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    • Day 4


      April 30 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Die Lagunenstadt Aveiro - auf meiner "Überfahrt" von Porto nach Cascais wollte ich eigentlich ein paar Zwischenstopps machen, aber das Wetter war an dem Tag miserabel, wie die Bilder bestätigen, und damit nach dieser ersten Station auch die weitere Lust dahin.Read more

    • Day 4

      Aveiro "Venedig Portugals"

      April 19 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nach Porto ging es für mich heute morgen weiter Richtung Aveiro. Charakteristisch für diese Stadt sind die Kanäle mit den farbigen Booten, die sogenannten "Moliceiros" wie in Venedig. Weshalb die Stadt auch "Venedig Portugals" genannt wird.

      Mit den Gondeln wollten die Portugiesen allerdings nicht Venedig ähneln. Die Gondeln hatten eine wichtige Funktion: Die Gewinnung von Salz. Die Stadt hat lange Zeit von der Salzgewinnung gelebt. Das lag daran, dass Aveiro damals direkten Zugang zum offenen Meer hatte. Nach einem starken Sandsturm wurde der Zugang zum Atlantik für Aveiro eingeschränkt und das Küstengewässer in Aveiro wurde zu eine Lagune verwandelt. Auch wenn Aveiro mehrere Jahre ohne Meereszugang verweilen musste, ist die Stadt heute aufgrund seiner Industrie, eine wohlhabende Stadt. Eine Stadt voller Charme!
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    • Day 14–15

      Aveiro, Portugal

      November 20, 2023 in Portugal

      I dropped off the car in Lisbon after 10 days. It was well worth it because we saw so much more outside of cities than we normally do when traveling. Tolls are high and so are gas prices, but we had a fuel efficient Ford Focus and the daily rental was cheap. For $35/day, that's a great bargain and it's about what we paid for two first class rail passes on average for 2 people on Eurail last year. Driving in cities here can be stressful though. The streets are narrow and you sometimes can barely turn a corner since peple park just about anywhere. I don't regret it, but it felt good to leave it behind for awhile.

      We took a metro to Lisbon's Oriente station and grabbed an Alfa Pendula, their high speed train, up to Aveiro (ah VAY roo). It's the last stop before Porto. I'd heard good things about Aveiro, and it's a place many expats are settling in. It used to be a place where seaweed and sea salt was harvested. Canals were built in the 18th century for this, but they silted up later. Now, everything is cleaned up and it's like a little Venice, with brick-lined canals sporting long tourist boats zipping about.

      We got a super cheap room above a bakery near the train station ($40?). It was newly remodeled, but the private bathroom was down the hall. We used our room key to get in and out of it. We had no complaints about it, as it was very convenient when arriving after dark. Besides canals, Aveiro is also known for their little pastries, the Ovos Moles. Centuries ago, local nuns used egg whites to clean and starch their habits. Not wanting the egg yolks to go to waste, they added lots of sugar to them and put them in little crimped layers of dough, and voila, ovos moles. We tried one at the bakery below and they're pretty good.

      I must say, France has nothing on Portugal when it comes to pastry shops. Pastelarias seem to be on every corner in Portugal. Everywhere you go, you'll see locals of all ages sitting in cafes, eating a pastry and making an espresso (cafe, or bica) last forever. Oddly, they seem to be in pretty good shape. That's probably because walking culture is alive and well here. Walking to and from a bus/metro/tram station adds up. We're averaging 5 miles a day so far, and that's even with the car rental.

      We allotted one night only here since we're on a bit of a tight schedule. Too bad, because it really is a lovely city. You sometimes get an immediate like or dislike for a town. Portimao, a tourist beach city in the Algarve is one of those cities I immediately hated. It's full of soulless highrises for short term rentals to families on a beach vacation. The beaches were amazing, but there was no old town and it was an urban hellscape. Aveiro on the other hand has a wide boulevard leading down to the center from the train station. It's lined with lots of locally owned shops selling all the stuff we rarely sell in individual shops in the US: baby shoe stores, hat stores, lots and lots of clothing stores, etc. There are small restaurants and bars everywhere in the center. And the canals and small bridges add a romantic touch.

      As we approached the center, we'd see some high end chain stores and there's even a nice new multi-story outdoor mall next to a canal. They're really made some great improvements to the city, you can tell. And they're refurbishing a new park near the main canal bridge, which is undergoing a restoration. We hit the Art Nouveau museum first. We read that it's really just an empty house. No furniture, glass, collectibles, jewelry, etc. But for $3 each, it was worth it to see the house inside and out. Then we walked all over town looking for more of these architectural masterpieces. It was sunny and warm and we grabbed the requisite espresso before finding a nice local seafood place for a late lunch.

      We made our way across the town to a large central park with huge steps leading down to a pond. We only had about 6 hours to spend on our one day in town, but it was a nice change from beach culture towns or big cities. At dinner the night before, we met an American expat couple and their daughter/son in law. They love living there and mentioned they just celebrated a Thanksgiving meal party with all expats in town from all over the world. Over 60 people showed up from a dozen or so countries.

      In the early afternoon, we bought the inexpensive train tickets to Porto. We're close enough to be on a commuter "Urbano" line. It makes frequent stops, but it's a new metro style train that takes just over an hour to get to Porto. We've got a room waiting for us there for 3 nights.

      More photos and videos are here https://photos.app.goo.gl/uaYbMhoWJ9wJ8vrg7 and here https://photos.app.goo.gl/Wtj2Sxdfef4jChdA6
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    • Day 21

      Belmonte - Averio - Porto

      May 21, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Side trip to Aveiro, the Venice of Portugal.
      Great motorway to Aveiro. Stopped off for Desert lunch☺️, then took boat along the salt water canals around the city. Very relaxing.
      We comment on how polite everyone in the tourist sector is. Even it you don’t want something and say no they say thank you!Read more

    • Day 16


      June 30, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nachdem wir in Figueira do Foz waren und davon nicht richtig begeistert waren, sind wir Richtung Aveiro weiter.

      Mehrfach in den Reiseführern erwähnt verdient das Städtchen fünf Sterne von uns.

      Die Mischung zwischen Universitätsstadt und alten Gebäuden macht Aveiro sehr spannend und wundervoll.

      Seht selbst❤️
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    • Day 168

      AVEIRO - Cais Da Fonte Nova

      September 15, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      🇧🇷 Saí a conhecer um pouco da cidade, e fui recebido com um lindo arco-íris pela cidade de Aveiro. Passei o fim da tarde no Cais da Fonte Nova, perto de uma famosa ponte chamada “ Laços da Amizade” uma ponte cheia de fitinhas amarradas. Também provei o doce “Ovo Mole”, com um sabor suspeito, tentarei de novo.

      🇦🇷 Salí a ver un poco de la ciudad, y me recibió un hermoso arcoíris de la ciudad de Aveiro. Pasé el final de la tarde en Cais da Fonte Nova, cerca de un famoso puente llamado “Laços da Amizade”, un puente lleno de cintas atadas. También probé el dulce “Ovo Mole”, con un sabor sospechoso, lo volveré a intentar.

      🇺🇸 I went out to see a little bit of the city, and I was greeted with a beautiful rainbow by the city of Aveiro. I spent the end of the afternoon at Cais da Fonte Nova, near a famous bridge called “Laços da Amizade”, a bridge full of ribbons tied. I also tasted the candy “Ovo Mole”, with a suspicious taste, I will try again.
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    • Day 54

      Mini Venedig & Flaniermeile Costa Nova

      June 23, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Klein und fein ist es hier. Die Locals verstehen sich darauf, es sich schön zu machen.
      Ob Häuser, Lokale oder einfach nur der Strand. Cool.
      Wir also los mit unserem Mopedchen und ab in die City. 😂
      Gelegentlich dachte ich, wir fahren nach Prerow ☺️😉👍. Ich sag ja, Portugal ist irgendwie so ......
      -zu Hause- halt. So Mecklenburg, hihi.
      Aveiro da gibt's vor allem Gondeln mit Benzin Motorantrieb 😜, das Museum mit der Art Nova Ausstellung und die portugiesische Spezialität schlechthin.
      Ovos moles - ja jetzt könnt ihr mal versuchen es auszusprechen. Viel Spaß dabei.
      Dieses Petit four ist eine süsse Köstlichkeit und sogar regional geschützt.
      Wie schmeckt es ? Lecker - Zuckerei in Muscheloblate.
      Frischer Fisch auf dem Teller versteht sich hier von selbst.
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    • Day 3


      October 30, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      ... unser nächster Stop war eine kleine gemütliche Stadt namens Aveiro, durch einige Känale könnte es mit bisschen mehr Sonne sogar ein wenig Venedig-Flair haben. Leider wurden wir von einem starken Regenguss zum vorzeitigen Mittagessen gezwungen.. Nichts destotrotz gab es einen schöne Spaziergang durch kleine Gassen, in Gotteshäuser, an Bummelläden vorbei.. und wieder viele bunte Kacheln 😉Read more

    • Day 96


      August 18, 2021 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Bin gleich in da früh dann nochmal mit da Tram nach Lissabon reingefahren und hab mir paar Sachen angeschaut bevors mittags dann zurück nach colares ging wo ich nachmittags dann nochmal ne surfstunde hatte. Wollt eigentlich morgen nochmal gehen aber da is erst nachmittags was ich nicht schaff weil ich Anna und Andi in Porto abholen muss. Aber glaub mein Muskelkater findets nicht so schlimm 😜Read more

    • Day 9


      September 6, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      I was able to visit the church of São Gonçalino the patrón of Aveiro. As far as I know his name does not translate to English. He was born in 1190 and was a priest known for welcoming and marrying people who were living together without being married. Unfortunately I did not get a picture with my phone. The church was built in 1714. I am staying next to the Aveiro Catedral and was able to visit and pray there today too. Very peaceful and pretty. Lots of tourists in this town.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Aveiro, Αβέιρο, ZAV, Авейру

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