King’s Dock

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    • Day 123

      Singapore - Overview & Zoo (1 of 2)

      May 17, 2023 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      Singapore, the 5th most visited city in the world, is an island country, the largest and busiest port in Southeast Asia just 85 miles north of the equator. The population here of 6 Million (76% Chinese) is in 281 square miles. It is one island with 63 islets and keeps growing due to ongoing land reclamation. It is an exciting modern city that represents the old with Little India, Chinatown and the Arab Quarter and the new with modern hotels and shopping malls. There are the Merlions that represent the city as the head of a lion as they roar ahead in progress and the fish as it was once a fishing village. Five religions are practiced here, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Hinduism, and some Jews (3 Synagogues), and all are obvious as you walk/drive the city. Its British colonial beginnings are evident in the architecture. It is a UNESCO city with exceptional botanical and orchid gardens. The modern and ultra-modern new skyscrapers and efficient clean trains show Singapore’s growth in the last 50 years as a major commerce and tourism destination.

      Although it has a history that goes back millennia, as documented in the 17th century, the Malay Annals, its modern era began in 1819 with Stamford Raffles and William Farquhar negotiating with the Sultan and settling in this area as a trading post of the British empire. In 1867 Singapore became part of Britain (except for 1942-45 under Japanese rule). From 1950-90 transition from a state of political unrest and illiterate and poor. Now it is a stable high economic status. David Marshall, Chief Minister right with individuals was instrumental in forging the idea of sovereignty as well as in subsequent negotiations that led to its eventual self-governance from the United Kingdom in 1959. In 1959 Singapore became self-governed and in 1963 became part of the federation of Malaysia, Malaya, North Borneo and Sarawak. After being expelled from Malaysia, Singapore became independent as the Republic of Singapore in 1965, with Lee Kuan Yew and Yusof bin Ishak as the first prime minister and president respectively.

      This is a story of early leadership and nationhood created to succeed not just survive. There was a lack of democracy during this time but in the name of helping the people. Lee Kuan Yew's, who is given credit for much of the modernization here, emphasized rapid economic growth, support for business entrepreneurship, and limitations on internal democracy that shaped Singapore's policies for the next half-century. Economic growth continued throughout the 1980s, with the unemployment rate falling to 3% and real GDP growth averaging at about 8% up until 1999. During the 1980s, Singapore began to shift towards high-tech industries, such as the wafer fabrication sector, in order to remain competitive. Lee oversaw Singapore's transformation into a developed country with a high-income economy within his premiership. In the process, he forged a highly effective, anti-corrupt government and civil service. Lee implemented long-term social and economic planning, championing civic nationalism, meritocracy, and multiracialism as governing principles, making English the major language to facilitate trade with the world (the population also speaks Malay, Mandarin and Tamil).
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    • Day 123

      Singapore - Night time nature (2 of 2)

      May 17, 2023 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      We decided to take an adventure this evening and got a cab to the Mandai Wildlife Reserve Night Safari in Singapore. It was a 45-minute ride but once we got there well worth it. Billed as the World’s First Nocturnal Wildlife Park, this zoo is ONLY open at night. We went on the Night Safari to see the many animals that are most active at night. Singapore supported building of a nocturnal park in Singapore in 1994 for $63 million and occupies 86 acres of houses over 900 animals representing over 100 species, of which 41% are threatened species. Unlike traditional nocturnal houses, which reverse the day-night cycle of animals so they will be active by day, the Night Safari is an entire open-air zoo set in a humid tropical forest that is only open at night between 7pm and 12midnight. It is divided into six geographical zones, which can be explored either on foot via four walking trails, or by tram in the dimly lit park so as not to disturb the animals. These nocturnal creatures that sleep during the day can only be seen like this. We started with a presentation and overviews called Creatures of the Night which was more of a show to see how animals are trained. Then we took the 30-minute tram around the park in the dark to see the wildlife, upfront and person with no barriers between us and them.

      The animals of the Night Safari, ranging from axis deer and African buffalo to Indian rhinoceros and pangolins to lions and Asian elephants, are made visible by lighting that resembles moonlight it is dim enough not to disturb animal behavior. The open zoo concept animals in enclosures by hidden moats instead of cages. The naturalistic enclosures simulate the animals' native habitat. Animals are separated from visitors with natural barriers, cattle grids were laid all over the park to prevent hoofed animals from moving one habitat to another. Moats were designed to look like streams and rivers to enable animals to be put on show in open areas.

      We opted to do the tram a second time and saw some animals that had been sleeping were now eating or roaming around.

      A fun evening and will plan to go to the zoo during the day the next time we are in Singapore.
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    • Day 102

      We are yellow carded!

      March 16 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      With our diversion around Africa comes the threat of yellow fever and malaria. Viking has really stepped up and provided the yellow fever vaccine to anyone who wanted it, free of charge! We got ours this morning on board while docked in Singapore. Malaria pills are on their way, again, free of charge.Read more

    • Day 40

      Ankunft in Singapur

      November 27, 2019 in Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Singapur, der flächenmäßig kleinste Insel- und Stadtstaat Südostasiens ist eines der weltweit reichsten Länder der Welt. Auf einer Fläche von 725 qkm leben 5,7 Millionen Einwohner. Kein Wunder also, dass sich hier ein Hochhaus an das andere reiht, wenn man das Stadtbild betrachtet. Landgewinnung hat oberste Priorität : Meeresboden wird entnommen und an anderer Stelle wieder aufgeschüttet. 2030 soll die Landfläche 800qkm betragen....
      Erst 1965 erreichte Singapur als ehemalige britische Kronkolonie die Unabhängigkeit von Malaysia.

      Morgens um 7 Uhr kommen wir in Singapur an. Ein letzter Blick aus dem Hafengebäude gehört der uns so vertraut gewordenem Seabourn Encore.
      Uns bleiben noch ein paar Tage in dieser Stadt. Mit einiger Mühe gelingt es uns, das ganze Gepäck in einem Taxi zu verstauen. Der Fahrer ist sichtlich besorgt um sein Auto und vergisst vor lauter Aufregung, seine Tachometer anzuschalten...
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    • Day 29


      January 19, 2023 in Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir Gleiten durch die Strasse von Malaka nach Singapur voraussichtliche Ankunft 12.00 Uhr. Nach dem Essen auf den Weg zu Gardens by the Sea in den Flower Dome ein Riesiges Glas haus mit Diversen Pflanzen aus der ganzen Welt👍👍dieses war super schön Draussen gingen wir auf den höchsten Baum mit sehr Schöner Rundum Sicht aufs Hotel und die anderen Bäume. Nachher Geleiteten wir noch über den Skay Walk einfach cool👍👏😎😎😀Am Abend wollten wir eigentlich noch in die Stadt aber das (Taxi kommt nicht kommt nicht) 😩😩😩🤢also Besuchten wir das nahegelegene Einkaufszentrum inkl. Starbucks👍🤣🤣.
      Am Nachmittag auch im Starbucks besuchte uns ein Brautpaar und bestellte etwas Kaltes denn es war ja auch Warm da draussen 🤣🤣🤣.
      Am Abend sahen wir auch sehr viele Volle Paletten vor dem Schiff sie wollen uns also nicht Hungern lassen 😳😳.
      Gute Nacht 👋👋👋👋
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    • Day 11

      A “Fine” City

      March 11 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      I’m no hooligan, but anytime we visit Singapore, I’m on my best behavior. No jaywalking, for instance.

      With numerous laws and harsh penalties (which even include caning) it’s simply not a good place to bend the rules.

      For example, a cruise director once warned us not to chew gum while ashore, as it’s banned in public and carries a hefty fine.

      Here are a few signs while we were out and about in Singapore recently.
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    • Day 84

      Singapore City, Singapore

      March 15 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 90 °F

      Had three days in Singapore where we blended sight-seeing with a few shopping chores. All n all a good stop. The city provided quite the modern experience. Private car ownership is very expensive limiting the number of vehicles on the road and the underground subway was extensive and well run. This created an ‘odd’ atmosphere with lots of people and little traffic. The city itself was clean and well groomed with significant lighting and a vibrant night scene. One could definitely do an extended stay here.Read more

    • Day 69

      03.16.2024 Singapore, Singapore Day 2/3

      March 15 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      Tom, Tammy, Myron and Diana are ready for another great day in Singapore.
      Following breakfast, we clear immigration and again hop on the MRT.
      The MRT is a very clean, fast way to maneuver around the city. Well thought out with great signage.
      Our first stop of the day was the Sultan Mosque.
      Sultan Mosque or Masjid Sultan is a mosque located at Muscat Street and North Bridge Road within the Kampong Glam precinct of the district of Rochor in Singapore. It was named after Sultan Hussain Shah. The mosque was inaugurated on 27 December 1936. In 1975, it was designated a national monument. It holds 5000 worshipers.
      We then went to the Raffles Hotel home of the Singapore Sling where of course we had to try one.
      We then hopped back on the MRT to Gardens By The Bay. We visited the Cloud Forest, the Flower Dome and finally decided to have a late lunch at the Shake Shack.
      We wandered over to the Marina Bay Sands Hotel. Oh my, huge three separate towers all together by a surf board type top.
      There were high end shops on every level. After a few beers we returned to the Gardens By The Bay to see the super trees lit up. It was put to music which I guess changes every so often. Tonight was opera arias. Amazing.
      We retraced our steps back to the ship and are ready for bed.
      We have one more day tomorrow with all aboard at 1:00 pm.
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    • Day 4

      Sentosa Island

      June 14 in Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Mit de Cablecar simmer denn bis uf Sentosa gfahre, d' Gondlä fahrt da debi dur's Hochhuus dur. Uf de Inslä hets e witeri Gondle gha wo quer über d Insle fahrt. Mer chan döt diversi Aktivitäte mache wie Zip-Line, Jetski fahre oder Rodlä.Read more

    • Day 4

      Cable car

      November 21, 2019 in Singapore ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Nous voilà partis au Cable car pour rejoindre l'île de Sentosa.
      Alternance de balade à pieds et de téléphérique pour aller au bout de l'île .
      Passage au Fort de Siloso, puis au point culminant de Singapour le Mont FaberRead more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    King’s Dock, King's Dock

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