New Zealand
Ross Creek Reservoir

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    • Hari 4

      Woodhaugh Gardens

      19 April 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Afternoon exploring Woodhaugh Gardens and a walk along the Leith River.

    • Hari 4

      Waikaia to Dunedin

      14 Februari, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Left Waikaia just after 10. Stopped in Gore for three things. Got one. Filled up at Clinton with my new McKeown card. The camper was on "E" but no light on. Another step under the belt. Stopped at Waihola for a real fruit ice cream. Super yum. On to Mosgiel and stopped to see two friends from school. Excellent to see them. Very very hot so head to the nzmca park. Very full. Managed to park and Vicky is next to me from Ashburton. She is a motorhome babe heading to a rally at Kaka point for the weekend. Others here are going to the rally. I thought I would sus out the dentist place for my procedure tomorrow but too hot wanted to get settled. Just settled, drink with Vicki and Glenda and now some domestics. Talk tomorrowBaca lagi

    • Hari 5


      15 Februari, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      All pretty good with the sleeping last night. In the morning did the normal and headed away around 10-15 to my appointment. For those that don't know I was referred to a specialist dentist in Dunedin a year ago. A long time ago I fell of my postie bike and the situation with my mouth related to that. It is ACC but I could have to pay another $1300 still...!!! Bit of a worry driving on the hills to get to the place. No problems in the camper van. Parked on the street at 233 and the place was at 291. Easy walk down the hill. The morning appointment was a consultation to explain the situation and the solution. I have never had any pain or discomfort with it. Seemed a no brainer not to do it when she explained it was a cyst behind my top front teeth. I went back to the camper and read a little and answered a few emails. At 2pm I was back and the procedure started. No pain and she hopes it will be successful. Stitches in my mouth and something like chewing gum over the area. Long list of instructions. The worst no hot drinks and no alcohol for two days! Ice pack hourly. She encouraged me to stay till Tuesday to make sure no problems and get the stitches out before I embark on the next stage of my journey. I am a free agent and don't have to be anywhere so no problem. Like I said I can visit ppl for two hours instead of a flying visit. Not so keen on having so many campervans in such a small space. You will have to wait till tomorrow to see my decision. When I got back I was trying to park my camper in a spot and Glenda said no too close to the next one. She had also sent a txt to see if I was okay. Very caring. So up the other end of the park and being tight she offered to park it for me! I was out of that seat before she could say move over! It was time for me to frozen pea my face! Went down and had a "water" with Glenda and Vicki. They were having a drink. Lovely people. Glenda is from Whangarei, has a very nice camper and also has a Ferrari at home!
      Pleased the mouth is finally sorted - love spending money on things like this - NOT - but you have to do what you have to do. I also got a bill from the tax department this morning! Thanks for reading 😊
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    • Hari 6


      16 Februari, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Domestic day today. Just continued to find homes for things. I think some are on to there third home. It is getting easier. This park is full of motorhomes and caravans. I think there are 26 spots. So bumper to bumper. Not everyones cup of tea but at least it is safe for a newbee. I was concerned that if I didn't get back early enough I wouldn't get a spot. Once you are in a park you can reserve the space, but, not before you arrive. Hope you get that. The couple next to me said you need cones. Away to Mitre10 to get some. I did put out a chair with a sign on it as they requested in the shed with your rego number and motorhome assn number. When I got back the spot had been taken by someone else. Thankfully another lady arrived at the same time and helped me back in. So much easier. I am happy to ask other people to help. I think it is easier when backing if someone guides me.
      took myself off to the pool today for a lovely long shower and hair wash. Well worth the $4. Bit of trouble getting there with road works and steep hills! Nothing major though. I then went to an old friends house. Not home so left a note and maybe she will contact me. Could be away/moved. Time will tell. Got myself a dash cam. Will I be able to install and work it? My mouth is pain free. My face is a little swollen as the dentist told me. Look forward to having a hot cuppa tomorrow.
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    • Hari 7

      Walk in the bush

      17 Februari, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      A bit of a set back mouth wise today. The bed needed re-made and as you may image it is not like a 'normal' bed. It was quite strenuous and I think I popped a blood vessel by my eye. Immediately put ice on it. Bit of discomfort but not enough for Panadol. The bruising on my lip is coming out.
      Once again we are packed in like sardines. I think some are here because of uni starting. Certainly the couple next to me are. I was able to move today so I have a good spot. Will I say very proud of my parking? I must get better with practise!
      There is a track next to the park so off I went to walk it. How things take time in this camper. Where is my bum bag? Six cupboards and even checked the rear locker to see if it was there. Found it in the end. In the bag in the shower.
      There were three track options to walk. Note to self, ensure you remember which track you are taking. A photo before would be better than at the end of the sign post.
      Great track in town. Bit of a climb. Talked to a young lady from Holland that is here at uni for five months. I think the pics of the stars are when the water is coming down. Saw a lovely waterfall. Just before the end you have to cross the stream. I managed to keep one foot dry. I can understand how people are away longer than they plan. I took it easy a) because no strenuous exercise as my mouth heals b) I am not fit. Enjoyed the walk a lot. May this be the first of many in this holiday.
      This afternoon I was taking it easy and watched a little Netflix on my phone, did some reading.
      Tomorrow I will venture out and see what I can do.
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    • Hari 8

      Still in Dunedin

      18 Februari, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      This morning I was in the camper most of the morning. I know there are loads of places I could go but my confidence level in parking is minimal. It will improve I am sure. I have seen the sign to the Chinese Gardens in Dunedin many times and today was when I actually went...!!! Compact but pleased I went. I then popped to the warehouse - I know I can park there! To get some lighter clothes. One good thing about the camper if the weather changes you can put different clothes on to suit the temperature.
      I then went to see a couple that are part of my family tree. I asked about parking and with the hills in Dunedin opted to park on the main road and walk around the corner incase it was too difficult to get out. It's a few years since we have seen one another. Jacquie and Martin Hannagan. Martin was busy making relish when I arrived. He is a good cook. Great catch up with them. Their son Thomas is in Dubai and their other son local. Took a photo but it needs edited.
      I then went to an old Air Force friends. Again they live on a steep hill for an Invercargill lass. I parked on the flat at number 7 and walked up to their place at 25. No one home. Left a note. Mark phoned me back to say Gaylene had gone into care with dementia. Very sad to hear. Gaylene and I joined up on the same day.
      My parking skills are getting better. I am almost spot on this evening.
      Thankfully we are not sardines tonight and the park is a lot quieter than it has been thank goodness.
      Jack did a 'marathon' today at Forest Hill. He was very disappointed in his time. He has had a cough all week and he said his oxygen levels weren't the best. All learning I guess.
      On my health front the bruising is coming out and it is not a pretty picture. I look like I have a moustache!
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    • Hari 9

      One more day in Dunedin

      19 Februari, New Zealand ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Again a few domestic chores today. Swept the floor with a small half brush and shovel. Seems to work ok. Not sure if I will get a real broom or not. The place seems cleaner.
      I had arranged to see another ex Air Force friend today. Bev stayed in the AF for 20 years and became a Warrant Officer. It was excellent talking to her and seeing her pics. Remembering names (people) I hadn't thought of in years. Some I wish I knew what happened to them. Sparrow (Joan) was hell bent in marrying a Yank. She did. Operation Deep Freeze was around when we were in Air Force and I guess that is where she meet her man. Couple of other names came up and I do wonder how their lives turned out.
      Bev has a super garden and travels with the Opertunity group to lots of different places in the world. I did enjoy my time with her. Normally I would take a pic of the two of us but the way my face is - only Bev.
      Then I went to Mosgiel in the hope to catch up with another friend. Note to self. Phone first. Needless to say she wasn't home.
      Tried to go to Hocken Library but only open Tuesday till Saturday. Maybe I will get tomorrow.
      Decided to head to Port Chalmers. Cruise ship in. Loads of logs. Bit hard to take pics when you are driving and no parking spaces (with my skills) handy.
      Normally I would have looked at the shops but the state of my face deterred me. It is not pretty. Look terrible and I am too self conscious to venture far. I probably don't need to worry but I do .
      Supermarket time. I am finding it a challenge to know what to eat. I have only done weekends before and this is a new challenge. Decided on stir fry tonight. The veg will probably thraw out and I will have to throw them away.
      Thankfully I am (I hope) out of here tomorrow after my stitches are removed.
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