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    • Dag 7

      Posen 😉🌞🚐⛪️

      1. april, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Wir verabschieden uns von Biggi und Dirk und auch für uns geht es weiter. Zuvor geht's noch zu Ver und Entsorgung. Der Service liegt an einem See, an dem wir frühstücken. Wir trödeln und lassen uns Zeit mit allem. Gegen 16 Uhr treffen wir in Posen ein und haben einen schönen Platz am Park ergattert.

      Wir quatschen, trinken ein Bier 🍺 im Park und wollen nach dem Abendessen ne Runde gehen...Leider wird daraus nix, es zieht ein Gewitter auf mit heftigem Niederschlag ⛈️🌧☔️
      Okay, dann bleiben wir im Womo, morgen ist ja auch noch ein Tag.
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    • Dag 23


      20. august 2023, Polen ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Capitale de la province de Wielkopolska, berceau de la nation polonaise, Poznań est un important centre économique, scientifique, culturel et touristique de l'ouest de la Pologne. Réputée pour ses foires internationales qui s'y tiennent régulièrement depuis 1921 .
      Poznań est aussi une ville historique d'importance.Sur ces quelques clichés,
      on aperçoit Hôtel de Ville Renaissance. Sa grande façade à triples rangées d'arcades est surmontée d'un attique où sont représentés les rois de la dynastie des Jagellons.
      L'Hôtel de Ville est entouré de maisons historiques de style baroque: une douzaine de petites maisons de poissonniers . 
      L'Eglise paroissiale (Kosciol Farny) est une des plus belles églises baroques de Pologne. Situés à proximité, les bâtiments de l'ancien monastère des jésuites sont actuellement le siège de la municipalité.
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    • Dag 10

      St. Antoni Padewski Church

      17. september 2019, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F


      This city on the Warta is the regional and voivodeship capital and the see of the Poznań archdiocese. It is an important point on the Piast Trail.

      The Conventual Franciscans came to Poland in 1644. As their arrival sparked protests from other orders, they did not commence building a new church until 1668. This and the adjoining monastery were erected according to a design by Jan Koński. The building was transferred to German Catholics after the order was suppressed by the Prussian authorities. The Franciscans returned in 1921 but the church was given back to German Catholics during WWII. It still has its original furnishings as a result of having been used continuously as a sacred building.

      The church has three naves and chapels on the aisle extensions. The Czech friars Adam Swach (painter), and his brother Antoni (sculptor and wood carver), are responsible for most of the furnishings. The main nave is dedicated to St. Antoni Padewski. The high altar features the 18th-century painting The Vision of St. Antony with two angels holding a reliquary containing St. Anthony’s tongue above it. The west (right) nave is dedicated to St. Francis and the east (left) to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The oldest quadratura (an illusory architectural representation) in Poland can be found on the vault at the intersection of the naves.

      The east chapel and altar were designed for the famous miraculous painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary Our Lady of Poznań (a 1668 copy of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Borek). The painting was officially pronounced miraculous in 1670 and has become an object of public veneration. The altar for it was made of coloured oak wood in 1688-1693. The painting itself is in the central part and is decorated in silver with stellar and rose themes alluding to the Morning Star and Mystic Rose of the Loretan Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The side panel portraits of Mary’s parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne, open out when the painting is unveiled. This rotates the twisted columns separating the fields of the altar. The painting is unveiled every day at 7:00 a.m. and covered after evening mass.

      The stalls in the presbytery are lavishly embellished with sculptured stairways (Antoni Swach) in the form of the dragon of sin.
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    • Dag 10

      Poznan State Archives

      17. september 2019, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

      We spent the morning at the Poznan State Archives where we were given a tour and had a chance to inspect some of the holdings.


      The Archives were established in 1869.

      Archival holdings: historical records of public authorities: regional administration, churches, monasteries, self-government and justice institutions in Poznan and the Wielkopolska region. Also towns, guilds and villages historical records, industrial, financial corporations, private real estates records regarding political, cultural and economy history of region from the period of 1153 to the present. There are also vital records from this region, photographs and maps collections.

      Selected guides: Spis zespolow. Informator o zasobie archiwalnym Archiwum Panstwowego w Poznaniu, Oprac. J. Miedzianowska, Poznan, 1995.

      If you need more information contact the Archive.
      The Archive website is: http://www.poznan.ap.gov.pl/
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    • Dag 60


      30. august 2019, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Dernière étape en Pologne, Poznan a la particularité de ne pas avoir été bombardée pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. Le centre historique est donc resté authentique et nous avons un réel plaisir à le découvrir. Mais nous avons déjà en tête les 1400 kilometres à parcourir avant demain soir, ce qui nous oblige à écourter la visite.Læs mere

    • Dag 10

      Poznan Cathedral

      17. september 2019, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F


      The Archcathedral Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Poznań is one of the oldest churches in Poland and the oldest Polish cathedral, dating from the 10th century. It stands on the island of Ostrów Tumski north-east of the city centre.

      The cathedral was originally built in the second half of the 10th century within the fortified settlement (gród) of Poznań, which stood on what is now called Ostrów Tumski ("Cathedral Island"). This was one of the main political centres in the early Polish state, and included a ducal palace (excavated by archaeologists since 1999, beneath the Church of the Virgin Mary which stands in front of the cathedral). The palace included a chapel, perhaps built for Dobrawa, Christian wife of Poland's first historical ruler, Mieszko I. Mieszko himself was baptised in 966, possibly at Poznań – this is regarded as a key event in the Christianization of Poland and consolidation of the state. The cathedral was built around this time; it was raised to the status of a cathedral in 968 when the first missionary bishop, Bishop Jordan, came to Poland.

      Saint Peter became the patron of the church because, as the first cathedral in the country, it had the right to have the same patron as St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The pre-Romanesque church which was built at that time was about 48 meters in length. Remains of this building are still visible in the basements of today's basilica. The first church survived for about seventy years, until the period of the pagan reaction and the raid of the Bohemian duke Bretislav I (1034–1038). The cathedral was rebuilt in the Romanesque style, remains of which are visible in the southern tower.

      In the 14th and 15th centuries, the church was rebuilt in the Gothic style. At that time, a crown of chapels was added. A fire in 1622 did such serious damage that the cathedral needed a complete renovation, which was carried out in the Baroque style. Another major fire broke out in 1772 and the church was rebuilt in the Neo-Classical style. In 1821, Pope Pius VII raised the cathedral to the status of a Metropolitan Archcathedral and added the second patron - Saint Paul. The last of the great fires occurred on 15 February 1945, during the liberation of the city from the Germans. The damage was serious enough that the conservators decided to return to the Gothic style, using as a base medieval relics revealed by the fire. The cathedral was reopened on 29 June 1956. In 1962, Pope John XXIII gave the church the title of minor basilica.
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    • Dag 10

      Church of Our Lady in Summo

      17. september 2019, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F


      This late Gothic rectorial church was most probably built where the stronghold's chapel, erected around 965 by Mieszko I's wife, Dobrawa, used to stand. It was constructed between 1431-47. In the early 19th century the church was in such terrible condition that the Prussian authorities ordered it demolished. That fate was only avoided thanks to the efforts of Archbishop Leon Przyłuski, which lead to restoration of the church in the years 1859-62.
      The west gable, crowned with a small bell, is ornamented with pointed blank windows and small ornaments with floral motifs in stone. The side elevations are partitioned with decorative cover profiles, between which there are high pointed windows (walled up on the northern side). At the base of the structure one can see a rock with characteristic grooves. As the story goes, they were created by knights sharpening their swords on the rock, which was supposed to give them supernatural power. The high roof is covered with ridge tiles (monk and nun). The church is entered from the south through a pointed portal made of profiled, glazed bricks. A similar portal, only walled up, can be found in the north elevation. The three - nave bay has a Gothic stellar vaulting over the naves and over the chancel and the ambulatory a sail vaulting on supporting arches from 1727. The polychromy inside the church, the design of the stained glass windows and the altar were made by Wacław Taranczewski between 1954-56.
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    • Dag 10

      Wiejskie Jadło - dinner

      17. september 2019, Polen ⋅ 🌧 50 °F


      Wiejskie Jadło is just what you expect from a Polish restaurant - a warm wooden interior, bustling staff, and a huge menu of hearty grub like bread with pickles and lard, bigos, gołąbki, potato pancakes, pierogi, regional duck, and more. We enjoyed the żurek (sour rye) soup and after gut-busting sausages, it's good we didn't have far to go - they're located just off the market square.Læs mere

    • Dag 10

      Poznan Fight Goats

      17. september 2019, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F


      A midday walk through the colorful market square of Poznań in western Poland means vibrantly painted buildings, bustling cafes, food stalls and vendors—and throngs of locals and tourists jostling for the best spot to watch a 465-year-old fight. It just happens to be between a couple of mechanical goats.


      The goats and bugle call
      Main articles: Poznań Goats and Poznań Trumpet Call

      The mechanized goats, which butt heads daily at noon
      Today the mechanical goats' butting display is performed daily at noon, preceded by the striking of the clock and the playing of a traditional bugle call (hejnał). At other hours between 7 am and 9 pm the same call is played on a carillon, installed in the tower in 2003. The daily appearance of the goats is one of Poznań's best-known tourist attractions.

      Poznań hejnał
      A legend behind the original addition of the goats to the clock mechanism states that a cook, while preparing a banquet for the voivode and other dignitaries, had burnt a roast deer, and attempted to replace it by stealing two goats from a nearby meadow. The goats escaped and ran up the town hall tower, where they attracted the attention of the townspeople when they began to butt each other (according to some versions, this drew attention to a fire which might otherwise have done significant damage). Because of the entertainment provided, the voivode pardoned both the cook and the goats, and ordered that two mechanical goats be incorporated into the new clock being made for the building.

      Retired Koziołki in the Museum of History of Poznań City
      Another legend is associated with the hejnał. This says that Bolko, son of the tower's trumpeter, once took care of a crow whose wing had been shot through. The boy was then awoken at night by a gnome wearing a crown and purple cape, who thanked the boy for his kindness and handed him a small gold trumpet, telling him to blow it when in danger. After these words the gnome transformed into a crow and flew away. Years later, after Bolko had taken his father's place as trumpeter, when an attacking army was scaling Poznań's walls, Bolko remembered the present, ran to the top of the tower and began to play the trumpet. Dark clouds began to gather on the horizon, which turned out to be an enormous flock of crows that fell upon the attacking army and forced it to retreat. The trumpet was lost when Bolko dropped it in his astonishment, but the call which he played is still performed.
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    • Dag 7

      1. Stopp in Polen: Autowerkstatt

      15. maj 2023, Polen ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Unser erster Stopp war die Stadt Posen. Ein sehr schöner Ort, der aber seit über zwei Jahren in Baustellen versinkt 🚧. Grund dafür sind Spenden vom Europaparlament, die im selben Jahr noch ausgegeben werden mussten. Deshalb dachte sich die Stadt: “Reißen wir einfach mal die komplette Innenstadt auf, bevor die Spende verfällt.” Und wie das immer so ist, dauern Baustellas länger als geplant (unter anderem auch, weil archäologische Funde gemacht wurden). 😅 Somit fährt seit 2 Jahren keine Tram mehr, viele Restaurants mussten schließen und der Tourismus bleibt aus. Dennoch haben wir einen schönen Tag mit Tonis Arbeitskollegen Michael verbracht und die Stadt von ihrer schönsten Seite kennenlernen dürfen. 🥰

      Außerdem ein Update zum Thema Motorkontrollleuchte 🚨. Einige wissen vielleicht bereits, dass wir seit Beginn des Buskaufs Probleme mit Ad Blue haben. Das Auto zeigt an, der Tank ist leer, wir füllen den Tank, aber Anzeige geht nicht weg, was bedeutet, wir können den Motor irgendwann nicht mehr starten. 🥸 Hat uns schon viel Nerven, Werkstattbesuche und Geld gekostet. Dank der Hilfe von Tonis Kollegen haben wir eine “seriöse” Werkstatt gefunden, die Ad Blue einfach aus unserem System gelöscht hat. Problem gelöst! Im Ausland (l)egal, in Deutschland illegal. Aber was solls, wir sind in Polen und da wird auf die polnische Art geregelt. Was wir nach unserer Reise diesbezüglich machen, ist dann ein Problem von Zukunfts-Toni und Zukunfts-Marvin. 😂

      Jetzt sind wir in der Nähe von Bydgoszcz (echt keine Ahnung wie man das ausspricht). Haben einen traumhaften Campingplatz gefunden bei einem deutsch-polnischen Paar. Hier bleiben wir erstmal ein paar Tage, haben nämlich einiges vor. 😎
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    Poznań, Poznan, Posen, بوزنان, Горад Познань, Познан, ཕྰོ་ཟོ་ནན།, Познань, پۆزنان, Pоznan, Poznaň, Pòznóń, Πόζναν, Poznano, Posnania, پوزنان, Pô-tsṳ-nàm, Poznanj, פוזנן, Պոզնան, POZ, ポズナン, პოზნანი, 포즈난, Poznanė, Poznaņa, पोझ्नान, Познань ош, Познањ, Poznańy, போசுனான், พอซนาน, פויזן, 波茲南

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