Uasin Gishu

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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Uasin Gishu
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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 6

      Nakuru Lake / Eldoret

      1 agosto 2023, Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Übernachtung in einem Camp neben dem Nakuru Lake Park, wo wir eine abendliche Safaritour zu den Flamingos, Rhinozeros und Pelikane hatten. Am nächsten Morgen gingen wir erneut in den Park, wo wir dieses Mal die Rhinozeros von der Nähe betrachten konnten und bei den Flamingos aussteigen durften. Auch stoppten wir nochmals bei einer ruhenden Löwengruppe, bevor wir ca 3,5 Stunden ins Camp nach Eldoret auf ca 2000 Metern fuhren.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 296

      Tag 7 - 8: Waisehuus und fahre

      26 maggio 2019, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Und scho esch es weder Ziit Kenia z verloh und üs uf de Wäg richtig Uganda z mache. Mer händ d Fahrt über Gränzi uf Jinja uf zwoi Täg ufteilt.

      Am erste Tag simmer 4h gfahre und händ no ehn Zwüschehalt ih ehmene Chinderheim ihgleid. Üsi Guides händ üs vorhär gfrogt ob mer wähled go und händ au klar gseid, dass sie falls mer gönd wärded ehn Spänd erwarte. Es funktioniert also so dass d Heimleiteri üs umefüehrt und über ihri Arbeit mit de Chind verzellt. Denn hämmer Ziit zum mit de Chind spiele und üs z Unterhalte. Währed de Spielziit döfe mer zu ihre is Büro wo sie Chetteli wo d Chind ih de Ferie möched verchaufed und Spände jeglicher Art (also au Stifte, Chleider, Ässe oder was au immer mer wott gäh) entgegä nähmed. Ziit wo mer mit de Chind verbrocht händ hed richtig Spass gmacht! Sie händ sich gfreut so viel Ufmerksamkeit z becho und händ eifach alles ah üs spannend gfunde. Au d Erklärige vo de Heimleiteri hed zeigt dass sie ehn gueti Arbeit leisted und mer händ alli gärn öbbis dezue biitreid dass die Arbeit cha wiiter go.

      De Mäntig hämmer denn im Bus verbrocht. D Fahrt esch über 7h gange, dezue simmer no ca. ehn Stund ah de Gränzi ahgstande. Es esch aber gliich ehn lustige Tag gsii! D Landschaft esch wunderschön zum ahluege, mer fahrt immer wieder dor chlini Dörfli wo eim d Lüüt fröhlich zuewinked und mer chli öbbis vom Alltagsläbe cha beobachte. Au mit de Lüüt im Truck hanis werklich lustig gha. Mer händ üsi gmeinsam erstellti Mitsing-Playlist, spieled Dänkspieli oder probiered üs chli Suaheli bizbringe ☺️.
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    • Giorno 5


      9 dicembre 2019, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We had another game drive in the morning and then headed north-west to Eldoret, one of Kenyas fastest growing towns. Due to its high altitude, the town is an ideal training ground for middle and long distance athletes and is home to some of Kenya's most famous runners.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 4

      Punda Milias Nakuru Camp to Eldoret

      28 novembre 2019, Kenia ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Long drive Northwest to Eldorat which at over 2000 metres is where athletes do altitude training. The countryside with views of large plains speckled with trees were beautiful. The trees changed more to pines as we climbed. Played football at the campsite in bare feet and was declared man of the match! Nice evening meal of ratatouille and early night for early start and long drive into Uganda tomorrow.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 15

      River Camp

      24 ottobre 2023, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      There wasn't a lot happening today, as it was mostly a travel day and our last night in Kenya. But when we arrived at the camp it was easily one of the nicest I had ever stayed in. The lay out was so cool, with a river in the backyard, with a pool, and an incredibly cool bar. They had a cheap option to upgrade to a dorm, and so I did that to avoid setting up and packing up the tent. It was going to be an early morning and so I wanted to maximise sleep and minimise work. Once I had unpacked some of my stuff, we headed to the pool and met some cool local guys where we asked them about their town. This is the region of Kenya on which the best runners of all time tend to come from. Their capacity to withhold pain (due to ancient and tribal rituals that kids have to go through without showing any sign of pain), the high altitude, and genetics makes them the best long distance runners the world has ever seen. And it's just a tiny little town in Kenya. People like Kepchoge and Kipyegon are from areas surrounding, in a county call Nandi. But after this, we essentially parked up at the bar and had some drinks until dinner was ready, then went to bed very shortly after that.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 31

      Day 27 - A morning in the ministry

      9 maggio 2017, Kenia ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      This month the congregation is taking part in a campaign to cover some of their seldom worked territory. The theory is (there are no real records) that the rural area we were working in hasn't been covered in about 10 years.

      It was a very nice experience. A sister and her mother live in the area, so we were able to have a service group in their home and then walk the 10 minutes to the territory. I think there were 9 of us out.

      The houses seem to be haphazardly laid out, but our brothers and sisters knew where they were working. Other than the highway, the roads were dirt, and it rained last night. However, it was quite easy to walk around the puddles and we stayed un "muddied".

      I was with Ruth - the sister whose house we met at. She was very good to ask if the householders would like to speak English. If they did, she had me do the call. In the couple of hours we showed one video, placed several tracts, probably 5 brochures, four books, 10 or 15 magazines and had 4 or 5 say they would like us to come back for a study. The same results were had by the other groups. I talked two of the girls into letting me take a photo and they shyly agreed - with the proviso that I not post the you will have to see it in our photo album later.
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    • Giorno 33

      Day 29 - Poa Resort

      11 maggio 2017, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Meeting night tonight, so not a lot to do. Tom and Sherry took us on their Bible studies today, a very nice experience. We decided to stop for lunch at Poa Resort. There are these little oases all over the world. You can pay a few dollars and go inside the resort and enjoy the amenities for the day. Or, go the restaurant, buy a meal and enjoy the surroundings for awhile. Here we found pretty gardens and lots of birds to watch - the sunbird especially - a relative to the hummingbird, but it doesn't hover.

      We all ordered a beer and a platter of snacks to share. We were finished our beer, but there were no snacks (fast food doesn't exist here - as we have also learned to be true in Mexico). When we asked, we were told, "Yes, it's coming soon!". About 10 minutes more passed and it arrived - a problem with the fryer we were told. We enjoyed the atmosphere and the food and our 'break' ended up about 2 hours long, but we were all quite happy.

      Home for a couple of hours and then we headed to the 5:30 mid-week meeting. Unlike Sunday, where we went a little overtime and everyone lingered and visited, the meeting was over early and everyone was gone quite quickly. The school children come dressed in their uniforms and many come straight from work or the ministry so they want to get home. Plus, when the meeting was finished it was dark and raining. In the congregation there are two cars and one motor bike, so the majority are traveling on foot.
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    • Giorno 5

      To Eldoret

      3 luglio 2017, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      An early morning visit to a local farm where we felt like we were back in the English countryside, barns, tractors, black and white cows... They had friendly dogs and calves too. We are in different cook groups but had to both buy for the next couple of days so a mad rush around the supermarket, some snacks for lunch and we were on our way with a few hours drive. We stopped at road side stalls to buy fresh veg and the local butchers, come tea room for the meat. We crossed the Equator today too. We have been really impressed by the reception we get from the locals, they are smiley and friendly. The children particularly love to wave and smile as we pass them.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 30

      Day 29: Back to Kenya (Eldoret)

      3 marzo 2019, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today we left Uganda 🇺🇬 and started to go back to Kenya 🇰🇪 But before the trip ends in Nairobi, we stayed one night in Eldoret, a beautiful village in high altitude (2,000m).

      On our way we stopped for lunch on the side of the road ... and it only took a few minutes until we were surrounded by local children. They loved our balloons and were excited about being with us. At the end we shared our food with them 💛🙏Leggi altro

    • Giorno 41

      En attente de l’accalmie à Burnt Forest

      18 gennaio 2022, Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Depuis chez Jonathan et sa famille chez qui nous avions passé un matin pluvieux auprès du feu et échangé sur l’avenir du Kenya et sur Jehovah et ses principes, nous n’avons pu faire que 15 km sur des chemins de boue collante et sous une pluie persistante, pour arriver à la ville de « Burnt Forest », un arrêt routier assez intriguant au bord de l’axe Nakuru-Eldoret. Nous avons choisi cette destination car nous pressentions la présence d’un hôtel pour se sécher (ainsi que la tente que nous avions rangée trempée dans son sac). La boue colle aux pneus de nos vélos, nous obligeant même à remonter le porte bagage du vélo de Sarah car nos pneus ont doublé d’épaisseur.

      Nous sommes donc arrivés en milieu d’après-midi sous une grosse pluie transperçante., et froide ! Oui, nous avons froid pour la première fois depuis que nous sommes arrivés au Kenya. Il faut dire qu’ici à 2600m d’altitude, il fait moins de 10ºC la nuit et… 15ºC pendant la journée.

      À l’entrée de la petite ville, nous tombons sur… une station essence Total qui ressemble en tous points avec les stations européennes. Il y a même… une vraie machine à café avec du chocolat. Nous oublions un moment que nous sommes bien mouillés. Nous remercions cette petite entreprise familiale pour nous avoir apporté un peu de réconfort.

      Nous trouvons un peu plus loin dans la ville un hôtel dont l’architecture est un peu effrayante. On dirait que les étages supérieurs ont été rajoutés au fur et à mesure sur un coup de tête (d’ailleurs non terminés). La chambre est plutôt correcte et nous avons accès à la coursive extérieure où nous pouvons étendre la tente et nos vêtements. Les lumières dans les longs couloirs glauques sont des spots de discothèques de toutes les couleurs et sur détecteurs un peu fatigués, ce qui donne une sacré ambiance.

      Le personnel est très accueillant, sauf le barman pour une raison très énigmatique. Les plats sont malheureusement trop salés, comme l’addition qu’on reçoit avec des prix qui jouent à l’ascenseur, que l’on prend soin de négocier, toujours avec le sourire. Ça marche comme ça ici, il ne faut pas le prendre personnellement. On paye finalement ce qui nous semble être le juste montant sur la base de nos 40 jours passés ici à manger peu ou prou la même chose.

      Nous pensions rester que pour une nuit mais la pluie a persisté le matin suivant nous contraignant à rester pour une deuxième nuit. Une accalmie en milieu d’après midi nous a permis de faire une petite visite de la ville (comprendre ici retourner boire un cappuccino à la station Total et nous balader à la recherche d’un shampoing au milieu des rues boueuses et jonchées de détritus). Nous croisons aussi beaucoup d’enfants qui sortent de l’école et qui nous regardent intrigués avec de grands yeux ronds. Ils nous suivent sur quelques dizaines de mètres. Les plus audacieux nous appellent « mzungu », un autre nous sort un « give me money » d’une manière automatique, sans vraiment y croire.

      Demain, les voyants sont au vert pour reprendre la route… Il faut croire que la saison sèche n’est pas si sèche (mais nos chaussettes sont maintenant archi-sèches).
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