Alameda Central

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    • Dzień 20

      Mexico City

      21 lutego 2020, Meksyk ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Mexico City gilt mit ihren 22 Millionen Einwohner als einer der grössten Städte der Welt. Dies bemerkten wir schon bei unserer Ankunft beim Busbahnhof. Überall zahlreiche Menschen und Autos, die das komplette Gegenteil zu San Miguel de Allende waren. Nichts desto trotz gefiel uns diese Stadt sehr. Sie steckt voller Leben. Ein grosser Vorteil dieser Stadt ist, dass trotz ihrer grösse alle Sehenswürdigkeiten nahe beieinander liegen. Man konnte diese problemlos zu Fuss erreichen. Ausser das Anthropologische Museum, doch dies ist eine andere Geschichte 😅
      Der Palast Bellas Artes und das kolonialische Postamt war einer der vielen Highlights.
      Die Vorurteile dass die Stadt sehr gefährlich sein könnte, haben wir nicht erlebt. Die Leute waren für eine Grossstadt äusserst freundlich und cool.
      Zum Abschluss besuchten wir noch das Anthropologische Museum, ein absolutes Muss. Auch für nicht Museumsliebhaber.


      Mexico, avec ses 22 millions d'habitants, est l'une des plus grandes villes du monde. Nous l'avions déjà remarqué en arrivant à la gare de bus. Partout, de nombreuses personnes et voitures qui étaient tout le contraire de San Miguel de Allende. Néanmoins, nous aimions beaucoup cette ville. Elle est plein de vie. Un grand avantage de cette ville est que malgré sa taille, toutes les curiosités sont proches les unes des autres. On peut facilement les atteindre à pied. Sauf le musée d'anthropologie, mais c'est une autre histoire 😅
      Le palais des Bellas Artes et le bureau de poste colonial en ont été l'un des nombreux points forts.
      Nous n'avons pas eu l'impression que la ville pouvait être très dangereuse. Les gens étaient extrêmement sympathiques et cool pour une grande ville.
      Enfin, nous avons visité le Musée d'Anthropologie, un must absolu. Egalement pour les non amateurs de musées.
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    • Dzień 29

      29. Mexiko City

      31 marca 2023, Meksyk ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ja.. Wo söumä da afa. 😅
      Am Donnschti Abä heimer afang wöue iichecke füre Flug vom Friti Abä. Jedoch heimer üse Flug niene gfunde u si de chli stutzig worde. Mir si de däm chli nachägange u hei miter Hiuf vor Nati usegfunde dass dä Flug storniert isch worde. Nur leider het das üs niemer gseit!

      Mir hei auso praktisch die ganzi Nacht vo Donnschti uf Friti drmit verbracht usezfinde wies itz witer geit. Z Problem isch gsi das d Airline seit si chöi dr Flug nit umbueche dass muess dr Reiseverastalter mache. Dr Reiseverastalter seit aber si chöi nit umbueche sondern nur ä Guetschrift mache.

      Scho gli isch 5i am Morge und voruse wartet üses Taxi wo üs a Flughafe söt bringe füre Inlandflug uf Mexiko City. Mir probiere z Cancun am Flughafe no diräkt ä Flug id Schwiiz z bueche, hei aber ke Chance. Die meischte flüge über d USA oder Kanada u dert brüchte mir no äs Visum was so churzfrischtig natürlech nit müglech isch.

      Auso flüge mir mau nach Mexiko City. Nach ewigem hin u här zwüsche Airline und Reiseveraastalter entscheide mir üs eifach säuber ä nöie Flug z bueche ir Hoffnig dasmer de das Gäud vor Reiseversicherig zrügbechöme. Leider finde mir aber ersch ä Flug für am Samschti Abä, aber houptsach mit chöme irgendwie hei!

      Nach däm riiiise Theater gö mir afang mau öppis feins ga z'Mittag ässe😅 Mir bringe üsi Sache is Hotel u erkunde am Nami de no chli Mexiko City.
      Mir si sehr positiv überrascht gsi vo dere Stadt! Wunderschöni Gebäude u Strassä, so hätte mir üs das gar mit vorgstellt😁

      Zum z'Nacht gits ä feine Hamburger und Tortas u nähr gö mir aber de gli is Hotel. Nachdäm mir letscht Nacht quasi nüt hei gschlafe fröie mir üs scho mega ufs Bettli😴😴
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    • Dzień 2

      Walking Tour in CDMX

      30 stycznia 2022, Meksyk ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nach einem Frühstück im Hostel begaben wir uns auf eine Free Walking Tour durch das historische Zentrum. Anschliessen besuchten wir kurz das Museo de Arte Popular. Zum Zmittag assen wir Quesadilllas und Enchiladas im Café de Tacuba. Nach einem ausgedehnten Nap assen wir in der Hosteria la Bota ein feines Abendessen. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 48

      Mexico City at night

      27 września 2023, Meksyk ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Beautiful buildings of Mexico City all lit up. Stunning ✨🌟

    • Dzień 1

      Arrived safely in Mexico City

      1 maja, Meksyk ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      I'm excited to have arrived safely at the Hilton Reforma. I'm pretty wrecked from the flight and going to sleep well tonight (hopefully)

    • Dzień 2

      Sunrise from Mexico City

      2 maja, Meksyk ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Sleep didn't work out too well for me but the positive is I got to see this really cool sunrise over the historical center of Mexico City

    • Dzień 2

      Eating some local food at El Caifan

      2 maja, Meksyk ⋅ 🌩️ 29 °C

      The food is good although I ordered too much of course haha

    • Dzień 660


      20 października 2021, Meksyk ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Mexico City aka. Ciudad de México aka. CDMX is a sprawling, inspiring, chaotic, vibrant, intimidating mega metropolis. According to the city has 21,671,908 residents and is the 5th most populated city in the world.

      I was super lucky to have met Sara who’s currently living in Oaxaca. She offered me to stay in her Appartement which is perfectly located a bit north of the historical center and very close to a Metro station. So after only two nights in a antisocial hostel, by reason of no common area to interact with other travelers, I could move into her empty apartment. Two big bedrooms, a kitchen without fridge but who cooks at home if there are 5 different street food stalls in front of your door. The shower only has cold water but if you take a shower at late afternoon when the sun already warmed up the building you won’t freeze too much.

      I enjoyed 3 more nights in place and went out for sightseeing day for day. I even went to another underground rave party similar to the one I had in San Cristóbal de las Casas. I met cool people in the hostel where Ezequiel staid for one night. We met one day and went sightseeing together.

      What’s more, I was kicked out of the Mirador Torre Latino, the highest building in the city, because I used 3 times my professional camera even they told me every single time I can only use my smartphone but not my camera. I met two young girls in that tower who then spent the rest of the evening with me hanging around on the main square Zócalo. I also made a day trip to the archeological site of Teotihuacán. But most of the time I was just listening to my music and walking through the city.
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    • Dzień 2

      Buenas Dias e Bienvenidos a Mexico City

      24 lutego 2018, Meksyk ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Having arrived at our hotel at 23:30 local time, which equates to 05:30 UK time meaning we had been awake for 24 hours, I was far too tired to update the final leg of our journey on here last night. So we start today!

      A strangely good night's sleep followed and thus we woke fresh and hungry both for food and to start exploring the city on our free day. After consulting the internet, we decided to have our first meal at a Mexico City institution, Restaurante Él Cardenal, which is famed for its weekend brunches.

      Striding tentatively out onto the streets, the first most surprising thing was how quiet the it all was considering it is the largest and most populous city in the world. The restaurant disproved this notion. It was heaving with all of the great, good and those inbetween (i.e. us!) However, it was worth the wait and the food was fantastic. A cup of coffee or chocolate with a sweet bread is the traditional way to start the meal and who were we to buck tradition?! There then followed an omelette with local beef sausage for Nigel and Enchilladas Michocoanas for me - a regional speciality of corn tortillas stuffed with chicken, topped with a guajillo chilli sauce and topped with sweet onion, lettuce, radishes and cheese. Delicioso!
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    • Dzień 4

      Teotihuacán - a place of pyramids

      26 lutego 2018, Meksyk ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Today's explorations started with a trip to the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadelupe. Without going into too much detail, this was an apparition of the Virgin Mary who appeared to a Mexican country worker called Juan Diego. The Virgin took 4 attempts, the last being a miracle, for Juan Diego to convince the local cardinal of the veracity of the encounter. As a result, there has been a church on this site since the 1500s. To be honest, I was fed up with the 'Catholic' side of this trip already but I have included a picture of the latest Cathedral, built in 1976, just due to the scale of the architecture.

      Thankfully, the church visit was relatively short and we could make our way to the site of Teotihuacán, which translates as 'The Place Where Men Become Gods'

      The Teotihuacán civilisation existed from around 400 B.C. to 700 A.D. approximately and the scale of the site was immense. There are two main pyramids in the complex, the smaller, steeper Pyramid of The Moon and the larger Pyramid of the Sun. They know this as the site was built from North to South but the Sun Pyramid faces East to West.

      The Moon Pyramid was constructed for the royal class to venerate the two main gods in their pantheon - Quetzalcoatl: the god of creation and Tlaloc: the rain god. 'And how did they do this?', you may ask. By the aforementioned human sacrifice, discussed yesterday. The chosen one would have considered it a huge honour to offer himself to the gods. He then would have a serpent applied to his body so that its venom would act as pain relief and the priests (for want of a better word), themselves high on ayahuasca, peyoté or similar to render themselves insensate to the enormity of what they were doing, would remove the offering's heart from under his ribcage and offer it bleeding to the gods by placing it in a special receptacle. The size of the receptacle dictated how many hearts were needed to fill it and therefore satisfy the gods.

      Apart from the Pyramids, there were also living quarters for the elite and there were still some original decorative steleae with their natural colouring intact.

      Of course, being as there were pyramids and thatwe were still allowed to climb them, we both did that, with the Moon Pyramid being around 400m tall and the Sun Pyramid 600m tall. The smaller one afforded great views of the ceremonial courtyard and the walkway known as The Avenue of The Dead. This long path was believed by the first people who visited the site after it was abandoned by the Teotihuacans, likely to have been the Mexicas some 600 years later, as the place where men would turn into gods and ascend to their celestial home - hence the name of the city.

      The Sun Pyramid offered breathtaking views of the whole site and the plateau on which it sits. It was pretty breathless as well as there were an awful lot of steep stair to ascend to its summit. The 26°C midday sun didn't help much either but I'm not complainingbeing as it's snowing in London. It was a fantastic proper introduction to an early pre-classic period, pre-hispanic civilisation.

      We returned to Mexico City for a free afternoon, where we took in some of the sites we hadn't seen including the inside of the Grand Opera House, a sculpture garden based on the art of Salvador Dali and a ride up to the viewing platform of the Torre Latinoamericano, which is just under 600ft tall. I would have posted pictures of the views but they weren't that great as the weather had closed in on the valley that holds Mexico City and you couldn't see very far!

      Tomorrow holds an 8 hour coach journey from Mexico City to Oaxaca City, so an early night beckons.
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