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    • Day 5

      We Keep Walking!

      October 20, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 57 °F

      We moved away from the coast today and entered a more rural landscape, walking on cobblestones and dirt paths. The continued rains here have made a muddy mess but at least in the villages, forests and vineyards, while it was chilly, we weren’t battling that stiff north wind. It did rain a lot today but there were also sunny times and a rainbow! The forests were lush and beautiful but some of the ways we went down the mountain would definitely not be approved by my orthopaedic surgeon! We crossed over the river Nieva on a sketchy looking concrete block bridge and I held my breath the whole time! Ultimately we clocked 19.75 miles, 48,515 steps and 58 flights of stairs today- a record for me and I feel it tonight!
      Passing through the villages we visited so many churches and chapels. There is understandably a particular devotion here to Our Lady of Fatima and almost every church has some type of remembrance. At Castelo de Nieva we saw the first church in Portugal ever consecrated to S. James- it dated back to 862 AD. In Viana do Castelo we walked over an iron bridge called the Ponté Eiffel to cross the river Lima- it was done by the Eiffel school and was pretty cool! Before we climbed the 600 feet up to our alburgue (rooming house) we stopped for a Pilgrim meal, a set menu including wine at a cheap price. Delicious! We are staying at the Alburgue San Luzia which is connected to the Sé (cathedral) - the reward of having the most amazing view of the city was worth the effort of the 600 meter climb- there are many sweet pilgrims also now staying here who we now consider our friends- now off to sleep- more adventures tomorrow! Fingers crossed the rain stops!!
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    • Day 5

      Beach to Forest

      April 12, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      This morning we were up early and headed out for more adventures. We hiked along the ocean a bit as we left Esposende and then traded the boardwalks for winding our way through sleepy villages on quiet country lanes. The roosters crowed us along and we were visited by several cats and dogs as we made our way north. It was so encouraging to see the many Bom Camino signs that we passed. We are still very careful to spot the yellow arrows that point us in the right way because none of us want to risk getting off track 😂. The recent rains turning to bright sunshine this week and the fact that it’s springtime here has so many beautiful flowers blooming in the small yards- bird of paradise, roses, rhododendrons, irises, wisteria and flowering fruit trees are intoxicatingly fragrant as we walk by but they are rivaled by the riotous display of wildflowers too! We passed wild daisies, ferns of every shape, calla lillies, poppies and sweet clover and they are busting from rock walls and in fields. This afternoon we even saw foxglove blooming in pastures and grapevines blooming with tiny baby grape buds- a real treat! Portugal is especially beautiful now. Angèle had a close encounter with a green snake that poked his head out from the vines so that they were face to face- I almost lost my mind! But she was brave and we kept going. We visited so many churches today- those dedicated to Michael the Archangel, S. Joâo de Monte, Senhora de Miséricordia, S. Sebastio and a very special one, Igreja Santiago de Castelo de Nieva which holds an inscription of dedication of the original church to San Tiago dating from the year 862- it’s the oldest consecration to the Apostle from outside of Spain! We spent most of the afternoon hiking through forest land over rocks and branches and through some mud. It was so hot today as we marched along our 18 miles (!) and we were about to stop and take a rest when we came upon a little donativo cantina in the woods run by a very friendly Portuguese man who sang to us as we accepted his generosity and had some melons and fruit, icy drinks and even a little port wine- yes please and obrigato! Thankyou! We kept going then and passed over the river Lima as we entered Viana do Castelo walking across a metal bridge done by the Eiffel school. We enjoyed a light supper at a bar that had a DJ playing traditional Portuguese Fado music and then had an Uber take us up the mountain to our albergue Santa Luiza- it was 600 steps up some treacherous stairs and we felt it wise to stay safe. I did the stairs last year with Richard and once was enough for me! The Sanctuário de Santa Luzia (also known as Templo do Sagrado Coraçáo de Jesus) is atop of the mountain and an imposing sight! We needed to check in so we’ll visit the Sanctuary in the morning- for now it’s laundry and sleep! We’re in an 8 person dorm room and my 3 sisters are all on top bunks- reminiscent of our childhood days! Tomorrow is our last day in Portugal for awhile and it will be another long day so we’ll get our rest and be ready to hoist up backpacks and leave early.Read more

    • Day 5

      Day 4 Esposende to Anha

      September 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Part 1 Left the Albergue before sunrise, 7:00am. Today was a 20km day over a mountain!! Literally, 140m elevation through cobblestone streets, and forest paths. It was tough, but so worth it. So much beauty and history.Read more

    • Day 4

      Day 3 - Póvoa de Varzim to Esposende

      June 3, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      I still haven't figured out my sleep schedule. I'm not the only one. There is a restlessness that comes with a pilgrimage, where you feel you have to keep moving forward. Sometimes the hardest part of the day is deciding you've gone far enough.

      Last night I was exhausted. I fell asleep 15 times while trying to edit my last post. I'd wake up to find I'd pushed the space bar 30 times before jolting back into clarity. I'm sure there are still mistakes, but I'm not aiming for perfection in these epistles.

      It was another cloudless, blue sky day. The breeze teeter-tottered with humidity and I definitely prefer the cooling breath of the sky to the skin moisture already at 6:30 in the morning.

      I very nearly missed the first open cafe, this after teasing another pilgrim (who I met online from her Instagram posts and is about 5 days ahead of me) after she got lost again and had to backtrack several k's. I told her I was using the Camino Ninja app if I needed to look up my route. She told me she was using the Buen Camino app. I told her that she wasn't using it very well. (She laughed at my snarky response.)

      It was at my second cafe of the day that I met Sarah from Hungary. We had a delightful first conversation. Three Brazilian pellegrinas listened in to conversation from the next table over and interacted with me once Sarah was back on the trail. Before leaving, two young American friends from the States talked with me.

      The only two men who came into the cafe just wanted to quickly use the bathroom, down a shot of espresso, get a stamp, and get back on the trail. I learned nothing about them.


      Most pilgrims wear a shell on their backpack as a way of indicating they are on their way to Santiago de Compostela and are not a European hippie. There are lots of Camino legends regarding the scallop shell. When I ordered shells for our first Camino three years ago they came with the Cross of Saint James printed in red on the rounded side.
      At first I didn't think anything of the design, but as we walked I learned more of the significance and history of it. It isn't really a cross, it is a more of a flowery looking religious sword.

      It has been used by a couple of religious/military orders, the first being Spain’s Order of Santiago, whose main purpose was to protect the pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela. There was a similar group with the same purpose in Portugal called the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword.

      (That last title might cause you to ask a question, "Why did Saint James have a sword?".)

      I'm all for the civil guard making sure the pilgrims are safe as they walk to Santiago, however, the other purpose of these orders was to drive out the Moors from the Iberian Peninsula (meaning to kill the Muslims in Portugal and Spain).

      You might read that we honor Saint James by wearing a sword because he was beheaded by one in Jerusalem, kind of like the way some Christians identify with Jesus by wearing a cross. I think there are better ways to honor and show our devotion.

      But the more significant origin of this sword is from the legend that St James showed up over 800 years after his death on a white horse with great sword in hand as an answer to prayer from the Spanish King to win a great battle against the Muslims. After the victory St. James was given a new title - Santiago Matamoros - meaning St. James the Moor Slayer.
      While the legitimacy of this battle is actually in question, and the legend of the St. James intervention not showing up in stories until a couple hundred of years later, still there is plenty of Santiago Matamoros iconography throughout the Camino, especially in the churches and cathedrals.

      I'm uncomfortable wearing a Muslim-killing sword on my Camino shell. Last year I bought a plain white one without the symbol, but it was more difficult to find.

      You might think, "Chad, you are getting too politically correct over there in Portugal and Spain. I think the sun may have gotten to your head."

      Maybe. I also don't put gun stickers on the back of my car.

      Symbolism matters to me.
      Identity matters to me.
      Images matter to me.

      The mix of religion and violence and church's involvements in wars matters to me.

      Selling Bibles or indulgences for political power or the amassing of silver and gold matters to me.

      "Am I buggin' you? I don't mean to bug ya. Okay, Edge, play the blues."

      I'm not on a crusade (see what I just did there?) to get people to stop wearing or using the St. James Cross/Sword, but if they notice that I'm not, I'll explain why.


      What about today's walk?

      There were a couple times today where there were options in the path (even though they aren't marked well). I found myself heading away from the coast and toward a town that I wasn't expecting. Sure enough I was heading down the coastal (town) route and not the litoral (ocean) route. I found a dirt road and headed west. I walked through vegetable farms and waved at onion farmers out in their fields. They all waved back. I knew if I was off course they would have pointed which direction to go. It was marvelous and a highlight of the walk.

      There were other unique arrows today including one that filled up the whole road. I certainly didn't miss that one!

      I arrived in town almost three hours before I could check in at my albergue. They let me drop off my bag and then I headed out to find lunch. I've decided that a calzone is just a pizza that has been folded in half. That is all the wisdom I have for today.

      Ultreia et Suseia!
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    • Day 11

      Day 3 - Póvoa de Varzim to Esposende

      April 14, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Day 3 on the Camino and the skies continue to be blue and the temperature warm. The same is forecasted for at least the next 10 days. This area has had so much rain previously that we were very nervous for our planned time here but we have been very lucky weather wise, so far.

      Today being Sunday, there were loads of families out walking and enjoying the beaches. We left later than we normally like because I (Peg) couldn’t pass up the free breakfast, that came with our room last night, but it wasn’t served until 8am. We arrived at our Albergue about 3:00 with many stops along the way to refuel our bodies and rest our weary bones. Tomorrow we have further distance to cover so will definitely be leaving earlier.

      As they say in Portugal, Bom Caminha!
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    • Day 5

      a good day on the camino

      June 26, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Den Abend verbringen wir mit den beiden Gastgebern- the big house hinterlässt bei uns eine wundervolle Erfahrung von Gastfreundschaft und Wohlfühlen!
      Mit uns ist heute auch die Sonne am Start aber meist weht ein frischer Wind. Wir laufen am Meer entlang und haben heute eine phantastische Aussicht auf den Atlantik. Später geht es landeinwärts, wärmer, lauter aber mit der guten Aussicht auf unser heutiges Quartier 😀😉 Wir sind früh genug da um den Pool und die entspannte Atmosphäre zu genießen- das tun wir jetzt, schließlich ist ja auch Urlaub...😁Read more

    • Day 3–4

      Dag 3: Vila do Conde - Esposende

      April 15, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Deze ochtend al vroeg uit de veren zodat ik om 7 u kon beginnen aan mijn dag! Mijn kamergenoten gingen allemaal de centrale route op dus ik wist dat ik alleen ging wandelen.
      Toch maar mijn lange legging en lange tshirt aangedaan want de burns were burning!

      Het duurde een klein uurtje voor ik de stad zelf uit was en weer langs het strand kon wandelen. Wel wat meer wind dan gisteren maar gezien ik mezelf had verplicht heel de dag mijn lange kleren aan te houden, was dat eigenlijk ideaal!

      Rond 9 uur werd het tijd voor mijn second breakfast: een espresso en iets wat ze hier een croissant noemen, nu ja ‘t was zonder melk dus kinneke content, en nog eens voor maar 1,5 euro!

      Kort daarna week het pad af van de kust en liep ik door een combinatie van duinen, velden van boeren en kleine dorpjes. Wel lieve boeren, want ik ben slechts 3 keer en evenveel km verkeerd gelopen tot een oude boer mijn de juiste richting aanwees 🙃.

      De laatste 8 kilometer begon ik toch echt last te krijgen. Doordat de achterkant van mijn benen zo verbrand waren en de huid helemaal strak stond, ben ik onbewust anders gaan lopen waardoor ik al snel een blaar ter grootte van mijn duim kreeg. En dan bedoel ik even groot als dat mijnen duim lang is, GROOT DUS.

      Na nog een snelle Pilgrim’s Lunch (soepeke, veggie pasta, kommeke fruit, badkuip wijn en een theetje voor 11 euro) heb ik de laatste 5 km op puur karakter gedaan. Mijn voeten waren er echt klaar mee!

      Gelukkig kwam ik het laatste halfuurtje een ouder Brits koppel tegen waarmee ik al heel de dag haasje-over aan het spelen was en liepen we het laatste deel samen!

      Thank god voor mijn hostel vandaag! Wel weer het bovenste bed maaaaar met gordijntjes, stopcontact naast mijn hoofd en een handdoek even groot als België 💗 Ah ja, en een zwembad!

      Na mijn post-walk pintje ben ik nog even snel de Aldi binnengewaggeld voor ontbijt en wat fruitjes voor on the road.

      ‘K ga nie liegen, ik heb wat schrik voor morgen 😅

      Totale afstand: 53 km
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    • Day 7


      September 9, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 63 °F

      Day 2 of walking the Camino: At breakfast, Bill asked for 6 eggs. The lady making them must not have believed he could have eaten all of them. She would set 2 at a time down and look him in the eye and then ask “more?”. She did that twice 😆. We watched some of his birthday videos (he may have teared up a little) and headed out. 16 miles from Vila do Conde to Esposende! 🥾 Started out feeling strong and full of energy, but by mile 11... let's just say our feet and hips had other plans. 😅 The aches kicked in, but the views, cultural sites, little towns and perfect weather kept us going. 🌞 Grateful for every step, even the painful ones! Here’s to pushing through!Read more

    • Day 33


      January 10, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Fast nur Portugiesen füllen den großen Platz neben der Polizei und der Bushaltestelle. Ein Fahrzeug sticht raus, deshalb habe ich es fotografiert.

      Wir fahren nochmal zu verschiedenen Stellen am Wasser, machen am Observatorium einen schönen Spaziergang und begegnen dem Krippenspiel in der XXL - Version.

      Zurück auf dem Stellplatz parken wir neben einem deutschen Camper, den wir schon in Afifi gesehen haben, wo zumindest mal ein kurzer Gruß ausgetauscht wurde.

      Portugal ist eine andere Zeitzone, das verkompliziert meine medizinische Abteilung, sodass ich mich erst einstellen muss.

      Jetzt wird es also noch früher dunkel, dafür um sieben Uhr morgens hell. Also zumindest das, was die Regenwolken als Tag bezeichnen.

      Die Temperatur ist gestiegen, von 7 auf 15, geradezu ein Quantensprung. Um 19 Uhr sind noch 13 °C, die sich bis morgen früh um acht Uhr auf null Grad absenken werden.
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    • Day 4

      Arrived in Esposende

      March 19, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Pit Pony Pilar was well excited this morning as the pain in her muscles had finally subsided. We set off a good trot, stopping for the obligatory Café con leche and custard tarts, which then spurred us into a bit of a canter along the boardwalk. Having picked up some freshly baked bread rolls, queso and schinken, we had our zweites frühstuck on the beach. Around midday, we paused again for a lunchtime Siesta (a little Inga) in the sunshine to rest our weary legs. Unfortunately, Pit Pony then went lame... she had her shoes on too tight, and her swollen trotters were so painful that she decided to walk in socks. After stepping in dog poo, I convinced her it would be a good idea to put her shoes back on. We continued at snails pace, but we got here in the end. Hat off to Pilar, she was clearly struggling for the last few furlongs, but made to the finish line. The sun always shines on the righteous, and we secured a fantastic penthouse apartment with a sunbathed terrace and views over the coastline.Read more

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