Praça do Girald

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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 4

      Day 4 part 2

      1 aprile, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      3 hour drive to Evora. It is one of the last cities to have a roman enclosed stone wall from the 3 century made for defense. Such a beautiful town. We took a short walk around and found a great spot for dinner. Tomorrow we tour the Chapel of Bones. Should be fun!

      Oh, our hotel was amazing.
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    • Giorno 10

      Ein Tag in Évora

      10 gennaio 2020, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Heute war es a....kalt, wenn auch sonnig. Die Wetter App zeigte tapfer 12 Grad an, aber es war kaum über 0. Mit kalten Temperaturen kenne ich mich aus - ich komme aus Almanha!😨
      So stromere ich durch das schöne Évora mit seinen Häusern im Mudejarstil, vielen Spuren der diversen Kulturen, die die Zeit hier gesehen hat, und beschäftige mich mit der Vergänglichkeit des Seins. Ja ja, genau das! Mein Besuch in der berühmten Knochenkapelle der Franziskanerkirche hat es in sich: "Wir Knochen hier warten nur auf deine." Steht da als Willkommensgruß über der Tür. Und drinnen: finde ich neue Inspirationen für die Wandgestaltung meines Zuhauses: schaut euch die Fotos an. Die Wände sind komplett mit den menschlichen Überresten verkleidet, Knochen und Schädel. Hier sollte man die Kriegstreiber dieser Welt mal 1 Monat lang einsperren.
      1 Monat allein, dann 1 Monat alle zusammen.
      Als Menü dws Tages probiere ich dann die Migas Aljentanas, Fleischstückchen mit einer eingeweichten Brotmasse. Total Lowcarb, kann ich euch sagen. Geschmacklich nicht so mein Fall. Aber der Aljentanische Hauswein ist sehr süffig.
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    • Giorno 3


      27 dicembre 2022, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Evora ist ein tolles Städtchen, seit seit 1986 auch zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe gehört. Hier befinden sich Gebäude aus verschiedensten Epochen. Die Stadt ist eine Ansammlung von Häusern und Palästen in Baustilen vom Mittelalter bis zum manuelischen Stiel zwischen Gotik und Renaissance.
      Auch die Römer hinterließen ihre Spuren. Heute sind noch die Ruinen des Diana-Tempels aus dem 2. Jahrhundert erhalten geblieben.
      Wir schlenderten durch die Gassen und legten dort eine kleine Kaffeepause ein.
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    • Giorno 49

      Sertubal nach Evora 130 kmh

      18 settembre 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Gestern haben wir uns entschlossen weiter zu fahren. Wir wollen die Kulturstadt Evora besuchen. 130 kmh auf der Autobahn durch ziemlich eintönige Landschaften. Korkeichen, Eukalyptus Wälder und grosse Felder die dürr sind. In Evora wählen wir wieder den Camping Orbitur, der etwas ausserhalb liegt und eine gute Bewertung hat. Wir finden einen schönen, ruhigen Platz, der all unsere Wünsche erfüllt. Es gibt Waschmaschinen und sogar ein tolles Schwimmbad. Die Duschen sind sauber und in gutem Zustand.
      Wir waschen all die schmutzige Wäsche und während sie trocknet nehmen wir einBad im Pool und legen uns an die Sonne 🌞. Dann will Ich duschen und auch die Haare waschen. Ich stehe in der Dusche, Haare voll Shampoo und plötzlich stoppt das Wasser 💦 ✋was jetzt? Ich ziehe mein Frottiertuch um mich und gehe raus. Ein Arbeiter hat eine Wasser Leitung beschädigt. Ein paar Minuten später weisst mich die Camping 🏕️ Angestellte wieder in die Dusche, das Wasser läuft wieder und ist warm. Super so kann ich mich in Ruhe fertig Duschen und meine Haare waschen.
      Um 5 Uhr wollen wir den Bus in die Stadt erreichen.
      Eine halbe Stunde fährt der Bus um Quartiere, vorbei an Gärten mit grossen Orangen Bäumen und durch schmale Gassen bis zur Stadtmitte. Dort steigen wir aus. Wir gehen zur Touristen Info und lassen uns beraten was wie alles sehen sollten. Danach spazieren wir durch die Stadt, zu Kirchen und Plätzen, durch Gassen und zu Aussichtspunkten.
      Müde setzen wir die uns später in ein Restaurant. Bestellen gegrillte Doraden mit Kartoffeln und Salat. Dazu ein feines Glas Wein aus der Gegend. Es ist schon acht uhr und es wird langsam dunkel. Der letzte Bus ist vor einer Stunde gefahren! Zurücklaufen im Dunkeln, das könnte spät werden, denn wir kennen den Weg nicht. Also nehmen wir ein Taxi. Der Bus zur Stadt hat fuer jeden 1,40 Euro gekostet. Das Taxi 5.40 Euro für beide zusammen. 😀🥱
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    • Giorno 50


      26 febbraio, Portogallo ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Évora ist eine Überraschung für uns . Die Bilderbuchstadt mit 2000 jähriger Geschichte stellt für uns die typische portugiesische Stadt dar. Die schmalen Gassen mit ihren weiß gelben Häuschen strahlen eine Gemütlichkeit aus, die uns begeistert. Doch auch kulturell hat die Stadt unheimlich viel zu bieten; neben verschiedenen Museen, einem römischen Tempel auch die berühmte Knochenkapelle. Hier haben die Franziskaner im 16 Jh. eine Kapelle mit den Gebeinen Verstorbener ausgeschmückt, um auf die Vergänglichkeit hinzuweisen. Evora ist mit seinem Flair auf alle Fälle eine Reise wert.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 24

      Our Wheels Start Spinning

      11 ottobre 2018, Portogallo ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Our first impressions of Arraiolos were rather confused. In some respects it was a bit like being transported back to the 1950s and a time when shops were only open when the owners felt like working, when people still had time to sit and talk in the centre of town and where the only two colours of paint available were blue and white.

      By 9.00 am most of us were ready to start riding. After all, that is what we had come so far to do. The only trouble was the weather was looking threatening. From time to time a light drizzle started to fall. When I spotted a tiny patch of blue overhead, I boldly announced that "the rain was finished for the day" and that we would not be needing the wet weather gear most of us had donned. It turned out to be a little bit premature.

      There was another small problem. Our guide Jorge was yet to arrive, and he was the only one who knew where we were meant to be riding. Soon after 9.30 am he arrived and proceeded to explain that he would be driving the van to each important road junction and then showing us the way. It sounded simple, but I was not overly confident that it would work.

      Actually there was yet another small problem - the road immediately climbed up at a steep angle. Since most of us had not ridden a bike for several weeks, we were soon left stretched out over a large distance. I guess that was why the tail enders took a wrong turn and managed to get lost within the first 5 minutes. It was a worrying start.

      The lost sheep were eventually located and we worked hard to perfect the system. At one point we stopped outside a very old church. If I heard Jorge correctly, he explained that it had been built in 300 BC. That posed all sorts of problems in my head, but I guess I should not get bogged down with details.

      The road continued to climb and climb, making me wonder we were ever told that this region is very flat. After our very first day in the saddle, we all know now that it is simply not true.

      Our first stop for the day was at a large cheese farm. It was quite interesting watching the cheese being made, but by far the most interesting part was when the guide explained that the large Russian female cheesemaker was a fearful woman who continually worried that someone was going to steal her husband. I must admit that I would not have wanted to have been on the receiving end of a beating by Nina. The other fascinating attraction at the farm was a beautiful (and very large) three legged dog that seemed happy to follow after us. I can't remember what name was, but I think it might have been Hoppalong.

      I was curious why every building had been painted blue and white and asked whether that was the only colours available on the Portuguese colour chart. The reply was that it was to "keep away the flies". I think she was serious.

      It was while we were at the cheese factory that the weather took a turn for the worse. With steady rain now falling, Jorge explained that our planned picnic lunch would no longer be possible. We were told that we would be able to have it in the big hall instead. It certainly was an impressive space. The fireplace was the biggest I have ever seen and the mantlepiece was large enough to accommodate two huge stiffed boars. It was that sort of place.

      None of us were sure what happened next, but somehow it seemed to take an eternity for the picnic lunch to be ready and we didn't get back underway until about 2.30 pm in the afternoon. At the least the rain had stopped by that time and the sun eve started to make a reappearance.

      Of course the only way out of the cheese farm was up the same steep hill we had arrived by. When you combine a steep slope with bone shattering corrugations it makes for a serious hard work.

      Jorge had equipped Douglas and Brian with GPS units to help them find the way through some tiny off road tracks. That move was guaranteed to inject mass confusion into the peloton. The path deteriorated into a sandy cow track (complete with real cows) that had everyone quickly trying to perfect their mountain biking skills. In spite of the difficult riding, only Rhonda managed to actually fall off, although many others came very close.

      We finally arrived at the Winery which was to be stop number two. While most of the group went into the premises for a lengthy session of wine tasting, the rest of us sat outside and chatted. The winery was also famous for its huge collection of antique and beautifully restored carriages. Apparently the entire collection is worth many millions of Euros. It certainly was fascinating, but I was really starting to worry about the time. Sunset was rapidly approaching.

      We finally headed away from the winery and started climbing more huge hills. You could only imagine my horror when I saw that we had actually ridden right back into Arraiolos. After hours of riding we were right back where we had started from. It was now about 5 pm and I knew that there were only two hours of daylight remaining.

      Normally when you hear that you will be riding on a "rail trail" you imagine that it will be a lovely smooth surface to ride on, with almost no hills. This one was more like a sand pit, with numerous patches of treacherous deep sand. On several occasions my bike almost came to a complete halt, but somehow we all managed to keep moving ahead.

      We finally arrived at our destination Evora with only a few minutes of daylight remaining. The most impressive sight that greeted us was the towering city wall that seemed to continue for ever. It was with a huge relief that we eventually reached our home for the next two nights - the huge M'Ar De Ar Muralhas hotel. It has a four star rating, but inside it had a distinct "lived in" feeling that suggested that its grandest days were behind it. Nevertheless, the room was large, clean and very comfortable. It was a pity that the towel rail fell straight off the wall as soon as I touched it, but somehow I wasn't surprised.

      The restaurant that we enjoyed our evening meal was packed. I also noticed that it had a Michelin rating. When we saw the level of service experienced the quality of the food we could see why it was the most popular place in town.
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    • Giorno 25

      A Hot Day in the Portuguese Dust

      12 ottobre 2018, Portogallo ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      The notes clearly described the today’s ride in the following way – “Easy over flat terrain, some dirt roads”. I am not sure who actually wrote that description, but I can assure you that it was written by a motorist, not a cyclist. Either that or the Portuguese definition of “flat” is completely different to that used in the rest of the civilised world.

      After the (almost violent) confrontations at the breakfast buffet and the problems presented by the complete lack of cutlery and good manners, we were really all looking forward to an easy flat ride. It seemed like it would be a great way to relax and enjoy some time in the Portuguese countryside. It certainly began pleasantly enough, although the going soon started to get harder when the first of about 200 hills started to appear. The close proximity of speeding cars also added to the difficulty factor. Jorge assured us that we would soon be away from the traffic, and he was partly truthful.

      The only problem was that, as soon as we left the highway, we found ourselves bouncing along a heavily corrugated dirt road. Not only was it real boneshaker material, but in many places it was covered with a thick and treacherous layer of fine dust. This would have been a very likely place to stage a fall, but our riders are a skillful lot, in spite of their advancing years. Due to some freak of nature, we all stayed upright and managed to make it to the first check point.

      We all left the bikes and struggled our way up what appeared to be a creek bed to reach an ancient Neolithic burial place. It certainly was breathtaking to see the huge granite slabs and try to imagine how they managed to move them into position. Looking around at the parched countryside all around I had to remind myself that we were actually in Europe. It looked more like a typical Australian bush landscape in the middle of summer.

      Unlike yesterday, the sky was mostly clear and it did not take long for the heat to start building up again. I wondered if we would have secretly preferred the rain, rather than the hot sun.

      We then bounced our way over more kilometres of dusty dirt roads, simultaneously shaking every part of our bodies that could move and inhaling lungfuls of dry dust at the same time. When Jorge then explained that we were about to begin a steep climb on an even worse road I am sure that some spirits sank. Nevertheless we started well, quickly seeking our lowest gears and our inner reserves. For the next half hour we bounced and ground our way slowly up the mountain till we reached the biggest stone dolmen in Europe. It was a massive cylindrical block of stone that had been erected pointing to the skies.

      As hard as it was to complete the first part of the climb, our work was only half done. We then had to continue up an even steeper climb to reach a huge cromeleque. In case you don’t know what that is, neither did we. It turned out to be a large collection of massive rocks that had been carefully placed in patterns at the top of a hill. Although not as tall as Stone Henge, there were far more rocks, so I guess that makes up for it.

      By this time we were growing hungry and Jorge found a shady spot for us to enjoy lunch. He even provided us with picnic chairs to sit our tired bodies on. The we faced the challenge of riding back down the heavily corrugated dirt road we had ridden up earlier. Although easier on the legs, it certainly required concentration and vigilance to avoid having a serious crash.

      At the bottom we counted heads to make sure that we had not suffered any casualties on the way down and then started the ride back to Evora. Although we had been told it was downhill all the way – it wasn’t. There were several more hills to climb (of course there were), until we finally joined the main highway back into Evora. Finally we could let our hair down (or we could have if we had any) and made up for lost time. It was a good feeling to be making good progress at last and we were very glad when we rolled back to the front of our hotel at 4.30 pm.

      It had been a solid day’s ride, but I think that everyone was rightly pleased with their efforts.
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    • Giorno 70

      Travel Day - Carvoeiro to Evora

      10 marzo 2018, Portogallo ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Because of logistics, once again we had to rely on a private transfer from our Carvoeiro resort to the bus station in Albufeira, 35 km east. For €13 each we would travel 200 km on a smooth, high floor bus in front row seats. It was an enjoyable ride with interesting scenery, in contrast to the Algarve which had a lot of scrub land between towns and not much to look at. We saw lots of trees....olive, almond and cork....as well as vineyards and farmyards with sheep not cattle. Although there was partial sun at the coast, as soon as we turned north we were heading directly into black clouds and scattered showers. Three hours later we arrived in Evora. It was less than a km to our hotel so we lugged our suitcases down the cobble stoned street with difficulty. I have already lost the rubber on one of the wheels making it that much more difficult to pull. Cobble stones and wheeled luggage aren’t compatible!

      I had been making all our meals for the last two weeks in an attempt to compensate in a small way for the huge Air Portugal bill. I made a reservation at the highly rated, moderately priced restaurant in our hotel and was looking forward to a nice meal. I had forgotten that meat dominates Portuguese dining. So I ordered a vegetarian lasagna that surprisingly came with no noodles and no cheese, which made me wonder how they could call it lasagna. It was topped with curried almonds. I couldn’t eat it and was so disappointed. At least John enjoyed his regional pork dish.
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    • Giorno 31


      15 luglio 2021, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Vanmorgen zijn we na ons ontbijt naar het oude centrum van Évora gelopen. Het is niet ver van de CP af.
      We waren bijna in het centrum toen Frits bedacht dat hij zijn rugzak was vergeten met zijn foto en film apparatuur er in dus weer helemaal terug in die hitte. Op dat moment was het pas 27 gr. Ikzelf liep door de heuvel op naar het plein waar ik al snel een bankje vond in de schaduw.

      Evora is een mooie stad om te bezoeken maar niet als het 36 graden is.
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    • Giorno 11


      2 ottobre 2022, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Day 11-Evora, Portugal

      Saving one of the best cities for last, we headed back to Portugal through Evora. A completely intact medieval walled city, Evora is chocked full of historical sites from the Temple of Diana to a partially intact aqueduct. Add to that multiple museums, several interesting cathedrals, a UNESCO designated “Historic Center” and a Celtic site just outside the town, Evora probably deserves at least an overnight. Realizing this wasn’t possible, we didn’t even try and instead spent the day wandering the streets and shopping. The dollar strong to the euro-I had the buying bug today! Ceramics, clothing, cork, cork and more cork. Finishing out our trip again eating on a patio like kings, Potugal (and Spain) are cheap and yummy. Walking back to the car, we ran into a plethora of wild peacocks in the park. This town was definitely full of surprises. The general consensus for the trip-Portugal for the win! Yup, I’ll be back and soon!Leggi altro

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