I'm a travel agent which comes in handy as I want to travel the whole beautiful world. Weiterlesen Göttingen, Deutschland
  • Tag 3

    Bad Harzburg on a Windy Day

    25. Februar in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Sleeping a little longer today, as Luni had woken me up at 5am to take a shit in the garden, I woke up around 9am to get some coffee. Afterwards, we made our little morning walk and had a huge breakfast afterwards. Stuffed to the brim, we hopped onto Gigi's bus and drove to Bad Harzburg. There we paid a visit to the deer at the little local game reserve, where Luni found some new friends again.
    After that, we drove on to get on the cable car up to the top of the Burgberg (castle hill) where we had some great views over the outskirts of the Harz. José, a huge fan of history, told me the story of Canossa and the saying "We won't go to Canossa". Very short version: "We won't degrade ourselves for nobody - no matter how powerful!"
    Whilst getting a very nice history lesson, we sat down in the café Plumbohns and got ourselves some hot chocolate/latte with cake (I had a very fruity apple cake).
    Stuffed yet again, we played some hardcore invasion with Aluna inside the castle (jk), and headed back done with the cable car.
    Back home, Gigi and I finished my macramee dream catcher (that honestly was 95% of her work) and I packed my last things to drive back home to yet another work week.

  • Tag 2

    Strolling through Goslars' Old Town

    24. Februar in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Today I woke up at 8 o'clock, ready to seize the day. A coffee was waiting downstairs and the dogs were ready for a walk. Unfortunately, Willi isn't an easy dog to go for a walk with as he is barking whenever a motorcycle, bike or other male dog comes around. Luni was very confused sometimes about his barking motives. Back home, Gigi showed me how to crotch for a little while until my brain was fuming. It looks so easy but my fingers are just not convinced of that. "It takes time and many repetitions", Gigi tried to calm me down.
    What really did calm me down, was putting the strings aside and jumping in my car to get to the city centre of Goslar. Gigi, Luni and I were going to do a little window-shopping today. As I've never been to Goslar before, the old buildings and artsy statues around town where nice to lay eyes on. We found some great second-hand shops and an amazing tea shop where we found some great shirts and, of course, cups. I'm such a sucker for tea cups... Can never get enough of them.
    We knew our time was up, when the rain arrived, so we quickly made our way back to the car to drive home.
    There, we ate some cookies whilst frying my brain some more with knitting. Dinner was ready and we had a delicious dish (noodles with onions and Sauerkraut with cheese on top with a thick tomato sauce). Afterwards, Josés granddaughter Lia came for a quick visit and we played some hide and seek with this adorable kid. Afterwards, not only the dogs were done for the day, but I was, too.

  • Tag 4

    Goodbye again, Baltic Sea

    1. Januar in Deutschland ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    After sleeping in and having breakfast, me and Aluna made a huge last trip around the sea, before saying my parents Goodbye for now, sitting back in my car, driving home.

  • Tag 3

    Over the Clouds at New Year's Eve

    31. Dezember 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

    Today, I slept way better than yesterday, waking up at 11am. I guess that's the result of around 19.000 footsteps. My parents arrived shortly afterwards, bringing us some breakfast rolls and blocking our bathroom. As if they didn't have one at the hotel...
    After breakfast, my parents and I went back to the beach whilst my sister went back to bed. Yesterday's forest walk was too much fresh air, I suppose. As the Neujahrsgarten was already open, my Mom decided she wanted to try Glögg, the Swedish version of Glühwein with raisins and almonds inside. I shrugged and said, I'd share with her. It was a hot but sweet little drink that tasted quite alright and warmed up quite a bit. Then, Aluna and I should have started our stroll along the beach while Mom and Dad went back into the hotel. However, Luni wanted to go with Mom and followed her from the beach over the promenade up to the hotel. I had to catch and line her up, dragging her back to the beach. She was resistant until she met the first dog she could play with. Afterwards, Mom was forgotten and we could move along without her hesitance. We had another long walk around the beach and then back to Dad's flat, where we had our usual cleaning and a quick nap, as tonight would be a long night.
    Waking up, as good as new, we made our way to my parents, to go have dinner at the Köstlich restaurant. It was packed, but luckily, my dad has reserved a table in advance. The waitress was cheerful as one could only dream of, and the food was quite alright. A Chinese luck cookie was on the table for each of us. Mine read "Gratefulness is like wine. Come on, drink up!" which I found quite fitting.
    Later, we went back to the hotel and watched Dinner for One together, a beloved, funny tradition. Then we made our way up to the shut down restaurant "Über den Wolken" (translating to Over the Clouds). It's been closed for ages now as the customers lift to it (it's in the 33rd floor of the Maritim, 115m above sea level) was broken and the costs for fixing it in the millions. However, the employees lift was still running and as my dad is one of the most important ones at the Maritim, we sneaked up there.
    The restaurant is a dream come true for Aluna as there is all carpet and lots of space to run. The old chairs, tables and lamps, all left in their last positions. The air felt eerie and cool. I loved it up here. We had an amazing view!
    When the clock turned midnight, we "Cheers" -ed and viewed the hundreds of fire works going in the air. It was quite the experience!

  • Tag 2

    Alunas First Time at the Beach

    30. Dezember 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    After an awful night full of unnecessary thoughts, I woke up at 7am to get myself ready. I was going to pick up some used furniture for my new flat and had to drive to Lübeck and Bad Schwartau for it. Luckily, my sister was kind enough to come with me to help. We picked up my two Kallax shelves and some treats and a leash for Aluna as substitutes for my forgetfulness. Afterwards, we had a long walk with Aluna around the Riesebusch forest in Bad Schwartau. Muddy, wet and nearly frozen, we drive back to Travemünde where we warmed up our bodies again staying at my Dad's flat. After a proper breakfast, Aluna and I made our way to the beach. As it was her very first time at the sea, I was really looking forward to her reaction. I know that she loves playing in the sand at home, so being with her at the beach would be amazing. And she really loved it. As soon as she realized everything was sand, she sprinted into the distance and was super happy. Sniffing each and every shell, and meeting lots and lots of different dogs, I knew that she'd be very tired tonight. We walked and walked for at least 2hrs and she never even so much as touched the calm water to her right. She is a beach dog, not a water dog, that's for sure.
    Finally, we finished our walk and met my parents at the Maritim hotel lobby. We took the lift up to the 13th floor with an amazing view over the Trave and I cleaned Aluna from all of the saltiness. I wanted to go to the Christmas Market, as there still was one in Travemünde, so I left Luni with my Mom and went on my own. There were little handcraft stands with wooden statues, pearly necklaces and witty writings. And there were Bratwurst and Glühwein, but what I wanted was Schmalzkuchen. Little pieces of dough, baked in fat and served with powdered sugar. Here in the North of Germany it's also called Mutzen. I love Mutzen! These were the best I've ever eaten because they were so freshly baked and still very soft. I ate the whole bunch on my way back to the hotel, and I have to admit... My tummy hurt after that. Well, they'll never be as good as that anymore. Back at the hotel, I made myself ready and my family and I went to The Pub at the foot of the Maritim Hotel. We ate a very late dinner whilst Aluna was fast asleep beneath our feet. And after dinner, I was glad that I could still roll my stuffed body up the hill to get back to Dad's flat.

  • Tag 1

    Driving To Se(a) the Fireworks

    29. Dezember 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

    After another day of work, my sister and I drove to Travemünde to stay at my dad's over New Year's Eve.
    My mom and dad were on holidays, so they decided to see the fireworks of Travemünde for a change. So my dad booked my mom a hotel room at his work, the Maritim hotel, and stayed with her there. Therefore, my sister and I could stay at his flat. And as Aluna had never seen the ocean before, I took her with me as well.
    We drove through heavy rain, but our mood was quite good, listening to our different kinds of music tastes. We arrived at 10pm and were completely done for the day, but obviously, something had to go wrong... I ha forgotten most of Alunas things at home. So I didn't have any treats, chewing sticks or toys with me, not even a leash. At least I had her food with me. Adrenaline was high, mood was low, but I couldn't do anything against it now. It would only be a few days anyway. And the most important things, I could still buy tomorrow. Well, what you don't have in mind, your wallet will have to give to you...

  • Tag 22

    A Doctor's Appointment for Last Supper

    15. November 2023 in Madagaskar ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Our wake up call was rather early today, as our flight back to Tana was starting at 7.30am.
    I was feeling awful again, as I not only got my period, but also very bad diarrhea. Yesterday, I had it too, but it only caught up with me today. So, when we stood in line for the check-in, I had to sit down and rest, focus on breathing and not hyperventilate.
    Very fortunate for me, the flight was on time and we were back in Tana in no time. Unfortunately, our rooms at the Belvedere hotel weren't ready yet, so the group decided on going to the Handcrafts Market in town. The pills I took gave me enough strength to pass the next hour of constant "Please have a look", "Good price, good price" and "I made it myself" (spoiler: they never did). Finally, it was over and we drove back to the hotel where we checked in for one last night in Madagascar. We had only planned for one last dinner together with the group at 6.30pm, so the day was pretty much free for our use. Bad thing that I had to use it mostly for laying in bed feeling awful, only leaving it for the toilet to let out all the water that I so desperately tried to put into my body. I was drinking up electrolytes as crazy, but my body revolted against it more and more until I had to puke instantly after drinking them. Afterwards, I just stuck to normal water.
    When time had come for dinner, I felt like shit, however, I wanted to see my fellow comrades one more time and just share all the new memories that we made. So I clenched myself onto Sebs arm and dragged my body to the restaurant. But my head was so dizzy and I felt so weak that I quickly decided to go back into the hotel again. Especially after hearing that there would be a curfew because of the presidential election the next day, I wanted to be back in our room as quickly as possible. We asked Solofo to call the doctor to see me in the hotel and said Goodbye to everyone. It was rather heartbreaking, but I needed to lay down again. Seb got me back to the hotel safely and I tried not to hyperventilate for the next two hours until the doctor and Solofo finally arrived.
    As the doctor could only speak two words in English, we needed Solofo for translation. You'd think that such well educated people like doctors would be able to speak something else than French, but you'd be wrong.
    After testing my blood pressure, breathing and tongue stretching abilities, he put me on an infusion. "You're dehydrated, you've lost way too much water, your body is weak", Solofo translated for me. Well, I knew that much... Whilst I was on the infusion, the doctor perscriped me about ten kinds of drugs to get in the morning. Some others, he gave me right away. After a while the infusion finally kicked and I didn't feel like Death was waiting behind the door anymore. However, I still needed lots of rest. So Seb paid the doctor (changing some more money as we hadn't had enough), and they all took off. How would I be able to manage the 12 hrs flight tomorrow? I tried not to stress about that tonight anymore and fell into a very rough sleep.

  • Tag 21

    A Rickshaw Driver Was Born

    14. November 2023 in Madagaskar ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    This morning I woke up feeling better than yesterday, which made me very glad. Yesterday, Seb has come up with a plan together with Bernie and Roger to become Rickshaw drivers. Roger has already put a toe in the waters to test it when we were waiting for Kates lost luggage to arrive in Tulear the other day. He had paid a Rickshaw driver to let him try it and had been very much surprised by the fact that it is rather diffix6to steer these machines. But he was eager to evolve his driving abilities and Seb has agreed to jump on this waggon, too. Bernie just wanted to play voyeur and cameraman.
    They've planned to meet at 11am which bothered me as it was 30 degrees at 9am already and the Heat wouldn't do them well driving Rickshaws. But now it was too late and I decided to go with them. We made our way along the beach of Ifaty and after only 20m I felt how my heart was racing, the sweat was running and my head spinning. I'm just not made for the heat and especially not around here it seemed. But I bit my tongue until we finally arrived in the village nearby, sat down and gulped down some drinks. When I didn't feel so dizzy anymore, we went on to find some lucky Rickshaw drivers who'd be paid today for getting a ride instead of giving them one. Seb explained his wish, the guy didn't seem too thrilled but the money changed his mind quickly. However, the steering of the Rickshaw seemed to be way harder being on the main road with other vehicles passing, which made the owner of the Rickshaw change his mind yet again. After mere seconds, Seb was degraded to a normal passenger again and he drove into the distance toward our planned lunch location. As a Roger has already stopped another Rickshaw driver for his improvement, he drove off as well. Bernie and I decided to walk on our own feet and met the guys soon after. There, Seb got another chance on getting the gist of a Rickshaw Driver, as it was a small road where not many people or cars were around. His second try was better, though the Rickshaw owner seemed rather glad when he got his money and could vanish into the distance. Obviously, the video had to be rewatched multiple times during our wait for lunch at Chez Freddie. With the food, a cat arrived that was as thin as paper and as hungry as ever. I usually don't like cats too much, but I sympathised with it today, so I gave it a bit of my food. The dessert was mine though. Bad enough I had to share it with Seb.
    After lunch, we made our way back to the hotel, going over the beach. This time, two boys glued themselves onto our sides and tried to persuade us in giving them something. As we learned at the very first day, you shouldn't give kids anything, so I just repeated myself over and over again, saying that he should go to school. When he finally showed my something written on his arm and him gesturing a pen, it clicked. He wanted a pen, something to write with. Sebs new friend was the same, so we decided to get them something to write and in that regard some new clothes as well. We made them wait at the beach whilst getting a pencil from the reception (we only had one pen and still needed it for any eventualities flying back) and two t-shirts from our bungalow. Meeting them back at the beach, they were a bit disappointed about the pencil, I guess because they can't wrote on their skin with it. These poor kids don't even have paper for God's sake. The older boy was very happy about my orange Nike shirt, however the younger one was quite upset about Sebs Schalke t-shirt until he understood what Seb tried to explain to him. Obviously, right now he won't fit into that shirt (as he was only like 6), but he'd grow into it soon enough. Another sign that these people don't really think long-term but only for the here and now. But he got it eventually. For our gifts, they gifted us two of their necklaces as well, so we kind of exchanged things rather than just giving them. They were happy about the stuff, we were happy about making just the tiniest of positive impact and so we could part ways.
    The rest of the day was just relaxing at the pool, playing cards with Mike and later go to a restaurant with the group. On the way there, a horrible sight struck us: A dead dog body, already half eaten. Luckily, Seb managed to get away with me before I could start to try reanimation on it.

  • Tag 20

    Curtains Up for the Malagasy Wildlife

    13. November 2023 in Madagaskar ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Last night has been horrible, as I was sick all the time. I was feeling so weak, I was laying in bed until 2pm, just eating one slice of plain bread. The rest of the day, I was sitting around the bar, trying to drink as much water as possible, which only resulted in me rushing to the toilet every other minute.
    When time for dinner arrived, I could only eat very little, as I felt sick again. And, lucky me, it seemed as if my period would just start to arrive.
    So, that has been a great day. But you can enjoy some amazing photographs that Tracy took with her camera that I couldn't put into a post yet. Curtains up for the breathtaking wildlife of Madagascar.

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