Opéra de Monte-Carlo

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    • Gün 9

      Monaco and Monte Carlo

      14 Haziran, Monako ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Last evening we went to Monaco and to the casino in Monte Carlo
      The drive to Monaco along the cote azure coast was steep and winding roads with amazing views over the ocean with huge super yachts heading towards the Monte Carlo marina
      We had a lovely meal in Monaco then went to the casino it was amazing seeing all the cars and people with so much wealth
      It cost’€18 to enter then we received €10 voucher to use in the casino, I put our voucher into a police machine and pressed buttons and I won €117 so was very happy
      Drinks at the bar were€33 so we didn’t bother
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16

      Day trip to Monaco!

      6 Nisan, Monako ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Had another early start today after having a long day the day before. We got up and had to pay for our excursions up front. Yay☺️ after biting on my tongue as hard as I could, we had our breakfast and left for a Café with a large group of people. Some people split off and did their own thing while Pearse, two others, and I sat to have coffee right next to the beach. After a while, the four of us kept on going down the beach. They signed up for the overpriced bikeride, so they had to leave after a while. Pearse and I made a plan to go to the shopping street because he needed a new outfit that was nice enough for the Monte Carlo Casino! We were told there was an H&M not far from the hostel. When we finally got to the shopping street, the first thing we noticed was Gucci, Chanel×2, Louis V. If you can name it, it was there, and we definitely can't afford. Finally, we found H&M tucked away in the corner like they were embarrassed by it lol. Still, the store was like one of the craziest chain stores I've seen. Why does an H&M need 3 levels? Especially when everything was so spaced out. All the shit in the store could have fit in the one at West Ed, but they still had a sky scraper for this place. Everything was very expensive in Nice, unfortunately. Anyway,Pearse grabbed a banging outfit, and we left to grab a burger at a place called Big Ferdinand. Finally, I had a well-done burger. Get your slimy medium rare burgers outta here. Our burgers were so good, though they disappeared like magic. It was kind of late afternoon at this point, so we decided we were gonna go shower a little early and get ready for Monaco. We had to be on the bus at 5:00 sharp because Monaco has very specific times and rules for coach busses. So, I showered first and went out to find a restaurant for a beer while Pearse prettied himself up. After my shower, I just got back into my regular clothes because I knew I wouldn't be too long and would come back earlier to get into my going out outfit. Pearse met up with me at about 4:15 for a quick beer. Shockingly, we don't like 9€ beers. They don't even taste good at that price. We left with more than enough time to get back to the hostel. Until we saw street food. To be fair, though, we didn't know if we were gonna be able to afford to eat in Monaco. We were pushing it, but we got back to the hostel 10 minutes before the coach left, and I still had to change, and he had to grab his passport. I wasn't worried until I was on the stairs of the hostel and saw our roommate Adam, who we also got coffee with in the morning. He told me "the door is fucked" in the strongest Kiwi accent ever. I asked what he meant. So he took me to the room and sure enough the door was fucked. The sensor for our keycards was continuously beeping, and we couldn't scan our key cards. The two of us ran back downstairs watching our entire group walk out the doors to the bus. We informed the lady at the desk the door wasn't work so she called somebody. I don't think she realized we were part of the group leaving in 4 minutes. I feel bad, but all 3 of us were telling her, "we need to go please you need to hurry up,"so we went up with her master key fob and of course it didn't work either. She had to run to the other building to grab an actual key to let us in. While she was doing that, I started stripping down in the hallway lol. She finally let us in, and it was so chaotic in our little room. I'm half naked, Pearse is rifling through his bag for his passport, and Adam is looking for his stuff while half naked as well. I was last to leave the room. I swear I was still pulling up my pants while in the hostel lobby. I jumped down every single stair in that building. When I got outside, the other boys were already out of sight. So, I started running as hard as I could around the corner and through the busy market. I caught up to Pearse, and we got to our meet-up spot together. Absolutely gassed and sweating our balls off, we made it. We were actually 2 minutes late, but luckily, Nice isn't exactly coach friendly, so our driver was 3 minutes late. If we had missed Monaco, I woulda lost it. The bus ride was only 30 minutes total to Monaco, and halfway there, we all got out for some pictures. The bus driver and tour guide surprised us all with some sparkling wine. I really enjoyed just looking at the prettiest views ever and having some bubbly. When we got to Monaco, I instantly fell in love with the country, which is smaller than most cities. It's the second smallest country in the world. I went to a souvineer shop with intentions to buy my first souvenir of the trip. I am the most clumsy human ever, I guess, and knocked over all the playing cards in like domino's in his store. The dude kicked everyone out and stopped selling to us after. That's okay because I walked 30 seconds down the road to a way cooler store with way better shit. We all got shoved back into the coach to go to Monte Carlo Casino. To get there, though, we had to drive on the famous F1 track. I've been getting into F1 the last 6 months, so I thought that was super cool. Once we made it to the casino I started to feel so bougee. Supercars were pulling in 1 after the other. Bently,Bently,Ferrari,Porsche,maserati. All one after the other. They were probably thrilled they had to share this fancy ass casino with 40 young adults who are literally just on an 18-day bender lol. Maybe we're not classy enough or something. We went into the Nino and everything there was so beautiful. Everything was gold with huge chandeliers. I swear it's the fanciest place I've ever been. Not just the casino but all of Monico. I actually don't like gambling, so I just put a 20 in a roulette machine and played for probably 30 minutes. I left 63 cents to the good, so that's a huge win lol. After we just went back to the hostel and had beers in the common area with a few people. Monaco was probably Mt favorite place. we've been so far it was so beautiful and made me feel bougee. It also made me feel broke lol, we definitely couldn't afford to be there for more than an evening. I'm tired now after writing a novel.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 34

      Money, Mercades, and Monegasques

      13 Ağustos 2023, Monako ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      It’s on to country 14 and the world’s second smallest country- Monaco.

      If Cannes is moneyed, Monaco is minted. Designer brands make up the bulk of shops in Monte Carlo, with brands like Alexander McQueen, Versace, Armani and Louboutin lining the streets surrounding the famous casino. Monaco is in itself a micro-state and one of the wealthiest countries in the world. With just over 9000 nationals, known as Monegasques (try saying that three times fast), the country boasts a total population of 38,682- one in 3 of whom are millionaires and all of whom are squeezed into a space smaller than Hyde park in London making it one of the most densely populated countries on the planet.

      The casino itself, famed by its association with James Bond, is an interesting place. Envisioned by Princess Caroline, it was built to save the royal family (The Grimaldis) from bankruptcy. The princess also banned the citizens of Monaco from entering the gaming rooms of the casino. Still to this day, no Monegasques are allowed to gamble or even work at the casino and you have to show your passport to enter the building. Until very recently the casino was the main source of income for both Monaco and the Grimaldi royal family- talk about making money off of foreigners!

      Casino aside, Monaco is a fascinating little place. It’s one of the most heavily policed countries with one police officer for every 73 residents. Almost all of its police officers are selected from the French police force. It has the highest life expectancy of any country in the world and it has over 12,000 millionaires in a space less than one square mile.

      As I’m on a shoe string with no budget for shopping or gambling, I’m off on another mission- to get a Monegasque passport stamp. Although Monaco is no longer officially allowed to stamp passports (which I’m rather disappointed about) they are happy to furnish visitors with a small card passport complete with the old Monaco stamp in it. After a hike to the tourist office, passing yachts and some of the fanciest cars I’ve ever seen, I leave triumphant, tourist passport in hand.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 61

      007 Casino Royal

      11 Ekim 2023, Monako ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Mit dem Zug 🚆 sind wir nach Monaco gefahren, bei 4 Zugfahrten sind 3!!Ausgefallen! Hier also noch schlimmer als bei uns in Deutschland
      Dafür hat uns der Anblick von Monaco sehr entschädigt.
      Eine Traumstadt der Reichen und Schönen.
      Wir haben dann erstmal Hopp on hopp of gemacht und sind beim Casino 🎰 hängengeblieben.
      Einmal wie James Bond sich fühlen 😄🤪
      Für schlappe 18 EU pro Person durften wir ins Heiligtum, der Wahnsinn! Was hier wohl so an Kohle verzockt wird? 🎲♠️
      Für weitere 20 Euro noch ein Bier und eine Cola, champagner war uns dann doch zu viel 🙃😆
      Da wir wissen, wie toll es David hier gefallen hätte, haben wir ein wenig Asche om Casino heimlich verstreut und dann noch ein wenig Asche und ein kleines Olivenholzkreuz vor dem Casino niedergelegt.
      Im Namen deiner Schwester Rieka ❤️❤️❤️
      Die dich jeden Tag vermisst 🖤🤍🤎
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 36

      Dag 36

      18 Mayıs 2023, Monako ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Dagje Monaco vandaag. Heel mooi en veel dure auto’s. (Vooral bij het casino) Alles stond al klaar voor de Grand Prix van volgend weekend. Dubbel gevoel omdat ik normaal naar de race van dit weekend ging, maar deze is afgelast. Maar toch nog leuk om te zien. Zeker omdat je langst de pitboxes, finishlijn en podium kon lopen. Eenmaal terug op de camping ook nog een wasje gedaan.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 224


      3 Kasım 2019, Monako ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      John has never been and I only visited for a few hours so we decided to visit Monaco 🇲🇨 and add another country to our blog. We almost didn’t get there as initially we were waiting for the bus, where we had seen it stop yesterday, when a kind local advised that there was diversion in place and buses weren’t going this way. OK no problem we will get the train, ticket office closed, machine only takes cards and coins, just not my card. We got to supermarket with 5 mins to spare and they gave us change, we bought the tickets and there was the train, a double decker.
      Monaco was very clean, very expensive and a real mix of buildings the beautiful older ones and lots of high-rise flats but interesting non the less. The boats in the main Marina were huge. The Cathedral was impressive white stone was used for the elaborate exterior but internally it was grey and more utilitarian. I can’t believe the interior of the Casino the nasty neon slot machines against the beautiful mouldings. We might have had a flutter but neither of know how to use the slots now that there are all the extra buttons.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2


      6 Nisan, Monako ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute Vormittag sind wir mit dem Zug von Nizza nach Monaco gefahren. Dort angekommen haben wir ein wenig die Stadt erkundigt. Unser erstes Ziel vor Ort war das Casino, welches wir von außen besichtigt haben. Anschließend sind wir die Formel 1-Rennstrecke entlang gelaufen und haben uns unterwegs noch ein kleines Frühstück geholt.
      Unser Weg hat uns entlang dem Yachthafen geführt, wo wir uns die verschiedenen dezenten Schiffe angesehen haben. Wir sind dann den Rest der Rennstrecke weiter gelaufen, bis wir erneut am Casino angekommen sind. Am Bahnhof angekommen haben wir uns erneut Tickets gelöst um weiter nach Cannes zu fahren.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      1 Tag in Monaco

      18 Eylül 2023, Monako ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Ich hatte diese Nacht die Klimaanlage an und es war wirklich zu kalt, weshalb ich dann auch schon die ersten Anzeichen von einer Erkältung bekommen habe, Halskratzen. Ich habe dann mit den beiden Mädchen gefrühstückt und wir wollten uns eigentlich noch mit anderen aus Nizza für die Tour nach Monaco verabreden. Leider hat das aber irgendwie nicht geklappt, weil die sich wohl verspätet haben. Wir sind dann zu dritt nach die 20 Minuten nach Monaco gefahren und haben die Stadt erkundet. Erst zum Casino, welches sehr beeindruckend war und dann zum Yachthafen, die F1 Strecke entlang und an der Start und Zielgeraden der F1 Strecke waren wir in einem Supermarkt und haben uns provisorisches Mittag geholt, welches wir dann direkt an der Straße gegessen. Von dort ging es weiter zur ALTSTADT hoch und dann auf den PLATZ. Dort haben sich die beiden Mädchen verabschiedet, weil sie den Zug nach Barcelona nehmen mussten und ich bin noch geblieben. Ich bin dann auf die andere Seite des Hafens gelaufen und habe mir dort die Helipads angeschaut. Dann ging es zurück in den Norden der Stadt zum einzigen Strand in Monaco. Das Wasser und der Strand waren sehr schön, weshalb ich baden war. Dann hat es leider wie auch schon über den Tag angefangen zu regnen und zu dem war es ca. 18:00, weshalb ich dann meine Sachen gepackt habe und zurück gegangen bin. Ich war dabei aber noch 2x im Casino, weil ich unbedingt ein Andenken haben wollte und dementsprechend lange überlegt habe, ob ich mir einen Stift für 25€ kaufe. Ich habe mich dann für eine preiswertere Postkarte entschieden. Monaco ist generell eine schöne Stadt, aktuell mit einigen Baustellen und natürlich sehr teuer alles, aber trotzdem sehr schön. Mit dem Zug ging es dann zurück nach Nizza und ich habe mich über den Tag wieder mit anderen Reisenden verabredet, die ich dann gegen 19:30 vor der Rugby Village getroffen habe. Von dort sind wir losgelaufen, wollten eigentlich erst Essen gehen, haben uns aber dann entschieden eine Pizza to go zu holen und uns damit an den Strand zu setzen. Das war sehr schön und die Gruppe hat auch gut harmoniert. Zwar gab es den Marokkaner, der sich eine Pizza geholt hat, nichts davon gegessen hat und uns die ganze Zeit auf seine Pizza eingeladen hat, aber das ist ein anderes Thema. Danach sind wir als Gruppe in die Waka Bar gegangen und haben dort erst etwas getrunken, noch andere Reisende getroffen und sind dann in die erste Etage gegangen wo ein kleiner Dancefloor mit Dj war. Dort haben wir dann getanzt und das hat auch wirklich Spaß gemacht. Es war auch ganz cool, weil Fenna auch Mal getanzt hat, so war ich nicht der einzige Tänzer. Der Marokkaner wollte die ganze Zeit in einen anderen Club und uns dort einladen, das konnten wir dann aber nach langer Zeit vermeiden, weil wir es dort ganz gut fanden. Gegen 03:00 oder so sind wir dann gegangen und ich war wieder sehr spät im Bett. Trotzdem war es ein interessant Tag, vor allen Dingen war der Abend sehr toll.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7


      26 Ağustos 2023, Monako ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Today, I was catching a bus to Monaco for the day. It's an incredibly rich and expensive city and as such I didn't plan to go to crazy with sightseeing. I was just keen to wander around and see exactly how poor I am relative to some people. It is bad timing to come to a place like this as I am as poor as I have been since college, but it's still interesting to see. I started the day quite late while I spoke to the folks, but getting on the bus, even at midday, was chaotic. Eventually, I did arrive and headed to the Prince's Palace of Monaco. Although I didn't go in, there was still plenty to do on the headland as it exists as its own little town. Lots of markets, churches, and parks exist in quite a small area. It made it interesting to walk through. This took quite a while to get through, and afterwards, it was time to go to the docks and see how all the rich people live. This was as depressing as it was cool. There were some enourmas boats with huge crews, basically mansions on water. I walked around here for a while, suffering in the heat, before I started to head to the casino. The casino has plenty of nice cars out the front, a very fancy walkway, and some pretty intense security. It was paid entry to go anywhere but the lobby basically so I left not long after arriving but it was cool to see all the cars. I then headed home and grabbed a feed before heading to bed. I hadn't eaten out in a long while, and I hadn't eaten all day. As such, I bought a chicken pizza (for protein), and it was incredibly average, but I ate it all nonetheless. After this, I headed back to the hostel and got ready for bed.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2


      17 Mart 2023, Monako ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Weiterreisen mit dem Zug nach Monaco, Grand Prix Rennstrecke, - Sehen und Gesehen werden -, so viele Porsche, Bentley, Rolles Royes, Lamborghini, Range Rover, Aston Martin und natürlich Ferraris auf einem Haufen. Wir zwei machen Carspotting im Café de ParisOkumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Opéra de Monte-Carlo, Opera de Monte-Carlo, Monte-Carlo Opera House, Grand Théâtre de Monte Carlo, Opera di Monte Carlo, Q1577048

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