Acapulco de Juárez

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    • Day 42

      Acapulco, Mexico

      January 22, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      We’ve been to Acapulco several times. Have done the typical tours that include miradors (overlooks) and the clavadistas (cliff divers). In 2017, we skipped all that and found ourselves a beach club in the Playa Hornitos area. We wanted to repeat that experience this time … but at a different playa … a different beach club.

      Departing the ship to the accompaniment of a band that started up as we stepped off the gangway, we ran the gauntlet of vendors and taxi drivers offering tours. And then we were off on our walk. We stopped to photograph a couple of mosaic murals and statues along the pleasant waterfront promenade before we found a beach access to continue our walk. The fishermen we saw last time were almost in the exact same spot, hauling their nets … the pelicans gathering in droves and closing in on the nets in hopes of handouts. There seemed to be more fish this time … but treats for the pelicans were few and far between.

      Our walk was a comfortable one, with just enough breeze to temper the heat. The beach was quiet when we first started out — around 9:00a. The locals were likely still at church for their Sunday devotionals. I’m sure that has changed by now.

      After a 3-mile walk from the cruise terminal, we ended up at El Chaneque on Playa El Morro. Instead of taking one of the waterfront umbrellas, which, when we arrived, were not affording much shade, we opted for one of the palapas in front of the restaurant. We were the only ones here for quite sometime, the tables closer to the water starting to fill up around noon. The music started around the same time … loud, but a good beat that we’ve been enjoying.

      Lunch was delicious. Mui had pulpo (octopus) again. I ordered a dish called Coco Loco … which included two black bean sopes, two pescadillas, two chicken flautas, guacamole and refried black beans. All washed down with a Dos XX lager or two.

      Mui is now back in the water. Once he returns from his dip, we will head over to Avenida Costera Miguel Alemán — the main drag — and hop on a bus back to the cruise terminal. It’s too hot to walk back.
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    • Day 8

      Acapulco, Mexico

      January 22, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

      A very large resort city on the Pacific with 2 beautiful bays with calm waters, is 200 miles from Mexico City (and at the end of the San Andreas fault). With 2 million people with incredible views and Mexico’s largest beaches and most beautiful hotels. What made this place so popular? Not the A 1616 fort protecting the Spanish from pirates that still stands (opposite our ship) as a historical museum although closed due to recent earthquake damage. The success of Acapulco- the Hollywood people that visited and had homes (and hotels) here in the 50’s (we visited the El Flamingo now a "shrine" to all the stars that stayed there). Also, the Love Boat visited every week and probably didn’t hurt. We visited all 3 areas in a highlights tour, the old town with quaint hotels and restaurants (and of course shopping, which we always avoid). The newer area with large hotels, resorts and taller apartment buildings and the up-and-coming area where there are entire little villages of homes (all with beautiful pools) being built (we could live there if it wasn’t almost as expensive as NB). I had been in Acapulco in 1980 and then in 1995 before the drug and gang wars and corruption that killed tourism from 2007ish until very recently. Finally the area and crime has been cleaned up and they are trying very hard to get tourist back to the area. (photos 1-6)

      The highlight was the world-famous cliff divers of La Quebrada that have been diving there since 1934. It might have been the pina colada AND margarita that be both had before 10am while watching a folklore show (maybe that’s why they have siestas) but it was incredible. There were many divers that dove from different heights of the rocky cliffs based upon their skills with the climax being a diver at 140’ above the 42' wide inlet and shallow water, less than 15’ deep. (photos 7-9 and 1 video)

      The day’s highlight was back on the ship after a very detailed interesting lecture on coffee production and evolution, with Karen dancing with the Mariachis. (photos 10-13)
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    • Day 8

      Lunar New Year

      January 22, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 70 °F

      Some refer to it as Lunar...others Chinese...others Asian. What ever you call it, the food was DELICIOUS!

      I promised that I would NOT become one of those blogs where I post what I ate each day … because no one cares, BUT I did have to show you a few of the delectable from Chinese New Year.

      And Karen's favorite - the famous Bounty Cake made with coconut, chocolate chips and vanilla! (last photo)
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    • Day 17

      An Unexpected Journey

      May 2, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Woke up this morning to see this on the room tv ship channel. Surprising, as Acapulco was not on our itinerary.

      I immediately suspected either a mechanical issue or a medical emergency was occurring.

      Shortly thereafter the Captain came onto the intercom to indicate that indeed, we had a passenger with a medical emergency. With as many elderly as we have on this ship right, it’s not at all a surprise, and I appreciate the effort the cruise lines make to get passengers to care when they need it.

      So we will have a short stop here so the passenger can be transferred to the Mexican Navy, then back on our way. No idea how it will affect our last planned port stop - Puerto Vallarta.
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    • Day 38


      October 20, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Was man alles in 1 Stunde schaffen kann… Hafen anschauen, schwimmen, Tequila Sunrise auf dem Beach mit einem Kollegen, sich eine Kette kaufen… und auch ein bisschen Sonnenbrand ☀️eine echte „Mexico Quickie“ ❤️AcapulcoRead more

    • Day 101

      Barra Vieja

      December 4, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Even though we didn't sleep that well we decided to move out early to make use of the morning milder temperature and less traffic. We're not sure how far we're going today but we'd like to leave Acapulco behind us.
      The drive went pretty well with a few exceptions like a wild iguana 🦎 trying to cross the street 🙈 But luckily we didn't hit him. In a small mountain town there was also a weird encounter where we saw two men with automatic rifles running up to a pickup. We had looked for a toilet stop but decided there that we can go further before stopping. And luckily we also didn't see them anymore 🤷‍♂️

      Then we needed to go through Acapulco once again but we decided to take the toll road that leads around the city because of the experience with traffic and corrupt police. Fortunately this time it was uneventful ☺️

      From there it was just a short drive to our destination of the day, a beach area south of Acapulco, Playa Bonfil. There was a recommended spot near a restaurant and close by the beach that we wanted to check out first. And it looked like a great spot as there were already two German campervans parked. We wanted to check out the restaurant but it was already closed so we continued on along the beach. The restaurant we chose was about to close the kitchen so we were glad to get something. Unfortunately it was overpriced and not as good as we were used to.

      On returning back to the van the two other couples from the campers were chatting and we decided to join them. It was interesting to hear about their experiences and plans. We chatted over some beers about the trip and enjoyed the company.
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    • Day 17

      Te Veo Acapulco

      May 2, 2023 in Mexico

      Hanging about in Acapulco Bay for over an hour now. Saw a small boat head to our ship. No idea on status of disembarking (evac) the I’ll passenger or their (presumably) family.

      My first time here. It’s a beautiful bay with the anticipated built-up shoreline. Water is nice, but flat. Can’t imagine there will be any good surfing here today.

      Watched fish jumping - hard to catch them in a video or photo though I tried.
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    • Day 9

      Acapulco, Mexico

      January 22, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      As soon as Insignia docked, we went out. We were met with a orchestra playing. Nice touch!
      We have been in Acapulco in 2017 and at that time had a tour and seen cliff divers.
      So today is an easy day on the beach.
      First thing we had to do is find ATM and get some pesos.
      It took us 15 minutes to walk to ATM. It was inside very nice store. On the way there, local guy by the name Raul started to walk next to us and asked us to go to his store. We told him we do not need anything, but he continue walking and talking. We got to the store and tried to lose him, but could not. By now he got a control of a wheelchair and Boris. The store, more like a market with a lot of trinkets was couple blocks from the ATM. We spent two minutes in the market and our “new friend Raul” pushed the wheelchair with Boris to the beach. We told him goodbye, gave him a tip and continue to the beach.
      Now on the beach, we rented umbrella and chairs and settled.

      I went swimming few times, but Boris was comfortable in the shade.
      Later, a group of 6 people rented a table with chairs next to us and we realised it is our cru from the ship.
      We had a nice conversation with them, but it was getting hot so we decided to go back on the ship.
      After lunch we parked ourself on the deck by the pool to enjoy outside and sea water pool. Also to wait for Mariachi band to perform and what a performance it was! The group of six players and singers and six dancers, gave us very good performances. The group performed together for the last 30 years in 19 countries. And we had a front row seats to this wonderful show.
      It is now time to take shower and dinner. Tomorrow will be a sea day.
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    • Day 8

      The Ship!

      January 22, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 70 °F

      The Insignia was built in 1998 and totally refurbished in 2018. It holds 684 passengers. Currently there are 394 passengers going ATW plus about 200 that are getting off in Chile. There are 403 crew from 52 countries (ratio of 1.5:1)! It has 11 decks (although all there is to do on the top deck is mini-golf, shuffle board, corn hole, and ping pong. I have not improved even though I’ve played all of them almost every day (very competitive)… I may have to go back to pickleball).

      Insignia length is 593.7’, beam 83.5, draft 19.5’, gross tonnage 30,277 (before Bruce), and max speed 18 knots (let me know if you want to know more about the propulsion, bow thrusters, stabilizers or number drinks I have per day).

      Most days we go about 16 knots but “what’s the rush”?
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    • Day 31


      February 6, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Da der Montag (06.02.) ein nationaler Feiertag in Mexiko ist, machten meine Gastfamilie und ich uns frühmorgens auf den Weg Richtung Acapulco für ein langes Wochenende.
      Der Ort ist bekannt für Sonne, Strand und seine Klippenspringer. Wir brauchten circa 4,5 Stunden bis wir unser Ziel erreichten. Dann hieß es Club-Urlaub-Deluxe! Das habe ich seit fast 10 Jahren nicht mehr gemacht; also mal Kontrastprogramm zum Aktiv-Urlaub.
      An den Küsten reiht sich ein Hotel an das nächste, und die Anlagen werden kaum verlassen. Aus gutem Grund: Acapulco ist sehr gefährlich und hat die höchste Mordrate in Mexiko. Die Ursache dafür ist der Krieg zwischen verschiedenen Drogenkartellen, da Acapulco einer der Knotenpunkte für den Handel von illegalen Drogen ist.
      (Zum nach- und weiterlesen:…)
      Ich habe jedoch nichts davon gemerkt und die Tage mit Baden, Spanisch lernen, Sport und Faulenzen verbracht. (Nichtstun ist auch mal schön, aber drei Tage reichen auch!)
      Am Strand gibt es allerhand Unterhaltungsangebote wie bspw. Quad oder Jetski fahren, Reiten, Massagen und und und. Ich habe allerdings Surfbretter zum Ausleihen vermisst! Die Wellen laden einfach zum Surfen ein: In regelmäßigen Abständen, brechen die bis zu drei Meter hohen Wellen entlang des kilometerlangen Strandes. Allerdings hat sich kaum jemand weit genug hinaus getraut. Die Mexikaner können gefühlt auch nicht richtig schwimmen. Jedenfalls verrichten sie akrobatische Höchstleistungen im Wasser um nicht unterzugehen.
      Am Sonntag ging es zu den berühmten Klippenspringern. Alle drei Stunden gibt es eine Vorführung, bei der sich 6-7 Springer die Klippen mit verschieden Sprüngen hinunterwagen. Die Klippen sind circa 35 Meter hoch. Der Weg dorthin ist jedoch recht gefährlich. Es gibt keine Treppen und die Springer klettern die steile Felswand empor.

      Insgesamt eine tolle Abwechslung zur Großstadt, drei Tage reichen aber auch!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Acapulco de Juárez, Acapulco de Juarez

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