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    • Dag 172


      28 november 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      In Cascais haben wir uns die Hafenpomenade angeschaut, die ersten Weihnachtsmärkte bei T-Shirt Wetter und die Boca de Inferno, eine malerische Meeresklippe mit einem natürlichen Bogen und einer von der Brandung geformten, offen HöhleLäs mer

    • Dag 4


      28 mars 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We walked to Cais de Sodré train station for a trip to the beach. Nice start to the day.
      A relaxing 40 minute ride to Cascais. Coffee and pastéis for a celebratory arrival snack, and then some shopping before we get to the beach.Läs mer

    • Dag 200


      20 november 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Als letzter großer Boots-Refit kommt Antifouling (Anstrich gegen Unterwasserbewuchs und Muscheln) auf das Unterwasserschiff.

      Als Erstes wird das Boot dafür aus dem Wasser gehoben und auf Land gestellt.
      Anschließend mit dem Hochdruckreiniger abgespritzt, die komplette Fläche abgeschliffen und mit mehreren Schichten Antifouling bestrichen.

      Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein fuhren wir das Boot zum Kranplatz, von wo es mit zwei Trageriehmen aus dem Wasser gehoben und an Land gesetzt wurde.
      Zum esten Mal sehen wir das Boot von unten und all das was sonst vom Wasser verborgen wird.
      Bereits beim Abspritzen platzt einiges der letzten Antifoulingschicht ab, also höchste Zeit sich um das Unterwasserschiff zu kümmern.
      Nach dem Sundowner verabschieden wir uns von unserem schwimmenden zu Hause und beziehen unser Airbnb für die nächsten 4 Tage.
      To be continued tomorrow :)
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    • Dag 2

      Erster Tag Lissabon/Cascais

      27 juli 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Habe die Nacht echt schlecht geschlafen. Am Morgen habe ich mich kurz auf die wunderschöne Terrasse vom Hostel gesetzt und es kamen 2 Mädels dazu, die voll super nett waren und dann hat sich eine Frau vom nebentisch auch noch mit unterhalten. Wir haben über so vieles geredet und ich war echt überrascht wie leicht man hier neue Leute kennenlernt. Die 2 Mädels (Engländerin und Norwegerin) haben mich dann gefragt ob ich mit denen frühstücken will und wir sind zu einem richtig süßen und leckeren Café /Restaurant gegangen. Danach bin ich mit dem Zug nach Cascais gefahren und habe mich dort mit einem Israelischen couchsurfer getroffen. Der war auch echt nett und wir sind ein bisschen an der Küste langgelaufen und danach hab ich mir frozen Joghurt geholt und wir lagen noch ein bisschen am Strand. Um halb 6 oder so bin ich mit ihm wieder zurück nach lissabon gefahren weil Jan mit dem Flugzeug angekommen ist und wir zu Abend essen wollten. Sein Hostel ist nur so 15 Minuten von keinem entfernt. Wir sind dann an der Promenade lang gelaufen und sind irgendwann in ein viel zu teures Restaurants gegangen (der Ausblick war dafür aber echt gut), haben gegessen und 1L sangria bestellt. Danach sind wir noch in einen Supermarkt, haben uns noch was zu trinken geholt und sind bei Nacht noch durch lissabon geschlendert (und hatten noch 2 pastéis de nata geholt)Läs mer

    • Dag 12


      20 augusti 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Samstag Abend sind Merle und ich mit Irina und Amie endlich mal feiern gegangen. Dafür ging’s erst in ein Irish Pub und danach in eine Bier-Pong-Bar, wo wir alle mal ordentlich abgezogen haben.
      Danach sind wir noch in einem kleinen Club gegangen.
      Extrem witzige Nacht 🔥🔥
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    • Dag 4

      Cascais - Die Perle am Atlantik

      3 oktober 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Auf unseren Weg zum Strand hatten wir einen wunderschönen Blick auf die Stadt. Vor allem das Palácio Seixas hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Der Palast steht direkt neben dem Strand am Wasser und macht somit eine perfekte Kulisse in Kombination mit den zahlreichen Hotels und dem Strand. Da wir leider nicht viel Zeit hatten, ging es dann wieder zum Auto und dann direkt nach Lissabon. Die Fahrt ging recht entspannt, leider hatten wir kurz vor Lissabon etwas stockenden Verkehr, trotzdem waren wir mehr als pünktlich. Das Auto in Empfang genommen hat ein sehr netter und gesprächiger Portugiese. Das Auto hat bei der Rückgabe einwandfrei gepasst, somit konnten wir direkt weiter. Unser letztes Ziel vor der Wohnung war das Restaurant Kong zum Abendessen.Läs mer

    • Dag 13

      Merle ist weg

      21 augusti 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      So, Merle ist jetzt abgefahren und ich bleibe noch bis Mittwoch alleine hier.
      Ganz schön komisches Gefühl ohne dich hier Merle ♥️
      Für Merle gabs jetzt am Flughafen die letzten Pastel de Nata.

    • Dag 33

      The French march on

      26 juni 2016, Portugal ⋅ 24 °C

      It was flat calm this morning but we were not to be fooled. I knew the forecast was planning more wind for us later.
      The Portuguese flag was hanging limp but it was badly shredded by now and wouldn’t last much longer.

      We started off the day with a leisurely breakfast followed by a similarly leisurely lunch before we headed off to the nearest Irish pub at a bit of a run mainly because we had been a bit too leisurely and the match had started.

      When we reached the pub we discovered that Ireland were 1-0 up as a result of a penalty after only four minutes.
      Our euphoria didn’t last too long and we left the pub a bit deflated following a 2-1 defeat. The French march on while we staggered back towards our dinner.

      Maeve has changed her flight from Porto to Lisbon and Norma is going to stay on a bit longer and still fly home from Porto just on a different day so some of the pressure to leave Cascais was gone.

      Paddy Meehan contacted me and is looking for a lift home from Vigo.
      He’s there doing a bit of work to his own boat which he has berthed there for the past two seasons.
      I’m not sure if he is avoiding paying Michael O’Leary of Ryanair fame a few euros or if he’s actually doing me a favour by crewing for me?
      I am required to have three experienced crew for the Biscay leg and I am grateful to him no matter the reason as he is good friend, great company and a seasoned sailor.

      It’s Maeve’s last night in Cascais so the three found a nice restaurant for dinner and then had an early night as we have an early start to the airport tomorrow.
      At least Maeve got to do one leg even if it didn't involve any sailing, hopefully Norma would get to do the leg to Porto if we can ever get out of here.
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    • Dag 32

      Holiday on the buses

      25 juni 2016, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Today we decided to do the open-top bus tour to Lisbon and were told by the staff of the tourist office where we could get on the bus but it involved a long walk. We discovered later that we could have got it by the tourist office itself which was much closer. I don’t know what they were thinking of as we just wanted to get the bus, not walk half way to Lisbon first.

      Once onboard we went straight upstairs which turned out to be a bad idea but it gave us great views. The wind was blowing and being high up without any shelter we felt the full force of it and were all glad that we had our jackets to keep the wind off and sunglasses for the dust that was blowing everywhere.

      The large Portuguese flag had been hanging limp this morning just to mock me into thinking I should have left was by 11.00 again flying at full stretch and even beginning to shred a bit.

      I have thought about making a dash for it at night when the wind eases but they are not many harbours available on the west coast of Portugal and if we got caught out it might mean another return to where we started from.
      The nearest harbour was about 40 miles away and the nearest marina 80 miles.
      I was still looking almost hourly at the forecasts but any easing of the winds seem to be only lasting for a few hours and with no end in sight, Maeve will probable be changing her flight to leave from Lisbon instead of Porto.

      Anyway back to the tour. The bus seemed to make two circles of Cascais before we set off towards Lisbon. Maybe we had forgotten someone?
      We eventually headed out the road towards Lisbon and often had to put our hands over our ears to hear the commentary over the wind.
      The road travelled east near the coast and we could see a few yachts out on the Tagus among the white horses. Those that were out were well reefed and were keeping close to the shore for shelter. The was one yacht further out was beating into the wind and seemed to having a hard time of it. No place to be on a passage if you could avoid it!

      We passed the famous monument to Prince Henry the navigator and also a number of coastal artillery forts overlooking the river, built to protect the approaches to Lisbon.
      There were a number of small marinas that looked like they were built in the old docks but they certainly didn’t look very touristy and all seemed full, mainly with boats of less than 30 feet. I was glad I didn’t come upriver and try to get into one. I understand that there is one or two marinas just east of Lisbon that are more suitable but I never got to see them.

      We changed buses when we got to Lisbon and had a fine tour of the city.
      They have some lovely buildings and parks and we discovered that much of the city was destroyed in an earthquake and a subsequent tsunami in 1755.
      The rebuilt city certainly had a planned feel about it.

      When the tour was over we walked around Lisbon as Norma hadn’t seen it properly yet. Again we ended up in the square with the Carlsberg Screen only this time Portugal were playing Croatia. We had a nice meal but as it was in the tourist area the prices were similar to those at home.

      We got the train back to Cascais. We’re well seasoned travellers on it now and went on a tour of both the Irish Pubs to see about watching the match tomorrow night when Ireland are playing France. This took a few drinks before we were satisfied at to where we'd be locating our posteriors tomorrow night and it was the early hours of Sunday morning before we arrived back on Eureka.
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    • Dag 30

      Attempted escape from Cascais

      23 juni 2016, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Maeve and I left the marina at 06.00 with Dave to get a taxi to the train station.
      Once in Lisbon station we went downstairs to get the metro to the airport.

      We soon got to the airport, got Dave booked in and through security. I was sad to see him go as he was the perfect First Mate, always recognised what needed to be done even before I knew myself. He missed nothing and took a lot of the pressure off me during his stay.

      We then made our way to the arrivals terminal to wait for Maeve’s sister Norma who was due to arrive.
      We planted ourselves in a coffee shop and Maeve reminds me that I didn’t talk with her as I spent the time playing with my iPad checking the forecast and planning the next leg of our trip. A skipper work is never done.

      Once Norma arrived we made our way back to the marina.
      My original plan was to leave tomorrow but due to a forecast for stronger winds in our area tonight and lasting for a few day, I wanted to leave as soon as possible before the wind increased but first we had to provision and book out.

      Unfortunally by the time we got back and provisioned it was 16.30 and I could already feel the wind increasing. I was still hoping we’d be around the headland and heading north away from where it was going to be at its strongest in time. It was about 10-12 knots at the marina and a bit stronger once we were outside the breakwater. All was looking good at first and I hoisted the main with two reefs to be on the safe side once outside the harbour.

      We got to Cape Raso five miles west of Cascais where we were turning north and out of the shelter of the land, when we got the full force of the northerly wind and it went instantly from 15 to 25 knots!
      In hindsight I probably should have kept going as the wind was forecast to decrease further north. But seeing that I was the only experienced person aboard. we were all tired after the trip to and from the airport and rushing to get ready, I felt that it would be foolhardy to continue especially if the wind didn't decrease as forecast as the next harbour where we could shelter was still over seventy miles to the north.

      I told the girls that I thought we had missed our chance and I was going to head back and wait for a break in the weather. We tied up again an hour later and while it was embarrassing booking back in again, it was better than having my crew seasick or worse.

      We opened a bottle of red wine to console ourselves and later had dinner in a restaurant by the marina. It looked as if we'd have to stay put for at least the next two days.

      Leg 13ish - 17 mls. Total 1347.
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    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    Cascais, Кашкайш, Κασκάις, CAT, カスカイス, Kaškaišas, Каскаис, 卡斯凯什

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