafür schon zu dunkel geworden war. 😅🤣

      Ob und wie Maggi sich in dieser Nacht “erleichtert“ hat, bleibt eine dieser Geschichten, die man einfach nur „live“, in Farbe und persönlich erzählen muss... 🥺😝🤣
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    • Day 8

      Good Morning Nakuru (2)

      February 23, 2022 in Kenya ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Früh am morgen klopfte es an unsere Zimmertür. Wenn man um 6.00 Uhr zum Frühstück gehen will, sollte man seinen Wecker nicht auf 6.30 Uhr stellen 🙈. Wir waren also mal wieder spät dran 🤷‍♂️.Nach einer schnellen heißen Tasse Kaffee sind wir jedoch ziemlich pünktlich gestartet. Carlos war wieder sofort auf Aussichtspunkt und sehr neugierig - bis wir fünf Löwen entdeckt haben. Das war ihm dann nicht mehr so geheuer 😉.
      Wir sind eine längere Zeit bei den Löwen geblieben, haben im Anschluss noch eine kurze Fahrt am See entlang gemacht, ein paar Geier entdeckt und kamen um 8.30 Uhr gerade noch rechtzeitig für ein schnelles Frühstück zurück in die Lodge. Um 10.30 Uhr geht es wieder auf Pirsch. Ich habe Carlos erklärt, dass uns für die Big Five nur noch ein Leopard fehlt - er war nicht sehr begeistert 🙊
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