Óbidos (São Pedro)

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    • Day 43


      October 26, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Nadia, our guide for the day, picked us up from our apartment at 10.30 am. Nadia, who took us on a day trip to Sintra in 2019, was as bubbly and talkative as ever. We love her enthusiasm and love for life and adventure. Today, she was taking us to the medieval town of Óbidos about 80 kms north of Lisbon. The weather was quite rainy and overcast but we hoped it would clear by the time we there.

      Óbidos grew from a Roman settlement near the foothills of an elevated escarpment, constructed by early Celt tribes. It was later a centre of trade for the Phoenicians. Archeological evidence from the base of the medieval tower at Óbidos also indicates Roman construction; surveys found the remains of a forum, baths and other Roman structures. After the fall of Rome, the region came under the influence of the Visigoths. Sometime after 713 the Moors established a fortification on this mountain, while a Christian community of Mozarabs lived in the Moncharro neighbourhood. So, quite a colourful early history.

      The area was taken from the Moors by the first King of Portugal, Alfonso Henriques, in 1148. The retaking of Óbidos was a final stage of the conquest of the Estremadura Province region. In 1120, King Afonso II gave the title of this village to Queen Urraca. Since then, Óbidos has often been patronised by the Queens of Portugal, giving rise to its informal title as Vila das Rainhas (town of the Queens). The 1755 earthquake caused damage to the village walls, a few churches, and many buildings, and resulted in the loss of much of the Arab and Medieval architecture.

      It is a visually beautiful town with a well preserved wall surrounding it. We parked and walked through narrow streets of the old village. There are beautifully maintained buildings and it is a colourful town. As we wandered about the town the rain started again. Once we had walked through the town we headed off to the coastal surf town of Nazaré.
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    • Day 131

      Obidos, Portugal

      May 1 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Today we took a day trip from Lisbon out to Óbidos where Ursula got stuck atop the ancient walls of the city as she is afraid of height. Stacy had to coax her down. We were happy to find a few hand painted tiles that we shipped home. Fun day.

      Obidos is one of Europe’s best-preserved medieval villages or walled towns. The name Óbidos derives from the Latin oppidum, meaning “walled city.”

      This quaint village dates back to Portugal's Celtic period, and was only later taken over by the Romans in the 1st century AD. They created the Roman city of Eburobrittium, and were followed by the Visigoths and other Germanic tribes in the 5th century. The Moors took it over in the 8th century, and finally Portugal’s first king, Afonso Henriques, conquered it in 1149. It then became property of Portuguese queens until the 1800s.
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    • Day 108


      November 30, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      They have their castle gift wrapped!!! How cool is that!
      I would love to be here at Christmas time, it must be really nice when a child gets to open the huge bow of the present.

      Just past the village I pass a brick factory. Everything is terracotta-coloured. 😄Read more

    • Day 53


      November 22, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      After a night of torrential rain we woke to a brightish morning however it was pretty windy and the calm lagoon was seriously choppy, first time we've seen any sort of movement on the water since we've been here. Tess wasnt feeling too good either and had thrown up 3 times before we started to pack up. It was difficult to leave as the town is so nice and welcoming but we have so much more to see. So water filled waste emptied and off we went. Only half an hour or so down the road with a quick stop off at Pingo Dolce to replenish supplies.Read more

    • Day 3

      Isole berlngas e óbidos

      September 4, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      3° giorno
      Ore 10 prendiamo il battello per le isole berlengas, riserva naturale.
      Arriviamo e giriamo l'isola.Dal forte ci facciamo pure un bel bagnetto nell'oceano 😜 (il mio bagno è durato molto poco essendo l'acqua gelida😂).
      Pranzo al sacco un oretta di relax nella spiaggetta principale (volevamo affittare la canoa ma essendo domenica c'era molta gente e non ce la saremmo goduta).
      Ore 17 rientro a péniche e ci dirigiamo verso óbidos.
      Cittadina medievale circondata da antiche mura. Assaggiate qui il loro liquore tipico: ginjia ( fatto con infusione di amarene in alcool con poi aggiunta di zucchero).
      Molto molto carina ma giusto farla nel tardo pomeriggio prima di cena 😋
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    • Day 3


      February 6 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute ging es weiter Richtung Norden. Den ersten Zwischenstopp machten wir in Obidos. Einem kleinen Ort, der allerdings eine komplette Stadtmauer noch besitzt. In dem Ort muss man unbedingt den Kirschlikör in Schokoladentasse kosten. Man kann die Stadtmauer auch von oben bewandern. In der Kirche am Ende des Örtchens befindet sich eine Bücherei.Read more

    • Day 61


      April 17, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Eines der stimmungsvollsten Dörfern Portugals - und entsprechend gut besucht.
      Eine komplett erhaltene und begehbare Stadtmauer umrundet den kleinen Ort, in dem 200 Menschen leben.
      Schmale Tore öffnen den Zugang durch die Festungsmauer - das Südtor Porta de Vila ist innen mit bunten Kacheln verziert. Die Hauptstraße ist gesäumt von Restaurants und Andenkenläden, einige bieten auch Kunsthandwerk an. Hier schieben sich Busladungen von Touristen hindurch. Etwas ruhiger ist es in den schmalen Treppengassen, die hinauf zum Castelo führen.
      Auffallend viele Kirchen gibt es hier - König D. Dinis schenkte sie im dreizehnten Jahrhundert seiner Frau D. Isabel. Seitdem, bis 1834 bekamen alle folgenden Königinnen Óbidos als persönliches Geschenk und der Ort wurde sehr wohlhabend.
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    • Day 34

      Óbidos - Stadt als Hochzeitsgeschenk

      October 12, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Kurzer Stopp nach ca. 25km in Obidos. Ausgewiesener SP der tagsüber bis 17.00 kostenfrei ist.
      Sehr viel Touris (Busse, Massentourismus)
      Und dann noch warm. Also 30 min. langen uns und wir fahren weiter nach Peniche auf die kleine Halbinsel aus der Jurazeit.

      Info über Òbidos: König Alfons II. vermachte die Stadt seiner Frau Urraca als Hochzeitsgeschenk. Seither und bis ins 16. Jahrhundert wiederholten verschiedene Könige diesen Brauch, weshalb die Stadt auch Vila das Rainhas (Stadt der Königinnen) genannt wurde.
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    • Day 3


      August 21, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Obidos es el pueblo medieval más representativo de Portugal. Fue dado a la reina cómo regalo de bodas del rey, fue un pueblo donde nacieron muchos cabellos cruzados. Hasta el día de hoy es famoso por la producción de Ginjinha, una bebida alcohólica a base de cerezas amargas y Brandi así como de la producción de pasteles, empanaditas y pastel de nata.Read more

    • Day 7


      September 12, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Дуже насичені дні, а інтернет - рідкість. Побували в Авейро, португальській Венеції, Коімбрі, університетському містечку, Фатімі, відомому паломницькому місті (тут вразили незвичне спалювання свічок і літня пара: жінка повільно повзла на колінах до церкви, а чоловік йшов стоячи поруч і підтримував її за руку), зараз в Обідуші, "місті королев", де вперше побачила бібліотеку в церкві, і їдемо в Сінтру, столицю португальського романтизму. Дивуюсь, як досі з португальських міст чула лиш про Лісабон та Порту. Тут так багато є що глянути. І деколи таке враження, що ти або вже в Латинській Америці, або десь в Африці.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Óbidos (São Pedro), Obidos (Sao Pedro)

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