Bahagian Sandakan

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    • Jour 5


      27 juillet 2022, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      The Orangutans have a varied diet of fruits and other edible plants they also will eat the external tubes of earthworm castings as this is high in essential minerals that the apes require to stay healthy.
      Virgin forest is such a magical space especially the noises that you hear of the myriad of insects that inhabit the forest.
      Even in hot climates like Malaysia and Borneo the forests are always cool and an essential reason why they must be preserved.
      Malaysia has a strong commitment to maintaining a diverse range of forest tranches to maintain healthy wild animal populations.
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    • Jour 21


      25 juillet 2022, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Busfahrt von Georgetown nach KL -Flug verpasst weil AM und PM verwechselt 👌😅
      Von KL nach Kota Kinabalu Borneo
      Kota Kinabalu war echt nicht schön und das Wetter mies.
      Daher schnell entschlossen nach Osten zu fahren und dort eine Bootstour 3D2N über den Kinabatangan River zu machen.
      Lars hat sich angeschlossen.
      Haben dort Maya, die Holländerin und zwei Engländer die den Mount kinabalu aufgestiegen sind wieder getroffen und super witzige Leute kennengelernt.
      Auf der ersten Bootstour haben wir direkt zwei Orang Utans gesehen. Sonnst noch ganz viele Affen (Nasenaffen und Makaken) und Babykrokodile gesehen.
      Nach der Bootstour ging's direkt von Borneo über KL nach Lombok.
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    • Jour 2 382

      Orangutan Sanctuary

      6 juin 2022, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      I wake early this morning and im so excited I'm hopefully going to get to see Orangutan in there natural environment. Here in Sepilok they have a sanctuary to rehabilitate Orangutan back into the jungle through a program that encourages them back into the jungle and feed themselves naturally its crazy because if I don't get to see one the program is really working. T I'm over the moon with the hostel I'm staying in and even though I'm in a dorm on my own there are multiple dorms and there are people staying in them so I'm still getting to meet some Europeans and get hints and tips. The showers here are also luxurious hot and strong and even though restricted to certain hours the hours suit me. Breakfast is also excellent and included in the price of the stay and this morning I had a full English as I knew I was going to be out most of the day. Its about a 1.5 km walk to the sanctuary and I arrive nice and early and although there are quite a few tour groups I imagine back before covid this place would be rammed. I cleverly follow a couple who are with a guide .43 sq km of protected land at the edge of Kabili Sepilok Forest Reserve was turned into a rehabilitation site for orangutans and this is where Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre is located.The founder was actually an English lady called Barbara Harrison and Today around 60 to 80 orangutans are living independently in the reserve and approximately 25 orphaned orangutans are housed in the nurseries. Babies usually stay with their mothers for 6 yrs to learn the life skills they need to survive but here they use a buddy system pairing the babies with older monkeys also at the sanctuary. My first stop is the outdoor nursery where food is put out to bring the monkeys in and I watch behind a huge glass window as they swing from platform to platform eating the fruit left for them. As I walk round to the next stop of the outdoor feeding area I get chatting to one of the park rangers. He's worked here for 33 years and from nowhere a huge male Orangutan comes up behind us and poses on the fence. I'm so blessed because there isn't a soul in site and then he starts walking towards us. The ranger tells me to stand behind and as I do I can't help but video this beautiful beast strutting his stuff. I watch as he then makes his way towards the crowd waiting at the feeding area buts its quite funny as when i get there hes found a female companion anx they spend the whole feeding time mating instead of eating whole the Macau monkeys have a field day but feel I've enjoyed a very special moment so much so I go back for the afternoon feed and get to witness a mother and her playful baby but this time with the crowds but nothing could beat this morning.En savoir plus

    • Jour 5

      Skywalk (cont’d)

      27 juillet 2022, Malaisie ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      There were 3-4 of these large structures which gave you an extra dimension to viewing the wildlife.
      The jungle is always thriving and gives you the perception of perpetual growth.
      With the humidity at 90% there is moisture everywhere and it sometimes rains without clouds which happened on this trip.
      The photo of the birds nest ferns gives you an idea of how opportunist some plants are in being able to self sustain in the most unlikely of places.
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    • Jour 75


      28 janvier 2023, Malaisie ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      8 a.m. - I got some Roti egg for breakfast and got ready for our day trip to Sepilok Orangutan rehabilitation center. Orangutans are a endangered species and you can only find them living wild in the jungle of Borneo (Malaysia) and Sumatra (Indonesia). They are endangered because of the deforesting of the jungle for palm oil plantations. As well as other animals. On our bus drive the day before I just saw palm oil plantations as far as I could see. Did you know that almost 90% of the world oil palm trees are grown on a few islands in Malaysia and Indonesia? The big problem with orangutans is that the baby’s stay with their mother unit they are six. After that they learned everything to survive by their own. If something happens to the mother in that six years the baby would die. The goal of this organization is to rescue the baby orangutans and the nurse them until they are ready to be released again in the wild.

      9 a.m. - We took the local bus to Sepilok and it was horrible. The seats, the load annoying music etc. At least it was cheap and he brought us to the entrance.

      10 a.m. - When we arrived we saw at first a mother orangutan with her small baby sitting on the roof of the building just chilling and watching all the people. Another thing the organization does is the provide two times a day a “feeding” where they provide a lot of fruits with nutritions and vitamins for the orangutans. So if they feel like it they know where they can find some healthy food. Basically it’s a good sign when there are less orangutans but the ranger also told us that there are some lazy ones how just take advantage of the situation. So we went to the “feeding” in the morning and we saw there another two orangutans. Just chilling there and eating. I was so fascinated how the behave and act. Really calm and chill. I can watch them for hours and hours. It was very impressive how he cracked the coconut to get the meat out of it. We also wanted to visit the nursery but unfortunately it was closed because of construction work.

      1:30 p.m. - We had no service there so we just started to walke and found a restaurant for lunch after 30 min. While we had lunch it started to rain but we didn’t mind because when we finished the weather was good again.

      2:30 p.m. - We went to the second “feeding” in the afternoon a bit earlier. When we arrived there, there was already a mother orangutan and her older baby up in the trees and waited for the food. Once the ranger came with the food they made their way down to the platform. Unfortunately a group of macaque monkeys wanted the food as well and the distributed the orangutans. This there were a bit more than in the morning. In total five. But most of the just grabbed as much food as possible. They had food in both there feet’s and in one hand. The last hand they used to get back up in the trees where they ate their food without any distribution. After they had enough the all disappeared in the jungle. It was very hard to take good pictures with the phone because of the colors, the light and the zoom. Luckily I met Niccolo a Italien guy how life’s in Australia and he is a nature/animal photographer with a proper camera in his free time. He was so kind to send me some of his photos.

      4 p.m. - After we finished we saw a hornbill couple in a tree where we waited for the bus. Unfortunately the bus didn’t came so we wanted to order a grab but somehow every driver cancelled. So ended up asking some locals and we shared two cars back to the hostel.

      5 p.m. - Later we went for a small snack in Mci and checked out the shopping mall there.

      7 p.m. - In the evening there was a event in our hostel because of the seventh day of CNY. They provided a free big buffet and drinks. The brought up so much food it was insane. Furthermore we got some small fireworks and all in all it was a really cozy and familiar evening.

      P.S.: Did you know that we share round about 97% DNA with orangutans.
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    • Jour 196

      Letzter Tag in Malaysia

      11 mai 2018, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Bevor wir uns heute von Malaysia verabschieden, ging es noch auf eine letzte Dschungel-Bootsfahrt.
      Aber außer uns, einem Adler und einem Seidenreiher schlief noch alles....und so genoßen wir den wunderschönen Sonnenaufgang über dem Fluß.
      Danach ging alles ganz schnell...Frühstück, Auschecken und Transfer zu den einzelnen Orten.
      Einige gingen jetzt nach Semporna und Mabul weiter...mmmhhhh...Ein belgisches Pärchen erzählte mir, dass sie auch nach Mabul wollten, um bei Sipadan zu war aber alles ausgebucht, deswegen gehen sie jetzt zum Maratua Atoll...🤔...mmmmhhh...Waren wir vielleicht etwas zu ängstlich? Marc und ich schauten uns noch einmal tief in die Augen und waren uns einig, dass Mabul das Risiko nicht wert ist....Es gibt so viele schöne Flecken auf der Welt....und zu einem wollen wir nun.
      Für uns soll es heute von Sandakan über Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur, Bali, Manado auf Sulawesi auf die Insel Bunaken gehen. Eine lange 24 Stunden...
      Würden wir 450 km südlich von Sandakan in Balikpapan in den Flieger steigen, bräuchten wir nur 1,5 Stunden nach Manado. 🤔 Ist das nicht ein bißchen verrückt?
      Am Rainforest Discovery Centre verabschiedeten wir uns von Roswitha und Silvina, mit denen wir zusammen die Tage im Dschungel verbrachten.
      Und für uns hieß es nun nach 58 buy Malaysia...🤗🤗🤗 Wir hatten eine abwechslungsreiche, spannende und schöne Zeit hier.
      Wir sind gespannt wie es in Malaysia weiter geht. Die Opposition hat die Wahl gewonnen und Malaysia hat einen 92 jährigen neuen Premierminister, der das Land bis 2009 schon mal 20 Jahre regiert hat.…
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    • Jour 195

      Noch mehr Dschungel...

      10 mai 2018, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Nachmittags ging es noch einmal mit dem Boot los...auf die Suche nach Orang Utan im Dschungel...
      Wir sahen wieder ein großes ca. 5 m langes Krokodil am Flußufer rumdösen. Die Nasenaffen, die in der Baumkrone genau darüber saßen, verhielten sich ganz still und hatten das Krokodil voll im Blick.
      Die Longtailmakkaken, die wir entdeckten, sprangen dagegen von Ast zu Ast....und dabei kann man auch schon mal in den Fluß fallen...🤣😂...das sah echt witzig aus. Diese Affen nutzen ihre langen Schwänze auch als Angel und fangen damit Krabben.🐒🦀
      ....und sie steigen sogar in die Häuser der Einheimischen ein und bedienen sich an Allem was sie finden....🤔😮
      Weiter ging es in einen Nebenarm des Kinabatang Flußes. Hier haben Einheimische Seile über den Fluß gespannt, da Orang Utan nicht so gut schwimmen können.....gefunden und gesehen haben wir aber leider keine. Dafür beobachteten wir noch Hornvögel in den Bäumen und andere Affen... und die uns....manchmal dachten wir, die wollen zu uns auf's Boot nahe kamen sie...😮🐒
      Auch wenn wir keine Orang Utan gesehen haben, war es eine tolle Bootsfahrt.
      Zur Nacht ging es noch einmal zum Dschungelwalk,...diesmal mit Gummistiefeln,...und das war auch gut war extrem matschig. Ein paar Kleinigkeiten haben wir gesehen, wie schlafende Vögel, einen Frosch, Tausendfüssler und eine Zikade nach ihrer Metamorphose.
      Nach einem aufregenden Tag schliefen wir glücklich ein, um nächsten Morgen zu unserer letzten Bootsfahrt morgens um 06.00 Uhr 🕕 fit zu sein.
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    • Jour 5

      Sepilok Orang-utan Centre

      10 avril, Malaisie ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      The centre exhists to rehabilitate injured or sick orang-utans before they are returned to the wild.

    • Jour 18

      Rainforest Discovery Centre

      19 décembre 2016, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Forest walks and elevated canopy walkways at the RDC. 40m high towers gave an excellent view over the surrounding forest, with some wildlife highlights. One of the more remote towers let us watch two wild Orangutan build a nest to have an afternoon nap. Also saw a flying lizard, Giant Squirrel and Asian Hornbill. Amazing plants in the Botanical garden, some of which look truly alien. A few light rain showers with really high humidity made it tough going..... Relaxed in hammocks to get over it!En savoir plus

    • Jour 17

      Borneo Sun Bear Conservation Centre

      18 décembre 2016, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today we spent the day admiring these lovable sun bears, named so because of their golden collar on their chest that looks like the rising sun when seen from upside down. They are the smallest of the bear species growing up to 140cm tall when standing up. Watching them climb is admirable although they look incredibly uncomfortable when sleeping high up in the trees wedged between branches.En savoir plus

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