Sexmuseum Amsterdam

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    • Day 52

      IN Amsterdam 🇳🇱

      June 23 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Amsterdam!! Stunning city - a bit dirty with rubbish everywhere but overall a beautiful place. We spent a few days here ( even a day trip out to Zandvoort beach ). We spent a lot of time walking around checking out different neighbourhoods & exploring the city's rich history, but we also did a "special" brownie & gummie making class which I really enjoyed, we learnt ALOT about how corrupt the behind the scenes of having and selling weed in Amsterdam actually is - we went swimming in the sea where will nearly killed me off & nearly lost my glasses - we did a unlimited cheese and wine boat tour at 12pm and I got a little tipsy oops ( having to much fun in the sun) also learnt alot about the city. - ripleys believe it or not museum (very fascinating) & the highlight of my trip visiting the Anne Frank house & being able to actually walk through the annex. ( we couldn't take photos inside but it was an unforgettable experience)
      We had such beautiful weather the whole time & overall vibes in Amsterdam were 10/10
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    • Day 12


      July 5, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F


      We had a great time exploring in Amsterdam today. Van Gogh Museum, the Rijksmuseum, and lots of people watching. So many bicycles!! Yet another place where we could’ve spent many days seeing all there is to see; we’ll have to come back. Another excellent Italian dinner and a drink with one of Neal’s drum corps buddies wrapped up the day nicely.

      1. Along one of the canals
      2. The Royal Palace
      3. Ad/artwork in random street
      4. Magna Plaza, which is a shopping mall now!
      5. Another canal
      6. From a really moving temporary display at the Van Gogh Museum that shows paintings from his last couple of months. This one is called Twilight.
      7., 8., and 9 From the Rijksmuseum. One of those museums you really need a few days to see. We did our best.
      10. One last canal pic
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    • Day 3

      3. den: Amsterdam

      August 10, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Po skvelych ranajkach (prazenica) sme viac-menej podla planu vystartovali do Amsterdamu. Krasne dialnice sme brazdili povolenou stovkou (vysoke pokuty uz pri prekroceni o 5km/h), nakoniec sme sa vsak do ciela dovliekli. Ako prve sme ochutnali najlepsie amsterdamske hranolky v Mannekenpis (omacky kari, majoneza a cesnakova) a boli vynikajuce. Nasledoval presun k hlavnemu bodu programu - mojmu narodeninovemu darceku. Popri pamiatkach, polkruhovych kanaloch v krasnej architekture sme na moje prekvapenie dorazili do cajovne Moychay, kde som urcite chcel ist 😀 a tak sa darcek fantasticky trafil (a pozname s pani M z caj festov aj majitela Sergeya, ktory tam vsak teraz nebol - ja mam dokonca aj jeho knihu, samozrejme podpisanu). Uzili sme si gong fu cha cajovy ritual s tohtorocnym Longjing a specialitkou, vyzretym sheng puerhom z 1997 - lahodka, ktoru sme si aj kupili domov. Caj sme zajedli zakuskami: mandlovou coko tycinkou, karamelovou rolkou a este nejsky keksik. Dalsiu prechadzku po meste sme prelozili waflou a churros. Zastavili sme sa pri muzeu Anny Frankovej. No a pomaly bol cas presunut sa nazad k autu. Cestou este ochutnavka a nakup syrov, pani M ulovila kyticku drevenych tulipanov a ja (kedze sme nestihli ziadny coffee shop) aspon 3 speci lizatka. Nasledovala cesta domov, a kedze bolo uz po siedmej vecer, zvysil sa aj rychlostny limit na dialnici na 120 (na dvoch kratsich usekoch dokonca 130!). Cestou sme sa stavili na veceru v meste Amersfoort (odkial pochadza Dennis) v podniku de Kabouterhut, kde podavaju palacinky na milion roznych sposobov. Pani M si dala Taliansku (cibula, paradajka, paprika, syr, oliva, bylinky) a Francuzsku (syr brie, orechy, med) kombinaciu na jednej palacinke, junior BBQ (kura, kukurica, cibula, paprika, syr, BBQ omacka) a Soldaat (slanina, sunka, salama, mlete maso, paprika, syr), Reb Advocaat (vajecny liker a broskynova slahacka) a Bokkesprong (kozi syr, slanina, piniove oriesky, rukola, med). No a ja s Dennisom sme dali rebra 😅. Pochutili sme si, zaliali limonadou a pivkom (ja nealko). Doma sme este v trojici ja, junior a Dennis dali zopar kol hry Love Letter , ja som to konecne zapil aj pifkom a sli sme spat.Read more

    • Day 5


      October 5, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Don’t get me wrong, I understand there are delays in travel. I also understand weather plays a huge part when you are on a ship…what I don’t like is when people don’t pay attention and follow the rules. If they did we wouldn’t have a line spanning three full decks.

      Anyway, Amsterdam is gorgeous. We were a bit stressed as the reservation we had was for 12 but since we were late getting docked and everyone and their mother wanted off at the same time, we failed to get there on time. But the people with Somma Tours were more than understanding. They scheduled us for an even better canal tour in an open boat with only 12 people. We offered to pay the difference but they said don’t worry about it since we were polite.

      So we had a GREAT tour! We learned a lot…the patron Saint is Santa Claus and he looks after everyone in the Netherlands especially “hookers and the thieves.” Also many Houseboats don’t use curtains since they have “nothing to hide.” And taxes used to be based on the number of steps in front of your home and how many windows you have.

      After the canal tour we walked to the Kattenkabinet. It hosted a lot of artwork of cats and had real cats wandering around. Very small but fun. We walked all the way back to the ship and rested a bit. I got mom some ice for her ankle. Dinner was at the pub on the ship. We watched M3gan and Jurassic Park in the room to stay awake until 10.
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    • Day 5

      Polarlicht - 1. kleiner Versuch

      October 30, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Gestern Abend wurden wir aus dem Expertenvortrag in die Kälte gelockt! Wenig fürs Auge! Nur Gudrun‘s Elektronik konnte dem Himmel etwas abgewinnen! Heute geht es über den Polarkreis und vorher cruisen wir um Torghatten und den Vikingen Islands. Mittags dann noch die 7 Schwestern.Read more

    • Day 15

      Ankunft Hamburg

      November 9, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Morgens haben wir um 06.30 Uhr an der Pier in Altona festgemacht! Gepäck ist wieder zuhause und darüber schon die Karte für die nächste Reise Ende Januar! Eine tolle Reise ist vorbei! Wetter und Ereignisse sind kaum noch zu toppen!Read more

    • Day 6

      Berlijn 2

      October 31, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Sinds gisteravond voorzien van een 24-uurs ov-kaart, reisden we eerst naar de tentoonstelling Alltag in der DDR, een indrukwekkend beeld van waar ontaarde idealen toe kunnen leiden. Het wantrouwen, de onvrijheid, de slechte producten, schaarste en slechte organisatie. En soms ook tragikomisch zoals de kampeer Trabant.
      Daarna op 203 mtr hoogte het uitzicht uit de TVtoren (DDR 1965) bewonderd.
      Bezoeken aan plekken die we kenden van vroeger als de Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtnis kerk, Potsdamer Platz, Checkpoint Charlie vulden de dag.
      Een stad vol van herdenkingsmonumenten aan oorlogen, vervolgingen, terreur aanslagen en moorden. Als je zo ziet wat mensen elkaar aan kunnen doen komt de onconditionele steun aan Israël die je hier en daar ziet wel erg eenzijdig over .
      Op het eind van de middag begon het weer wat te miezeren. Wat gegeten en naar het hotel om ons klaar te maken om morgenvroeg weer op reis te gaan.
      (Rode pijl wijst naar de Friedrich Strasse waar ons hotel ongeveer ligt)
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    • Day 2


      May 18, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Amsterdams schönste Gracht legt sich wie ein breites Band um das historische Zentrum. Gemeinsam mit den beiden anderen Hauptgrachten, der Herengracht und der Keizersgracht, bildet sie den Amsterdamer Grachtengürtel, der 2010 zum Unesco-Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde. Wir haben den Abend genutzt und eine Grachtenfahrt gemacht, bei dieser erfährt man mehr über die Grachten und die Stadt Amsterdam.Read more

    • Day 15


      October 1, 2019 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Lo que más nos llamó la atención fue la gran cantidad de bicicletas estacionadas fuera del terminal. Un letrero decía "máximo 14 días". Supongo que no hay una forma de controlar ese mar de bicicletas, así que debe ser una cosa de confianza, porque habían varias desinfladas o con pinta de abandono.

      En fin, en Santiago alguien levanta un muro y te lo llenan de grafitis. En Ámsterdam te lo tapan de bicicletas, y varias apoyadas entre si. Toda la ciudad se mueve pedaleando en bicicletas de distintos modelos y tamaños. Desde los niños más pequeños hasta ancianos. Para todos la cleta es un complemento de si mismos.

      Tomamos un desayuno muy rico en Tom's bread & more: sandwich de omelete, con queso y tocino. Además de un café bien intenso.

      Recorrimos lo suficiente para ver la iglesia nueva (que ya era vieja), la vieja, el palacio real y algunos barrios bohemios. También las famosas vitrinas de prostitutas, y muchos locales de cuyas entradas salía un fuerte olor a marihuana.

      La ciudad tiene muchos museos, incluyendo temáticas tan variadas como el tulipán, quesos, Anna Frank, tortura medieval y la prostitución.

      Ya nos habíamos alejado bastante, así que atravesamos dos parques y densas lluvias para volver al terminal.
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    • Day 1

      Es riecht nach Gras

      September 11, 2019 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Wir sind ziemlich müde in Amsterdam angekommen, und wussten erstmal nicht so richtig, wohin mit uns. Haben jetzt ein Tagesticket und sitzen in der Innenstadt im McDonalds. Kaffee tut gut. Da sich bei Couchsurfing doch keiner gemeldet hat, werden wir uns wohl dafür entscheiden, in einem Hostel zu schlafen. 22,00 Euro sind noch vertretbar. Interessant ist, dass es ein Doppelbett in einem 32-Bett-Zimmer sein soll. Ich bin ja gespannt, wie das aussieht.😅
      Überlege jetzt schon, einen Teil meines Gepäcks wieder nach hause zu schicken. Ich habe derbe übertrieben...😂
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