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    • Dag 12

      The Red Valley

      18 oktober 2018, Peru ⋅ 🌫 14 °C

      Bis auf vier Minuten Anstieg war es wie versprochen recht casual den Weg zur roten Wüste Perus zurück zu legen. Am Checkpoint vorbei kamen wir im roten Wunderparadies an: man wanderte auf rotem Sand, die ganze Umgebung inklusive Berge rot gefärbt und das ganze geprägt von beeindruckendem Bergpanorama. Wir waren begeistert!! Etwas surreal tanzten wir durch das rot, rannten die Berge hinab, genossen es dabei dort ganz allein zu sein. Ehrlich gesagt war das sogar besser als die Hauptattraktion des Wandertages!! Und was ebenso genial war: Javier ließ uns alle Zeit der Welt in der roten Welt zu versinken, Fotos zu machen, es zu genießen. Während des Abstiegs hatten wir sogar kurz eine sonnige Phase, ehe wir dann auch schon wieder vor dem Regen zu entwischen versuchten, Fazit: das Andenwetter ist unberechenbar 😅☀❄⚡.
      Unterwegs bewunderten wir noch einige Alpacas beim Grasen. Übrigens ist der Unterschied zu den langnasigen Llamas deren angedutschte Nase 😉.

      Nach insgesamt erneuten sechs Stunden auf Tour beglückwünschten wir uns zum fünften aktiven Wandertag in Folge und ließen uns noch mit einem peruanischen Mittagsbuffet wieder zu Kräften bringen 🤗🍛🍵.
      Schließlich erreichten wir Cusco gegen vier Uhr, verabschiedeten den wundervollen Guide Javier, der uns noch eine liebevolle Ansprache für unsere Zukunft hielt und genossen die Vorzüge der Ankunft im Hotel: eine warme Dusche!
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    • Dag 12

      I can see a Rainbow

      18 oktober 2018, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Ring, ist mitten in der Nacht..ich fühlte mich aus dem tiefsten Schlaf erwacht, schleppte mich ins Bad, knallte mir kaltes Wasser ins Gesicht und sagte zum Morgengruß erstmal zu Katharina: “Das nächste mal Bora Bora!“..was hatte ich uns da nur angetan 🙈..
      Um drei Uhr wartete Manuel schon auf uns in der Lobby..echt ein Mann der Taten, steht er doch glatt auf, um sicher zu gehen, dass unser Guide auch kommt. Pünktlich auf die Minute war dieser auch schon da: heute durften wir uns vom 30-jährigen Javier mit auf die Reise nehmen und das ganze als Privattour. Während erst Katharina und ich als einzige die Tour machen wollten, redeten wir am Lares Trek solange auf die anderen ein, bis die Briten Av, Riddhi und Kate sowie Ozi Naomi mit von der Party waren - eine Crew halt 😉. Noch dazu kamen Angi und Russ aus den USA mit, die wir ebenso vor einigen Tagen kennen lernten. 4,5h Fahrt trennten uns vom Startpunkt auf bereits 4.600m Höhe! Dazwischen gab es noch ein leckeres Brot- und Omelettfrühstück, bei dem uns Javier auf unseren Trip einstimmte. Interessanterweise sprach dieser erst seit drei Jahren Englisch, das aber ziemlich gut, wuchs in einer Bauernfamilie auf und wurde erst Porter, dann Koch und schließlich Guide auf den Touren.
      Gegen sieben Uhr begann dann unser Hike noch im Nebel verschleiert. Doch wir waren überzeugt heute die Rainbow- und nicht Pisco sour Mountains zu sehen 🙏! Eigentlich waren es nur etwa 5km zum Gipfel, jedoch hatten es die Höhenmeter in sich: wahrscheinlich muss man es erst einmal selbst erlebt haben, aber man kommt unheimlich schnell aus der Puste und was Atemnot heißt, erfährt man dann für kurze Zeit auch..
      Javier hingegen rannte phasenweise den Berg locker und bespaßt hoch und runter..dieser irre Einheimische 😉😅
      Gegen halb neun waren wir dann jedoch oben und durften die volle Pracht der Rainbow-Mountains, welche schichtweise so einige Farben zu bieten hatten, genießen. Auch das muss man einfach selbst gesehen haben, aber ich würde das definitiv als Naturspektakel beschreiben.
      Noch ein paar weitere Stufen bis zum höchsten Gipfel: wir befinden uns nun auf 5.037 Metern, Wahnsinn!! Von hier war die Sicht nun leider aber doch zugezogen, doch unsere Stimmung ließ sich trotz der Pisco Mountains und der Eiseskälte nicht trüben: auf Wunsch unseres Guides Javi machten wir noch ein Gruppenfoto in Jogapose, ehe der Weg uns zum nächsten Highlight des Tages führte: Dem Red Valley!
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    • Dag 6

      New LinkedIn Profile Picture

      4 juli 2018, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      While we were walking through the ruins of the Incan Temple of Viracocha, the Inca god of creation, some dude was spying on me and painting me. He got onto our bus after the tour to show me. I ended up loving it and bought the painting (yes, I’m aware I got hustled).Läs mer

    • Dag 43

      Red Valley (Valle Roja)

      11 november 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      A km away from the Rainbow mountain is the Red Valley. There's a separate entrance of S/ 5 per person for the valley. Ours was included in the package (S/ 70 for Rainbow Mountain entrance + breakfast + lunch + red valley entrance + all transportation) but our guide didn't come with us and he had our voucher. The locals at the entrance insisted we buy the tickets if we were to enter. We decided to buy the tickets and ten get it reimbursed later from the guide. From the entrance to the red valley was about 20 mts. The views on the other side of the pass, looked down into the beautiful red valley. This place too was breathtaking. The deep red in combination with the green moss were a stunning combination.Läs mer

    • Dag 43

      Trek to the Red Valley

      11 november 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      From the Mirador Colorado, we came down to the base of the Rainbow Mountain and continued on to the Red Valley another km or so. On the way, we saw some Vicuñas running across the valley. They seem to be very comfortable with the high altitude and were climbing the mountains with ease.Läs mer

    • Dag 43

      Views from the Mirador Colorado

      11 november 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      The views on the other side of the mountains from the Mirador Colorado were amazing. It was one of the most stunning places to be in. We could also see Ausangate peak, the highest in Peru at 6384 mts above sea level.Läs mer

    • Dag 43

      Views at the Rainbow mountain base

      11 november 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      The views at the base of the Rainbow mountain were just out worldly. The amazing colors of the rainbow mountain, the beautiful valley on the other side of the pass, part of the Red valley.. It was just a breathtaking place.
      After stopping for a few minutes for taking pictures and enjoying the views, we started the climb up the opposite mountain towards the viewpoint.
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    • Dag 248

      Montaña de 7 Colores

      1 september 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The "Montaña de 7 Colores" or "Rainbow Mountain" is one of the tourist attractions around Cusco that gets promoted so much it almost feels like you don't need to go there as you see the pictures everywhere. And it kind of feels like they must have worked on the pictures with photoshop. This can't be natural so maybe the real thing is a disappointment compared to all the pictures?
      But I still wanted to go. If just to challenge me to climb up to 5,000m. I booked a tour in Cusco that included transportation to the starting point of the hike, breakfast and lunch. I was picked up at 3:30 in the morning and just climbed on the bus trying to get back to sleep. Unfortunately there were to german people talking to each other on the bus and it's a lot easier to blend out foreign languages than your own. It was an older guy talking to a girl around my age. The guy told her she sounded like she came from Hamburg. Which she did not but I stopped myself from getting into the conversation. This got a lot harder when he suddenly said "I gonna be traveling for about 2 years. I wouldn't if I could work but I had to take a break for health reasons. The time is not gonna bring me anything - you know like if I would be at home working - but it's ok for a while!" How could somebody who has been on the road for a while say something like that? I assumed the experience is similar for everyone but turns out there are actually people that feel working at home is more fulfilling than traveling the world. Even though I almost felt physical pain not commenting on this I guess it's something I have to learn to accept. Not everybody feels the same way about their journey.
      We drove around Cusco for easily an hour picking up more people before we finally started towards Japura where we had breakfast before driving the last 30 minutes to the starting point of our hike. The hike started on 4,300m and would go up to 5,100m which was the higher than I hiked up to so far. I expected it to be similar to the hike up to Laguna 69 which had been on 4,600m but with a similar rise.
      I started hiking with the german girl who was not from Hamburg but Mainz! We talked about our travels and I had to learn again that the experience is different for everyone. She had just decided to cut her trip short as her travel partner had just left her and she didn't really enjoy traveling by herself.
      We talked for a while but even though the hike wasn't to steep I realized quickly that talking wouldn't be to easy. At some point we were walking quietly and when she stopped to redo her shoe laces I kept walking as I knew a hike like this is best done at your own pace. I felt a lot better than when I hiked up to Laguna 69 so I guess being on high altitude for a few weeks helps.
      Lots of people were taking horses on the way up so the guides coming down with empty horses always tried to convince you to get on their horse. But I stayed strong and kept walking. Especially as you had to get of the horse for the really steep parts anyway.
      The last bit was the steepest. Here all the horses were turning around. But it really wasn't that bad. And the promise of the view was pushing me to keep going. Once up there I realized I was first of my group and I easily waited 15 minutes for the other girls to come up. I was proud to be so well trained by now.
      The view of the Rainbow Mountain was unreal. I was amazed by what nature does. After taking tons of pictures we continued walking to the Red Valley. The view point for Rainbow Mountain was super crouch but not a lot of people walk the extra 20 minutes to go to the Red Valley. Which was good for us but a shame for them. The landscape here was almost more impressive. And to get there you had to walk along the surface of Rainbow Mountain which gave you a much closer look of the different colored rocks.
      I was really happy I choose to do this tour as it was definitely worth its money. So beautiful and unreal!
      After we hiked down and got back to the car quite a lot of people complained about trouble with the altitude. One lady even got oxygen from a tank and almost everybody took a breath of rubbing alcohol against the headache. Seeing this I was really happy that I was used to the thin air by now and never got really bad sickness from it.
      We had lunch in Japura and got back to Cusco in the afternoon.
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