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    • Gün 3

      Day 3, because this App says so

      31 Mart, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      App is telling me this is day 3, guess it includes travel day. Another great day. We took the tour bus to the Porto City Center. Along the way we stopped at Fort Sao Fransico Xavier, a beautiful old port built in 1661 taken over by the absolutist in 1882 and damage by the liberists then headquarters for the Porto Navy Brigades. Then went to Porto City Center. Lots of history and cool buildings and also a lot of hills. My legs are killing me. We walked down to Duoro River which splits Porto from Gaia. There are 7 huge bridges that can take you from one side to the other. We walked across one of them to get on a river boat and saw the other 5. Then, docked the boat and went to the Ferreria winery of Port wines. Really beautiful old facility established in 1751. Of course, we had porto tasting at the end. We did more walking, suvineer shopping, eating and drinking. Some of us old folks were tired and took an Uber back to hotel, others are whooping it up. Great times today!
      Oh! Porto has the oldest book store in the country. I wanted to go in for Sara. Sadly, they were closed on Easter Sunday.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 39

      Walking Porto

      31 Mart 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Walking and caching day today. While Bek and Jake did the walking tour of the bookshop etc with Rui, we let the caches be our guide through the city and ended up at Cristal Palace, a Victorian garden with a view over the Douro River. Within the grounds is Super Bock Arena, a sporting and cultural arena built in 1954 (and 7 caches 😁).

      We used the river taxi to cross the Douro in time to meet the others for lunch, at the market in Gaia, which is the name of the city on the south side of the Douro River. The city contains many cellars (locally known as "caves") where port wine is stored and aged, so Oliver and Jake took part in a tasting of 5 varieties of port (neither were won over 🙄).

      We walked back to our hotel via the train station and the flashest McDonald's around, in what was previously an iconic Portuguese 1930's cafe.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Park Hopping

      12 Mayıs 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Unser erstes große Ziel heute ist der Stadtpark von Porto. Er ist der größte in Portugal und der einzige mit Strand.🌊
      Also rein in die historische Bahn und immer am Meer entlang in eines der ältesten elektrifizierten Transportsysteme in Europa.
      Der Empfang an der Endstation war stürmisch. Aber hier trifft der Douro auf den Atlantik und der Wind hat alles gegeben, die wenigen Wolken zu vertreiben.
      Die Bar Praia da Luz war ein willkommener Schutz und gechillte Location. Nach viel Natur im Stadtpark bot der Serralves Park noch einige architektonische und künstlerische Highlights. Die nächsten Kilometer haben wir durch den Jardins do Palácio de Cristal zurückgelegt. Großartige Ausblicke auf den Douro. Das köstliche Abendessen im Xau Laura hatten wir uns redlich verdient. Den Bewertungen im Netz können wir uneingeschränkt zustimmen. Tolle Küche. Ich könnte hier ständig food Pictures posten 🙈. Wir waren allerdings leicht irritiert, als der Kellner bei unserer Bestellung meinte, dass das doch eine Menge an Essen sei, was wir da bestellen. Wir haben dann zwei Dinge weggelassen. Ehrlich gesagt hätten wir die auch noch locker verputzt. Wir waren aber auch ca 13km unterwegs. Schon mal kleine Übung für Sonntag.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1


      16 Mart, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Collected from the airport by crack dealer called Alex masquerading as a taxi driver. Dropped us off at our overnight accommodation where the entry point was through an underground car park....yeah, walk down the ramp and then take the elevator to the 2nd floor...when you get there, call this number. Thankfully, it all seemed to work out, and we ended up in a lovely apartment in the city centre. We then powdered our red noses, in respect to Lenny's retirement, and then headed out. Went for a Frenchsina as recommended by my mate Jamie and a couple local beers in the local diner, followed by some Port., after all when in Rome.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Porto Day 2

      29 Mart, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We had a decently early start today, so we went to Jardins Do Palacio De Cristal. Finally, the sun was out for most of the morning, which was perfect for the gardens. We walked around for 10 minutes and thought this was cool, but how is it a landmark? Like a couple of peacocks and flower beds was all there was, so we pulled out google maps to find where to go next. Luckily, we saw on the maps that most of the gardens were behind the arena. There were some amazing viewpoints and, of course, great spots for some pictures. If we found out later that we missed all of that, we probably would have been pretty choked. Not far from there we found a restaurant that seemed like it was only for the locals, nobody spoke English and a couple dirty looks from people. I really should have used Google translate for the menu because when they brought me my food, I was a little surprised. I just thought the pork was really fatty, but I forced it down. Only to realize I ordered tripe. It's not really my thing lol. The sauce rice beans and carrots tasted really good though. After we joined a free walking tour around the city and learned about a lot of the history of porto. We found out how port was originally made. The Portuguese were shipping wine to England, but there wasn't enough alcohol in the wine, so it would go bad. Their solution was to add brandy to the wine to make it sweeter and stronger. The English liked the new recipe, and so did the Portuguese, so it stuck. The Portuguese would actually use English whiskey barells to age their port and the English would use the wine barrels for their whiskey. Win-win situation there. Later on, we joined people from our hostel for a pub crawl. You pay €15 up front, and you get a bunch of "free" drinks through the night. It made up for a pretty solid night.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Porto - endlich angekommen

      10 Mayıs 2023, Portekiz ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Endlich angekommen in Porto und somit auch im nächsten Hotel.
      Auf dem Weg hierher hatten wir so vieles gesehen, dass wir keine Lust mehr hatten die Stadt heute Abend auch noch zu erkunden. Wir hatten einfach nur noch Hunger...
      Blöd nur, dass unser Hotel auf einem Berg liegt und die Restaurants unten am Flussufer gelegen sind 🥹... Mist!
      Wir wanderten also bergab durch kleine Gassen, vorbei an süßen Häuschen, über gefühlt unendlich viele Treppen, bis es hinter uns auf einmal *plopp* machte😵.
      Ramo hüpfte erschrocken zur Seite. Wir sahen auf den Boden hinter uns und registrierten, dass wir gerade fast von einer Orange erschlagen wurden 😂🍊. Erschrocken aber doch amüsiert entschieden wir, die Orange auf einem Zaunpfahl zu "verstecken", sodass wir sie auf dem Rückweg zum Hotel wieder mitnehmen konnten 🙃.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 17

      Last Full Day in Porto

      16 Nisan 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      It was finally hot. So what did we do? We walked all the way down to the water’s edge, all the way back up on the other side of the bridge to do an errand, down again to visit the Port place and then across the bridge again to climb up to our place. It is comical. We looked longingly up the rails to see that the funicular wasn’t running. There were trams, buses and trolley cars - all requiring a climb up or down. Porto people are tough.

      First stop was the Crystal Palace Garden that housed a small museum with incredible items including gorgeous textiles, furniture and shells. Of course, we took impossibly narrow avenues and stairs to get there. We were rewarded with some spectacular views of the bridge and personal gardens squeezed into plots next to ancient houses.

      There were a zillion tourists out along the river soaking up the warm/hot sun. We stopped in to the Museum of Port and watched this super interesting movie about the men in the 1930’s or 40’s who moved the port barrels from the grape-growing area down the Douro river. The currents getting the boats back up river were intense. It showed just how much physical labour was put into getting this precious cargo to the storage areas in Porto.

      Lennart and Kirsten don’t really like port and neither does Sheryl. I like it if it is a good port. Sheryl scoped out the best place to go, and I bought a delicious half bottle of 20 year old white wine port, and we purchased a 10 year old red wine port to taste back at the AirBnB. I fear I am the only one who will enjoy it…

      On the way back home, Sheryl and I dipped into the photography museum. There was a small but painful exhibit of photographs from the war in Ukraine. Heartbreaking. I couldn’t look directly at some of the images as they were of both murdered civilians and dead Russian soldiers left behind by Russian troops. The photos were housed in what looked like an old prison with bars on the windows and hefty iron gates.

      I’m a little sad to say that we were all too tired to figure out dinner, so I used UberEats for the first time. Wow. That is dangerously easy to use.

      Tomorrow we head out of town in a rental car to visit the northern edge of Portugal. I hope the driving is not as complicated as the hill climbing.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Wir erkunden die Stadt Porto

      11 Mayıs 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Es ist soweit: wir schauen uns die Stadt Porto etwas genauer an 💪.
      Da wir in den letzten Tagen soooo viel gelaufen sind, haben wir uns heute ein Ticket für den Hop on Hop off Bus gekauft 🤩 (Ramo freut sich wie ein kleines Kind). Das coole daran: mit dem Ticket dürfen wir auch Tram und 1x Aufzug fahren (was auch immer damit gemeint ist).
      Wir stürzten uns also ins Getümmel und fuhren erst einmal alle Busrouten ab 😂. Auf dem Weg sahen wir allerlei alte Gebäude, Kirchen und Häuserfassaden, die einfach so an der Straße standen 🤷🏽‍♀️. Daran merkt man, dass das historische Stadtzentrum zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehört.
      Nach der wirklich kalten Busfahrt (wir saßen ganz hinten oben und haben uns bei dem Wind den Allerwertesten abgefroren), folgte eine durchaus wärmere Fahrt mit der Tram! Verrückt war, dass diese nach jeder Fahrt für den Richtungswechsel händisch umgespannt werden musste. Auch die Sitze mussten von Hand umgerüstet werden, damit bei der nächsten Fahrt niemand rückwärts fahren muss.
      Olli schwebte im siebten Himmel bei so viel Technik und "Eisenbahnkram" 🤩. Man sieht förmlich das Glück in seinen Augen. Happy Olli - Happy Ramo 😉. Den Besuch im Tram-Museum haben wir allerdings ausgelassen. Dafür haben wir alle möglichen Brücken bestaunt 🙃. Ihr könnt euch gar nicht vorstellen, was man in dieser Stadt alles entdecken kann 🤯. So viele Bilder können wir hier gar nicht hochladen!
      Am gegenüberliegenden Ufer des Douro's (= Fluss) liegt Vila Nova de Gaia - die Heimatstadt des Portweins 🍷. Hier waren wir heute Abend essen. Mit vollem Magen fuhren wir anschließend per Aufzug in den oberen Teil Porto's. Wir haben unser Ticket also wirklich ausgenutzt heute 💪😁. Ramo wollte unbedingt noch die Buchhandlung Livraria Lello sehen. Gerüchten zufolge soll dieser Laden Einfluss auf Joanne K. Rowling's Roman Harry Potter gehabt haben. Aufgrund des Ansturms muss man hier mittlerweile 5€ Eintritt zahlen. Als wir ankamen war die Buchhandlung bereits geschlossen. Ein Foto konnten wir uns dennoch nicht verkneifen.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Food Market

      14 Temmuz 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      - sehr grossi uswahl vo esse und trinke
      - mir sind umgebe von Portugiese gsi...het eigentlich kei Touriste dette
      - typisches portugiesisches Gricht probiert...am Flo schmöckts
      - sbeste Caramelglace wommer jemals probiert hend... Passionsfrucht Isch Au hammer gsii
      - Aperol, Fleischtäschli und en hotdog hets auno geh
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      HF Ala Sul Hotel

      13 Temmuz 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      - üses Hotel
      - Schöni ineirichtig
      - Badezimmer het interessanti Kachele
      - ZMorge Isch Au nöd schlecht gsi
      - alles I allem sehr zfriede
      - Letze Video: Flo het am zweite Tag scho en fette Sunnebrand gholtOkumaya devam et

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