
Oktober - November 2023
Loose ends to tie up and recovery with friends Weiterlesen
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    Paris signatures

    26. Oktober 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    A few signatures on paper in a strange Advocates office, on a damp day in Paris, the end of a chapter. Not one I ever wanted to finish so soon. Walking out into the fresh Paris air on a cold autumnal day. One last hug and we parted for the last time. I had mixed feelings of sadness, relief and excitement about the future. Throughout my travels this year, there were days when I thought I just wanted to disappear, it took everything I had not to cry and shrivel into a ball in the corner feeling unworthy. I just wanted to be appreciated for who I was, loved and held just for being me. Isn’t that what everyone wants? I sat and rode my bike with the pain, sobbed and laugh with memories, then pop them like little stones into my top pocket and will continue to carry them with me like small scars. But they are no longer boulders that roll over me, just reminders of the storms I have survived. The darkest times can lead us to the brightest days and the most toxic people can teach us the best lessons. The most painful struggles allowed me the greatest growth and the most heartbreaking of losses made room for more amazing people in my life. Even when it’s scary and tomorrow seemed such a long way away, it took all my strength just to keep going, realising that going back to the past is not an option, the only way was forward, battling the moments, to get back to the path I was meant to travel. I fell into a million pieces, I decided which parts of me to pick back up and rebuild, leaving many parts of me behind that I had outgrown. This is now the phoenix phase, the rebuild of the new, stronger me. The signature on the paper today was societies way of officially ending a chapter, but chapters end before signatures, and ends indicate new beginnings. We are all stronger than we think, but are we brave enough to face the pain head on and make the necessary changes to rebuild ourself. That’s the real scary part and where the real work begins. I will no longer mould to fit where I don’t belong anymore.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 5–10

    Hawaii Stairway to Heaven

    30. Oktober 2023 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Arriving once again on Hawaii island of Honolulu. Meeting friends catching up, I was told of the Stairway to Heaven. Known locally as The Haiku Stairs. They were built in 1942 to access the high point in the mountains and construct a 'Top Secret,' powerful transmitter tower/facility to communicate with Navy ships throughout the Pacific. It’s now illegal to enter the government owned stairs and the guard can fine you up to $1000 dollars if you are caught. So of course I had to give it a go! Packing up my rucksack and heading out on my moped I was super excited. The point of entry I chose was the fenced government road, I was greeted by 10ft high metal and barbed wire fence clearly marked “no hikers” fines in place. I found a break in the fence where other hikers had been before me and crawled through. Taking a trail through a bamboo forest and under the highway, after a few miles on dear trails I caught my first clips of the stairs. My head was racing! It felt like I was in a spy movie. The 3922 iron steps take about 3-4 hours to climb and are pretty treacherous and scetchy in parts. It was very windy so walking on 70 year old vertical rusty ladders up cliff faces and along ridges made it one of the most scary and exhilarating experiences I have had. Reaching the top it was blowing a gale but the view and sense of achievement was incredible. Now time for the decent. I didn’t see anyone on the stairs this time, nor did I see the guard or get caught (thankfully). Reaching my moped and heading for my next adventure I felt like an extremely lucky lady in more ways than one 🤙Weiterlesen

  • Tag 99–106

    Alberquerque New Mexico

    1. Februar in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

    Back in “The land of enchantment”Or Breaking Bad and Netflix as most of us Brits would know it. When the opportunity to revisit arose it’s no surprise I said “hell yeah!” Jumped on a plane to Albuquerque and experienced the most amazing week. It was summer last time I was here, baking in the sun at the end of my 7 week bike ride through the Rocky Mountains. It has been truly magical coming back in the winter, hiking up the snow capped Sandia mountains, seeing Route 66, eating at diners and introducing the Yanks to Yorkshire Puddings. It’s been exactly one year since I moved from France to Spain to start my new life. I’m not sure I would have believed it, should anyone have told me what adventures lay ahead that year. It was my year of learning, growth and opening the door to the possibilities that the world has to offer. The only thing ever holding me back was myself, accepting less than I deserved and making excuses for other people’s fear of hard work taking life by the balls. I bounce back well, and this I time bounced high, days are filled with happiness, gratitude and contentment. Enjoying and appreciating everyday as it arrives and the beautiful people that we share our time with. Time is the only commodity we each have the same amount of (if you are lucky) so spend yours wisely, take the plane ride, eat the cake. Laugh lots and love honestly ❤️Weiterlesen