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    • Dag 3

      Popey village

      17. september 2015, Malta ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Elso uticelunk a sziget atellenes oldalan levo Popey falu volt, ahol a Popey filmet forgattak es megtartottak (hozzateszem nagyon ugyesen) a helyszint turistalatvanyossagnak. Azt nem mondom hogy pikk-pakk odaertunk, mert kb 40es atlaggal tudtunk haladni, de azert nagy tavolsagok nincsenek a szigeten. A falu pedig szuper volt, sokkal jobb mint vartuk. A fohosok ott rohangaltak es szorakoztattak a nepet, volt welcome drink, Apuka szervalt maganak egy remek kis matroz sapkat, volt szuper kis furdozos resze nyugagakkal es a vizen vicces ugyessegi jatekokkal. Az egyiken Sanyival, Apaval es Adammal vegigmentunk, nagyon sokat nevettunk, es senki nem esett be a vizbe, vegig tudtunk menni rajta. 😜 a vegen kifekudtunk meg egyet az arnyekba pihenni es indultunk tovabb a kovetkezo uticelhoz.Les mer

    • Dag 9

      Popeye Village

      24. juli 2020, Malta ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Nach knapp 15 Minuten sind wir schon da. Auf dem Weg zum Hotel schauen wir uns noch das Popeye Village an. Hier wurde 1980 der Kinofilm mit Robin Williams gedreht. Die Kulissen haben sie erhalten und es befindet sich hier jetzt ein kleiner Wasser-/ Themenpark mit Animationsprogramm rund um Popeye. Allerdings schauen wir uns das Ganze nur von oben an. Wenn man an dem Parkplatz vorbei in die Sackgasse fährt hat man einen guten Blick auf die Anlage. Es läuft gerade eine Animationsshow und wir schauen ein bisschen zu. Die Bucht und das Wasser sind sehr schön und das Dorf sieht ganz witzig aus. Ob man dafür Eintritt bezahlen möchte soll jeder selbst entscheiden 😉.Les mer

    • Dag 1


      11. november 2018, Malta ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      So today saw us bound for Malta. A bit different for us as we are going with our cousins and we will see where Aunty Jack liked it so much which we are looking forward too.

      It was a very early start, alarm set for 2.30am and on the road to Birmingham airport for a 7am flight ✈️. Gemma and Joseph we’re also flying from Birmingham but Naomi, John, Maxwell and Isabella flew from Leeds, same take of time so the race was on. Just over a 3 hour flight and we made it just a couple of minutes before Team Naomi. It was so close that they walked in the arrivals lounge at virtually the same time.

      Weather was warm but a bit grey. However upon leaving the arrivals lounge and heading across the open car park to pick up the hire car 🚗, it absolutely threw it down. We got a proper soaking. We picked up our bean can for the week and headed across Malta, bound for the Seabank resort at Mellieha. It’s fair to say we’d have been better of with a dinghy than a car but there you go. Sat Nav had the arse on and wouldn’t talk to us but we battled through and found our way all landing at a similar time. As we couldn’t get in our room until 3, and due to the inclement weather, it seemed only fitting to go to the bar and test out the all inclusive. Yeah, Carlsberg on tap did nicely. The hotel is nice and right by the sea, we went for a little walk up the prom after the rain had stopped.

      After we had got in our room and unpacked etc we met for dinner. Lots of choice and we could all sit together, before heading off to the kids disco at 8.30. The kids had a good old run around and it was quite busy. Lager still free. We entered the quiz, Naomi being the writer in our behalf. It was quite difficult, we cheated and used google but still lost !! The entertainment came on about 9.30, lots of dancers. They were extremely good and were on for quite a long time and were very entertaining. Switched over to Vodka in the absence of Cointreau before retiring after a very long day at about 11.
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    • Dag 4

      Popeye Village und Golden Bay

      30. september 2017, Malta ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Letzten Tag des Trips blieb uns noch etwas Zeit um Popeye Village zu besuchen. Das kleine Dorf wurde als Kulisse für den Film von 1981 mit Robin Williams gebaut. Einige Hütten kann man betreten, andere sind nur Fassaden. Leider hatten wir nicht genug Zeit um rein zu gehen. Dafür muss man sich schon einen ganzen Tag nehmen. Nächstes Mal.
      Immerhin sind wir noch zum Golden Bay gefahren. Einem der wenigen Sandstrände auf Malta. Vor dem Rückflug war das planschen in den Wellen genau das richtige.
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    • Dag 15

      Popeye Village & Golden Bay

      20. oktober 2019, Malta ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Popeye Village it's an old set of a late '70 movie and today is an amusement park. Very disappointed tbh, only some old woody houses. We prefered have some good times in the nearby beach where you can see all the village.

      Golden Bay was such a good place. A lot of people but not too crowded, sandy beach and crystal-clear water. Good friends, ice-cold beer and beautiful photos on the top of the cliffs during golden hour (guess why this is called golden bay?)
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    • Dag 7

      Popeyes Village

      17. november 2018, Malta ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      So our last full day in Malta today. Treated ourselves to a cup of tea in bed first off before getting up and walking to the local shop Blow & Go to get a little pressie for Bobbie as we had bourbons for Max & Izzy and Bobbie doesn’t like them. Upon return we sat in the reception area to wait for the rest of them to come down for breakfast. The weather was ok when we got up but then turned and a storm hit the bay. Torrential downpours and it went very black. As we were sat there, Naomi turned up and was concerned about a man out to sea who was clearly struggling. We told reception then out we went to try and let him know help was coming. The weather was awful and he couldn’t get back on his board. He was out there for about 40 minutes and clinging on to a life buoy. Anyway it settled and he eventually managed to get himself close to the shaw so we left, soaked to the skin and just before the police and the helicopter arrived 🚁🚁 . To say we were soaked was an understatement, so back to the room for a full change before breakfast.

      Not a lot on the list today except we needed to go back to the glass blowing place in Mdina for Naomi. We decided to go on a bit of a mystery ride on the way back and ended up at Popeyes village where the film was filmed many years ago. It was very windy but dry and it looked pretty good. We didn’t go in but you could see it all from the cliff top and a great view of the bay even though it was a bit black ☁️. Again I can remember Granny & Grandad and Aunty Jack and Jerry talking about it when I was younger, nice to see it.

      We returned to the hotel and zipped in for a bit of lunch before all of us descended on the swimming pool for a mess around. Not as warm as it had been but not cold by any means. Another little snack on the way out before heading up to get showered and changed. Early night out tonight as we were booked in the American Diner at 6.30pm for our last dinner of the holiday. It was great, burgers, chicken, ribs and all sorts of delights. As we ate a bit earlier, we had a bit of time before the kids disco at 8.30 so Sharon snd I went to Blow and Go for supplies for the plane and the kids went bowling - Izzy’s prize from the karaoke 🎤 last night. Fortunately for us all, little Izzy Wiz did win !!

      Finally off to the kids disco, quiz and show. The quiz tonight was photos of celebrities as they were younger - you guessed it we were crap at that. The show was “Cabaret”, sad to say we didn’t manage it to the end, we were flagging a bit so when the kids went up to bed, so did we. Gemma, Joe Bobbie Jo & Graham were left. Just back in the room, packing nearly done and kettle on. Early start in the morning as we head off home 🏠.
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    • Dag 2

      Søndag d. 18.2.

      18. februar 2018, Malta ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Dagen startede med regnvejr, og på vej mod morgensvømning blev vi drivvåde af en tarvelig byge. Helt ærligt!....
      Formiddagens vandretur i gråvejr - men tørvejr - gik mod en lidt hemmelig sandstrand, som lå gemt godt af vejen. Over stok, sten, mudder og bakker gik vi næsten 9 km. Turens dramatiske højdepunkt var at jeg var helt sikker på at jeg så en finne i vandet. En haj, hvor sindsygt! Susanne troede ikke rigtig på det, så vi måtte tålmodig holde øje med overfladen. Et halvt minut senere dukkede en irriterende dykker op til overflade. Argh for helvede altså..... Så grinede chefen af mig igen.
      Eftermiddagens gåtur var til Popeye Vilage, hvor Disney engang optog en Skipper Skrækfilm med Robin Williams i hovedrollen. Byen er nu en lille forlystelsespark. Det er en lækker lagune.
      Aftenens grisefest (nærmere kaninfest) blev aflyst pga for få tilmeldte. Pokkers..... Aftensmaden blev alligevel indtaget i restaurant The Great Dane. Kylling og sværdfisk - bum.
      Vi gik meget trætte i seng.
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    • Dag 3

      Warum ist der Pool so leer?

      23. april, Malta ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Antwort auf die Frage:
      Weil das Wasser so kalt ist, dass man Angst hat mit einem Eisberg zusammenzustoßen.
      So muss sich ein Schnitzel fühlen, wenn es schockgefrostet wird.

    • Dag 3

      Hotel - Lobby und Bar

      23. april, Malta ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Ein paar schnelle Eindrücke aus der Hotellobby und der Bar. So früh am Morgen stehen zum Glück nur wenige Leute im Weg....

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