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    • Day 36


      May 13, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The worlds best kept secret (?) : Ewen and Kerry had promised to take Hels away to a mystery destination for her birthday and guess what- its Amsterdam and the surprise guest is me! Lovely to see the family and to enjoy a couple of rest days in a beautiful and sunny Amsterdam- although we managed to squeeze in a cycle tour ...Read more

    • Day 20

      Rembrandts Galore!

      May 19 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Hi folks

      We started early again today in order to catch our high speed train to Amsterdam. No problems in a 3+ hour very smooth trip - 268km. The only odd things were the periodic warnings (in 3 languages!) from the train staff about pickpocket train riders!

      We caught a tram to the Rijksmuseum, our reason for the trip. After a stop for lunch we presented ourselves at the appointed time - when you book a visit to this museum, you are given a a 15 minute entry window, and told if you miss the window you won’t be admitted!

      So to the Rijksmuseum. This wonderful place hosts 22 Rembrandts and four Vermeers. We saw most if not all of these, plus a good number of the other 6,000 paintings the museum has!

      We had planned to focus on Rembrandt - and we spent considerable time with him - but the range of subjects and sheer talent displayed in all the paintings we saw was overwhelming.
      At the shop we bought postcards - and a 1000-piece jigsaw of Rembrandt’s Night Watch painting!

      After a break at the cafe and the WC (free here, not the usual 2 Euros!) we turned to a couple of other topics of interest, Waterloo and a collection of ship models.

      The Waterloo exhibition was a disappointment, with most of the exhibits bearing little or no relationship to the battle, but a strong interest in the Dutch connection.

      By contrast, the dozens of ship models were superb. Galleys, galliasses, merchant ships and warships were all created in such detail that made you wonder how anyone could have had such skill - and that much patience!

      Now came one of the highlights. Take a 2-metre long model of a Dutch warship. Both the warship and the model were built in the 1860s, but the model is split fore and aft so you can see all the decks.

      Now get some modern wizard to create little holographic people doing their thing in each deck - absolutely brilliant. Watch Desiree’s video.

      Back to the train station, and thence to Cologne. Another brilliant day!

      But we’re ready for a rest day tomorrow - just as well, as all the shops are shut for Pentecost Monday!

      Last word today from Des:

      Song 19 May
      A day trip to Amsterdam?

      In our youth we were very demure
      And our lives were obedient and pure
      We worked at our studies and never got drunk
      I lived with my folks, as did Neil, an ex-monk
      While others flew off to enjoy their OE
      We had beautiful babies and mortgages three
      (Plus two others) which kept us both very busy
      With the RNZN and my long PhD.
      For our 40th at last we got Europe to see-
      Covid nuked plans for anything more.

      But now over seventy-five
      We will celebrate being alive
      We can do crazy things like a trip on a whim
      To the great Rijksmuseum to see Rembrandt van Rijn
      Despite aches and twinges and wrinkly skin
      You’re never too old for a quest to begin
      (Think of Bilbo! But hopefully not with a Ring)
      We can all of us prosper and thrive!
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    • Day 1

      Und Auf geht die Käsefahrt

      March 16, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Nach nun fast 12 Jahren seit unserem letzten gemeinsam Trip ging’s endlich mal wieder „zamme fort“. Das Ziel: Amsterdam 🧀
      Die Anreise mit der Bahn gestaltete sich wie gewohnt schwierig. 30 min im Zug die Diagnose: 2h Verspätung…mit ein paar kühlen Bier im Gepäck ließ sich die Zeit aber gut überbrücken.

      Um ca 20:30 kamen wir dann in Amsterdam an. In unserem kleinen netten AirBnB direkt an der Gracht legten wir unsere Sachen ab und gingen direkt wieder los zum Abendessen.
      Beim Vorbeischlendern entdeckten wir einen kleinen chinesischen Laden, das Essen auf den Tellern der Gäste sah von draußen echt gut aus. Und wir wurden nicht enttäuscht. Absolut lecker.

      Anschließend ging’s noch in den Red Light District auf ein kühles Heineken.
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    • Day 41


      November 19, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today after Heineken we headed to the Rijksmuseum. Originally I planned to do the museum district in one day and it was much better we didn’t do it like that. The Rijksmuseum is a large museum similar to the louvre so it can be pretty overwhelming. We saw some super famous pieces there, and had a fun time wandering around. With my love of Van Gogh this has been a super cool city to spend some time in. We learned that the Rijksmuseum has over a million artifacts, but only have 8,000 on display.Read more

    • Day 13


      September 20, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Hier erfahren wir Wissenswertes über den Diamantstein aus dem Brillianten, Ovale, medizinisches Gerät, Diamantschneider usw. hergestellt werden. Er ist enorm hart.
      Die ältesten Diamanten sind ca. 4 Milliarden Jahre alt. Durch enormen Druck und Hitze,
      150 -200km tief in der Erde, wird im flüssigen Gestein Kohlenstoff zu Diamanten umgewandelt.
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    • Day 39

      Van gogh museum

      July 18, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Van gogh, the man had some issues which in turn created some great artwork! Pretty intense museum really. Glad I went.

      Because he killed himself he wasn't able to be buried or whatever so that info had to be crossed off the death certificate...seems legit

      We also did Anne Frank today. We couldn't take any photos but she had it pretty rough too!
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    • Day 3

      Museum Stedelijk

      May 19, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Das Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam ist das bedeutendste Museum für moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst und Design in den Niederlanden und ein absolutes Muss bei einem Amsterdam-Besuch. Das Stedelijk bietet Spitzenwerke der größten Künstler der Welt, darunter viele Werke niederländischer Künstler aus dem 20. Jahrhundert. Neben den Höhepunkten präsentiert das Stedelijk auch immer Wechselausstellungen maßgeblicher zeitgenössischer Künstler und Designer.Read more

    • Day 39

      Morning Stroll through Amsterdam

      November 17, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      This morning we got up early for our tickets to see the Anne Frank house. We decided to wake up at 8 since the tickets were at 10, and walk the canal and get breakfast. We stopped at a bagel place near the house. When we were there I checked the tickets, and it turns out the tickets were for 9! I had to get the tickets 6 weeks out so I was super worried we wouldn’t be able to enter, but they let us through without issue.

      The Anne Frank house was super cool to see especially since I just finished reading her diary when we were on the ship. It provided a unique perspective into how people hid during those times. Such a sad ending to the story, but it’s good it had been preserved.
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    • Day 2

      I AMsterdam

      March 31, 2018 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Nach der Stärkung im Dignita laufen wir wieder Richtung Innenstadt. Zuerst wollen wir ein Stück mit der Straßenbahn fahren aber die Straßen von Amsterdam bieten so viele tolle Blickwinkel das wir uns doch gleich wieder zu Fuss auf den Weg machen.

      Ein paar Parallelstraßen neben dem Vondelpark geht's durch Wohngebiete mit tollen Backstein-Stadthäuseren. Durch einen kleinen Stadtteil Direktvermarkter-Wochenmarkt mit Käse, Wurst und Brot laufen wir zum Stedeljik Museum und ums Eck zum Van Gogh Museum. Aufgrund des relativ guten Wetters (zwar nicht mehr sonnig aber über 10 Grad warm) lassen wir die Museen links liegen und laufen weiter zum "I'AMsterdam" wo sich hunderte Touristen an der Kunst des Selfie-Machens üben.

      Direkt dahinter ist das riesige Rijksmuseum zu sehen, ein wunderschöner Tier Backsteinbau der neue auch ein Museum beherbergt. Auch hier laufen wir weiter Richtung Innenstadt die 'Nieuwe Spiegelstraße' entlang und am vielen tollen kleinen Kunst- und Antiquitätenläden vorbei.

      Da es noch dich etwas zu regnen begann und das immer stärker wurde beschlossen wir direkt zum Abendessen ins Ashoka zu laufen. Die 'Klavierstraat' erwies sich als gut besuchte Einkaufsmeile.
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    • Day 2

      Amsterdam (NL)

      July 9, 2017 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Arrived at Schipol airport, unboxed my bike, loaded my gear and pedaled the 15 km into the city. Very fortunate to be hosted by friends from South Africa in an apartment close to the city center.

      Amsterdam is considered the most bicycle friendly city of the world. Bicycles by far outnumber the cars in the city. No Peter Sagan wannabes in flashy lycra, with top of the range carbon bikes around here, and also no helmets.

      Got my cultural fix and visited the Rijksmuseum. One of the sixty museums in Amsterdam, and ended the day, at the other end of the spectrum, the Heineken Museum.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Museumplein, ميدان المتاحف, Plaza de los Museos, Plás an Mhúsaeim, מוזאומפליין, 뮈세윔플레인, 博物馆广场

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