Uusi Seelanti
Eden Terrace

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    • Päivä 7

      Meine erste Unterkunft: Haka Lodge

      8. marraskuuta 2022, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Nach dem Flug ging es dann direkt zum Hostel.
      Dies sollte planmäßig mein Aufenthaltsort für die nächsten 2 Wochen werden. In der Haka Lodge angekommen, wurde ich sehr positiv überrascht. Die Einrichtung ist sehr gemütlich, wobei ebenfalls Wert auf Komfort gelegt wird. Trotz 19 anderer Backpacker in meinem Zimmer bleibt die Privatsphäre irgendwie erhalten und die Nächte sind ruhig (abgesehen davon, dass aus einer nahegelegenen Bar nachts manchmal übel lauter Deathmetal zu hören ist – mit Ohrschutz aber alles kein Problem)
      Die Lounge ist sehr groß und auf WLAN oder genug Steckdosen ist immer Verlass. Auch die Küche ist vielseitig ausgestattet und Duschen oder Klos lassen sich abschließen. Grundbedürfnisse sind demnach gedeckt. Die Menschen hier sind meines Erachtens alle übel nett und zuvorkommend. Zum Großteil gibt es hier Backpacker in ihren 20ern – meistens Franzosen.

      Das Hostel ist also insgesamt echt cool. Auf viele kleine Details wurde hier definitiv Wert gelegt und es fällt mir nichts ein, was mich in irgendeiner Weise stören würde.

      Haka Lodge Rating: 9/10
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    • Päivä 1

      Eine Reise beginnt ...

      2. marraskuuta 2022, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Am 2.11.2022 sollte es nun endlich losgehen. Nach einem letzten gemeinsamen Essen in MOM's Creation (sehr zu empfehlen) ging es zum BER. Sicherheitscheck und Check-In verliefen ohne Probleme. Vor mir lagen nun 17. 736 Entfernung bis nach Auckland . . .

      Die Flüge sollten insgesamt 33h in Anspruch nehmen - mit 2 Zwischenstopps in Helsinki und Hong Kong. Zusammenfassend lief wirklich alles reibungslos ab. Besonders positiv überrascht war ich von der ersten Hälfte der Reise. Der Flughafen in Helsinki war unglaublich modern sowie entspannt und an dem Finnair-Flugzeug (Helsinki - Hong Kong) war wirklich nichts auszusetzen.
      In Hong Kong kam es zu leichten Komplikationen, weswegen ich dort erneut einchecken musste. Trotzdem erreichte ich den Flug rechtzeitig. Während des letzten Fluges machten sich die ersten 6h Zeitverschiebung langsam bemerkbar, sitzen wurde echt unangenehm und über 24h mit Maske sind echt schmerzhaft für die Ohren.
      Umso schöner war es, endlich wieder festen Boden unter den Füßen zu haben.
      Um 14 Uhr erreichte ich wie geplant Auckland. Einreise und Zoll machten keinen Stress und endlich hatte ich Neuseeland erreicht.

      Flug Ranking: Airport-Ranking:

      Berlin - Helsinki : 7/10 Berlin: 7/10
      Helsinki - Hong Kong: 9/10 Helsinki: 8/10
      Hong Kong - Auckland: 5/10 Hong Kong: 5/10

      [ Kurze Info zu den Blog-Posts: Gerade liege ich in meinem Bett im Hostel (dazu noch mehr in den nächsten Tagen) und lasse die Ereignisse der letzten Tage Revue passieren. Es geht mir gut und bisher lief wirklich alles wie geplant. Ich probiere, euch mit dem Blog bestmöglich auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Ich werde immer wenn es sich anbietet posten - gibt also keinen regelmäßigen Upload-Rhythmus. Liebe Grüße aus Auckland !!! ]
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    • Päivä 10

      Ponsonby food court.

      26. marraskuuta 2022, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Out to dinner after car, train, taxi rides back to the Verandahs Parkside Lodge. The local food court has much Asian food - Thai, Japanese, kebabs, Malaysian, Italian etc….. I had Thai sizzling seafood with rice along with a beer. Excellent food.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 11


      20. joulukuuta 2022, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Um kurz9:30 geht es los. Wir haben 1 Std. Verspätung, Tine tauscht erst noch den Bus der grüne hat ihr nicht gefallen.🤔 Ab heute sind wir 12 Personen. Unsere Reiseleiterin ist Tine Becker, gleichzeitig auch unser Fahrer. Gestern Abend waren wir noch alle gemeinsam essen. Mit dem einen oder anderen kamen wir schon ins Gespräch. Wir fahren in Auckland noch schnell beim Mt. Eden vorbei. Der Mt. Eden ist ein Vulkankegel, der auch unter dem Namen Maungawhau bekannt ist. Wir durchqueren eine Landschaft, die mit riesigen Baumfarnen gespickt ist. Wir machen halt am HaHai Beach und Strecken erstmal die Füße ins Wasser. An der Ostküste locken Cathedral Cove, da Tine hier nicht parken darf, erklärt sie uns wo es lang geht und gibt uns 1,5 Std. Zeit. Erstmal geht es steil bergab und noch steiler Bergauf dann wieder bergab. Es folgen noch etliche Treppen und plötzlich eine traumhafte Bucht. Uff das ganze wieder zurück Den Abend lassen wir mit einem gemeinsamen Abendessen ausklingen. Es gibt leckeren Fisch und Lemon Tarte zum Nachtisch.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 45

      Nadi, Fiji to Auckland, New Zealand

      3. kesäkuuta 2015, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      ...Our flight to Auckland went well until landing, when blustering winds caused our descent to feel like a theme park ride and our stomachs to churn. Once back on steady ground we navigated our way through New Zealand's 'bio security' that causes you (rightly) to be hyper-vigilant about any food/animal/plant products you might be bringing in. Even with our vigilance we still received the attention of sniffer dogs but as far as immigration officers go, those at Auckland airport seemed a friendly bunch and quickly we were on our way into Auckland.

      Our hostel is a restored colonial villa named after the wide verandas that encompass its white timber frame, which we saw from afar on our approach. Our long journey had left us weary but a shower and some lunch gave us enough energy to get some much needed laundry and food shopping done.

      Gone is the balmy sunshine of Los Angeles, changed for the autumn rain of Auckland that lashed, like water thrown from a bucket, against the verandah outside our bedroom window. Whilst we gave each other a 'what have we done?' look, we have known and prepared for travelling through New Zealand's winter months. Why not travel during the summer you might ask? If we had then we would have eventually had to experience colder climes elsewhere.

      We saw out the rain from the warm amber glow of our room with the smell of clean laundry around us. Night quickly descended (sunset is 5:30pm) and by 8:00pm Alex could not remain awake any longer. We submitted to sleep, hoping that our bodies would not try to wake at some ungodly hour, thinking it was lunchtime in some other part of the world.
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    • Päivä 47


      5. kesäkuuta 2015, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Feeling like we might be turning the jet-lag curve, we decided to climb Mount Eden after breakfast.

      Mount Eden or Maungawha is the highest peak within Auckland city's volcanic field, which comprises of approximately 50 individual volcanoes. Mount Eden rises up over its urban surroundings at nearly 200 metres with a 50 metre crater at its summit. Learning that it offered great 360-degree views of the city and surrounding country we decided we had to climb up to take a look for ourselves.

      At the risk of sounding arrogant, the climb up Mount Eden did not appear to be as arduous as our previous hikes up to the Hollywood sign or Bunsen Peak at Yellowstone NP for example. However we are breath was still laboured when we reached the summit. The land fell away on both sides, on one back down to the city, on the other down into the bowl of the summit's crater. The dormancy of the volcano had allowed grass to cover its surface all the way down to the crater's bottom. Signs warned against attempts to climb down into the crater but even so it appeared it would be a challenge to climb back out if you did descend into it. Seeing tiny people and vehicles on the opposite edge of the crater gave greater perceptive on its size and scale.

      The rains of yesterday had ebbed away leaving bright warm sunshine to kiss our faces as we circumnavigated the crater's edge. Blue sky matched the colour of the water in the bay, which glistened as the sun turned above. Auckland's landmarks, the Space Needle, the Harbour Bridge, Eden Park and more were all visible from our vantage point, standing out to not let us forget where we were. As we rounded the crater and our perspective changed, the Space Needle appeared to merge with the trees on the mount as if it too was part of them. We ate sandwiches in the sun before descending back down into Auckland, just in time as the rain returned.

      We spent the afternoon planning the next few days of our trip, calculating how to make the most of our budget. Similar to Trek America, Kiwi Experience offers the opportunity to do additional activities so we're so trying to decide what we most want to do. We also brought BBH cards, which are like a savings/loyalty card for hostels in New Zealand. Whilst it seems an expensive outlay ($45 each), we've already made savings of $24 on our accommodation in Paihia and when we return to Auckland.
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    • Päivä 51

      Kiwi Experience - Paihia to Auckland

      9. kesäkuuta 2015, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We were woken early by someone clattering pots in the kitchen next to our bedroom (hostel living) so we decided to get on with it and went down to the beach for a morning jog. A fog hung heavily over the water obscuring the islands and boats in the bay. The sand was cold and hard beneath our feet but we quickly warmed up as we took a route between the lapping waters and the road. The sun was turning trees on a hillside from green to orange as we returned to our hostel.

      We breakfasted with the same travellers as yesterday morning, who offered for us to drive with them back down to Auckland. It seemed like we would have fun with them but felt torn between this and our newly forming group with Kiwi Experience. So in the end we kindly declined and spent the time before our bus back to Auckland with Pierrick, Jamie and Abi, bathing in the sun on a shoreside pontoon. At the front of Paihia's pier is a piano painted in an array of colours. Pierrick, with encouragement from the rest of us, began to play classical pieces he had learnt when he was younger. Although a number of keys did not work the music was still a great compliment to the postcard scene around us.

      Back in Auckland we returned to the same hostel we had previously stayed at, Verandahs. The owner, Campbell, greeted us at the door before giving us a free upgrade to an ensuite, which was very welcomed. We settled in for an early night as it was another day travelling tomorrow, this time southward to Hot Water Beach.
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    • Päivä 85

      Kiwi Exp. - Rotorua to Auckland

      13. heinäkuuta 2015, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Wrapped up against the morning chill we left our brilliant hostel and its owners to board our final bus back to Auckland. Driving through relatively flat green farming country, it was a contrast to the white mountainous landscapes we have become accustomed to during our time on the South Island. Slowly making our way through the traffic into Auckland reminded us of how busy it was compared to the rest of the country, even the capital Wellington. One third of the country's entire population is condensed into the city and its suburbs.

      Driving through the city streets we saw many people wrapped up against the cold but for us it was comparatively warm to what we had experienced over the previous weeks. It was evocative of our great experiences in New Zealand to be back at our old hostel and pass places where we had first met Pierrick, Jamie and Abi.

      As it was Jamie and Abi's last night in New Zealand before heading home to Manchester we went out for dinner at Monsoon Poon where we ate Vietnamese summer rolls, Thai jumbo prawns, Indian butter chicken and Nasi Goreng (think Indonesian paella), all washed down with beer and cocktails. It might not have been Kiwi cuisine but it was a great way to celebrate the end of our adventure together as well as a taster of South Asian cuisine to come.
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    • Päivä 86


      14. heinäkuuta 2015, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We met Jamie and Abi for breakfast at the Ugly Bagel for awesome wood fired bagels that were made fresh before our eyes. A thick bright pink layer of salmon folded across a lick of cream cheese atop a warm sesame seed bun, all dressed in capers, dill and onion. The taste lingered in our mouths as we ate in front of an open fire. Office workers came and went as we reminisced on our time together in New Zealand and Jamie and Abi prepared themselves for their long journey home.

      After saying our final goodbyes we wandered into the city to collect our free Kiwi Experience t-shirts from their office. Whilst there we met Kane, our affable and knowledgable driver, who took us down the west coast of the South Island, what now seems, months ago. It was great to catch up and we came away basking in the memories of our own 'kiwi experience'.

      The wind threw itself around us, scattering brown dead leaves to scratch their way across the pavement, as we walked through wintery scenes along Queens Street. Children span on an open air ice rink whilst musicians danced in front of life size models of polar bears. When darkness descends and the decorative lights twinkle you could be forgiven for mistaking it for a festive season.

      As afternoon turned to evening the nostalgia of New Zealand began to slowly give way to the anticipation for Australia. Excitement brought a flurry of adrenaline as bags were emptied and reorganised, decisions made on what to keep and what to donate and flights and tick boxes checked. The next adventure awaited.
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    • Päivä 46


      4. kesäkuuta 2015, Uusi Seelanti ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      The steady patter of rain greeted us as we leisurely rose from our bed. Fortunately jet-lag had not caused us to wake in the middle of the night but we still woke early. The sun doesn't rise until 7:30am so the crack of light from our curtains was still only a dim beam pushing its way into our bedroom.

      Despite previously changing our minds on the subject, we were certain that today we would 'rest'. After breakfast we wandered into Auckland along Queens Street, which at first descended steeply before levelling out into the city centre and toward the harbour. The day felt like a warm wet October with shades of red and gold falling from trees and people walking by huddled into jackets and umbrellas. Apparently the weather is cold for Aucklanders but after experiencing camping in Yellowstone we didn't feel it too badly (Alex was in a t-shirt).

      We headed to the offices of Kiwi Experience, the company that we will be touring New Zealand with, to finalise our booking and clarify some questions. The young woman we spoke to, who wore a scarf in her heated office to keep warm, was very helpful and we came away feeling very excited about the first leg of our trip up to Paihia and the Bay of Islands, which starts on Saturday.

      We strolled around the city, gaining our bearings as much watching those around us. Although sleep had helped we still felt stretched out and it wasn't long before we returned to the hostel. We ate bright pink salmon, locally sourced and smelling of the sea, with fresh vegetables, in the hostel's spacious kitchen. The steam off the plates rising to our faces. Others were eating cheese on toast and pot noodles but the fresh food was what we needed. The rain continued and darkness had fallen as we returned to our room, fighting back sleep for as long as we could, to bring ourselves in line with our new time zone.
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