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  • Day 6

    Mount Fansipan - Summit

    November 12, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    With the flashlight just lightning up small areas, the whole beauty of this top of a mountain was still a surprise waiting for me after sunrise while I dragged myself up to the top over - guess - stairs again.
    The last steps when you see there is nothing more to come and when you finally made' just have to do it yourself.
    Oh and not forget to mention the other feeling when you start looking around and the unshier beauty of mountainridges and peaks, overflown by a sea of clouds, unfolds all around you to the horizon and you just don't know where to look first.
    Luckily my guide and me were the first so we enjoyed this moment for almost half an hour until Jack, a super nice british guy from Singapore, arrived and we both standing there together just stunned and baffled.
    I set up my cam and we started making pictures... A lot.. Until the others arrived and the sunrise was close.
    The ten of us standing and waiting for the first sunrays.
    This magical moment when this shining ball slips over the horizon and starts covering everything with a shower of golden light, unveiling even more hidden wonders.
    Clouds slowly starting to melt under the warmth and power of the sun and you're just standing, smiling, soaking up as much as you can until you find the strength for a cut, to remember that you have to go down again.. All the way.. Now...
    Fansipan actually is quite perfect for this which doesn't make it easier, because after the summit and the sunrise you can start exploring the rest of the mountaintop with it's huge (at least for a mountaintop) monuments and temples.
    But pictures telling more than all the words not coming into my mind...
    This was one of the most spectacular summit experiences I was lucky to be allowed to have.
    Nothing can stay for ever, so after another half an hour or so strolling around, taking more pictures and our guides slowly starting walking ahead we had to go down again.
    All in one go with a short lunch break we went down and arrived back at the hotel 6 hours later.
    I thanked Mi Ching from all of my heart and he went off on his bike.
    Mount Fansipan - Check
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  • Day 5

    Mount Fansipan - Hike

    November 11, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Mountains.. I just love them all and especially the high peaks of each country. Therefore the Fansipan (Phan Xi Pang) with 3143m as the highest mountain Vietnams and Indochinas I had to conquer.
    Unfortunately the Fansipan is not allowed to hike on your own so I organized a guide. I decided for the 2days tour although it could be done in one day but than you won't get the sunrise which is always a magical moment giving me goosebumps.
    My guide Mi Ching picked me up at my hotel with his bike and we drove to the closeby village Sin Chai to start the track.
    After 5 hours of steep uphill crambling, some thousands stairsteps and only a short lunchbreak we arrived at the highcamp at 2800 meters where some other fellow hikers already had arrived, sitting, chatting and waiting for the dinner their guides already had started to prepare. Mi Ching joined into cooking and me into chatting.
    You always meet interesting people with lot of good stories on a mountain and so we enjoyed a nice evening, had delicious and way to many dishes for dinner (our guides from 17-45 years all were excellent cooks) and went to bed at 7pm to get up at 3am for the last rush to the summit and the sunrise.
    Unfortunately falling and staying asleep so early, even after a strenuous day, with wind shaking the metaldoors and too cool temperatures for too shitty sleepingbags wasn't so easy..
    After some hours sleepy slumber the alarms went off and it was time to go get what we all were waiting for. This was enough to forget how tired we still were (the coffee also helped a bit) and after again a too big of a pot of noodles we started to climb the last 300 meters with our flashlights under a clear stary sky and almost full moon. Actually again a lot of stairsteps and couple of times up an down until we finally came out in front of the cablecarstation. Yes - a cable car, there's nothing worse to kill a summit (maybe in 50 years I'm happy about them), so it had to be destiny the cable car was closed for maintenance.
    Combined with the best weather which was totally untypical for this time of the year (normally it's 0°,covered in clouds, windy afk and probably rain if not even snow - thanks climate change?)
    I already started smiling while heading for the last stairsteps.. This time for real.
    ---continues with summit ---
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  • Day 4


    November 10, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Sapa this lovely town in the northern mountains of Vietnam. After a not so comfy busride we arrived bit tired and after a short rest we went out for exploring the town. Spreading over the sides of the mountains and the neighbouring valley, it has a lot of steep streets which are covered with mayestic buildings from the french colonial time, unique built Homestays and eco lodges and of course plenty of restaurants and souvenir shops, all of them start shining with hundreds of lampions and and all sorts of LEDs at night time.
    While strolling around you will for sure meet the local women trying to sell their handicrafts. They come from sorounding villages where several ethnic minorities live with their own culture, tradition and language. If you don't wanna buy something, they will still invite you to their village and home to stay with them and get to know the different livestyles.
    I didn't took the chance for a villagestay but asked her if she knows a guide for the nearby Mount Fansipan (which was my main reason for Sapa) and luckily her brother was one. So we exchanged numbers. Ai (the womens name) pulled out her phone and showed me her whatsapp QR Code which baffeld me and with humble respect I scanned her code to check the details later the evening.
    Back at the hotel I got the confirmation for the next day and so I went to bed full of anticipation.
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  • Day 2


    November 8, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Beautiful start of our journey in Hanoi to warm up and get used to the basics (learning Vietnamese: bia (bier is always so easy),learn the currency (finally we are millionaires 😁), try the street food (but can't remember the names). 2 days strolling around and checking some spots.
    Temples, temples, temples, ho chi min
    mausoleum, eggcaffee at the trainstreet, BBQ on the walkway and in between some cold Bias.
    Catching the Bus at 6 in the morning for our
    next stop Sapa. Probably the coldest place in Vietnam but beautiful mountain landscape and all the rice fields to hike around.
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