The Jordaan

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    • Day 53

      VIJF FOTOS-Amsterdam Day 2

      June 5, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      We rested well in our tiny flat, and noted that forecast warned of heavy rains later in the day. Jim C recommended that we take advantage of the window before the storm, and we decided to head toward the Royal Palace.

      The palace was initially the city hall about two hundred years ago. Louis Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon, took it as his palace, and it remained with royal families after. Today is is used for receiving dignitaries and other formal functions.

      We noticed several rainbow flags in one of the neighborhoods. Although I came out as a gay man over 29 years, symbols of affirmation still matter.

      We visited the Homomonument which at first glance at the name seems whimsical. That couldn't be farther from the truth.

      According to the website"... the Homomonument symbolizes the long road to gay emancipation in the Netherlands and far beyond.

      It consists of three triangles of Rosa Porinogranite that together form one large triangle. The three triangles represent the past, present and future. Here we commemorate everyone who was killed or persecuted (and still is) because of his or her sexual preference and/or identity. Here we celebrate the freedom to be who we are. Here we call for vigilance for the present and the future."

      The triangles are significant because like Jews being forced to wear a yellow Star of David, gay men were forced to wear a pink triangle 🔺️

      We noted the writing on one of the triangles and learned the following translation: "Towards Friendship Such an Indulgent Desire", a line of poetry by the homosexual, Jewish writer Jacob Israel de Haan (1881-1924).

      As we walked past this monument, we found the nearby iAnn Frank House that we will visit later this week. We also noticed small gold inscriptions of the names of those individuals who were taken and died in concentration camps.

      As we walked home, we noticed among the hundreds of bikes parked along the canals, and we're elaborately decorated with flowers. We learned that a local artist initially did this for his wife's bike as she has epilepsy and attendant memory troubles, and he wanted to make the bike distinctive so his wife could find it.

      The artist, Warren Gregory, is initially from the United States. According to a news article, "Seeing the joy that his bikes were bringing to passersby, Warren started decorating more bikes and scattering them throughout the city of Amsterdam. He makes them in his Amsterdam houseboat, and then ventures out into the streets early in the morning to leave his gifts to the world before the city wakes up."

      On the way home we picked up some groceries, local bread and varied flavored Dutch cheeses. Jim went grocery shops and I checked out two of hundreds of "coffee shops" to purchase aptly named cannabis infused "space cakes. I ate about half of a lemon space cake, and let's just say that made for a relaxing afternoon.

      The rains came later in the day. We made a call home to Genevieve and Olive. It's fun to watch Olive jump into a conversation and interject her news. Her sentences and stories are noticeably longer, and we are proud witnesses to her growth.

      We headed to a really spectacular restaurant around the corner, and we managed to avoid getting drenched. Jim enjoyed his risotto dish and I had lamb..Dessert was decadent. Jim had a waffle with topping that was resembled Bananas Foster. I had a slice of Dutch apple pie. It was so good.

      We're off to the Van Gogh museum tomorrow.

      Good night, all 💞

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    • Day 5

      Amsterdam 2.0

      June 19, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Das war heute ein echt intensiver Städtetag!
      Amsterdam hat wirklich viel zu bieten und man kann die Stadt eigentlich tagelang zu Fuß erkunden .... wenn man nicht von einem der tausenden Radfahrer niedergemäht wird. 😉
      Wir haben den heutigen Tag beim Museums-Quartier begonnen. Für die Museen war aber spontan kein Eintrittsticket mehr zu ergattern ... macht nichts, von außen waren die Gebäude auch sehr sehenswert.
      Dann ging es vorbei am Anne Franke Haus und weiter kreuz und quer durch die Innenstadt bis zum Zentralbahnhof.
      Eigentlich wollten wir noch auf den ADAM-Lookout und sind deshalb mit der Fähre ans andere Ufer. Wir waren aber von der Höhe des Gebäudes doch recht enttäuscht und wollten dann für die kurze Aufzugsfahrt doch keine € 17,-/Person ausgeben. Da sind wir dann doch lieber nochmals zurück in die Einkaufsmeile und haben etwas Geld beim shoppen gelassen - zumindest Frau hat.... ☺️
      Wir waren uns nach den beiden Tagen einig: wir erkunden gerne neue Städte und kehren nach vielen Jahren wieder mal in schon bekannte Städte zurück, aber am liebsten sind wir doch in der Natur. Deshalb freuen wir uns nach den Amsterdam-Tagen schon auf die Nordsee.
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    • Day 3

      Neuer Tag, neue Eindrücke

      August 8, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nach einer tollen und sehr ruhigen Nacht, geniessen wir den Kaffee mit leckeren Bachwaren im Bakhuys. Sehr zu empfehlen. Dies ist ein Kaffee direkt in der Bäckerei. Man kann, sofern die Produktion läuft, beim Backen zusehen.

      Gestärkt nahmen wir unsere nächste Stadttour unter die Füsse. Mit der Reiseführer-App von Marco Polo verfolgten wir die Route 1 „Ein Tag im goldenen Zeitalter“. Viele Schritte führen uns an vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei.

      Nebst den vielen Museen, welche wir von Aussen sahen, entschlossen wir uns eines zu besuchen. Im Diamanten Museum erhielten wir viele Informationen und insbesondere einen Einblick in diese Steine und deren Verarbeitung. Es hatte tolle Schmuckstücke. Auch wurden sehr viele Uhren von diversen produzenten ausgestellt. Selbst ich wusste nicht, dass fast alle Uhren im qualitativ und preislich hohen Segment weltweit, ausschliesslich aus der Schweiz kommen.

      Beim Café ‘t Smallle machten wir einen Halt, setzten uns direkt an die Strasse und schauten bei einem Gin Tonic dem bunten Treiben auf und neben der Strasse zu. Da wir merkten wie der Gin wirkte, entschlossen wir uns auch noch was zu Essen.

      Danach ging es quer weiter durch die Stadt zum Hafen. Dort lagen verschiedene Fluss-Kreuzfahrtschiffe am Peer. Auch lag die Prima von Norwegian am Terminal der grossen Schiffe. Morgen wird unser Schiff die APEX an selber Stelle stehen und auf uns warten.

      Auf dem Rückweg kauften wir uns noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten zum Abendessen ein, welche wir bei einem gemütlichen Abend zu einem leckeren Essen zubereiteten. Heute geht es dann früh ins Bett.
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    • Day 20

      Amsterdam Day 1: Anne Frank…and Barbie?

      August 16, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Tom, V and I ventured into central Amsterdam using the tram - a super smooth experience that I really loved. The big windows in the tram let us sightsee all the way in and Tom pointed out how the buildings started to get older the closer we got to the centre. We headed directly to the Anne Frank huis as we had an entry booking made 6 weeks in advance on the strict booking schedule. We entered and picked up our audio guides which were really user-friendly. They took us from the warehouse on the bottom floor of the townhouse right through a controlled route through each of the offices, tight stairwells and even tighter hiding space in the annex above/out the back of the building. It was unbelievable trying to see how 8 people in the secret annex even stayed silent enough to not let the people working in the warehouse below know they were there. The most significant thing for me was the original bookcase hiding the entrance, the original posters on the walls and the heights marked of the family which were behind Perspex covers. What I hadn’t realised was that all the furniture wouldn’t be there - I had done the digital walkthrough of the annex when I was younger and had spent countless hours reading about Anne and the secret annex, all renderings of the annex with the furnishings; but I learnt that the SS had cleared most of it when they had been captured and that Otto Frank (Anne’s father) had said to keep it empty upon his miraculous survival and return. I suppose as well the museum would be a lot harder to function if there were still furniture in the rooms as they were so small as they were, and filtering thousands of people through would be much harder if there was furniture as well. All in all, the experience was a big one for me.
      After this we found a nice Greek coffee shop to have coffee, hot chocolade for Tom, and explored the city. Tom took us through the Amsterdam location of his university which is the one he spent most time at for his Masters and we met one of the faculty/staff there who he knew well. We grabbed a supermarket lunch at Jumbo, and ate it sitting on the canal in the shade from a beautiful sunny day. Then to something I’d waited 6 years for; a fresh stroopwafel - so good (plus some Belgium choc truffles that were very similar to my fave truffles that I got every year from the craft show in NZ). Yum! We saw the Royal Palace, and the “Mouse Mansion” - a really cute Sylvanian-style mouse shop/mini museum that had walls filled top to bottom with miniature scenes of mice in all sorts of places, doing all sorts of activities. We grabbed a drink at a bar next to the Aluminiumbrug and bought a croquette from the snack wall - more fresh then I thought it would be. And we had booked to see Barbie at the Tuschinski theatre/cinema (a remodelled art deco theatre) which was a perfect way to sit down for a while in air conditioning and finally see the film. We got “iced tea green” and the mixed salty and sweet popcorn, my fave (no butter popcorn seems to be normal here too). V, as per usual, fell asleep in the cinema for parts of it haha, but we all enjoyed it. We took the tram home after the big day; Anne Frank and Barbie in the same day was an interesting choice and gave us a lot to think about all the way home.
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    • Day 39

      Tulip Museum and Cheese Museum

      November 17, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      The Tulip Museum and Cheese Museum were right across the street from Anne Frank House and both were awesome spots.

      The tulip museum was $5 to enter and talked about the history of the flower and how it came from the Himalayan Region. It was originally a gift for royalty. We also learned 1 tulip bulb can turn into 4-6 bulbs the next season. The one you buy in stores is the main bulb from the 4-6. It takes a few seasons to get the bulb large, and we learned the bulbs grow more when the flowers are cut, so some farmers here cut down all the flowers.

      The cheese museum was also a fun stop, it was a cheese store with a museum underneath, and while it was no Smithsonian it was free and fun. We tried lots of cheeses here.
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    • Day 6

      Vai dopo pranzo 🧀

      August 23, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Mai far visita a questo posto prima di pranzo, ti mangeresti pure la commessa 😋
      Cheese Museum si fa per dire!
      Ottima idea di marketing per vendere il formaggio
      Il formaggio al tartufo è sensazionale 🧀

    • Day 39

      Amsterdam City Walk

      June 17, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      We spent Saturday as tourists, figuring how can we come to Amsterdam and not see the city?! The crowds and the shopping really aren't our thing...but it is a pretty and interesting city. We included the Red Light District on our walk -- it was a little underwhelming vs. all the hype. We didn't get to the city parks -- if we return, that will definitely be on our agenda. It's amazing to see all the bicyclists and cycling infrastructure in the city, for example a large several-story parking ramp that is for bicycles only! It was a fun day, but after about eight hours (and three Rick Steves audio walking tours 🙂) we were happy to return to our peaceful little Abcoude suburb.Read more

    • Day 6


      June 22, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Heute morgen wars noch ruhig in Amsterdam: QuietscheEnten🦆 Museum, Tulpen🌷Museum, Kuh🐮Museum und Miniaturmuseum. Schön an der Gracht gegessen. Es war ein toller Ausflug, aber jetzt wollen wir wieder in die Natur.Read more

    • Day 2

      Cafe ‘t Smalle

      October 16, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Für eine Pause bietet sich dieses Café an, dessen hölzernes Interieur noch komplett von 1780 stammt.

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