Exit, pursued by a bear

May - August 2023
Biking Solo Across Canada 2023 Read more
  • 81footprints
  • 2countries
  • 99days
  • 537photos
  • 102videos
  • 11.3kkilometers
  • 4.6kkilometers
  • Day 10

    Woodstock baby

    May 11, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    The bear spray was just one piece of the complicated puzzle to wild camp this evening. In order to be bear-safe and have as few food odours around me as possible I'd swapped to cook a hot meal at lunch, clean everything and my hands thoroughly, then cycle the remaining miles, find a campspot, cycle at least 100m away, eat a takeaway sandwich, clean myself thoroughly including brushing teeth (toothpaste can attract bears) extract tents, sleeping stuff, bear spray and knife from bags before hanging the bags in a suitable tree 4m off the ground, return to campsite, sleep without being eaten.
    Faffarama eh?

    At lunch I dutifully put the plan into action and cooked up in a cute little playground by the river.

    The water looked amazing. The sun was beating down. I couldn't resist. I had to swim. There was a lady in the park with what looked like her grandson and I thought it wise to at least check if she knew of any reason I shouldn't swim.

    Wendy laughed when I queried the presence of alligators or water snakes, and we had a pleasant conversation as she watched over her grandson, Sawyer. They were passing time as her next grandkid was just entering the world in the local hospital.

    It seemed we strayed onto a sensitive topic though when Covid and governments' responses were broached. I don't think she was a big fan of the incumbents.

    Giving me a knowing look, Wendy explained at length how she was convinced the hundreds of fires in Alberta were Justin Trudeau's doing.

    When she continued the second saga of her monologue with "As a Christian..." I gave her my 'Oo that's nice' look and wondered what hell was coming next.

    'Revelations' - quelle surprise. Always a safe go-to book to prove your point I find.

    As she quoted several passages about the upcoming end of the world precipitated by a new global order I moved my hands to surreptitiously cover the big cockman on my Mengo sleeveless top. No point in asking for Act II of this tragi-conedy.

    Lovely dip though
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  • Day 11


    May 12, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Ended up at another campsite that wasn't opened but the lovely lady said I could pitch up, happily topped up my water, and suggested there were toilets in the public park I could use - I'll happily take the option of a body wash from a sink rather than sleep in stinky kit.

    Then a smooth 71miles up the TCT* along an abandoned railtrack that would have been stunning in its day coasting the mighty St John. It's a shame Canada's rail network seems in such bad shape - Portillo wouldn't be happy.

    My gears decided today would be the day they'd start auto-changing. Joy. 2 hours of attempts to reindex them hasn't really helped and I've been cursing not perfecting the skill beforehand - how hard can it be when there's only 3 screws to fiddle with!? Meh. I'll have to cope till Quebec since I didn't fancy the hour's backtrack to the nearest bike shop.

    Arrived at Mulherin Campsite and yet again.....closed. I really should have researched the open seasons properly. Caught the owners on their doorstep just going out and Cheryl said that she'd just replied to the email I'd sent yesterday asking if they were open 🙄.

    Buuuut...I hereby take that eye rolling emoji back and out of the cosmos because they've let me stay in their monster storage shed! Woohoo! Thanks Ron & Cheryl!

    After a quick freshen up in the lake (none of the campsites keep the water on out of season to protect the pipes from frost), I've rustled up some jambalaya, and although the serving suggestions didn't include my only source of protein, the bag of nuts went in. Yummy.

    *Trans Canada Trail
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  • Day 11

    Woodpecker Wake-up

    May 12, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    A broken night's sleep due to the ridiculously loud cacophony of bugs, critters and birds all throughout the night... It literally sounded like Test Day at the alarm factory

    This Woodpecker and his mates started at 7pm trying every panel of the barn before sleeping off their headaches and restarting at 6am.

    Here's my 'Awesome and unusual-for-Brits' wildlife tally so far :

    Bald eagle
    Ground Hog
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  • Day 12

    Grand Falls (of doooom)

    May 13, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    I've still not accustomed myself to the schizophrenic climatic changes and, frankly, I'm running out of time - this might be my last night in New Brunswick! Which means that, cycling around the corner, complete with a comedy string of onions around its neck is.... Quebec! Arghhhhh (eh-ho-eee-ho-eeee-ho)


    My mood generally revolves around my qualify of sleep and what with the New Brunswick Zoological Philharmonic playing all night, together with the crashing Stomp rhythms of the night's rain on tin roof, today's been a bit of a struggle. Headwind, icy rain and mainly highways... I was relieved to manage 50 miles and happy to see that my destination campsites was closed (despite showing open online).

    The Grand Falls lived up to their name though, I just wish my phone could have captured the subsonic, chest-rattling reverb as wave after wave endlessly pounded rock after rock after rock. I love feeling gloriously insignificant when Mother Nature shows her true colours.

    A canabis-fumigated Happy Motel is my welcome stop....oh shower... I've missed you.
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  • Day 12

    One for Tim

    May 13, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    111 carriages

    That's over 2.5 kilometers of train


    And he honked for me!!

  • Day 13

    Mech fail #1

    May 14, 2023 in Canada ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

    Just packing up in Edmunston and noticed the main bolt holding my rear pannier rack is missing on one side. This has put a huge amount of oddly-angled strain on the otherside which has just sheared through the main aluminium support on that side.

    Not good.

    It's amazing it hasn't caused more damage since the unbolted rack must have been bouncing on my disc brake. It was fine during my morning mech checks so must have come loose during the day... Guess I need afternoon checks going forwards too.

    I've swapped a bolt from a less load-bearing point, gaffa-taped the pole together, and ziptied the rack to the saddle post . The motel owner has kindly found me a bolt which doesn't fit properly but might take some of the strain.

    It won't hold. Plus it's Sunday so the local garages are closed, but, with a little luck I might find some options in Canadian Tire (there's not much they don't sell)...if it's open.
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  • Day 13

    Double decker bodge

    May 14, 2023 in Canada ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

    Check out this bodge!

    The Raleigh universal rear rack that I picked up on Canadian Tire just wasn't inspiring confidence, even compared to my knackered Bontrager, so, I've stolen some bits to sure it up and half installed the rest - seemed the best way of packing it as a spare.

    Several people stopped to chat in French as I've been bodging outside the store - one guy even asked when my last hot shower was and offered one! I must look really manky since I only showered an hour ago 😬

    Hey ho....I've even got a crappy rear reflector now! Woohoo!

    Luckily it's only a 40miler today...and the campsite says it's open from April (to be believed?)

    Let's see... Onwards!
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  • Day 13

    (not) Coming To America

    May 14, 2023 in Canada

    Mart, we might have to rethink retirement plans....Cabano (or should I say Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac is just a dream of stunning lakeside views from vastly glazed beautiful properties, each with their own beach and boat launch.

    Can we can we please please??
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  • Day 14

    Off my site English pigdog!

    May 15, 2023 in Canada ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    Ok, so I did pass a sign blocking the TCT, but it was lying face down so I assumed the trail was now open and they'd remove the sign later.


    The trail just ended in a massive, monstrous mess of gravel mountains, HGVs, digger, rollers and doozers galore in yellow hardhats and high viz jackets. Everyone was busy doing something but non of it seemed at all coordinated.... like a crèche for grown men with a JCB fetish.

    I tried to inch my way through but within 5 mins a flashy lighty truck was rushing towards me, and this man jumped out and threw a load of French at me, whilst gesticulating wildly.

    Que 10min safety walk escort off site.

    Ok, he didn't call me an English PigDog, but I kind of wanted him to....
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