Mestna Občina Ljubljana

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    • Dag 36

      B-Day (we missed you Bailey)

      2 augustus 2023, Slovenië ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Reunited with Bailey! We spent the day exploring Ljubljana including the triple bridge (which is really just 3 bridges next to each other but apparently it's a feat of architecture), the riverside, an army barracks that the youth fought to keep as a street art and cultural centre when it was decommissioned, and a short photo stop at every billboard with a cyclist (looking at you @Pog and @Rog) on it in the entire city. The city feels more like a big town than a capital city - lots of cycling infrastructure and greenery and a much slower pace than a lot of the cities we have been to so far. We also stopped off at the market where apparently the president comes to do his grocery shopping 🤠 we might have met him but we didn't really know what we were looking for hahaMeer informatie

    • Dag 21

      The City Of Dragons 🏰

      31 juli 2023, Slovenië ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      I’ll admit, after 3 weeks on the road I’m starting to wear out a little. I jump on the train out of Zagreb and after a bit of a tussle to get a seat I dose off. When I wake up I find myself in a fairytale. Green fields with lush corn grows along the side of the river running beside the train track we’re on. Mountains close us in, with quaint churches perched on the peaks. Hawks soar and dive across the fields. We’re in Slovenia and my goodness is it gorgeous. Slovenia is one of the greenest countries in Europe with forest covering over 50% of the country and it shows.

      As we get closer to the capital city, the spell wears off momentarily until I find myself right in the city centre, face to face with a large stone dragon and staring at a castle above. It’s straight out of a Disney movie.

      Ljubljana, nicknamed ‘the City of Dragons’ due to it’s dragon symbol which was used to evoke strength and courage while fighting off the Turks, is an enchanting little city. They’ve embraced the fairytale image as shops sell all sorts of tourist wares adorned with dragons and castles and for some reason, ladybirds.

      I meet with Nina, born and bred in Ljubljana, she’s a cheery, warm, and bubbly Spanish professor at the local university. She wears blue mascara and a pink, yellow and blue patterned dress which is almost as bright as her personality. I can’t quite shake the feeling that she’d be the ideal person to announce Slovenia’s points in Eurovision… she tells us Slovenia is the only country in the world with ‘love’ in the name and then recounts stories of the county’s poet laureate, and the architect who is credited with shaping the city.

      Unlike Zagreb which was bombed during WW2, during the 90s and has then had to contend with numerous earthquakes, Ljubljana has survived without a scratch. Even during the country’s 10 day war of independence, the city was never bombed directly although the nearby airport was. It’s left Ljubljana unblemished, with beautiful buildings intact and nowadays it’s rather easy to get lost in it’s spell.
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    • Dag 21

      Wiedersehen in Ljubliana

      19 september 2023, Slovenië ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Zwei Nächte auf einem charme-befreiten Stellplatz am Stadtrand von Ljubliana, eingeklemmt zwischen Bahnlinien, Güterzugstrecke und Haupteinfallstrasse. Dafür als P&R-Parkplatz bestens angebunden ans städtische ÖV-Netz.

      Ljubliana war ausgemacht als Treffpunkt, da Renata diesen mit einer guten Zugverbindung einwandfrei erreichen konnte. Glückliches Wiedersehen - und schön, dass unsere gemeinsame Reise hier jetzt richtig starten kann. Sinnig zudem, da die Ljublianica-Brücke sozusagen als "Tor bzw. Brücke zum Balkan" gilt. Mit einer Gelati in der Hand Überschreiten wir diese Brücke gemeinsam .... gespannt, was diese Reise bringen wird.

      Die quicklebendige und gastliche Stadt am Fluss hat wirklich Charme, unzählige Kneipen, ein multikulturelles gastronomisches Angebot, stimmungsvolle Winkel, den Tivoli-Park als grüne Lunge, wo im "Schweizerhaus"/Svičerija derzeit gerade die Biennale für grafische Kunst stattfindet. Und vom Dachrestaurant des Nebotičnik-Hochhauses geniesst man einen fantastischen Rundumblick.
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    • Dag 13

      Welcome to Ljubljana

      1 oktober 2023, Slovenië ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      A pleasant bus ride through the northern Balkan countryside; police boarded the bus twice, leaving Croatia and right away again entering Slovenia, to check passports. First impressions of this capital city of Slovenia - it is a sweet city with interesting architecture and a much more laid back vibe than the coastal cities of Split and Dubrovnik. Had a delicious vegan burger for dinner. Tomorrow we plan on doing a guided walking tour and get a better look at Ljubljana’s history.Meer informatie

    • Dag 13

      Farewell Traveling Friends The Goodwins

      1 oktober 2023, Slovenië ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      We said goodbye to our friends who we’ve had the great honor of exploring Croatia with. They are headed home to Colorado and we are continuing on. Matt & Betsy are the best! They embody everything anyone could want in a traveling cohort. Besides being smart and funny they are also go-easy Trekkers! We shared meals, long days of walking, navigating where to go next and how to navigate obstacles. But we also had those kind of real conversations that you often don’t have. We talked about birds, our parenting experiences, our careers, politics and spirituality, our passions, and hopes for the future. And we talked about who are our role models for aging and our commitments to our ongoing health as we change through the seasons. Dave and I are feeling incredibly grateful tonight that they wanted to travel with us. See you back in Colorado for more strudel.Meer informatie

    • Dag 14

      Ljubljana’s Bicycle Commuters

      2 oktober 2023, Slovenië ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Ljubljana is considered one of the greenest cities in Europe. Among its many efforts towards this end is encouraging the use of bicycles to get around. Their weaving in and out of pedestrians on foot often looked rather treacherous - for both cyclists and pedestrians - but we witnessed no collisions. Even parents with little ones, on their way to school, were on bicycles first thing in the morning. Quite impressive!Meer informatie

    • Dag 15

      Ljubljana Market Mushrooms Kraut

      3 oktober 2023, Slovenië ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      The market has amazing mushrooms and sauerkraut and bedding plants for cheap to plant in your yard. I got a great apple. No one speaks any English but it was clear the Kraut Lady did not want me to film her. The locals show up on bikes with baskets including women 70 years plus. I was amazing to see saffron for sale. A delicacyMeer informatie

    • Dag 15

      My Favorite European City, So Far

      3 oktober 2023, Slovenië ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Dragons, diverse architecture that includes classical Baroque and Austrian influences, a triple bridge, a castle, boat rides on the Ljubljana River… this relatively small city has so much to offer. Slovene architect Jože Plečnik’s famous buildings and designs, now on the UNESCO Heritage List, grace the city, including the striking National and University Library (building with the orange brick) and the novel Triple Bridge. So many cities glorify military figures with statues and monuments. I was so pleased to learn that the statue overlooking Ljubljana’s Preseren Square honors not a warrior, but a poet, France Preseren, considered the greatest Slovenian poet. That speaks volumes to the character of this city. Slovenia is a small country with a wonderful capital city that I am so glad I had the pleasure to spend some time in.Meer informatie

    • Dag 15

      End of Beautiful Tuesday Post

      3 oktober 2023, Slovenië ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We are on the move tomorrow so thought I would try to wrap up this wondrous day in Ljubljana since tomorrow morning we jump in the bus for the sea at Trieste. We ended tonight with a simple shared dish and walk back to our Inn gracing us with another 20,000 step day. Here are some videos and photos of what we came upon. 🌺. The video of the river is at about 5 pm and groups of people gather along here. Two women just floated by on some make shift raft. 🌺 I saw some great fashions. The polka dot gal with purple boots and the pink lady were the ones I was fast enough to capture. 🌺 the man who had a beer chaser after his morning coffee was rather sad… he and his wife not speaking. 🌺 the nut and dried fruit market where for 5 euros we got a bag of the freshest cashews etc I have ever eaten. Plus dried mangos and dates. 🌺 a falafel lunch plate we shared that was A+. 🌺 the postman rides a bike and some random photos. And yes there was Strudel today. An interesting variation with cheese in it!Meer informatie

    • Dag 14

      From Darkness into the Light

      2 oktober 2023, Slovenië ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Entering the beautiful National and University Library building in Ljubljana, considered architect Jose Plecnik’s masterpiece and completed in 1941, you are immediately confronted with a long dark staircase. This is intentional. It is meant to illustrate that climbing the dark stairs towards the light of the upper part of the building, where the books are, is analogous to moving from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge and enlightenment that comes from reading books. Like moving from uneducated, uninformed or misinformed to being “woke.”Meer informatie

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