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    • Dag 23

      Sagres to Lagos to Faro, Portugal, May 9

      9. maj, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Another fine breakfast then off to bicycle 25 miles to Lagos, along a path that took us back through the Vila da Bispo where we had lunch yesterday. We pedaled up and down winding roads through rural countryside past a meadow of brilliant red poppies. Stopped at a tourist beach village (lots of new condos) where Sally T. had me take a video of her doing a sand angel for a friend back home. On to Lagos for lunch at the Camilo Restaurant overlooking the famous cliffs of Lagos where the ocean has cut narrow channels into the cliffs that boom and thunder as the waves crash into the undersides of cantilevered cliffs. Very fun lunch with appetizer names I can't pronounce and grilled calimari and a mixed salad that was awesome. We loaded on to a bus for the trip to the city of Faro and our Hotel Eva Senses, right on the waterfront and public square with a 5th floor rooftop swimming pool (which we did not find time to use). After arrival we walked through the old city walls into the old town then back out into the commercial district where we stopped at an outdoor cafe for a treat and pitcher of sangria. Delightful weather. Returned to the hotel for the night.Læs mere

    • Dag 1


      11. februar, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Heute morgen bin ich von Hamburg nach Faro geflogen, mit einem schönen Sonnenaufgang über den Wolken. Nachmittags habe ich mir noch Faro etwas angeschaut und bin dann mit Zug und Bus nach Lagoa gefahren. Hier gibt es sehr viele Apfelsinen Plantagen und riesige Kakteen!
      Die Landschaft und die Häuser sind sehr schön und warm ist es auch noch
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    • Dag 1


      18. september 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Weiter ging es wieder in Richtung Faro. Zunächst am Arco da Vila vorbei. Der ist als Monumento Nacional registriertes Bauwerk in der portugiesischen Stadt Faro. Er ist eines der zwei Wahrzeichen der Stadt.
      Weiter zum Mercado Municipal. Die Auswahl an 🐟 ist riesig.
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    • Dag 1–5

      Travel day to Faro

      19. oktober 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      An ardous day for travel. Up at 4 to catch a plane at 6. I drop the rental car key in the lock box, half an hour later I realize I left my passport in the car. Panic. I run back, how to get into the car? Well I didn't lock it, lol, that was lucky.

      The flight into Lisbon is out into a holding pattern, windshear is gusting 41 knots, the pilot does an excellent job landing the plane, but this was one of the top 10 hardest landings I have experienced in 60 years. Now that I'm a glider pilot I can appreciate this so much more.

      I kinda laugh at the people wearing COVID masks. Come on that's over with. And we'll see about that 🫣. In Lisbon I get to go into the lounge courtesy of United. Great free food and drinks. I have just an hour. But departures are delayed. With airport snafus I end up catching the later plane. In the airport quite a few people are coughing and sneezing. I had been noticing that.

      The A319 to Faro is dealing with this weather still. Just four rows from the back I get shaken sideways so much I wonder if we are going to exceed the structural strength of the vertical stabilizer and I wonder if the pilot of over controlling the rudder. He is flying with a joy stick and I can't imagine how much finesse you can have with that. It's a bit harrowing including the few hundred foot sudden air pocket drop.

      In Faro there is an amazing sunset on arrival, birds are singing in a bougainvilla, and I walk around the small downtown filled with restaurants and old history.

      These two months on the road started on a huge high. The small towns of the Camino are such wonderful places. I kept that high going despite using rental cars and cities in the Azores, Flores was great and I could have stayed there for 4 more days, especially with the people that were there at the pink house.

      Faro is different, Algarve is a beach resort and that comes with lots of traffic and stretched out residential areas. Here you need to be in the marina on a boat.
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    • Dag 4

      Another hostel day

      22. oktober 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      It's raining hard outside. It would not have been much of a beach day anyway. The front desk has a classic jazz channel going with Galt McDermott playing Coffee Cold. Fantastic.

      The residents are all hanging out on their devices in their corners.

      The Scotsman, Trevor, who usually dwells on the beach under his boat, came in to escape the rain. He is very good about keeping his clothes clean and there is no way you can tell he is living this lifestyle. He also likes it north of Banjul in Senegal, despite the mosquitoes. He is a character, looks a bit like a gypsy with a light grey head sock, long white locks dangling out on the sides of his face and a trim white beard, tanned and weathered skin from being outside all the time. His eyes tell stories, if he doesn't start in on one. His father was a cultivated man, engineer but always stressed, his mother a gypsy, easy going and loving. He never got to stay in one place long growing up, so as a single child he learned to adapt to new circumstance.

      My cold is getting better but I still need more rest, back to bed. It's Sunday and everything is closed anyway. I sleep deeply and am woken up to the dumbest, loudest conversation in a long time. I finally ask them to take it to the living room. But it's too late I lost out on deep slumber. Vexing but I must accept that the universe is conspiring to not let me sleep.

      The storm didn't seem so bad from inside the 300 year old hostel, but once outside I saw the utter destruction of trees in town. Branches, limbs and entire trees were downed. Faro lost a hundred trees today.

      I get the car but it is stuck in the parking garage, where there was free parking for the weekend, but I need to pay 46 euros which I wasn't prepared for, so I slipped the car between and under the bars just like I slipped through the bars at the hostel in Lugo. What an escape artist.

      Got dinner and gas, all set to cook a meal. At the dinner table I meet Lucy, a thirty something Dutch woman, and Trevor joins us. The three of us have a great conversation that goes as deep and deeper than any on the Camino. Trevor knows what I am finding out about and we can share it and we see if Lucy has an inkling, which she doesn't. Trevor can sit with the birds on the sand bar and giggle in observing and being with the innocence of all of it. He does routinely what I got to feel a few days ago. Crying while laughing in joy of the overwhelming moment of fully being there, connected and one with all that is around you. All the emotions available exist at once. Everything is perfect as it is. He confirms what I now know. I needed to meet him. I have gratitude for the serendipity.

      No picture of Trevor, he didn't want one taken. He will live in my mind's eye.
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    • Dag 31

      Faro - Algarve Design Meeting ADM

      23. maj, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Ich hatte schon von Sandra gehört, dass in dieser Woche Designwoche in Faro ist. Gutes Timing, Design und Kunstinstallationen lieben wir, also hin da. Leider war Google Maps überhaupt nicht in der Lage uns weiterzuhelfen bei der Suche nach der ominösen Fábrica da Cerveja, in der die Veranstaltung sein sollte. Aber wie schwer kann es schon sein, diese in dieser kleinen Stadt zu finden. Und so war es dann auch, 3, 2, 1 - ach Guck! Da ist es ja. Und es ist ein großartiges Areal. Allein das alte Fabrikgebäude ist schon ein Museum an sich. Vor allem die Ausblicke aus den Fenstern über die Lagune. Zu cool. Und diese schöne bunte Dachterrasse - hier kommen wir nochmal hin!
      Außerdem gab es Künstler*innen, die im Erdgeschoss, ihre Sachen angeboten haben und unheimlich viele verschiedene Installationen. Das war sehr inspirierend! Mal sehen was hier noch so am Wochenende passieren wird, das sehen wir dann!
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    • Dag 2

      Am Ziel

      21. august 2022, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Nach weiteren 2h Fahrt sind wir in unserem Ferienhaus in Faro-Montenegro angekommen. Müde aber glücklich seit über einem Jahr wieder in unserem Haus zu sein wurde noch 'kurz' alles aus dem Auto ausgepackt, ein kühles Sagres geöffnet und den Blick auf den Pool genossen.
      Gute Nacht!
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    • Dag 4


      23. august 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Ich habe mal zusammengestellt, was uns die Fahrt von der Schweiz an die Algarve an Strom gekostet hat.
      Die Kosten und Lademengen wurden der Abrechnung von Tesla sowie Teslafi entnommen, dazu eine fiktive Voll-Ladung zu Hause im Niedertarif zum Start.
      Das Laden am Hotel in Irun war sogar gratis.
      Pro 100km entstanden uns Energiekosten von CHF 8.25 . Beim aktuellen Sprit-Preis um die CHF 2.- wären das gute 4L Benzin oder Diesel. Also auch hier, trotz kWh Preisen von gut CHF/EUR 0.50 nach wie vor ein Kostenvorteil der Elektromobilität gegenüber Verbrennern.
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    • Dag 10


      10. juli 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Der zweite Tag in Faro begann mit meinem ersten Nähauftrag 😂
      Da hab ich Mal schnell 20 € verdient. Hier beginnt gerade das große Geburtstagsfest zum 40.Jahrestag des Motorradclubs Faro.
      Edy und ich werden 1 Woche ins Nomadland nach Olhao, nur 20km entfernt, zu Justin und Oskar fahren. Ich brauche Mal etwas Ruhe und ein paar Tips fürs Vanlife. Am Montag geht's losLæs mere

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    Faro, FAO, Фару

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