Clérigos Tower

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    • Day 3–9

      Porto, Stadtrundgang 11.09.2023, Teil 3

      September 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Vom Campo do Mártires da Patria bin ich unterwegs zur Livraria Lello. Diese kann ich leider erst 13.00 Uhr besichtigen, da trotz Montag viele Menschen einen Besuch vorhaben. Hatte noch ca. 2 Stunden Zeit - konnte den Torredos Clerigos erklimmen. Zweimal 215 Stufen gemeistert.
      Vom Turm aus hat man einen sehr schönen Blick über die Stadt.
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    • Day 205

      OPO - Igreja dos Clérigos

      October 22, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      🇧🇷 Uma das icônicas torres da cidade de Porto, por dentro a igreja. Pausa para foto 🤳📸

      🇦🇷 Una de las torres icónicas de la ciudad de Oporto, dentro de la iglesia. Pausa para fotos 🤳📸

      🇺🇸 One of the iconic towers in the city of Oporto, inside the church. Photo break 🤳📸
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    • Day 7

      Igreja dos Clérigos und Livraria Lello

      September 24, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Torre dos Clérigos. Am nördlichen Ende der Altstadt befindet sich die Igreja dos Clérigos, eine der vielen Kirchen in Portos Altstadt. Hier kann man knapp 300 Stufen hoch auf den 76 Meter hohen Turm klettern und wird oben mit der wohl besten Aussicht über Portos Altstadt belohnt.
      Wir haben sogar eine Trauung, im inneren der Kirche, inklusive Brautstrauß werfen draußen, sehen dürfen. Den „Job des Tages“ hatte die Frau vor dem Zugang zum Turm. Ihre Aufgabe war es zu zählen wie viele Menschen rein gehen, sich auf dem Turm befinden und wie viele Menschen rausgehen. Sie murmelte nämlich die Zahlen vor sich hin als wir unsere Eintrittskarten vorzeigten 🤯

      Livraria Lello e Irmão
      Buchläden sind ein Auslaufmodell? Das dachten sich die Besitzer des Buchladens Lello & Irmao wohl auch und machten aus ihrer Buchhandlung kurzerhand eine Touristenattraktion.
      Vor dem Laden steht ein kleines Häuschen, an dem Besucher tatsächlich Schlange stehen, um für 5 Euro eine Eintrittskarte für den Buchladen zu erstehen. Das Geld ist aber gut investiert, denn die Buchhandlung ist ein echtes Schmuckstück. Mit ihren riesigen Holzregalen und der geschwungenen Treppe in der Mitte, ist der Laden ein echter Hingucker.
      Dort gute Fotos zu machen, ist allerdings ein wahres Kunststück, denn der Laden ist stets gerammelt voll und die Schlange vor dem Laden niemals enden wollend.
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    • Day 36

      Torre dos Clérigos

      October 9, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We decided we were up to the 225 stair climb to the top of this monument, as we would be rewarded with 360 degree views of Porto. However, unlike the organised process used to control the tower climb in Coimbra, this was basically a free for all once you got through the last barrier. The spiral staircase was narrow, and half way up narrowed further. When we got to the top and made it outside onto the viewing area most people were polite and waited and went in one direction, but as always there was one or two who didn’t, which caused congestion and drama for everyone.

      Once we had viewed Porto from all directions, we started our descent. We got about half way down when we encountered a number of people coming up. We decided to stop and let them all pass, but this incredibly rude Russian couple and their kid just pushed their way through. I made it blatantly clear to them that this was not good - told them they were rude and selfish, and I am sure they understood because they wouldn’t look me in the eye. After we let everyone pass and started heading down again, the Russian guy had stopped to do up his shoelace, and so we passed him and then also his wife and kid, who ended up behind us the rest of the way down, unbelievable! I have decided that, in relation to tourists, the Russians and the mainland Chinese are the most rude, aggressive and pushy. I know this is a generalisation, but it has been my experience over a number of years. We still enjoyed the experience, it is just annoying that people are so selfish.
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    • Day 7

      Porto Scavenger Hunt - Stop 1

      September 18, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      》Igrеjа dо Саrmо

      Igrеjа dо Саrmо is оnе оf thе must-sее сhurсhеs in thе Роrtuguеsе сity Роrtо, fаmоus fоr its саthоliс аrсhitесturе. Саrmо Сhurсh is situаtеd оn thе соrnеr оf Рrаçа dе Саrlоs Аlbеrtо аnd Ruа Саrmа.

      Аt first glаnсе, it sееms likе оnе building, but thе саtсh is thаt thеsе аrе twо diffеrеnt сhurсhеs - Igrеjа dоs Саrmеlitаs аnd Igrеjа dо Саrmо itsеlf. Тhе сhurсhеs аrе еvеn sераrаtеd by thе thinnеst hоusе in thе wоrld whiсh is оnly оnе mеtеr widе! Оf соursе, thеrе аrе vаriоus rumоrs аnd lеgеnds surrоunding thе rеаsоn fоr its соnstruсtiоn. Оnе оf thе mоst рорulаr оnеs is thаt thе twо сhurсhеs аrе nоt аllоwеd tо shаrе thе sаmе wаll аnd thе bоrdеr hеlреd tо рrеvеnt thе соmmuniсаtiоn bеtwееn mоnks аnd nuns оf bоth сhurсhеs. Igrеjа dоs Саrmеlitаs fеаturеs а сlаssiсаl fасаdе аnd а bеll tоwеr. Its еrесtiоn dаtеs bасk tо thе 17th сеntury whеn it wаs а раrt оf thе соnvеnt fоr thе Саrmеlitе оrdеr оf thе Rоmаn Саthоliс сhurсh.

      Igrеjа dо Саrmо wаs built in thе 18th сеntury, hаs а nеосlаssiсаl fасаdе with thе figurе оf Sаint Аnnе, whо is rеfеrrеd tо аs Nоssа Sеnhоrа аnd wаs tоld tо арреаr in frоnt оf Саrmеlitеs. Тhе lаyоut bеlоngs tо thе hаnd оf Niсоlаu Nаsоni, аn аrсhitесt whо раrtiсiраtеd in сrеаting sundry Роrtо's rеligiоus buildings. Аnоthеr еssеntiаl dеtаil оf Саrmо Сhurсh's ехtеriоr is а brеаthtаking mоsаiс, аddеd tо its sidе in 1912. Маdе оf сlаssiсаl Роrtuguеsе whitе-аnd-bluе аzulеjо tilеs, thе аrtwоrk dеmоnstrаtеs thе sсеnе оf Саrmеlitе оrdеr's fоunding. Тhе sсеnе wаs dеsignеd by Silvеstrо Silvеstri, раintеd by Саrlоs Вrаnса аnd сrаftеd аt thе fасtоry in Vilа Nоvа dе Gаiа. Тhе intеriоr оf bоth сhurсhеs is thе реrfесt ехаmрlе оf rососо аnd bаrоquе аrсhitесturаl stylеs with gildеd wооdсаrvings аnd riсh dесоrаtiоns. Тhе оldеr раrt оf thе сhurсh, built with а singlе nаvе, соntаins sеvеn аltаrs, mаdе by Frаnсisсо Реrеirа Саmраnhã.
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    • Day 7

      Break time at Base

      September 18, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      》Cuba Libre

      》Whether you walked your ass off through Porto or the stairways of Torre dos Clérigos, you deserve a great break full of good vibes and a drink.

      Thankfully, there is an amazing open-air bar called “Base”, located right on the rooftop park in Jardím das Oliveiras.

      Drink-wise you get everything from ice-cold Super Bock beer to long drinks and more.

      At night, the bar turns on the lights, while DJs start to play their sets for an unforgettable journey in the vibrant epicentre of Porto.
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    • Day 7

      Porto Scavenger Hunt - Stop 4

      September 18, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      》Jardím das Oliveiras (Olive Garden)

      The name says it all: A garden full of olive trees awaits you for a great break and much more in the middle of the city.

      Jardím das Oliveiras can be translated literally into “The garden of the olive trees”. Up to 50 olive trees have been planted across this rooftop park. Most of them can be found in the public area. Thus, you can chill or picnic in their shades, cuddle with them or whatever you’re up to. The two trees at the entrance (by the statue) are both over 450 years old!!

      There’s also a cool bar playing great music and offering additional place on the rooftop park called Base.
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    • Day 14

      Cat and Futbol

      June 5, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

      Last night in Porto around 11 pm, I walked down to the plaza for an update on the crowd of Brits in Portugal for the futbol games, drinking and – I could still hear them - singing loudly since noon. I met this lady and her kitten in an alley on the way. She told me this was one of a litter of only two this time, and boasted that the mama has over the year now produced 27 kittens in all. I showed her the picture of the cat and the seagull I took earlier and she told me that cat was an earlier daughter of her cat.Read more

    • Day 14

      More from Porto

      June 5, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      In this picture of the cathedral in Porto, in the bottom right hand corner you can just see the small yellow arrow pointing the way for pilgrims walking to Santiago de Compostela, Spain and the blue arrow for pilgrims headed to Fatima (I waited a while for the light to hit that spot, I’ll have you know). The town is full of packs of often shirtless young men carrying cups of beer, parading down the streets singing about futbol. Portugal is in the finals and playing Switzerland tonight, but the packs of men are British; here for their game tomorrow (and starting the drinking and singing early).

      I had wild boar marinated in local red wine for dinner at an outdoor cafe. I remarked to the waiter that I didn't expect it to be so chilly this time of year, and he brought me a blanket to wrap around me. Had another glass of wine, listening to a busker singing Amy Winehouse tunes. She didn't miss a beat, shoving away drunk soccer fans snatching at her as they passed, singing their own songs.
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    • Day 5


      April 18, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      First afternoon wandering Porto

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Clérigos Tower, Clerigos Tower

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