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    • Hari 26

      Inka trail dag 2

      30 Julai 2022, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Dag 2 var det længste og hårdeste trek, hvor vi passerede to bjergpas. Fra morgenstunden gik det op ad, da vi skulle passere det 4200 meter høje Warmi Wañusqa. Dette var højeste punkt på hele Inka trekket. Efter frokost passerede vi Runkuragay på ca 3700 meter og derefter gik det (stort set) kun ned af bakke resten af turen.
      Vi gik i 11 timer i alt på dag 2 🚶
      Vores camp, Chaquicocha, lå i ca 3500 meters højde 🏔️
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    • Hari 8

      Inka Trail - day 2

      5 April, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      🇩🇪 Am Morgen werden wir von den Portern mit Koka-Tee am Zelt um 04.40 Uhr geweckt. Schnell wird alles zusammengepackt und anschliessend gemeinsam gefrühstückt. Wir starten also den Aufstieg durch den Wald und erreichen nach 2 Stunden Ayapata auf 3350 m. Dort gibt es die erste wunderbare Aussicht und wohlverdiente Pause mit Gatorade und Banane. Weiter geht es dann steil hoch, über steile und schmale Stufen, Steine und Regenwald auf 4200 m. Um 11 Uhr erreichen wir ausser Atem den Wañusca Pass, auch als „Dead Woman Pass“ bekannt. Leider regnet es nun und es ist so bedeckt, dass wir die Aussicht nicht geniessen können. Wir sind unglaublich stolz auf unsere Kids, die Jungs immer vorne bei Felipe, unserem Guide und Elena immer brav dabei, ohne je einmal zu meckern. Da wir so schnell oben waren, laufen wir weiter, runter zu unserem Nachtcamp, damit wir uns nach dem Mittagessen ausruhen können. Das wird definitiv nötig sein, denn nun geht es 2.5 h bergab. Und zwar nicht über ebenem Boden, sondern rutschigen Stufen bzw. Steine. Meine Knie werden gequält, aber wir kommen alle heil an. Trotz des Regens, geniesse ich es, manchmal ganz alleine zu wandern und einfach zu lauschen.
      Im Camp Pacamayo gibt es diesmal keine warme Dusche, also waschen wir uns mit lauwarmem Wasser im Zelt. Die Porter zaubern wieder wunderbare Menüs und wir gehen bereits gegen 7 schlafen (ja, im Ernst!) 🤣

      🇮🇹 Al mattino, i Porter ci svegliano con un tè di coca portato alla tenda alle 4.40. Prepariamo velocemente tutti gli zaini e poi facciamo colazione insieme. Iniziamo la salita attraverso la foresta e raggiungiamo Ayapata a 3350 metri dopo 2 ore. Lì abbiamo la prima vista meravigliosa e una meritata pausa con Gatorade e una banana. Continuiamo poi la nostra ripida salita su gradini ripidi e stretti, rocce e foresta pluviale fino a 4200 metri. Alle 11 raggiungiamo il Passo Wañusca, detto anche "death Woman pass", con il fiatone. Purtroppo ora piove e il cielo è così coperto che non possiamo goderci il panorama. Siamo incredibilmente orgogliosi dei nostri figli, i ragazzi sono sempre in testa con Felipe, la nostra guida, ed Elena non molla mai senza mai lamentarsi. Dato che abbiamo raggiunto la cima così in fretta, scendiamo al nostro campo notturno per riposare dopo pranzo. Questo sarà sicuramente necessario, perché ora ci sono 2,5 ore di discesa. E non su terreno sicuro, ma su gradini e pietre scivolose. Le mie ginocchia sono martoriate, ma arriviamo tutti sani e salvi. Nonostante la pioggia, mi godo la discesa quasi totalmente in solitudine.
      Questa volta non c'è una doccia calda al campo, quindi ci laviamo con acqua tiepida nella tenda. I portatori ci preparano di nuovo dei menu meravigliosi e andiamo a letto verso le 7 (sì, sul serio!) 🤣
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    • Hari 155

      Ollantaytambo 🇵🇪

      4 Mac, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute Morgen besuchten wir die lokale Weberei in Ccaccaccollo. Hierbei lernten wir, wie die peruanischen Frauen in Handarbeit verschiedene Produkte aus z.B. Alpaka-Wolle herstellen. Besondern spannend war, wie die Wolle jeweils ihre Farbe bekommt. Verschiedene Pflanzen, Parasiten, Sulfite oder Steine führen zu verschiedenen Reaktionen und somit Farben.🌈

      Auch das Weben ansich ist eine faszinierende Handarbeit! Die Produkte sehen nicht nur sehr gut aus, auch fühlen sie sich super an😍

      Nach dem Verabschieden unserer Gastfamilien und vorallem von Gastvater Pedro ging es dann Richtung Ollantaytambo.
      Nach einer 2 stündigen Fahrt sind wir dort angekommen, checkten im Hotel ein und gingen in ein Restaurant. Mein Alpaka-Burger war übrigens sehr gut😅🦙🍔

      Beim anschliessendem Spaziergang konnten wir von einem alten Esswaren-Lager hoch oben im Berg einen Blick auf Ollantaytambo ergattern! Der Aufstieg lohnte sich😁 Beim Zurücklaufen schauten wir übrigens noch bei einer Meerschweinchen-Farm vorbei. Die Tiere sind eigentlich schon süss, schade das sie so gut schmecken🫢

      Am Abend hiess es nun für morgen zu Packen. Der Inka-Trek beginnt🤩 Zudem: Trekking Zeit ist Schnöizer Zeit😄👨🏻👨🏻
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    • Hari 12

      Inka Trail Tag 2 Ayapata-Chaquicocha

      27 Oktober 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      15 km / 9-10 Stunde
      Start uf 3340 mt, Pass uf 4215 mt, Abstieg uf 3600 mt, Pass uf 3900 mt, Camp uf 3650 mt

      ....und ich hans überläbt!
      Ich han gmerkt, dass Wandere uf über 3000 mt Höchi ein Vorteil hät: me muess sich so fescht ufs Schnuufe konzentriere, dass Wädli, Oberschenkel oder Chnnüü gar keis Problem sind 🙈

      Ganz ehrlich, villicht hilft au min voorbügende Medikamentecocktail us Schmerztablette, Magnesium und Glänktablette.
      Es isch würkli mega, wie vill Zyt eim glaa wird uf dem Trail, wie me siis Tempo laufe chan. All paar Höhemeter schnell aahalte, dureschnuufe (reschpektiv wieder zu Luft choo) und denn wiiter laufe hilft scho.
      Churz vorem Pass (4215 mt!!!) hani s'Gfühl ghaa, ich chan di letschte paar Meter i eim Schnurz durezieh ohni nomal aahalte. Das isch denn chli i d'Hose. Han fascht kei Luft überchoo und han aagfange Hyperventiliere. Bim iischnuufe häts nume no pfiffe 😵‍💫 De Rony, oise Guide hät denn grad d'Suurstoffläsche uuspackt, die hani aber nöd bruucht, will ich dank em guete Zuerede vom Markus und em Guide allei wieder abechoo bin. Jede Wanderer wird unter Applaus ufem Gipfel begrüesst, das isch mega schön.

      De Abstieg zum Lunchcamp isch zwar steil aber guet gange.
      Nachem Zmittag, wo wieder superschöön aagrichtet gsii isch, hämmer nomal en Pass gmacht. Dä isch au zimli happig gsii, will fascht alles Stägetritt sind. Ufe 300 Höhemeter und abe au fascht nomal sovill...
      Mitem Wätter hämmer Glück ghaa, es hät teilwiis d'Sunne gschiene und mängisch händ ois Nebelschwade vode Cloudy Mountains iigholt.
      Womer under Applaus vo oisne Porter im schöne Camp aachoo sind, simmer nachem Znacht scho glii mal is Bett.
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    • Hari 11

      Start of Matchu pitchu trek

      19 Jun 2023, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Alarm went of at 3.35 am, after a quick breakfast and all our bags ready we were picked up by our guides of alpaca expeditions with the bus. 4 hours, a breakfast and some adminstrative things later we were ready to start the hike. The first part of the hike was easy, a little bit up and down and regurarly a place we could rest a little bit or buy some snacks. Around 1 pm we arrived at lunch were we first got a apetizer salad with advocado, then some soup and the maincourse were some plates with rice, patatoes, vegetables and much more we could share with the group. We finished lunch with some tea and small moment of rest before we continued our hike towards our camp for the first night.
      Arriving around 4.30 pm, we had time to wash ourselves a little and meet our chef and porters. We ended the day with some teatime and dinner and then straight to bed, because the next day will be a hard and early day.
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    • Hari 27

      Inca Trail Day 1

      13 April 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We departed Ollantaytambo at 8am and boarded the bus to the start of the Inca trail. We passed through the checkpoint with our passports and were officially on the Inca Trail at around 9am! We called our team the 'Pisco Pumas'!

      Starting altitude: 2400m
      Finishing altitude: 3000m
      Distance covered: 12km
      Weather: It was pretty warm during the day with sunshine- nice for our first day of trekking!

      We made quite a few stops during the first day to adjust to the altitude/conditions, which also gave our guide for the trek, Joseph, time to explain some the the history of the area. We learnt that the sacred valley is ‘sacred’ because it’s shape and landscape mimics the Milky Way and the Andean animals. We learnt about Incan culture including that the Incans did not regularly undertake human sacrifices but they would occasionally in response to events such as bad weather (so our guide joked that hopefully we have good weather during our trek and don't have to sacrifice anyone!)

      Our first stop was home to a 5 month old Andean jug puppy which looked exactly like Cody and his name was Kot :) We then stopped at an Incan ruin site which used to be the administrative capital of the valley because it was at the centre of 4 valleys.
      We stopped for lunch which consisted of guacamole and fried pastry, vegetable soup, rainbow trout and then purple corn pudding for lunch.

      After lunch, it was a short hour or so walk to the campsite where saw another Incan site and got a spectacular view over the valley. We arrived at our campsite around 4pm.

      Before dinner we had a meet and greet with the porters and chefs. The porters are our superheroes who are the ones carrying all our tents, food, cooking utensils and basically everything else for each day (around 25kgs each!!) They also set up our campsites and help us with anything we could need during the trip! There are 18 porters in total ranging from 23 to 60 years old and are typically farmers who have joined G Adventures for a more prosperous lifestyle. We also have 2 chefs, our head guide and 2 assistant guides with our group of 18 people!

      We then had ‘happy hour’ which is some snacks and crackers before dinner (hot chocolate and popcorn). We enjoyed dinner of delicious soup followed by chicken and rice.

      We then played some more games with the group (including an interesting game with our group called Mafia!) before an early night.
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    • Hari 23

      The Inca Trail - Day 2

      16 Ogos 2022, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Second Day.

      Sadly on the morning of the second day Jeff decided to turn back as he did not think he would be able to make it; Robbie went with him.

      So that left me and three young athletic men hiking the trail. Eek!

      We set off at 6am. Today's big challenge was 'Dead Woman's Pass', up to 4,200m, an increase of 1200 m. Thankfully I had now acclimatised and wasn't ill like at Rainbow Mountain, but each step was still a big effort, easily leaving me breathless.

      Drew, a former ultra marathon runner (!) ran on ahead to the summit, leaving me and the other two to wheeze our way up to the top. But by 9.45am we had made it!

      The next challenge was getting down. Hundreds of steep, uneven, narrow steps, often with sheer cliffs to the side with no barrier. But it seem years of rock climbing meant I was in my element! Going down was so much easier than going up and I left Drew and the others in my wake as I skipped down.

      We were at our camp soon after 11am with a decision to make. The plan had been to camp here for the night, but we had arrived hours earlier than planned, so we decided to press on to Sayaqmarca.

      We just needed to convince the porters of the plan - they were expecting to only have to set up camp once that day, but instead they set up for lunchtime, cooked us a feast, took down the tents, ran on ahead for the evening, set up camp again and cooked us dinner there! I'm not sure they were entirely happy but agreed nonetheless!

      We arrived around 3.30pm. This campsite left a little to be desired - due to the change of plan we got last choice of pitch and were next to stagnant water - a lot of mosquitos and very far away from the (manky) toilets. So we mainly chilled in the tents sheltering from the mozzies. We had loads more food - afternoon tea including pancakes and biscuits, then another 3 course meal (!), before retiring for another early night at 7pm.
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    • Hari 66

      D2 Dead Woman's pass: check!

      26 Disember 2014, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Iedereen heeft het gehaald! Casey en ik kwamen als eerste van de groep toeristen aan en werden aangenaam verrast door een warm kopje thee en een sandwich van onze fantastische porters. Na een tijdje wachten, kwam de rest ook in een hele snelle tijd toe. Wat een goede groep :-)!Baca lagi

    • Hari 5

      Steps, steps and more sodding steps

      9 April 2017, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Up at 5am, breakfast at 5.45am...and what a breakfast! Bread, porridge and pancakes to gear us up for the most challenging day. The plan was a 6hr ascent to 4200m followed by a 2hr descent to the 3600m campsire; the ascent started with a gradual slope through a winding open paths and a more jungle-like environment. The sun came out in force, a pleasant change from yesterday. Then however, just 45 minutes in to the day, came the steps - uneven, giant steps which were the defining feature of the next two hours. Whilst everyone was told to go there own pace, I think my legs would have preferred no pace!Baca lagi

    • Hari 1

      "Todo listo, ¡vamos!"

      3 Mei 2022, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      El día previo a la caminata tuvimos un briefing al finalizar el la tarde, Nuestro guía Gabriel, fue el encargado de darnos los detalles del viaje, el terreno, las distancias y los cuidados que debíamos tener durante la travesía...

      Salimos del briefing y fuimos a comprar las últimas cosas, unas frutas.
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