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    • Tag 7

      Königkrabbenfang in Kirkenes

      9. März 2023 in Norwegen ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Nach weiteren 274 km kamen wir in Kirkenes bei erfrischenden -17 Grad an. Es erwartete uns einer der besten Ausflüge auf unserer Reise. Wir fuhren zunächst zum Snowhotel, wurden wieder in Thermoanzüge gepackt und fuhren dann mit einem Schlitten, der von einem Snow-Cat gezogen wurde, auf den zugefrorenen Fjord. Dort angekommen, holten wir einen der Fangkörbe aus einem Loch im Eis nach oben. Die Eisschicht war mindestens einen halben Meter dick. Im Korb waren ein paar gefangene Königskrabben, welche Ihren Namen aufgrund des blauen Blutes haben. Die Krabben waren riesig und haben eine Spannweite von bis zu zwei Metern. Zurück im Snowhotel konnten wir den gekochten frischen Fang verkosten. Anschließend haben wir das Snowhotel und eine Hundeschlittenfarm besichtigt, welche sich auch noch auf dem Gelände befand.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2.132


      25. März in Norwegen ⋅ ☁️ -11 °C

      We awoke to glorious sunshine once again. We were berthed in the port of Vadso, the last port northbound prior to Kirkenes. As we ate our breakfast we passed stunning scenery. We noticed 2 or 3 dolphins (or porpoises - hard to tell from a distance) and large lumps of ice floating in the sea. Apparently the gulf stream does not reach this far, meaning that the sea is considerably colder. The forecast for today was a high of minus 8 and a min of minus 15. Several layers of clothing were going to be necessary when we venture off the ship. As soon as we had docked at Kirkenes we disembarked and headed for a coach heading for a snow hotel. What an excursion this turned out to be!! The tour guide gave an interesting commentary as we drove through the snowy streets and uphill to reach the hotel. Before entering the hotel we visited the huskies. Many of the dogs were hitched up to sleighs ready to take groups of people for rides through the snowy terrain. Others were fastened to their kennels and were excited to see all of the people on trips. 7 or 8 sleighs pulled off, and as the last one left the dogs left behind howled and howled. Apparently the dogs really enjoy being active and running in the snow pulling sledges. Presumably those left behind will get their chance later in the day. We spent an hour or so investigating the inside of the snow hotel. We have never seen anything like it before. Temperatures inside were set at minus 4!!!! 13 bedrooms in total, each with a different theme. The bedframes, bedside tables and headboards were all carved out of ice. The walls and ceilings made from snow. How anyone sleeps in these temperatures bewilders us. In the bar area we were served a fruit drink. After visiting all of the bedrooms and the hotel reception we were given a reindeer sausage and another hot fruity drink in the restaurant area of the snow hotel. Before we boarded the coach back we visited reindeer who were living in a field behind the hotel. The males shed their antlers before winter but females retain theirs. This is because the females are usually pregnant over winter, and the antlers enable them to battle their way through undergrowth and reach more food. The coach returned us to the ship just in time for our departure. Now heading back the way we came - a 5 day trip back to Bergen. The menu on board has now changed to the Arctic menu. For lunch we had the choice of reindeer broth, fried char, smoked herring sandwich amongst other things. We eat 3 or 4 small dishes (a bit like Norwegian tapas). All very tasty.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2.132


      25. März in Norwegen ⋅ ☁️ -8 °C

      Some more photos from Kirkenes - the church on the headland.
      Leaving Kirkenes in the afternoon, the southbound journey promised daylight visits to the majority of ports visited in the dark on the northbound journey.
      Our first stop was Vardo, where an impressive radar station is perched above the town, followed by Batsfjord at twilight. Mehamn, Kjollerfjord and Honningsvag were visited overnight.

    • Tag 6

      Tag 7

      28. März in Norwegen ⋅ ❄️ -4 °C

      Heute den Wendepunkt der Reise Erreicht: Kirkenes.
      Leider beginnt das Osterfest in Norwegen bereits heute, so dass keine Läden offen sind. Also kein Sprudel, kein Knappersach, keine Gifts.
      Nur Schneelaufen bei ständigem Schneefall. Und einen Cache gesucht und gefunden. Mehr geht nicht weil Handyakku leer.
      Werden heute noch in die Sauna gehen.

    • Tag 31


      10. August 2018 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Ging morgens schon gut los mit einem tollen Frühstück. Jetzt kann die Wildnis wieder kommen. Danach einlesen über Finnland und mich über die Route informiert. Interessant war der Besuch des Museums mit der wechselvollen Geschichte eines Grenzlandes in den beiden Weltkriegen. Nach meiner Mittagspause habe ich mich wieder aufs Fahrrad getraut und musste feststellen keine rueckenbeschwerden. Und es war so wunderschön ohne Gepäck zu fahren. Als Sicherheits orientierter Mensch hat man natürlich noch körperlich norwegische Kronen in der Tasche. Es war gar nicht so einfach diese unterzubringen. Münzen vor 3 Jahren die bei einer Urlaubsreise übriggeblieben wurden nicht mehr angenommen. Ich kann sie bei einer Bank umtauschen. Hat mir gefallen, denn so kann man das Bargeld auch abschaffen. Ich freue mich, dass es morgen weitergeht.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 30

      Das erste Teilstück ist geschafft

      9. August 2018 in Norwegen ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Gestern ging es von ifjord nach Tana bru, ca 90 km. Dazwischen lagen die fjaells und die letzten 30 km die talebene des Flusses Tana. Auf Grund der Windes musste ich vom Fahrrad absteigen und den Berg runter schieben. Das gab einen Adrenalinschub. Gestern Abend ging auf dem Campingplatz nichts mehr. Markus ist es ins Kreuz gefahren. Aber erstaunlicher Weise hat die isomatte gutgetaen. Auf Grund dessen in Verbindung mit dem schlechten Wetter ging es mit dem Bus nach kirkenes. Hier kann man sagen die Russen kommen; auf Grund der grenznaehe kaufen die Russen hier ein. Ich bin im hotel und habe einen waschtag eingelegt. Ich muss sagen ich genieße es. Macht dies auch und ich wünsche euch einen schönen Abend.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      Looking for Sarah Palin

      27. Mai 2017 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      It's Saturday morning....a big day on our calendar as we are flying from Oslo to Kirkenes in order to catch a 6 day cruise down the western coast of Norway. I first read about this cruise last June in the Globe&Mail. The cruise departs Sunday. Been waiting a long time for this weekend to arrive.

      We take the train to Oslo's airport....get checked in, drop off luggage and clear security. Cath tells me we are at Gate 15 and then catches me checking the departure board. I only took a quick glance because I thought it said 12:30 as our flight time when in fact we were flying at 9:00.

      We sit tight at Gate 15 and suddenly my phone rings. I don't recognize the number so I disregard the call. A minute later the same number calls so I answer it. "Hello, Mr Dilworth? This is SAS at Gate 4. Where are you? If you are not at the gate soon we will have to remove your luggage from the plane."

      "We are at Gate 15 and will be there ASAP." I check the time.....the flight was to have left 2 minutes ago. Guess they don't believe in paging customers.

      Obviously we are the last to board what appears to be a full flight. Holy did that happen?

      Two hours later we touch down in Kirkenes. We flew in a day early in the event there were flight issues on Sunday that would threaten our missing the cruise departure !! laid plans, eh??

      We have our luggage when suddenly another flight arrives and we spot passengers who were sitting near us at Gate 15 in Oslo. THAT explains what happened. Cath spotted info for a flight to Kirkenes....what she didn't realize was the info was for the second flight departing roughly 15-20 minutes after our's.

      Whew. We're where we are supposed to be despite the near miss. Cath's Plan B was to buy tickets on the second flight if in fact we missed(got booted)the first flight !! She's very bright....just somewhat blind without her glasses sometimes !!

      Kirkenes is in the far reaches of NE Norway and VERY close to the Russian border.So close in fact, that Sarah Palin would chime in and say, ?"I can see Russia from my backyard."

      It is 3C here.....20+C back in Oslo. We get a shot of hail later in the afternoon after we had walked around town. The town sits on a fjord surrounded by snow capped mountains. I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a lot of towns like this over the next week. day #1. Not sure how much internet we will have but will do our best to add stories and believe me, there's ALWAYS a story when we travel !!!

      Pics...2 maps to show our location, 2 coming in to Kirkenes

    • Tag 24


      10. Januar 2018 in Norwegen ⋅ 🌙 -14 °C

      Today we disembarked from the Hurtigruten Spitsbergen Cruise. We had a wonderful time although I am over fish and mushy food. Kirkeness looked so pretty, just like a Christmas card. We took the airport bus from the cruise terminal to a very small airport. The airport security checks were very detailed. I had bags searched and John had to keep taking belts and shoes off and emptying pockets until their very sensitive metal detectors were not set off. Outside the airport there was snow everywhere and an incredible sunrise.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 32

      2024-06-01 Kirkenes

      1. Juni in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Wehmütig haben wir der MS-Nordkapp hinterhergesehen. Es war aber auch wirklich eine schöne Reise für und mit (Schwieger)Mama.

      Wir gehen nochmal so richtig lecker essen.

    • Tag 7


      10. Februar 2022 in Norwegen ⋅ ☁️ -4 °C

      Half way point, we turn around today and start heading back to Bergen. But first a 3 hour trip across to the ice hotel. Created entirely of ice (in summer it is covered with tarpaulin and cold air piped in to keep the frame frozen. Normal hotel features with 9 rooms with ice beds and a bar it is full of ice sculptures and ice/snow carvings on the walls. Part two was the reindeer, 3 reindeer are rented from the Sami people and came close enough to be hand fed some moss. Finally a dog sledge trip through the countryside and across a nearby frozen lake.Weiterlesen

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