Ban Thapèn

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    • Dzień 82

      Kuang Si Falls, Luang Prabang

      19 czerwca 2023, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Wahrscheinlich einer der besten Wasserfälle die ich je gesehen habe. Nach dem sehr touristischen Stück unterem dem Wasserfall, konnte man zudem noch zur Spitze des Wasserfalls wandern. Dort waren wir komplett alleine und konnten uns gediegen in der Lagune abkühlen. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 63–64

      Day 63&64: Around Luang Prabang

      15 grudnia 2023, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      As our hotel in Luang Prabang offers free bicycles for rent, we did yesterday a tour around Luang Prabang. We found a nice road almost along the Mekong just outside the city. I believe the locals, especially the children aren't used to tourists on bikes outside the city, so they all greeted us very friendly.

      Today, we went on a half day trip to the Kuang Si Waterfall, about 45 min away from the city.
      Our last evening in Luang Prabang we spent with a short walk over the Night Market.
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    • Dzień 32–37

      Wasserfälle und Sehenswürdigkeiten

      14 stycznia, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      In Luang Prabang habe ich einen Ausflug zu den Kuakg Si Wasserfällen gemacht. Das Wasser ist durch den Kalkstein hellblau.

      Ein paar weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten waren der ehemalige Königspalast und auch das Traditional Arts and Ethnology Center in dem man viel über die verschiedenen in Laos lebenden Stämme lernen konnte. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 25

      Luang Prabang day 1

      4 kwietnia, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 41 °C

      Got up and out early today. Met up with girls from last night in the city centre and bargained with a taxi man to take us to the waterfall. I thought we were gonna be in a lil tuk tuk, but it was a very fancy 6 seat minivan, so defo worth the price! The roads here are noticeably worse compared to Thailand, so it was a bit of a bumpy journey!
      After arriving, we walked up through this gorgeous jungle path, up to the main waterfall which was absolutely breathtaking. I can't even imagine what it's like when it's rainy, as it was still spectacular during dry season!
      Two of the girls hiked up to a pool above the main waterfall, however the other two of us were in rubbish footwear so we went for a swim in the lower pools. The water was an amazing baby blue colour and so refreshing. There were little fish in there that would nibble your toes if you stayed still too long. I've seen some spars that charge a lot for a fish pedicure, so I guess a free one's not bad 🤣
      There was also, to our surprise, a bear sanctuary there too which was free with the waterfall entrance ticket. It was full of rescued moon bears, who are like medium black bears with a fuzzy fur collars and a crescent shape white patch on their necks. There were areas where you could watch them at eye level from 3 metres away, with nothing but a small fence as a dividee. I think if they wanted to, they could defo jump over, but they seemed pretty content munching on fruit.
      After being mesmerised by the bears, we had another swim in a different pool before hopping back into our fancy minivan. I could've spent all day there alternating between swimming and bear watching, however 3 hours was sufficient.
      In the evening, I tagged along with a group from the hostel for fancy pizza (which was 100x better than the one I had in Thailand aha) and then we went bowling. The bowling alley is one of the only places serving alcohol past 12 in the city, and of course was full of other tourists. We played a couple games, which I was spectacularly bad at, only narrowly avoiding last place both times before heading back to the hostel to play more pool, which I was equally poor at.
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    • Dzień 92

      Day 92

      7 maja, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Kuang Si Waterfall

      After my getting back at 2am last night, it was pretty set that I wasn't gonna make it to see the monk walk at 5.30am. I woke up and met Michelle (who got back at 5am so was feeling a bit worse for wear) for breakfast at our hostel. I got a pancake with banana and honey but I added another banana and my own honey on top for an extra kick. That, with the unlimited fresh orange juice, I was a happy boy.

      I was gonna be solo today as Michelle had already seen the famous waterfall near Luang Prabang, so I rented a scooter and headed out towards the waterfall. On the way I picked up a mango but other than that it was a fairly uneventful drive except from the million potholes that lined the streets. It was like a "fun" game of dodge the massive hole in the street except some were too hidden to dodge in time so I had my fair share of painful bumps I wasn't ready for.

      About an hour later, I arrived and parked up. I had to get one of the electric buggies over but eventually I was there. I changed into my swimsuit and started hiking through the jungle. As a huge bonus to seeing a cool waterfall, on the trek was an entire bear sanctuary where you could see bears that had been rescued up close. There are 2 main bears in Laos known as "Sun Bears" and "Moon Bears" because of their distinctive yellow and white crescents on their chests. Unfortunately, bears in Laos are poached so they need to be kept in sanctuaries instead of roaming free which is a shame but allows people to see bears up close.

      I know bears are meant to be scary and dangerous but honestly some of these bears just looked like extra large dogs and I'd love to jump into their habitat and give them all a hug (it they wouldn't rip me up into tiny little bite size pieces). After spending a while watching the bears be bears, I kept walking up the path. The path itself was a lovely walk through the jungle but was made even better by the beautifully blue swim holes that made their way up to the main falls. The falls themselves were beautiful and there is some legend behind how they got their name and their shape but I can't exactly remember, all I remember is that an overhanging piece of rock that was part of the lore collapsed a few years ago.

      There was a pathway up the side of the main falls to the spring at the top which I very sweating ran my way up. I could have got a small boat to the actual spring but decided I'd go for a dip instead. The day actually wasn't as warm as it had been recently which meant the water was quite fresh and cold but it was nice regardless. There was a nice little swing that sat right above the water where small fish nibble your feet which I couldn't help but laugh at the feeling of. I dried off and headed back down the otherside and grabbed a smoothie at the bottom, I was gonna swim in another swimming hole but honestly it wasn't warm enough for me to jump back in after getting changed already. I walked past the bears again and spent a while longer watching them do their thing before heading out.

      It was time for lunch and I spotted a nice restaurant on the Mekong River on my way in so decided to get some food which was pretty good timing as it started to rain shortly after. I decided to wait out the rain, watching some Netflix, instead of heading to Nahm Dong Park like I originally wanted to as I didn't fancy driving and walking around in the rain. When the rain stopped I dried my seat and headed back to Luang Prabang.

      Michelle and I went for another walk, this time meeting again with Robert before heading to the same restaurant as yesterday for some dinner. After dinner, there was a bakery near the night market that had some amazing looking things that I spotted yesterday and I really wanted to go. I ended up buying a Danish and a chocolate custard cake to go, then we decided to head up to Phousi Hill. It was night now, so technically the entry to the hill was closed but we opened up the unlocked gate and made our way up the stairs. On top was a nice temple but more importantly (to me) was a bench with a nice view over the city lights for me to devour my sweet treats. We chilled at the top for a while, trying to be quiet as to not alert the monk that we assumed was in the little house at the top.

      After vibing for a while, we snuck past the house and made our way down the other side of the hill and said goodbye to Robert heading back to our hostel. It was now time for Michelle to show me how to cut up a mango properly given my terrible history - which in all fairness was much much better than my attempt. We enjoyed the mango and honey then headed to sleep.
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    • Dzień 43

      Luang Prabang Tag 3

      26 maja, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Das Wetter sollte heute stabiler bleiben, daher planten wir einen Ausflug zu den Kuang Si Wasserfällen. Für die sportliche Komponente liehen wir uns Mountainbikes, um die knapp 30km inklusive eines kleinen Passes zu überwinden. Die laotischen Straßen sind definitiv für Mountainbikes gemacht 😅
      Am Kuang Si Park angekommen, sahen wir uns zunächst eine Auffangstation für Moon Bears an, die hier in leider immer noch recht kleinen Gehegen vor sich hin schliefen.
      Um den Menschenmassen zu entkommen, wählten wir für den Aufstieg zu den Wasserfällen den steilen und rutschigen Trekkingpfad und wurden an der Spitze mit einem super Ausblick über den Dschungel belohnt. Beim Abstieg sahen wir uns gebührend den großen und die vielen kleinen Fälle and das türkisfarbene Wasser an (inklusive Schwimmeinlage von Marie, bei der sie fast von den Fischen gefressen wurde).
      Auf dem Rückweg machten wir bald einen Stopp für eine überraschend gute Steinofenpizza, da wir seit dem Frühstück nichts Vernünftiges mehr gegessen hatten. Die verbleibenden 25km entwickelten sich traditionell zu einem Wettlauf gegen die Dunkelheit, so dass wir völlig nassgeschwitzt und fertig, aber gerade noch rechtzeitig, am Fahrradverleih ankamen.
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    • Dzień 35

      Luang Prabang - Wasserfall

      5 października 2022, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Nach der Fahrt mit dem Slowboat kennt man die Hälfte aller Touristen in Luang Prabang und trifft ständig auf bekannte Gesichter.

      Gestern war ich mit ein paar von ihnen an nem wirklich schönen Wasserfall. Der Holländer mit dem langen Bart ist mit'm Fahrrad hier! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 68

      Kuang Si Waterfalls

      7 grudnia 2023, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Mir händ es Töffli vo oisem Hotel wele miete zum d Kuang Si Wasserfäll go azluege. De a de Rezeption, mir nänned de ez mal Düfel (= nöd s hellste Kärzli uf de Turte) het bimene Vermieter eis bstellt. Paar Minute spöter isch au scho es Töffli cho. De Düfel het gmeint, oh hine hets nöd viel Luft im Reife. Mir sölled doch de a de Tankstell no uf pumpe. Beidi sind scho uf em Töffli gsi und händ grad wele losfahre, wo de Bsitzer vom Hotel cho isch und völlig entzetzt gmeint het, mir münd warte es het kei Luft im Hinterrad. Er het das so energisch gseit, dass mer nomal uf de Parkplatz sind. De Düfel isch den mitere, doch rächt moderne Pumpi fürt Töfflipneu, cho und hets unter de Awiisige vom Bsitzer ufpumpt. De Bistzer het den verschroke uf de Pneu zeiget und mir hend gse, das en riisige Nagel drin gesteckt het. Uff, da hämer en grosse Schutzängel gha😇
      Mit emene neue Töffli hämer ois den glich no uf de Wäg chönne mache. D Strasse in Laos sind aso scho nöd glich wie in Thailand. D Schlaglöcher müssten eigentlich Schlagkrater heisse, darum simer au ganz gemächlich gfahre.
      Bi de Wasserfäll acho hämer die verschiedene Naturpools bestuunt und vieli Föteli gmacht. Die sind wüki schön gsi😊
      Am Nami hämer nomal am Pool gfulänzt.
      Am spötere Nami simer für de Sunneuntergang uf de Huusbärg vo Luang Prabang, Phousi Hill. D Ussicht isch super gsi, aber es het sooo viel Lüüt gha, das mer schnäll wieder gange sind. Mir händ den defür imene Café grad am Mekong chli chöne si. Am abig hämer am Night Market für öpe 7.- zäme Znacht gässe.
      Um au bizli Wiehnachtsstimmig zbecho, hämer im Hotel en Wiehnachtsfilm glueget und no es Guezli gässe😅
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    • Dzień 20–21

      Schmetterlingspark 🦋

      25 lutego, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Wieder beim Ausgang angekommen, besuchten wir noch den Schmetterlingspark. Leider haben das ganz viele Besucher nicht auf dem Schirm und es war nicht viel los. Was schade ist, denn die zwei Besitzerinnen sind total lieb und haben das alles selbst aufgebaut. Die Corona-Zeit war sehr hart, für die Einheimischen hier und durch das Ausbleiben der Touristen fiel ihre ganze Lebensgrundlage und Einkommen weg. Die zwei wollten in der Zeit helfen und öffneten ein Kinderhilfswerk, um sicherzustellen, dass die 40 Kinder des Dorfes richtig ernährt werden und in dieser schwierigen Zeit weiter zur Schule gehen können. Obwohl Covid vorbei ist, wird noch ein paar Jahre dauern, bis die Familiensituationen wieder mehr oder weniger stabil sind. Deshalb unterstützen sie immer noch die Kinder, deren Familien und alte Menschen.

      Im Schmetterlingsgebäude konnten wir ganz viele verschiedene Arten bestaunen. Wir waren total fasziniert von den verschiedenen Farben und Formen. Wussten gar nicht, dass es so viele verschiedene Schmetterlinge gibt. 🦋 Die Wege sind auch total liebevoll angelegt. 🥰

      Danach machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Hotel.

      Am Abend trafen wir uns noch mit Tim, Natalie, Jenny und Karl zum gemeinsamen Abendessen. Es war wieder ein richtig schöner Abend. 🥰
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    • Dzień 215

      Luang Prabang - Kuang Si Waterfall

      5 stycznia 2019, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We are almost at the end of our tour through Laos and we saw a lot of waterfalls already, but the best one was the Kuang Si Waterfall in Luang Prabang we visited today. The clear blue water and lots of cascades were amazing! It is just a perfect waterfall.
      We started very early to be there before all the tours and it was great, just a little cold in the morning but still warm enough to swim in the waterfall.

      Wir sind schon wieder fast am Ende unserer Tour durch Laos und wir haben wirklich viele beeindruckende Wasserfälle gesehen doch der Kuang Si Waterfall außerhalb von Luang Prabang ist der schönste. Das Wasser ist türkis-blau und der Wasserfall hat unzählige Kaskaden, kleinere Wasserfälle, Pools zum schwimmen und natürlich einen riesigen Wasserfall.
      Wir haben uns mal wieder einen Roller gemietet und sind extra früh morgens aufgebrochen, damit wir vor den ganzen Touren da sind. Es hat sich gelohnt, denn wir konnten den Wasserfall für uns alleine genießen. Auch wenn es vor allem am Morgen recht kühl war, war es später noch warm genug zum schwimmen.
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