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    • Hari 7

      Last night in Portugal

      5 September 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Well that was a good day. Started off very wet but walked through it thankfully my wet gear did the trick. It turned out a very long dad again but as they say the Camino makes you stronger . Lots of hills which are challenging but once you're up there ... Caminha is the place to catch the Ferry over to Spain . Guess what it's out of order so have to use one of the river taxis that'll interesting they don't hang about ! I've added some photos . My apps let me down again today so from now on I'm going to rely more on FB for videos and photos and use Penguin less as it does let me upload lots of the time and really pissed of with the route plotter so I'll try tomorrow and then
      Good Night all
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    • Hari 33

      So, genug Regen

      18 Oktober 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Heute sind wir zum Markt nach Caminha. Im Sommer sicher viel umfangreicher. Heute - wahrscheinlich zusätzlich dem nassen Wetter geschuldet - mit relativ wenig Ständen.
      Der Stand mit den Damenstrumpfhosen war schon sehr besonders. Die Tomatilhos kannte ich noch nicht.
      Zum Frühstück gabs ein Take away Hähnchen Piripiri vom Holzkohlengrill. 😋
      Vor dem großen Regen wieder alles weggepackt. Wir verabschieden uns vom Norden Portugals, weil immer weiter Regen angesagt wird.
      Mal sehen wir weit wir morgen kommen. Die Algarve ruft auf jeden Fall schon...
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    • Hari 7

      Carreco til Caminha

      14 April, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Sist natt i Albergue Casa do Surdal, var vi tre personer i et rom med fire senger. En sveitser, Tim og jeg. Sveitseren ønsket å åpne vinduet for natten, men siden jeg lå i trekken sa jeg nei. Han ble litt mutt og mumlet et eller annet. Etter hvert tok søvnen oss, og snorkingen til TIm. Da ble sveitseren enda mer mutt og mumlet en hel masse. Jeg hadde tatt en halv sovetablett, så jeg var ikke så reseptiv til Tims snorking. Han la seg på gangen, men siden det var lytt, veldig lytt, endte han opp i en hengekøye ute i hagen. Etter en ellers god natt, pakket vi våre saker, tok en kopp kaffe og hadde ikke behov for å innlede noen samtale med sveitseren før vi la i veg. Vi la i veg langs Senda Litoral, siden den syntes å ha det beste underlaget for vår gange. Senda Litoral betyr noen slikt som langs kysten, eller noe slikt. Leden var grei, noe brustein, plankestier, grusveier og betong og den virket noe kortere enn Camino da Costa (som er en km eller to inn forbi kysten). Etter et par timer, var det tid for frokost, kaffe, cola og en croissant. Ikke det mest sunde, men det gir en energi bloost et par timer til neste pause.
      Turen fra Carreco til Caminha er ikke den lengst, ca 19 km. Vi tok det med ro, snakket med andre pilegrimer og var framme hos Albergue Bom Caminha ved halv to tiden. Vi var sultene begge to, men siden det er søndag stenger restaurantene i området kl. 15. Det ble en super rask innsjekk og avsted til restauranten. Ris kokt med sjømat og fylt krabbe avsluttet med sjokoladekrem. Fylte vommen, slik at vi fikk strekk i mageskinnet.
      Tilbake til albergueén ble det dusj og klesvask. Det ene dusjtilbudet var originalt, som dere ser fra bilde med Tim i aksjon.
      Dette er siste dagen i Portugal, i morgen tar vi en ferje over til Spania. På blemmefronten er den på tåen ved siden av stortåen stor og sint, mens en mindre er i ferd med å utvikle seg på helen, også på den venstre foten
      Ps. Med telefon som skjerm og et lite tastatur (foldbart) blir det en og annen skrivefeil….
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    • Hari 5

      Dag 5: Viana Do Castelo - Caminha

      17 April, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Vandaag ben ik echt verschoten van mezelf! Hoe hard ik gisteren heb afgezien en dacht dat ik het niet ging volhouden, zo hard heeft mijn lichaam overnight gewerkt aan herstel! Toegegeven, ik ben in het midden van de nacht opgestaan om mijn blaren te doorprikken en verzorgen, maar toch. Deze ochtend deden mijn voeten zo goed als geen pijn meer!

      Eerlijk gezegd was de toch zelf vandaag niet zo interessant maar een beetje copy-past van gisteren en eergisteren samen. Dat maakte wel dat ik goed kon doorstappen en niet te veel moest stoppen.

      Ik kwam vroeg genoeg aan om het marktje in Caminha nog mee te maken en er een lekker koekje op te peuzelen. Daarna straight to the hostel zodat ik misschien een benedenbed kon scoren.

      Zo gezegd, zo gedaan en heerlijk, op het moment van dit schrijven (half 10 ‘s avonds) slaapt er nog niemand mee in het gangetje 🥳.

      Verbazend genoeg ben ik vroeg aangekomen en had ik dus tijd om het stadje te verkennen.
      De Camino, da’s veel gezichten opnieuw tegenkomen. Zo zat ik in een barretje te genieten van een pintje toen daar iemand binnen kwam die ik al elke dag op een punt was tegengekomen. Uiteraard zijn we aan het babbelen geslagen en hij heeft me nog getrakteerd op een pintje en een Camino badge 🥹!

      Na nog een goeie Portugeese hotdog ( google het en ja ze hebben het lactose vrij kunnen maken) achter de kiezen te hebben gestoken, was het tijd om terug te keren naar de hostel. Daar hebben ze een speciaal plekje waar ge uw voeten kunt weken met zout en al. Dus vanuit mijn make-shift voetenspa typ ik dit berichtje vandaag, lakker!
      Morgenvroeg bootje naar Spanje (de volle 3 min) en dan zitten we al bijna in de helft! HOEZOZELFS

      Aantal KM’s vandaag: 27
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    • Hari 7

      Viana do Castelo to Caminha

      27 April, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      We dressed for rain this morning, but it didn’t last long and we soon stuffed the rain gear back into our packs. We have been using our hiking poles a lot ever since leaving the boardwalks — they are so helpful on hills (going both up & down), on slippery rocks, on cobblestones, even on staircases. We did a lot of socializing today: with women from California, upstate NY, and Australia at stops along the way. During dinner, we lingered for two and a half hours over a feast of shared dishes and a bottle of excellent wine from the Douro Valley — complements of the Design and Wine Hotel. While today was 17 miles long, it took us a full 9 hours including breaks — thanks to higher hills than previous days.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 8

      Day 7 - Caminha to Oia

      29 April, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      ¡Bienvenido a España!

      Sonder and serendipity were appropriate words for today.

      An unusual day in that I walked with people. As I arrived to catch the boat to cross the river, there was a large group and I told them to go ahead and I’d wait until they’d all crossed - the boat only takes eight people at the time. And how lucky that I did, for soon I was joined by three other solo women and we spent our day together walking to Oia. I love how walking makes people friends, and today I was lucky to know Berber (Germany), Nicola (Czech Republic) and Sasha (The Netherlands).
      Along the way, we share the road with others, share food and stories, then wave each other goodbye to maybe meet at some point.
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    • Hari 8

      6.Etappe Caminha-Vila Nova de Cerveira

      13 Mei, Portugal ⋅ 🌫 15 °C

      Es geht wieder los, heute leider ein wenig im Regen 😳. Wir hatten Gestern keine Energie mehr zum Schreiben … nun eben heute . Wir hatten 6 Stunden Regen ☔️!!! 6 Stunden!!!!!! Wir hatten aber , auch wenn es uns niemand glaubt , wirklich viel Spaß und haben gelacht und gesungenBaca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5

      Tag 5 - Carrečo - Caminha (19km)

      15 Mei, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Min Plan hüt wär gsi zum ah paar Kilometer meh z'mache wie die letschte Täg, wills die nögste Täg ziemli sött regne.. so bini scho am 8ti losgloffe.

      Dä Plan het sich gänderet, nochdem i unterwegs an 77Jöhrige Ami troffe ha, wo i ide Unterkunft am obed davor scho kenneglernt ha. Normalerwis bevorzug i zum allei laufe, eiges Tempo, mini Ruah. Bim Arnold hani aber ah Usnahm gmacht und entsprechend eher langsam gloffe 😄 Öppe nochere Stund hend mer usegfunde, dass mer üs bereits sit Tag 1 kenned und zwor döt wo i in Tränne usbroche bi will i kei Decki überko ha und er het sis Handy verlore ka 🤣

      Ahko in Caminha hend sich üsi Weg dänn trennt. I bi go zmittagesse und blöderwis hets kei Glas Wisswih geh sondern nur Fläsche 😬 Hani also scho ah klises Rüschli ka und mi entschiede zum do übernachte.

      Will i jo nonöd gwüsst ha wie wit dassi hüt lauf, hani au nix vorreserviert und ha drum nur no die kompletti Abstiegig überko 🙈 Ah Appartment für Pilger wo kei Unterkunft me finded, hets gheisse. dUnterkunft gseht us wie vonere Grossmuetter wo erst gad gstorbe isch, schmöckt au danoch 🥴
      Da unfründlich Bsitzer het nöd nur ah Herberg und das "Appartment" ka, sondern auno ah Bar. Isch gad glege ko 😅 Döt hani mini restlich Zit vom Tag verbrocht.

      Mini zwei Zimmergnosse hani direkt ide Bar kenneglernt, notürlich zwei Engländer 😄
      Sie (Patricia): a Flight Attendant, öppe i mim Alter, die einzig Tussi woni bis jetzt kenneglernt ha, het 15kg packt und loht sich 8kg davo immer mit transportiere (ka mer anschienend für 10euro/Tag)
      Er (Shawn): a Fireman, ha denkt isch 40gi, isch aber scho 58gi, isch hüt 47km gloffe 🙈

      Het paar Bier & GinTonic geh. Ide Halbzit döff dass au mol si 😊

      Morn mussi mi dänn entscheide, öb i da Weg witer ah da Küste entlang gang oder Inland via Tui.
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    • Hari 6

      I woke up to an overcast day. Part of it was the weather. It was the first day with clouds since I arrived. The other half was knowing it was my last day in Portugal. I've grown to love this country and I'm sad to be leaving so soon.

      Today was a late start because of the breakfast at the Chocolate Factory Hotel. The earliest they would serve me was 7:30. I'd normally be an hour down the road and 4-5 K's into the journey.

      I sat down at a table set for one and the waiter brought a tray that could easily have been for three. There was a basket of pastries, three mini pancakes, a bowl of fruit with chocolate sauce, brownies and cake squares, a pot of coffee and a pitcher of steamed milk, a glass of fresh OJ and a plate of sliced ham and cheeses.

      A few minutes later the waiter came back and handed me a laminated card.

      "What is this?"

      "The Menu."

      "The menu?"

      "Yes, The Menu. That is in case you want eggs, omelet, bacon, oatmeal or baked beans."

      "You are kidding me, right?"

      "No sir. Would you like anything off The Menu?"

      I ate less than half of what was on the tray...

      All I could do was laugh, thinking that Renton and Alex would have loved this place, and Alex would have definitely ordered off The Menu.


      It took about 40 minutes to walk out of town and hit the ocean. I was in for at least seven hours of walking and I was grateful that my foot wasn't injured any more than just being a little tender from yesterday's fall.
      I wondered how many pilgrims would be deviating off of the normal route to walk along the ocean. There were about three couples that I kept leapfrogging. The rest had either taken the upper root or had started earlier.

      It was good that I had filled up my water bladder with two liters this morning as I didn't find an open cafe for three hours. Even though it was cooler today I was finding it hard to stay hydrated.

      I loved the seascape, the rocks, the forts, and the vegetation. The path weaved in and out of these elements while itself shifting between boardwalks, pavement, dirt and cobblestones. A few times the sidewalk came to an end.

      The first time I stopped to try and figure out which way to go. A Portuguese man was sitting on a bench watching the waves. I greeted him, “Bom dia!” but something in the way I said it gave away that I'm a foreigner .

      In perfect English he asked me where I was from.

      "The United States. And you?"

      "I am from here. I worked in Lisbon for 30 years, but now I am back home where I was born."

      "How nice. It is lovely here."

      "Yes, thank you. It is.” He nods towards my backpack with the Camino shell, “Is today your last day in Portugal?"

      "Unfortunately, yes. I have fallen in love with your country."

      "Have you been here before?"

      "Yes, my wife and daughters and I walked the Portuguese Central Camino from Lisbon."

      "Ah! from Lisbon! Well done! And now you are back?"

      "Yes, I wanted to walk beside the ocean."
      We both stop to admire the view in front of us.

      "Will you ever come back?"

      "Yes! I'd like to walk the Fisherman's trail from Faro to Lisbon and then continue to Fatima before walking the Portuguese Interior Camino. I'd be walking from the southern border to the northern one."

      "I like that you will take a pilgrimage to Fatima. You know most of us Portuguese walk there instead of Santiago."

      "Yes, we learned that on our last trip."

      "You will feel the emotion and the Spirit when you go there."

      "I would like that very much."

      And then he guided me to where the path was. I wouldn't have found it otherwise. It led me to an obelisk that had a door to Narnia. I knew it wasn't my time to go through that door so I didn't try to open it.

      I don't know what year I'll be back in Portugal, but September 2028 is penciled in. I might have already figured out how many stages it would take (41) and where I would like to stay.


      Walking alone for hours allows you the time to have conversations with others that you've been meaning to have, even though they aren't with you in person. Perhaps you haven't had that conversation because of fear or some other emotion. Maybe it is because that person is dead. Or possibly both of you are still breathing but are dead to each other. Regardless, your brokenness together means their presence is always in your Shadow.

      I had a couple of those conversations today. They weren't easy to have, but it hasn't been easy holding on to that pain either. So I laid it out there and then let it go. It was like a practice that my therapist would have led me in, but instead of picturing walking along the beach while bearing my soul, I really was.


      Tomorrow I'll take a boat across the border into Spain, and then I will walk forward and upward again.

      Ultreia et Suseia!
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    • Hari 12

      Crossing to Spain in a little Taxi-Mar

      6 Juni, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Waited a few minutes to cross, had a beer and in bolhão de bacalhau and a beef one (where are the veggies?! Lol)
      The driver was really entertaining for the 5 minutes it took to cross. Telling us passagers stories of how many trips he does, what's his background and finally some advise on the way to continue.Baca selengkapnya

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