De Wallen

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    • Day 5

      07/21/2024 More Sightseeing

      July 21 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      After breakfast today, we went to see Body Worlds and a House Boat Museum. Some pictures of some smart cars and the Royal Palace. Both were very enjoyable. Dakota and I came back to the hotel and rested. We went for dinner and came back and went to bed.Read more

    • Day 26

      It's 'Boat Day"!!

      August 26, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Not sure why it’s showing us in the Netherlands?? Oh well. A little review of last night before we hop on the AMASonata.
      On our second last night in Budapest we had the opportunity to try a langos. Delicious. Lángos is famous Hungarian street food, which is basically a fried bread dough. The basic dough is made of water (or milk), yeast, flour and salt. Lángos is fried in oil and usually served with toppings. For Hungarians, the most popular topping is cheese and sour cream and that was our choice. Deep fried pizza. Amazing.

      Well, we got brave and worked our way into a RUIN BAR. “Back in 2004, a run down building on Kazinczy Street in District VII was saved from demolition by a group of entrepreneurs looking to open up a bar/community space. Rather than redeveloping they chose to work with the building’s ramshackle state, adding quirky furniture and decorations, creating a mix’n’match aesthetic and making use of a space otherwise destined for ruin.
      The venture was a success and provided the template for a new generation of bars. The ruin pub was born, with Budapest’s Jewish District district the focal point for this new nightlife trend. Buildings in varying states of decay were rescued and, rather than being totally renovated, ruin bars worked with their natural surroundings to create quirky and unique spaces”. We chose the Red Ruin Bar. Located in the heart of Budapest and not far from our condo, the RRB is a communism theme bar with red lights and a sense of humour about the political past. When you walk in, the first thing to see is a mural of Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong celebrating in birthday hats. Definitely a different vibe. After 2 beer, one wine and a sparkling water, we were out the door… after spending only $12.00CDN. At least we can say we did it.

      Our beer of choice in Budapest has been the Soporoni brand. It doesn’t take much to develop a loyalty to a product. A great waitress on our first night was more than willing to share a few local facts with us and it really created a nice experience. Soporoni is named after the city of Soporon. Sopron is situated near the western borders of Hungary, at the foot of the Alps, 60 km from Vienna and 220 km from Budapest. It is known as the city of loyalty. In 1921, the residents had a choice to leave the monarchy or stay as part of Hungary. They chose Hungary and now we enjoy the beer.

      And now, we are off to our boat. Checked out of our condo in the morning and grabbed a tram to our boat to drop off our luggage. As boat check-in is not until 3:00PM, we’re off to check out another area of the city.
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    • Day 61

      Bus-y day

      November 3, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Our original bus out of Brussels was supposed to be at 8:45 and take 3 hours, instead we left at 11:30 and got to Amsterdam just before 4 and they dropped us off at a different stop. But we got here 🎉

      We decided to take the train to the city center to get to our accommodation rather than braving a 2 hour walk in the rain with our packs. Our accommodation this time is similar to the space pod hostel - it's a pod type room with just a bed and a little walkway.

      After checking in we decided to get lost and just wander, we somehow made a wrong turn and ended up in the red light district, which was "interesting", after escaping the strange street we ended up at a hot food vending machine shop, where we grabbed some snacks.

      We strolled for a while longer before getting some fresh stroopwafles and heading back to the accommodation to sleep.

      Step count: 14k
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    • Day 15

      Netherlands day 11

      April 14 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      On our last day in the Netherlands we spent the morning walking through Amsterdam with our newly acquired friends. In the afternoon we went to a small farm where we were shown the authentic clog making process, followed by a farm dinner that was made from products off of the farm.Read more

    • Day 3

      25.000 stappendag

      September 20, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      🎶De ochtendstond heeeeft goud in de mooond🎶

      Alleen was de ochtend voor ons wel een beetje de middag. 💤Dag begonnen met lekker broodje salami en een iced coffe die ik (weeral) op de grond heb laten vallen.🙁 Even sip momentje😿
      Maar daarna al snel terug opgefleurd 😁door de prachtige stad Amsterdam met haar mooie mooie huisjes. 🏠We hebben vooral vandaag wa rondgeslenterd en minstens 3 snoepwinkels bezocht, 🍭ni omda we iets wilde kopen, 💸ma omda ze er toch o-zo mooi uitzagen. 😍
      Na veel wandelen 🥾hebben we ons gedeplaceerd aan de kant van het water 🌊met een aperitiefje en daarna een frietjes van zogezegd “de beste frituur” hier. 🍟

      De zonsondergang was ook geweldig, stad stond precies in brand. 🌅

      Om de laatste avond te vieren zijn we nog een theetje ☕️gaan drinken met een red-velvet taart. 🍰Ook de terugtocht was red want we moesten terug via de redlight district. 🚨Ben daarna dan ook maar eventjes voor een raam gaan staan om deze reis terug te kunne betalen. 😌NEEEE MOPJE MAMA, ben een bescheiden dame. ⚠️⚠️⚠️

      We hebben de laatste avond wel in stijl afgesloten met een tekensessie. ✏️

      Nou slaapwel he 🛌
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    • Day 4

      Grachtenfahrt 🚣🏽‍♀️

      March 31 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Nach dem heutigen späten z'Morge und bitz Chääsdegustieren 🧀 , genossen wir eine einstündige Grachtenfahrt. Die Fahrt was sehr infomativ.

      💡Ethan, unser Guide erklärte uns, dass wegen eines Brandes🔥, der vor mehreren 100 Jahren stattfand, die Häuser hauptsächlich aus Steinen bestehen dürfen. Nur wenige Elemente und das Fundament ist aus Holz. Da das Holz jedoch morsch wird, finden wir hier auch viele sehr schräge häuser. 😱

      Er erzählte uns auch, dass man jährlich 25 Autos & 15'000 Velos aus den Grachten fischt, die von besoffenen Turis reingeworfen werden.🙄

      ❗Quizduell: warum ist das Rotlichtmilieu und die Kirche⛪ in Amsterdam direkt nebeneinander? Warum wird es Rotlichtmilieu genannt und was ist ein Blaulichtmillieu? - was denkt ihr? Schreibts rein wir sind gespannt auf eure Antworten.
      Auflösung gibts dann im nächsten Blog
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    • Day 108

      117ème étape ~ Amsterdam (jour 1)

      November 18, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Après avoir récupéré Mél et John à l’aéroport, nous commençons notre découverte d’Amsterdam.
      Notre premier arrêt est le musée Wondr, quelle expérience rigolote. 🤣
      Nous avons beaucoup rigolé.
      Puis nous avons découvert la ville à bord d’un bateau mouche, à travers les canaux. Nous avons eu les explications en français.
      Ensuite nous avons mangé un bon repas traditionnel hollandais dont on serait incapable de prononcer le nom, suivi d’un super dessert.
      Pour finir la journée, nous avons découvert le quartier rouge, ses fameuses vitrines et ses fameux coffeeshop. 🙊
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    • Day 17

      On the move again to Amsterdam

      October 2, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Left Paris hotel quite early. Lugging all the bags down the 5 flights of spiral staircase wasn't as bad as I dreaded (Paul did most)
      Walked to Gare du Nord train station and hopped on the Eurostar which sped us to Amsterdam, took the city tram to our hotel.
      Went for an afternoon wander around to check out the city and spotted some things for revisiting tomorrow. So many ppl travelling on bikes, commuters, ppl out shopping, you have to keep your wits about you so you don't get in their way!
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    • Day 111

      117ème étape ~ Amsterdam (jour 4)

      November 21, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Dernier jour à Amsterdam, nous ne pouvions pas quitter la ville sans faire un arrêt dans son fameux port. Bien qu’il soit plus petit que celui de Rotterdam, il est quand même très grand.
      La vidéo c’est cadeau. 🥰
      Flo a dégusté les frites avec la fameuse sauce hollandaise dont on ne saurait pas prononcer le nom. 😂
      Nous avons partagé un dernier verre et on a redéposé Mél et John à l’aéroport avant de reprendre notre route. 🛣️
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    • Day 52

      IN Amsterdam 🇳🇱

      June 23 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Amsterdam!! Stunning city - a bit dirty with rubbish everywhere but overall a beautiful place. We spent a few days here ( even a day trip out to Zandvoort beach ). We spent a lot of time walking around checking out different neighbourhoods & exploring the city's rich history, but we also did a "special" brownie & gummie making class which I really enjoyed, we learnt ALOT about how corrupt the behind the scenes of having and selling weed in Amsterdam actually is - we went swimming in the sea where will nearly killed me off & nearly lost my glasses - we did a unlimited cheese and wine boat tour at 12pm and I got a little tipsy oops ( having to much fun in the sun) also learnt alot about the city. - ripleys believe it or not museum (very fascinating) & the highlight of my trip visiting the Anne Frank house & being able to actually walk through the annex. ( we couldn't take photos inside but it was an unforgettable experience)
      We had such beautiful weather the whole time & overall vibes in Amsterdam were 10/10
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