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    • Day 29

      Die Welt ist ein Dorf 🌍

      August 28, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      In Litauen bzw Lettland hatte ich auf einer Tankstelle einen Biker angesprochen. Wir kamen schnell ins Gespräch und unterhielten uns auf polnisch. Als ich Paweł dann 3 Tage später nit seiner Freundin zufällig am Nordkap im Shop getroffen habe, war ich baff 😀Über 2000km und man trifft sich eben so zufällig.

      Nordkap ist eigentlich auf vielen Biker Bucket Listen und keine Seltenheit, dass man gleiches Ziel hat.

      ☝️ Aber heute war ich wirklich sprachlos, als ich morgens gegen 10 Uhr an einem kleinen Ort vorbeifahre und mir ein anderes Paar über die Straße läuft, die ich 8 Tage und gute 3000 km vorher in einem sehr schönen Hotel kennengelernt habe. Beide (sehr sympathisch) sind aus Dubai angereist um eine Burg/Schloß zu kaufen und daraus ein Hotel bzw gehobene Unterkunft zu bauen.

      Ich fahre da also schön gemütlich über die Straße, seit gefühlt 3 Stunden niemanden gesehen, als mir die beiden fast vor das Motorrad laufen 🙈😂 gut, die hübsche Frau kann man einfach nicht übersehen 😀

      Hab direkt umgedreht und wir mussten ein Foto machen....

      Verrückte Welt 🌍🤩😄
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    • Day 8

      Fjord View From 3600 ft

      July 30 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Yesterday, we showed you the amazing tunnel system on our road trip. Today, we found something more odd than impressive. When we saw the huge white round blobs lying in fields along A16, we didn't have a clue. But a quick Google search gave us the answer. These are tractor eggs, plastic covered bales of sileage. Or are they? The locals have another answer. They call them troll eggs and say they hatch in September/October! Others say they are huge marshmallows that are offerings for the local trolls, to keep them full so they won't hunt for humans. So now you know!

      The highlight of our day was the Loen Skylift. It carried us 3,316 feet up Mount Hoven. We had great views of 2 fjords, but the best views were higher. So, of course, we hiked higher! It was COLD, but exhilarating!

      We're in front of a roaring fire now, after enjoying 2 new fish options for dinner, Monk Fish and Hake. Tomorrow ... Briksdalbreen Glacier. ❄️
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    • Day 5

      Loen Skylift

      September 9 in Norway ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Today was another great day even if it was raining all afternoon. Last night apparently it rained a lot, it kept Raymond up a bit as I guess it was hard rain, but I slept right through it! Though early this morning it got windy and it was rattling the one blind which was really loud and woke me up…but then I fixed it and went back to sleep.

      So we got up and it was not raining, but there were a lot of low clouds so we headed into town to see what we could see and there were a lot of low clouds covering the mountains so we wandered around town a bit and they started to clear up! Our plan for the day was to take the Loen Skylift up to the top and then hike around there so when we could see the top we decided to head up! Well by the time we got on it was all foggy again at the bottom, but the clouds were rolling through quickly so we were hoping we would get some views. You could see nothing at first on the way up and then all of a sudden we were above the clouds and you could see the tops of the mountains! It was so cool!! And the views from the top were so much fun!! The clouds would roll in and then out and I loved it!

      We started on our hike up to the highest elevation and when we was almost there we went off trail a bit to spy on the other side and the mountains over there were just as gorgeous. We took a break where we could see both sides and it was so much fun watching the fog come and go. Then when we started hiking again it got super foggy and freezing cold wind - you could not see very far and I thought it is a good thing the trail is this nice, wide gravel path cause you could really easily get lost if it wasn’t well marked. Because the fog was so thick it was crazy! We got to the top and still couldn’t see anything and we were only 1/3 of the way into our hike and Raymond said you know we don’t have to keep going. We can go back the way we came. Sometimes I need someone to point out the obvious and this was one of those times! I was like oh yeah, we can do that. So we turned around and I am so glad we did as right after we started back it started raining really hard and with the freezing wind our now wet hands were frozen as it was so cold! We obviously got soaked, or our rain gear got soaked, and we were dripping wet on the way down. When we did get back to the skylift we looked and you could see the water below, but it was still pretty foggy and raining a lot.

      The skylift on the way down was also super fun as it starts going and then all of a sudden it looks like a roller coaster and looks like you are just going to fall straight down! It was fun!! Of course it goes slowly down, but man is that cable car steep! It is really almost straight up and down! So that was fun.

      Then we headed on and we stopped on the next town to try and find some hangers as I forgot to pack them and they are handy to hang everything in the bathroom to dry (and not get everything else so wet), but we didn’t have any luck there. We did find this soda to try, Villa, which is a popular soda here. It was a light brown color and it looked like an herb soda I like from Germany so I was expecting something like that. Really it is bubblegum and cream soda flavor? So strange! At first I was like what does this taste like? Once I figure out the bubblegum I was like that and something else…it is also super sweet so we only had a few sips and are saving the rest for later. I then looked up other drinks and we might try and find them to try later!

      Then it was on to camp which went on another national scenic route! Now I am sure it is so gorgeous when it is sunny and nice, but I still really enjoyed all the spooky fog and kept stopping to get out in the rain and spy. There were so many waterfalls! And so much water! Also after we got to the top of the hill all of a sudden there were a ton of tour buses! Like so so many it was crazy! I guess where we are staying, Geiranger, is a popular cruise stop! Which makes sense for all the buses! We are staying just up the hill from town at a campsite (there is really nowhere else to park here) which is right next to a waterfall! The last two photos are the waterfall at camp - I can see it out the window here! You can’t hear it very much in the van with the windows closed (it is quite cold out so no open windows), but outside it is so loud! I opened the door to go out and asked Raymond something and I could not hear him. Fun times!

      Oh! The third photo I finally got a picture of. We kept driving by these apple farms where they grow apples like vines? It is so strange and I have never seen that before! They make the tree grow around a post so it is like a vine which is super interesting.

      It rained almost all afternoon, it finally stopped around 7 and started clearing up so hopefully tomorrow is not too bad! It was nice it held off a bit this morning so we could get a bit of a hike in. I really loved all the views today even if I am sure they are unbelievably beautiful when the weather is nice (they had photos at the skylift on a sunny day and man it looked gorgeous! That will be on the go back to list for next time!). Hoping for some clearer skies tomorrow as we finish this scenic route after a morning hike! We shall see!
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    • Day 55

      Pause de vélo

      July 14 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Hier c'était journée sans vélo à profiter du soleil au bord d'un fjord, avec supplément baignade.
      Alors aujourd'hui on repartait dans l'idée de faire un peu de vélo et une petite balade pour changer. En croisant des panneaux dans un village, on s'est finalement embarqués dans une rando vers le Mont Skåla à 1800m (#adelepassionrando). Vu sur la rivière bleu turquoise, cascades et glaciers. Bref c'était magnifique ! Y a qu'à regarder les photosRead more

    • Day 16

      Gerangel am Geirangerfjord

      July 31, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute Mittag musste Werner’s Makrele daran glauben. Sie füllte sowieso den halben Kühlschrank aus…😉

      Nun waren wir gerüstet für das Gerangel am Geiranger. Kreuzfahrtschiffe mit Reisecars, Wohnmobile und Mietautos, die die Fähre schon Monate im Voraus reserviert haben, belagerten den Hafen.

      Wir stellten uns ohne Ticket frech in die Reihe und siehe da, wir ergatterten den zweitletzten Platz auf der Fähre (#15) nach Hellesylt. Es gibt ja immer solche, die zu spät kommen…😛

      Unterwegs wie immer eine wunderschöne Natur.

      Nach zwei Wochen war unser Wäschesack voll und wir brauchten auch wieder einmal eine richtige Dusche. Zum ersten Mal auf dieser Reise übernachten wir auf einem Campingplatz.
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    • Day 19

      Május 17.

      May 17 in Norway ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      ...sajnos 11-ig sikerült aludni (már megint 😳 ... ez a norvég levegő miket hoz ki az emberből!!? ) így 2x is újra kellett gondolnom a nagy kirándulós terveimet.
      Eredetileg Viktort akartam elcipelni valahová, hogy végre mozduljon ki egy kicsit, de még mindig nagyon köhög meg vacakul van; és még egészségesen is utál kirándulni, így őt hagytam pihenni.
      Én kinéztem egy útvonalat, ami átvisz a hegyünkön át Loenbe, de ugye onnan nem lehet gyalog hazajönni, így variálnom kellett már indulás előtt is... meg aztán közben is 😊
      Mivel tudtam, hogy ismeretlen terepre megyek mentettem a szükséges óvintézkedéseket; vittem vizet (mert amúgy minek, hiszen a hegyről jön le a víz?!), szendvicset, csokit, hosszúujjút, powerbankot és bankkártyát! 😁
      Orsiék 12 körül elmentek a felvonulásra (május 17. norvég nemzeti ünnep) én pedig 13.00 óra körül indultam. De nem tudom mi volt velem, mert már az első 1km-nél lógott a belem. Folyamatosan meg kellett állnom, mert alig bírtam szusszal 🙄 A padon konkrétan 10 perces pihenőt kellett tartanom, és alig bírtam felvonszolni magam a Huaren tetejére.
      Közben láttam egy embert, aki túrabottal vágtázott el mellettem. Asszem el kell rajta gondolkodnom, hogy beszerezzek egyet.
      Na, de ez nem mehet így tovább - gondoltam, és bevágtam egy "csúcscsokit" majd megtáltosodva folytattam az utam Lostølen felé. Gondoltam megnézetem a sætrát és visszajövök. De annyira undok és barátságtalan és ijesztő és meredek (lefelé) volt a terep, hogy hamar kiderült számomra, hogy én itten vissza nem mászok! Vagy elmegyek Loenbe, vagy lesz, ami lesz, megkeresem a körutat, ami visszavisz a Huarenhez menő kerülős shortcuthoz.
      Végül az utóbbit választottam, és milyen jól tettem, mert olyan terep volt, amit annyira szeretek! Úgy képzelem, hogy ilyen helyen élnek az erdei tündérek! 😊 Mohás kövek és farönkök, gyökerek kígyóznak, áfonyabokrok mindenfelé, és sötét részeken is auért átszűrődnek a fák lombjai között a napsugarak! Élveztem minden percét, de sajnos a vártnál hamarabb kijutottam az elágazáshoz, így még egyszer visszakapaszkodtam a Huarenre! Itt azért már éreztem, hogy fáradok, de megérte! Konstatáltam, hogy ezt a kerülő shortcutot mindig csak felfelé használom, így megfogadtam, hogy legközelebb lefelé választom, hiszen úgy más a táj! 😊
      Tanulság: Lostølen sætra csalódás, a vízmerítő mindig jól jön, és a Skåla hegycsúcsa még mindig hívogat.
      Valamivel 6 után értem haza, szóval remek kis túra kerekedett (10km és összesen 542 szintkülönbség).
      Kezdek lassan formába jönni! 😉
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    • Day 6

      Loen, Norway

      August 11, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Our FIRST beautiful day of the trip!!

      What we did:
      - Norwegian roadtrip continues! Stopped in Valldal for lunch.
      - Drove to Geiranger Fjord and rented a kayak on the fjord (thanks Aileen & Chris). Saw Seven Sisters waterfall from a distance in the kayak.
      - Stayed in our second cabin of the trip and it was much more spacious! Ended the day with Norwegian beer and some wine on the patio.

      What we ate:
      - More breakfast bars and PB&Js! (Trent dropped Steph's PB&J on the ground so we opted for trying our first Norwegian cinnamon bun!)
      - Norwegian Kit Kat
      - Pizza for dinner (maybe our cheapest dinner of the trip thus far?)
      - Ringnes beer

      Fun facts:
      - Norway is the country with the most tunnels, including the longest tunnel which connects Trondheim and Oslo (~20 mins).
      - Geiranger Fjord is the most visited fjord in Norway.
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    • Day 12

      Loen skylift

      July 28, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After a well deserved coffee we headed for the loen skylift a few km away. Another amazing place and some very adventurous people! After the skylift we carried on hiking to the top! Beautiful views! Mark got fed up with walking and took the easy way down!Read more

    • Day 252

      Mt. Hoven, Norway

      August 15 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      Words cannot express the beauty of this place. Hopefully my pictures will give you a hint. We sailed 4 hours thru the Norwegian Fjords to get to Olden, with towering mountains, waterfalls and quaint towns dotting the shoreline. It is cold, though!

      I took the Loen Skylift up 3,300 feet on Mt. Hoven, one of the steepest cable cars in the world. We then hiked 2 km up to the top of the mountain. It was 45 degrees and raining with a stiff wind. Brrrr!🥶 but the views-- breathtaking!

      Paul stayed on solid ground and made a run to Circle K for Pringles!

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    • Day 24

      Norway: Alesund to Stryn

      August 3 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We farewelled Alesund and made our way back to Stryn (we passed it on our way out). The drive was fairly uneventful and after checking into our modest but comfortable apartment (might I add with an awesome view - second photo), we made our way to the Loen skylift. Apparently this is Europe's steepest Cable car and it scales a heigh of approximately 1000 metres in the space of 5-7 minutes. The views at the top were breathtaking and since we were there at 7 pm we had the viewing terrace to ourselves. Everything else up there was clsoed but that was ok as all we needed was the stunning view.Read more

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