Baia azzurra dove camminiamo in acqua per decine di metri e continuiamo a toccare. Fine bagno con birretta ed ottimo pranzo al ristorante sulla spiaggia con la guida Nathalie. Guido si addormenta sulRead more
Baia azzurra dove camminiamo in acqua per decine di metri e continuiamo a toccare. Fine bagno con birretta ed ottimo pranzo al ristorante sulla spiaggia con la guida Nathalie. Guido si addormenta sulRead more
One of the amusing side effects of this unplanned sortie has been that I don't have: many things.
I haven't weighed it recently but my pack was 8kg in Croatia. I'd guess it is similar now but let'sRead more
No need to hurry for the sunrise today: clouds wrap the morning in a white-gray blanket, muting the sun's fiery arrival but making the sea an enchanting palette of verdigris, old glass, andRead more
Mit einem kleinen Propellerflugzeug ATR72 gings heute in den Norden. Angekommen in Diego werden wir vom Taxifahrer erwartet. Da der Weg zu unserem Hotel über Sandpisten führt, dachten wir auf unsRead more some other beginning's end.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
I'm oddly reluctant to hit the road from this pretty little windy bay in NE Madagascar.
I arrived without a plan and haveRead more
Yesterday was emerald/turquoise waters and blue skies. I really thought I'd depart... But the wind picked up.
Today is 25-30 knots and .... Emerald/turquoise waters and blue skies.... with waves.
IRead more
The day starts early here in Eastern Madagascar. 4:45 found me hustling to watch the sky... it started the show without me but I enjoyed it very much all the same.
Getting mobbed by doglets afterRead more
One of the many things I love about kiting as a sport is that it is so casually beautiful.
In part, that's due to the fact that windblown beaches are pretty places. In part, the sunlight playing onRead more
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Looks like "easy going/walking" 😅 [Petra]
Traveler Ja so easy isches xi 😅