Kuang Si Falls

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    • Giorno 26

      Luangprabang - Waterfalls and markets

      27 febbraio, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Luang Prabang is home to some stunning waterfalls. One of the most famous waterfalls in the area is Kuang Si Falls. These multi tiered cascades flow gracefully through lush jungle surroundings, creating beautiful images of some pools of turquoise water. These pools of water where perfect for cooling off on that hot day.

      These waterfalls definitely offer its own unique charm with its series of cascades and tranquil setting amidst the jungle.
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    • Giorno 92

      Day 92

      7 maggio, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Kuang Si Waterfall

      After my getting back at 2am last night, it was pretty set that I wasn't gonna make it to see the monk walk at 5.30am. I woke up and met Michelle (who got back at 5am so was feeling a bit worse for wear) for breakfast at our hostel. I got a pancake with banana and honey but I added another banana and my own honey on top for an extra kick. That, with the unlimited fresh orange juice, I was a happy boy.

      I was gonna be solo today as Michelle had already seen the famous waterfall near Luang Prabang, so I rented a scooter and headed out towards the waterfall. On the way I picked up a mango but other than that it was a fairly uneventful drive except from the million potholes that lined the streets. It was like a "fun" game of dodge the massive hole in the street except some were too hidden to dodge in time so I had my fair share of painful bumps I wasn't ready for.

      About an hour later, I arrived and parked up. I had to get one of the electric buggies over but eventually I was there. I changed into my swimsuit and started hiking through the jungle. As a huge bonus to seeing a cool waterfall, on the trek was an entire bear sanctuary where you could see bears that had been rescued up close. There are 2 main bears in Laos known as "Sun Bears" and "Moon Bears" because of their distinctive yellow and white crescents on their chests. Unfortunately, bears in Laos are poached so they need to be kept in sanctuaries instead of roaming free which is a shame but allows people to see bears up close.

      I know bears are meant to be scary and dangerous but honestly some of these bears just looked like extra large dogs and I'd love to jump into their habitat and give them all a hug (it they wouldn't rip me up into tiny little bite size pieces). After spending a while watching the bears be bears, I kept walking up the path. The path itself was a lovely walk through the jungle but was made even better by the beautifully blue swim holes that made their way up to the main falls. The falls themselves were beautiful and there is some legend behind how they got their name and their shape but I can't exactly remember, all I remember is that an overhanging piece of rock that was part of the lore collapsed a few years ago.

      There was a pathway up the side of the main falls to the spring at the top which I very sweating ran my way up. I could have got a small boat to the actual spring but decided I'd go for a dip instead. The day actually wasn't as warm as it had been recently which meant the water was quite fresh and cold but it was nice regardless. There was a nice little swing that sat right above the water where small fish nibble your feet which I couldn't help but laugh at the feeling of. I dried off and headed back down the otherside and grabbed a smoothie at the bottom, I was gonna swim in another swimming hole but honestly it wasn't warm enough for me to jump back in after getting changed already. I walked past the bears again and spent a while longer watching them do their thing before heading out.

      It was time for lunch and I spotted a nice restaurant on the Mekong River on my way in so decided to get some food which was pretty good timing as it started to rain shortly after. I decided to wait out the rain, watching some Netflix, instead of heading to Nahm Dong Park like I originally wanted to as I didn't fancy driving and walking around in the rain. When the rain stopped I dried my seat and headed back to Luang Prabang.

      Michelle and I went for another walk, this time meeting again with Robert before heading to the same restaurant as yesterday for some dinner. After dinner, there was a bakery near the night market that had some amazing looking things that I spotted yesterday and I really wanted to go. I ended up buying a Danish and a chocolate custard cake to go, then we decided to head up to Phousi Hill. It was night now, so technically the entry to the hill was closed but we opened up the unlocked gate and made our way up the stairs. On top was a nice temple but more importantly (to me) was a bench with a nice view over the city lights for me to devour my sweet treats. We chilled at the top for a while, trying to be quiet as to not alert the monk that we assumed was in the little house at the top.

      After vibing for a while, we snuck past the house and made our way down the other side of the hill and said goodbye to Robert heading back to our hostel. It was now time for Michelle to show me how to cut up a mango properly given my terrible history - which in all fairness was much much better than my attempt. We enjoyed the mango and honey then headed to sleep.
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    • Giorno 10

      Kuang Si Wasserfälle

      28 agosto 2019, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute sind wir früh aufgestanden und sind mit dem Roller zu den Kuang Si Wasserfällen gefahren. Diese sind hier in Luang Prabang ein besonders beliebtes Ausflugsziel. Um den Massen an Touristen auszuweichen, haben wir den Wecker auf 7 Uhr gestellt. Die Straße zu den Wasserfällen war asphaltiert und in einem verhältnismäßig guten Zustand. Daher hat Suse beschlossen, dass sie gerne einen Teil der Strecke fahren möchte. Die Wasserfälle liegen in einem Nationalpark, den man gegen eine Gebühr von ca. 2€ betreten darf. Wir überholten noch schnell die bereits ankommende chinesische Reisegruppe, die bis an die Zähne mit Selfie-Sticks und Co bewaffnet waren und kamen als eine der ersten an. Das hat sich richtig gelohnt für uns. Der Anblick des Hellblauen Wassers war fantastisch und hatte eine ganz andere Wirkung ohne die ganzen Menschenmassen. Wir sind dann noch zum Wasserfall hinauf gelaufen, was glaube ich sonst fast keiner gemacht hat, ganz oben war alles viel ruhiger. Mittags haben wir klassisch laotisches „ Larb Moo“ ( Gebratenes Schweinehackfleisch mit Kräutern) gegessen und haben den Rest des Tages damit verbracht nochmal bei dem Drachenbootrennen vorbeizuschauen und einen Kaffee zu trinken.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 31

      Laos: Kuang Si Falls/Bear Rescue Center

      20 marzo 2020, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      The Magnificent Kuang Si Falls is “nature at its best”. It is a three-tiered waterfall about 18 mi south of Luang Prabang, and begin in shallow pools atop a steep hillside. These lead to the main fall with a drop of 200 ft.
      The gorgeous well maintained park is also a bear rescue center, where the Asian black bear have have plenty to be happy about since they were all rescued from poachers looking to harvest their parts. They are well cared for and have lots of space to roam around.
      The park is so tranquil, peaceful and relaxing. We ould have easily spent a few days taking in the park.
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    • Giorno 37

      Kuang Si

      19 settembre 2022, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach der Gabe an die Mönche bin ich mit dem Motorroller zu den Kuang Si Wasserfällen gefahren. Ich wollte dann aucj den Rundweg oben um den Wasserfall rumwandern, jedoch waren die Treppen überflutet. 😬
      Dann musste ich improvisieren,siehe Fotos.
      Oben angekommen, fand ich eine Schaukel und einen Laoten, der meinen Sprung ins Wasser filmen sollte. Nunja, nach drei Versuchen habe ich es aufgegeben 😂
      Zuletzt noch eine Ehrenrunde mit Moped für Euch. Im Stadtverkehr wollte ich nicht unbedingt filmen. 😎
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    • Giorno 329

      Luang Prabang

      14 febbraio 2023, Laos ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Nach einigen organisatorischen Dingen am Morgen geht es mit dem Motorrad zu den Kuang Si Wasserfällen. In Laos herrscht wieder Rechtsverkehr und nur die Hauptstraßen sind eigentlich gut ausgebaut. Die Wasserfälle sind sehr schön und es gibt verschiedene Stufen, obwohl Trockenzeit ist fließt noch einiges an Wasser herrunter. Nach einer kleinen Wanderung steht man sogar überhalb der Wasserfälle und kann dort schwimmen gehen. Auf der Rückfahrt sehen wir die Sonne über den Mekong stehen, durch den vielen Rauch der umliegenden Brände (durch das Abbrennen der Reisfelder) ist die Luft ganz rauchig und stickig.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 29

      Luang Prabang

      26 febbraio 2023, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Luang Prabang is a beautiful city with rows of French colonial architecture overlooking the merging of the Nam Khan river into the Mekong. There is a small mountain right in the middle of the peninsula with a temple at the top called Mount Phousi which I didn’t get to climb until today was killing a few hours before my train to Vang Vieng. After spending a few days in and around the town it was great to get a panoramic view of all the places I had visited.

      The first place was the Kuang Si waterfalls two days ago. I’m not normally a fan of the overcrowded touristy sites but this one was worth it. The source of the waterfall, about a 15 minute steep hike from the base, leads into a beautiful high waterfall followed by a series of small cascades over limestone ledges.

      I had a great time having a swim and climb around some of the waterfalls, but I also managed to graze my face and chest from swimming into a rock… not clever.

      The next spot was the Pak Ou caves North of the city the next day. Now these were not so worth it. A long drive on terrible roads with Harry on the back of my moped Just to see a small cave on the mountainside full of various Buddha statues and begging children.

      We did see some elephants up close on the way back although they were just chilling in what looks like someone’s front garden. After feeding them we saw one get whacked with a massive stick for getting too close to the house so we decided it was time to leave. I’m not really sure why the elephants were there, we didn’t pay to see or feed them they just seemed more like the pets of the landowners who let tourists come and say hi.

      I’ve also started to find a group to join for Vang Vieng and we’ve spent the last couple of nights enjoying the fantastic night markets before heading to the bowling alley which is the only place open after 10 pm. It’s been nice to have some people who I can just show up and socialise with without having the same conversations on repeat about where I’m from and where I’m going. It turns out that a couple of the guys are from Woking/Guildford too!! Small world eh?
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    • Giorno 37

      Kuang Si Waterfall

      9 marzo 2023, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Vart ska jag börja!? Detta vattenfall var en av anledningarna att jag ville åka till Laos. Vattenfallet var bättre än vad jag förväntade mig. Helt magiskt, tyvärr går det inte visa med några bilder hur wowit det var, det var själva känslan och att de olika poolerna av vatten aldrig tog slut.

      Jag och Tabi var ett perfekt team. Hon ville inte köra moped men har stor vana av att klättra i vattenfall och vi båda älskar att bada. Så jag tog på mig chaufförs rollen och Tabi visade mig de bästa och säkraste sätten att klättra upp och ner i vattenfallen för naturligtvis var vi tvugna att se om man kunde åka ner för de olika vattenfall och simma i mellan. Man kunde vandra upp till toppen av vattenfallet, när man hade kommit upp kunde man ta en flotte till själva källan av vattenfallet. På ena bilden ser ni mig spana på källan. ( Tydligen tänkte jag att om jag står på tå så kanske jag ser bättre ner i marken)

      Vi avslutade dagen med ett mysigt fikastopp på ett risfält.
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    • Giorno 26

      Mit dem Roller zum Wasserfall

      20 aprile 2023, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Wir haben uns dieses Mal nur einen Roller ausgeliehen und sind zum ca. 1 h entfernten Wasserfall Kuang Si gefahren. In dem Nationalpark vor dem Wasserfall ist eine Auffangstation für Bären, die aus verschiedensten Gefangenschaften gerettet wurden. Die meisten Bären kommen allerdings aus folgendem Szenario. In der Chinesischen Medizin gilt die Flüssigkeit oder auch die gesamte Bärengalle als Heilmittel. Sie soll bei Gallblasen- und Lebererkrankungen hilfreich sein. Bären werden gefangen und in Käfigen gesteckt, die so groß sind wie sie selbst. Danach wird ihn regelmäßig eine Nadel in ihre Galle gesteckt, um die Flüssigkeit zu gewinnen. Das Wundermittel ist übrigens auch künstlich herstellbar, wie so vieles auf dieser Welt und kein Bär muss dieses Leid ertragen. Seit 1995 gibt es die Organisation FreetheBears, welche auch in dem Nationalpark des Kuang Si Wasserfalls mit einem Standort von vielen ansässig ist. Die Bären werden hier aufgepäppelt und wieder ausgewildert. Es ging weiter durch den Park zu den Wasserfällen. Nach dem großen Wasserfall geht es hoch auf einen Berg, wo der Wasserfall seinen Ursprung hat und wir uns abkühlen konnten. Wir haben uns wie im Jungle gefühlt. Eine Fußbehandlung von den Fischis gab es auch noch obendrauf. :)Leggi altro

    • Giorno 83

      Kuang Si Falls

      28 aprile 2023, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Poco fuori Luang Prabang si trova una cascata di una bellezza unica. L’acqua scorrendo tra le rocce calcaree ottiene un colore incredibile. Qui le temperature sono estremamente alte, tra i 35 e i 41 gradi, tuffarsi dentro quell’acqua azzurra e fare un bagno è stato bellissimo e soprattutto rinfrescante! ☀️💧☺️

      A kli usserhalb von Luang Prabang hemmer au die schönsti Wasserfall gfunda, wo miar jemols gsehe hend. S’Wasser isch so Blau, will es vo de Kalkstein kunnt. Bi 40 Grad dett ina schwimma het so guat tua ☀️☺️💧
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    Kuang Si Falls, Kouangxi Water Fall, Kuang Si

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